Name: Location Manager Version: 2.0.1 Released: March 6, 1997 Requires: Italian Mac OS 8.1. Description: This software is included on the Mac OS 8.1 CD. It allows you to easily set and use multiple settings configurations, as in for home or for work. For complete information, please see the documentation included with this software. This software consists of a self-mounting Disk Copy disk image. To use, download this self-mounting image to your hard drive and then double-click it to uncompress and mount the disk image on your desktop. Please read the documentation included on this disk image before installing the software. NOTE: This update is offered in MacBinary (.bin) and Binhex (.hqx) formats. Please choose the option that is the most convenient for you to download. MacBinary format may make the download time quicker. If your web browser or ftp client is not configured for MacBinary, or if you experience problems downloading using MacBinary, you can download the Binhex posting of this software. You will receive the same software no matter which option you download. Important Info about Apple Location Manager Always use the Installer program to install Apple Location Manager. The software may not work correctly if you try to copy or drag it to the System Folder. (You install Apple Location Manager by locating the "Location Manager Install" folder and double-clicking the "Install Location Manager" document.) Turning AppleTalk on or off With Open Transport, it is possible to use Apple Location Manager to turn AppleTalk on or off. You must use the AppleTalk control panel, not the chooser, and create named configurations corresponding to those on and off states. These are the steps to create an "AppleTalk Off" configuration: 1. Open the AppleTalk control panel. 2. Select "Configurations" from the File menu. 3. Duplicate the active configuration, naming the new configuration "AppleTalk Off". 4. Click on "Make Active". 5. Select "User Mode" in the Edit menu. 6. Click on "Advanced" and then click "OK" to close the window. 7. Click on "Options". 8. Click on the "Inactive" radio button, then click "OK" to close the window. 9. Close the AppleTalk control panel, saving changes when asked. Having taken these steps (or similar steps for creating an "AppleTalk On" configuration in Open Transport), you can now "Apply" these named configurations to any location you choose using the "AppleTalk & TCP/IP" setting in Apple Location Manager. Note that you may have to use similar steps to create a named configuration for TCP/IP (if you have not already done so). See the Networking topics in Mac OS Help for details. For complete information, please see the Read Me included with this software.