Using your Claris Software Express Updater - ClarisWorksª 2.1v4 This document describes the steps you must take to update your current ClarisWorks software to 2.1v4. You may want to print these instructions so that you can refer to them later. This updater will not update Apple Power Macintosh versions of ClarisWorks and is intended only for use with ClarisWorks for Macintosh 68K computers. IMPORTANT There are two different updaters. The correct one to use depends on the version of ClarisWorks you are currently using. If you have ClarisWorks 2.0, you should use the "ClarisWorks 2.0v1-->2.1v4" updater. If you have ClarisWorks 2.1v1, 2.1v2, or 2.1v3 use the "ClarisWorks 2.1v1/v2/v3-->2.1v4" updater. To determine which version of ClarisWorks you have, open any ClarisWorks document and choose "About ClarisWorks..." from the Apple menu (in the upper left hand corner of your screen). Troubleshooting Tips The updater makes several changes to the resources in ClarisWorks. Many anti-virus utilities consider this activity improper and may try to prevent it. To avoid this inconvenience, disable all virus detection software and restart your Macintosh before applying the update. If you experience an error while running an updater, restart your computer with the System Extensions turned off. To do this under System 7, press the Shift key while restarting and continue to hold it down until you see the message "Welcome to Macintosh. Extensions off." If this does not correct the problem, double check to make sure you are running the appropriate updater. If you are going to update from 2.1v1, 2.1v2, or 2.1v3, skip ahead to the section labeled "How to update ClarisWorks 2.1v1, 2.1v2 or 2.1v3 (ClarisWorks 2.1v1/v2/v3-->2.1v4)". If you are updating from 2.0, begin here. How to update ClarisWorks 2.0 to 2.1v4 (ClarisWorks 2.0v1-->2.1v4): New Features ClarisWorks 2.1 has many enhancements and new features, including support for, PowerTalkª (electronic mail provided with System 7 Pro), automatic hyphenation, Excel 4.0 import and export, and ClarisWorks 1.0 Word Processing export. Overview The accompanying installer software will install all of the files that are either new or changed since ClarisWorks 2.0, as well as, the software needed to update your current copy of the ClarisWorks 2.0 application to the latest version, 2.1v4. The updater contains a listing of changes that have been made. When you run it, your original ClarisWorks 2.0 is combined with the list of changes and is replaced with version 2.1v4. System Requirements If you are using System 6 you will need 2 Mb of RAM memory to perform the update. If you are using System 7 you will need 3 Mb of RAM. Hard Disk Space You will need approximately 2 Mb of free disk space to install and use the updater. How the Update Works Updating from ClarisWorks version 2.0 to 2.1v4 is a two step process. In Part I, you install the ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Updater and other necessary files. In Part II, you update the application file. Part I Ñ Installing the Updater 1. Double-click the ClarisWorks 2.0v1-->2.1v4 icon. 2. Click Continue. 3. Read the license agreement using the scroll arrows. 4. If you agree with the terms, click Agree to proceed with the installation. 5. Once the installation has succeeded, click OK and continue on to Part II. The installer will have created a folder named "ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Update" on your startup disk and placed the ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Updater within it. How the Updater Works The updater will modify your current copy of ClarisWorks. This update will only work with ClarisWorks 2.0. You cannot update the same copy twice. Part II Ñ Updating the Application 1. Quit ClarisWorks, if you are using it. 2. Double-click the ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Update folder icon to open it. 3. Double-click the ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Updater to open it. 4. The updater will search for ClarisWorks. If the updater fails to find it, locate and select the copy of ClarisWorks 2.0 to be updated. 5. Click Update. 6. The update should take less than five minutes. You will see a message confirming successful installation of the new version, or an indication of what went wrong. Congratulations, you have successfully updated to 2.1v4! The ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Update folder also contains files named ÒNew Features GuideÓ and "READ ME." Use them to take advantage of your new version of ClarisWorks. NOTE TO MODEM USERS A new version (1.5) of the Apple Modem Tool has been provided with your updated version of ClarisWorks. This version adds support for Apple's Newtonª MessagePadª and includes diagrams of various modem cables. Apple has removed the listing of initialization strings for all non-Apple modems. The updater will not remove your existing Apple Modem Tool, but installs the new one alongside it in your System's Extensions folder (in the Communications Folder under System 6). In a Communications document, you will now see both "Apple Modem Tool" and "Apple Modem Tool 1.5" in the list of available methods in the Connections Settings dialog box. Please note that if you are currently using an initialization string for a non-Apple modem, this string will be lost if you switch to the 1.5 version. For additional information on the Apple Modem Tool, please contact Apple Computer Technical Support at 1-800-SOS-APPL. Files Installed by ClarisWorks 2.0v1-->2.1v4: [ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Update] ClarisWorks 2.1v4 Updater ÊÊÊNew Features Guide ÊÊÊREAD ME [System Folder] ÊÊÊ[Claris] ÊÊÊÊÊÊ[Claris Translators] ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAppleWorks ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊASCII ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊClarisWorks 1.0 Text ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊDIF ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊMicrosoft Excel 3-4 ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊMicrosoft Word 4-5 ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊSYLK ÊÊÊÊÊÊClarisWorks Labels ÊÊÊÊÊÊUS English - Hyphenation ÊÊÊ[Extensions] ÊÊÊÊÊÊApple Modem Tool 1.5 Note: All installation must take place on the active system disk. ============================================================================== How to update ClarisWorks 2.1v1, 2.1v2 or 2.1v3 (ClarisWorks 2.1v1/v2/v3-->2.1v4): Improvements ClarisWorks 2.1v4 has several improvements over earlier versions of 2.1. A problem relating to printing unfilled polygons, bezigons, and freehand objects on Hewlett-Packard DeskWriter printers has been corrected. The "Better Text" and "Better Graphics" options have been restored to the Print dialog box when printing to an ImageWriter printer. Also, an alert message which sometimes inappropriately warns that a document uses fonts not installed in the system has been removed. Overview The updater contains a listing of changes that have been made between earlier versions of ClarisWorks 2.1 and 2.1v4. When you run it, your original ClarisWorks 2.1v1, 2.1v2, or 2.1v3 is combined with the list of changes and is replaced with version 2.1v4. System Requirements If you are using System 6 you will need 2 Mb of RAM memory to perform the update. If you are using System 7 you will need 3 Mb of RAM. Hard Disk Space You will need approximately 1 Mb of free disk space to use the updater. How the Updater Works The updater will modify your current copy of ClarisWorks. This update will only work with ClarisWorks 2.1v1, 2.1v2, or 2.1v3. You cannot update the same copy twice. 1. Quit ClarisWorks, if you are using it. 2. Copy the "ClarisWorks 2.1v1/v2/v3-->2.1v4" file into the same folder on your hard disk as your ClarisWorks application. 3. Double-click the ClarisWorks 2.1v1/v2/3-->2.1v4 updater to open it. 4. The updater will search for ClarisWorks. If the updater fails to find it, locate and select the copy of ClarisWorks 2.1 to be updated. 5. Click Update. 6. The update should take less than five minutes. You will see a message confirming successful installation of the new version, or an indication of what went wrong. Congratulations, you have successfully updated to 2.1v4!