EZ-FORMS by Enerco Associates and MaeDae Enterprises EZ-FORMS gives you the capability to use your computer to create master forms tailor-made to suit your unique needs. Once created, these forms can be filled out and stored under code names pertaining to their use (ie billing, invoice, comments, etc). EZ-FORMS also gives you the capability to print and/or store completed or master forms. Comments or suggestions for improving EZ-FORMS will be appreciated. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS EZ-FORMS requires an IBM PC or compatible with at least 256K of RAM. Printers supported include the Epson graphics printer and daisywheel printers like the Bytewriter. Display adapters known to work with EZ-FORMS are IBM mono- chrome, color, and enhanced graphics adapters. Because direct screen access is used to enable high speed updating of screen information, EZ-FORMS may be unuseable on the not too close IBM PC compatibles. If this occurs please provide information on your screen memory starting address and I will try to include your display adapter particulars in the EZ-FORMS defaults. If you have a "green screen" monitor attached to your color graphics card, don't forget to use the DOS mode command -- MODE BW80. This will ensure correct conversion of colors for your monitor. HELP FOR DIRECTORY SCREEN To edit an existing form simply press enter/return and type in one of the names in the directory listing. If you want to generate a new form then select option 1 from the main menu and enter a new name when prompted for the file name during a directory listing. All files in the directory listing are sorted if this option has not been disabled with the EZ-FORMS install program. A very fast sort routine is used, but with a large directory it may take a few seconds. EZ-FORMS can handle a directory containing up to 2000 files. If you have more files than that in a SINGLE directory then please break the directory into smaller ones prior to running EZ-FORMS in that directory. MORE HELP FOR DIRECTORY SCREEN When a directory is displayed, the files will be sorted and displayed left to right -- top of screen to bottom in order. Please take note of the highlighted commands listed at the bottom of the screen. If "Enter --> Input Filename" is displayed then you are expected to look over the directory entries using the commands listed in the window at the bottom of the screen. After you do this, use enter/return to signal that you are ready to select a form to work with. Simply type in the form name at the prompt and press enter/return again. If you got here by accident the press enter/return without a filename entered and EZ-FORMS will return you to the main menu. If "Enter --> Input Filename" is not displayed then the directory is there as a status and you are expected to press F10 to exit after you finish looking it over. You can always use F10 to exit without further action. HELP FOR EDITING FORM FUNCTION KEYS ARE NUMERIC KEY PAD CURSOR MOVEMENT KEYS F1 HELP UP ARROW ONE LINE UP F2 RESIZE FORM DOWN ARROW ONE LINE DOWN F3 INSERT FIELD MARKERS RIGHT ARROW ONE COLUMN RIGHT F4 REMOVE FIELD MARKERS LEFT ARROW ONE COLUMN LEFT F5 DRAW LINE CTRL RIGHT ARROW RIGHT SIDE OF FORM F6 ERASE LINE CTRL LEFT ARROW LEFT SIDE OF FORM F7 DRAW BORDER PGUP ONE PAGE UP F8 ERASE BORDER PGDN ONE PAGE DOWN F9 CLEAR FORM HOME UPPER LEFT OF PAGE F10 EXIT -- SAVE MENU END LOWER LEFT OF PAGE CTRL HOME UPPER LEFT OF FORM NOTE: F3 and F4 work with CTRL END LOWER LEFT OF FORM field markers for ENTIRE CTRL UP ARROW TOP OF FORM SAME COL form. Use CtrlK I and E CTRL DOWN ARROW BOTTOM OF FORM " " for sections of form. OTHER KEYS CURRENT DATE/TIME FEED INSERT OR DELETE LINE CtrlF + D FEED DATE Ctrl Enter INSERT LINE CtrlF + T FEED TIME Ctrl Y DELETE LINE NOTE: Must have room on line NOTE: Insert may cause the last line of to display full time or date. the form to be pushed off the end. Also Also current system time and text will be lost if you try to write date must be correct (see doc). over a protected character (see doc). AUTO NUMBERING -- To set up auto numbering go to the master form and press CtrlN. Each time you complete it (Main Menu #2) the number will increment. Esc SELECT ASSISTANCE LEVEL -- All of the block operations and many of the other operations in EZ-FORMS will give extra information prompt prior to performing the function. In the regular mode you receive all messages. The regular mode is the default. HELP FOR BLOCK OPERATIONS BLOCK TEXT OPERATIONS BLOCK FILE OPERATIONS BLOCK PRINTER OPERATIONS B BEGIN BLOCK W WRITE BLOCK TO DISK P PRINT COPY AS IS K END BLOCK R READ BLOCK FROM DISK V MOVE MARKED BLOCK C COPY MARKED BLOCK FIELD MARKERS: Use F3 or F4 to work with field Y DELETE MARKED BLOCK markers for the entire form. U UNMARK BLOCK Field markers are just like I INSERT FIELD MARKERS any other character. The ~ can E ERASE FIELD MARKERS be entered from the keyboard or erase by typing over it. NOTE: Block operations consist of two keystrokes -- CtrlK + above key. CtrlK means while holding down the Ctrl key press the K key. Block text and block file operations use the marked text area and the current cursor location. Example -- for a block move the block will be moved from the highlighted area to where the cursor was when you pressed the CtrlK V key combination. HELP FOR CHARACTER DRAWING Using the F7 key for a border and the F6 key for a line often don't fill in all the areas that you might want for forms. The keys Alt F1-F10 and Ctrl F1 have been added to provide the capability for COMPLETELY solid forms. These keys are: Alt F1 --> Ú NOTE: These characters are handled in the editor just as Alt F2 --> ¿ any other characters typed in from the keyboard. Alt F3 --> À If insert is ON then these characters will be Alt F4 --> Ù inserted into the text on the screen, moving other Alt F5 --> Ä characters over. Alt F6 --> ³ Alt F7 --> Ã EZ-FORMS will translate these special characters to Alt F8 --> ´ characters your printer can understand. If your Alt F9 --> Â printer can print character graphics AND you have Alt F10--> Á selected it (must use EZINSTAL), then you will get Ctrl F1--> Å COMPLETELY solid lines. DEPENDS ON PRINTER!