Name: ATI Driver Update Version: 1.4.7 Released: December 9, 1998 Requires: A PowerBook G3 Series computer and North American English Mac OS 8.1, 8.5, or 8.5.1 Description: The ATI Driver Update 1.4.7 allows PowerBook G3 Series computers with screen resolution switching capabilities to use additional screen resolutions in Simulscan mode. Simulscan is a mode on PowerBook computers where the same image is displayed on the built-in display as is displayed on an external monitor. Previously, PowerBook G3 Series computers have been able to access only one screen resolution in Simulscan mode. With the ATI Driver Update 1.4.7 installed, PowerBook computers with a 14" screen can access screen resolutions of 640x480 and 800x600 in addition to the 1024x768 resolution already available. PowerBook computers with a 12" screen can now use the 640x480 resolution in addition to the 800x600 resolution already available. Instructions: This software consists of a self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image (.smi) file. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it.