Name: Mac OS 8.5.1 Update Version: n/a Released: December 22, 1998 Requires: Italian Mac OS 8.5 Description: In response to initial customer and developer feedback, Apple has investigated reports concerning data loss and corruption and in response has made improvements to Drive Setup and provided updates to correct other customer issues. Mac OS 8.5.1 Update fixes a memory leak in AppleScript, a memory problem in the file system, and a Mac OS Extended format corruption issue, re-enables the use of many third party ADB devices, and provides some improved communication through Internet proxy firewalls for Sherlock. In addition, Apple has developed a number of additional Sherlock plug-ins that are included in this update. Watch for new plug-ins on the Sherlock Plug-in Directory at . For complete information, please see the document included with this software. Instructions: This software is available two different ways. Either method of obtaining this software will provide you the exact same software. (a.) One self-mounting Disk Copy image (b.) 3 parts of a self-mounting Disk Copy image If you choose (a.), download this self-mounting image to your hard drive and then double-click it to mount the compressed disk image on your desktop. Please read the documents included on this disk image before installing the software. If you choose (b.), download all 3 parts to your hard drive and then double-click on the first part to mount the compressed disk image on your desktop. Read the documents included on this disk image before installing the software. You may wish to download the 3 parts instead of the individual self-mounting image if you are a using a modem connection or if you wish to transport Mac OS 8.5.1 Update to another machine via floppy.