32-Bit System Enabler (1.0.3) Copyright 1993 Apple Computer, Inc. WHAT IS THE 32-BIT SYSTEM ENABLER? The 32-Bit System Enabler adds 32-Bit addressing and a larger virtual memory capability to the Macintosh II, Macintosh IIx, Macintosh IIcx, and Macintosh SE/30. 32-Bit addressing enables Macintosh computers to use more than 8 MB of RAM. Virtual memory allows you to use hard disk space to run programs. For more information about these features, see the documentation that came with your computer or with your system software update kit. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You should install the 32-Bit System Enabler if you have a Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, or SE/30 with System 7.1 and 4 MB of RAM or more. HOW TO INSTALL THE 32-BIT SYSTEM ENABLER 1. Drag the icon of the 32-Bit System Enabler to the icon of the System Folder on your startup disk. 2. Restart your Macintosh. HOW TO TURN ON 32-BIT ADDRESSING 1. Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu. 2. Open the Memory control panel. 3. In the section for 32-Bit Addressing, click On. 4. Restart your Macintosh. SPECIAL NOTES After you have installed the 32-Bit System Enabler, be sure to take note of the following: ¥ Make sure Balloon Help is turned off when you use the color wheel dialog box. (The color wheel dialog box appears when you choose a color in many programs and control panels.) ¥ If you use the program SuperClock, version 3.9 or earlier, you need to upgrade to SuperClock version 3.9.1 (available on many public bulletin boards). Apple strives to provide maximum reliability for its customers. This update is provided to address a specific improvement for the above listed Apple Macintosh models. If your system does not match the System Requirements listed above, there is no need to install this update. ©1993 Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. System 7.1 and Balloon Help are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.