Name: Disk Tools for Mac OS 8.1 PowerPC-based computers Version: n/a Released: April 16, 1998 Requires: French Canadian Mac OS 8.1 Description: This disk image is intended for use with Mac OS 8.1 and Mac OS Extended file format. It is provided to you in the event that you need to perform any troubleshooting and you do not have access to the Mac OS 8.1 CD. Instructions: This software consists of a Disk Copy NDIF (New Disk Image Format) compressed image, which requires Disk Copy 6.1 or later to use. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. Disk Copy is available in the Utilities folder. Disk Copy 6.1 (or later) or Disk Image Mounter 2.1 (or later) from Apple are the recommended applications to access all disk images released by Apple and are the only supported applications to access NDIF disk images.