Name: System 7.5 Version 7.5.3 Version: n/a Released: February 8, 1999 Requires: System 7.5.3 requires an Apple Macintosh or PowerBook computer with at least 4MB of RAM. Note: newer Macintosh and PowerBook computers require versions of System software higher than version 7.5.3 in order to operate. See TIL article 8970 for information on which CPUs support System 7.5.3. Description: This is the Finnish version of System 7.5 version 7.5.3, which includes the following system updates: System 7.5 Update 2.0 and System 7.5.3 Revision 2. For further information on System 7.5.3, please consult the Technical Information Library. Instructions: This software is available as 18 parts of a self-mounting Disk Copy image. Download all 18 parts to your hard drive and then double-click on the first part to mount the compressed disk image on your desktop. Note that self-mounting Disk Images require Mac OS version 7.0.1 or later. If you are using a version of Mac OS prior to this, you can download the System 7.5 Network Access floppy disk and boot your Macintosh from that to use this software.