#: 7102 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 17:29:00 Sb: #7060-#SMARTDrive Fm: Eric Brown (MSV) 76701,55 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Smartdrv does disk caching at all times, not just when in Windows. I suspect the advice to remove RAM disk programs is because it is a waste of RAM, given Smartdrv's capabilities. I do not know if there actually would be a conflict if all were installed correctly. Eric #: 7112 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 18:07:06 Sb: #7102-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Eric Brown (MSV) 76701,55 (X) Thanks, Eric. I'll await some info on conflicts between VDISK and Smartdrive. The reason why I still want VDISK is to speed up the time it takes to invoke my editor. It probably would not stay in the cache. I have around 2MB of expanded memory that goes unused, so I thought I would have a 1MB cache and a 1MB RAM disk. Both pretty generous, I think. --Marc #: 7385 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 02:07:13 Sb: #7112-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Why don't you just use RAMDRIVE instead of VDISK, anyway? RAMDRIVE tests out faster than VDISK, for one thing. --- Noel J#: 7453 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 11:21:26 Sb: #7385-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) Noel-- I WANT to use RAMDRIVE! Some messages here indicate that it can use EXPANDED memory, but I didn't see how to do that in the RAMDRIVE.TXT file that came with my Windows 2.0. Is /E for extended or expanded? --Marc #: 7470 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 12:17:04 Sb: #7453-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Er, would you believe /A for _A_boveboard? Works like a champ. Sorry for the confusion. Little bit of TAPLag(tm) last night. :-) --- Noel #: 7574 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 01:26:12 Sb: #7470-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) I guessed at /A, since that's what Smartdrive uses, and it works fine now. RES.SYS and VDISK.SYS are gone now (although I never actually saw any problems, wurdz ar stil speld just rite, but I took them out anyway, on your advice. I now will run with Ramdrive (in expanded memory) and Smartdrive. Thanks for all your help! --Marc #: 7115 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 18:25:20 Sb: #7060-#SMARTDrive Fm: Steve Liffick (SL) 76701,154 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, I know of no conflicts using SMARTDrive with a RAMdisk. Note that there used to be some problems using VDISK with Windows. You may want to use the RAMdrive.sys provided with the Windows package. I think the main issue surrounding the use of both SMARTDrive and a RAMdisk was memory use. Specifically, you don't really need both and since in most operations the caching program is preferrable to a memory disk drive, it is suggested the SMARTdrive be used by its lonesome. You could of course allow windows to use your expanded memory (that was exPANDED wasn't it?) for swapping purposes... That in itself results in mucho better performance with memory hungry apps. -Steve #: 7126 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 19:40:50 Sb: #7115-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Steve Liffick (SL) 76701,154 (X) Thanks, Steve, for your insights. I think that a cache may help sometimes, and it may help with Windows. But for what I do most--compiling and linking--it helps not at all. Actually, it hurts, because I suspect that nothing useful is ever in the cache, but it takes time to discover that fact. On the other hand, putting some files in a RAM disk (such as the giant windows.h and some libraries) helps significantly. This is based on actual timings, not my subjective judgement. If my ua susage were different, no doubt I would see different results. --Marc #: 7394 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 02:18:11 Sb: #7126-#SMARTDrive Fm: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Hi Marc, I use RAMDRIVE and SMARTDRV together and it's a great combination. I wouldn't use VDISK together with either of them, or with Windows itself for that matter. VDISK doesn't allocate extended memory in a way that's compatible with the other programs. RMADRIVE and SMARTDRV start allocating from the top of memory working down, and they fix up the BIOS call that asks how much memory there is to say there's less, thereby making the memory they allocated "disappear". That way, they don't conflict with each other and also don't conflict with Windows or other programs. BTW, my experience has been that SMARTDRV *does* help a lot with compilations. With a megabyte of cache, it does seem to cut a good chunk of time off. Best of all, of course, is to have a RAMDRIVE, too, with SET TMP= so the compiler temp files go there. -Mike #: 7455 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 11:25:01 Sb: #7394-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 (X) Mike-- Glad you joined this thread. Everyone except me knows how to get RAMDRIVE to use expanded memory. I recall seeing in RAMDRIVE.TXT only how to get it to use extended memory. I'll reread the file. What is the option, do you know? --Marc #: 7487 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 15:20:57 Sb: #7455-#SMARTDrive Fm: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Darned if I know, Marc. I've puzzled over that one too. I'm running RAMDRIVE in extended memory - never did find an option like SMARTDRV has to use expanded instead of extended. Maybe the /A switch works like for SMARTDRV?? -Mike #: 7577 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 01:29:37 Sb: #7487-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 (X) Mike-- I experimentally discovered that /A indeed works with RAMDRIVE. RES.SYS is out of my config.sys now, and mapmem verifies that Ramdrive indeed took expanded memory. All is OK now. --Marc #: 7557 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 23:19:47 Sb: #7394-#SMARTDrive Fm: Bruce Kitchin 75046,1131 To: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 (X) I have a question relative to SMARTDRV. Being new to disk caching, I'm not sure what might happen. Will using a Disk organizer/ optimizier/ defragger run into conflict with SMARTDRV? So far, not being sure, I've made sure to reboot without SMARTDRV before doing this. BTW, it there any way to turn off or unload SMARTDRV after you start running (while you're in Dos, NOT in Windows). Thanks for any info. Bruce #: 7581 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 02:07:10 Sb: #7557-SMARTDrive Fm: Michael Geary (TA) 76146,42 To: Bruce Kitchin 75046,1131 (X) Boy, that is a good question. I've got no idea whether it's safe to run a disk optimizer while SMARTDRV is loaded. It sounds like you're doing the safest thing by rebooting without it. It seems that if SMARTDRV is doing its job right - and if the disk optimizer uses normal DOS calls (i.e. not the file I/O calls but the INT 25/26 calls) - it ought to be safe. But who knows... There isn't any way to turn off SMARTDRV once you're running, so you just have to reboot with a different CONFIG.SYS... -Mike #: 7612 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 09:49:49 Sb: #7557-#SMARTDrive Fm: Alec Saunders, WES 76126,54 To: Bruce Kitchin 75046,1131 (X) Bruce, I'm either brave or foolish. I have run SoftLogic's disk optimizer with SMARTDRV running, and I have encountered no problems. It may even run faster... Which optimizer are you using? At one time I used to use the MACE UTILITIES UnFragment, but no longer do so after having it trash my disk during an abort. The SoftLogic optimizer is certainly not the fastest on the market, but it appears to be one of the safer ones. Alec. #: 7691 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 22:24:35 Sb: #7612-SMARTDrive Fm: Bruce Kitchin 75046,1131 To: Alec Saunders, WES 76126,54 (X) For a while I tried DOG101A which worked fairly well but slow. I liked the control it gave. But since I got the Adv Ed of Norton Utilities, I've used their Speed Disk. It works faster than DOG is full organization but lacks the fast mode. Anyway Norton has no warnings against disk caches (only against memory resident program that access disk and copy protection schemes). All my logic says that it should work. That feeling down in my gut says I don't want to risk it. Thanks for sharing your experience and thanks to Mike for his comments. #: 7702 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 22:41:26 Sb: #7612-#SMARTDrive Fm: Chuck Venter 73036,510 To: Alec Saunders, WES 76126,54 (X) I have been using the Golden Bow Disk Cache and Vopt together. Since they come from the same vendor I have had not conflicts. Has anyone done a comparison between Disk Cache programs, specifically SmartDrive and GB's Cache-AT? Does Smartdrive support the Iomega Bernoulli box? I have been looking for a program that would combine the abilities of a Cache and a Ram drive. It seems that it would be convient to be able to look at what data was in the cache, and be able to indicate preferences for certain data. It might be usefull to be able to get better information about what stays in and what goes out. For example, If I am working along with my editor and compiler nicely stored in a 1 meg cahe, then I read a 1.1 meg group of data: the data replaces all my utilities! If I could give preference to .EXE files, and indicate that files with other extensions should fight over x% of the cache, then I could keep the good stuff loaded. If I could at least get some statistics of what the cache decided to hold onto, then I could set up a ramdisk to hold my utils. Does the cache know not to cache the ram disk? I assume so.. #: 7771 S6/Windows Developers 12-Feb-88 10:17:52 Sb: #7702-SMARTDrive Fm: Alec Saunders, WES 76126,54 To: Chuck Venter 73036,510 Chuck, I have played with Golden Bow's Cache-AT as it came with the Mace Utilities. I found it significantly slower than SMARTDRV (by about 90%), which is why I switched. My copy is over a year old though --- I gave up using anything from Mace the first time it trashed my 60M hard disk. It may have improved. Alec. #: 7720 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 23:44:51 Sb: #7557-SMARTDrive Fm: Eric Brown (MSV) 76701,55 To: Bruce Kitchin 75046,1131 Bruce, I have used an internal microsoft disk organizer. It didn't conflict with Smartdrv. Smartdrive also seems to coexist with Norton's sector modifying programs like nu and ds. Smartdrv appears to be very inocculous. But it sure makes an amazing difference in oft used programs' load time. (-: Eric #: 7435 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 10:55:52 Sb: #7126-#SMARTDrive Fm: Pete Jacobsen 72307,2416 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, I agree - as a developer, the biggest savings to me are 1) having the tmp (and temp) files *written* to ramdrive only, and 2) getting access to the bulk of include and library files needed to compile and link. With the amount of memory you are talking about for the smartdrv, you may well find that the include and library files are *always* in the cache. When I run from DOS, I have a 2mb smartdrv and a smaller ramdrive. The system certainly acts like the include/lib files are in cache! When I'm in win386, however, I have much less room. I like to *force* the system to keep my include files in the smaller ramdrive rather than keep flapping over what the last accessed thing was. (BTW, this obviously confirms that smartdrv works with DOS! ) -Pete #: 7460 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 11:29:29 Sb: #7435-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Pete Jacobsen 72307,2416 Pete-- I think the includes and libs would stay in the cache only if you compile and link rapidly in succession. Other stuff -- such as editing, grepping, etc. -- that you do in between will I think force it out of the cache. Since I have gobs of memory, I just put windows.h and the libs in the RAM disk (along with the editor, command.com, and a few other things). --Marc #: 7177 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 23:32:18 Sb: #7060-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Yes, SMARTDRV is effective outside of Windows. Microsoft's SMARTDRV, RAMDRIVE and other extended memory products use a certain convention for handling allocation of extended memory that may conflict with things like VDISK. --- Noel #: 7182 S6/Windows Developers 09-Feb-88 00:09:16 Sb: #7177-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) Noel-- Do you know if SMARTDRV is compatible with RAMDRIVE? Is the conflict with VDISK theoretical, or does it actually exist? --Marc #: 7191 S6/Windows Developers 09-Feb-88 00:41:05 Sb: #7182-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Yes, SMARTDRV is compatible with RAMDRIVE. The conflict with VDISK can be very real. --- Noel #: 7324 S6/Windows Developers 09-Feb-88 20:03:53 Sb: #7191-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) Thanks, Noel-- I will remove VDISK and install RAMDRIVE. In a few hours of use, nothing went bad on me, but I will take your word as gospel. Perhaps I am OK because I am running PC-DOS 3.3 on a genuine IBM AT? --Marc #: 7346 S6/Windows Developers 09-Feb-88 21:21:21 Sb: #7324-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Probably you're ok because you don't happen to have anything else trying to use extended memory (such as Excel). Microsoft's products have a better way of communicating the use of extended memory, whereas very few programs know how to cooperate with VDISK. --- Noel #: 7449 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 11:17:19 Sb: #7346-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) Noel-- Do you mean that Excel uses EXTENDED memory, or EXPANDED memory? --Marc #: 7469 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 12:16:59 Sb: #7449-#SMARTDrive Fm: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, Excel has it's own builtin EXTENDED memory driver which it can optionally use to increase it's performance by 70% over SMARTDRV. --- Noel #: 7573 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 01:24:14 Sb: #7469-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: SysOp Noel J. Bergman 73220,1030 (X) Interesting... #: 7110 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 18:04:04 Sb: #7090-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Alec Saunders, WES 76126,54 (X) Thanks, Alec. But I'm still wondering whether Smartdrive + VDISK is a safe combination. #: 7434 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 10:55:42 Sb: #7110-#SMARTDrive Fm: Pete Jacobsen 72307,2416 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) Marc, As I understand it, Vdisk is not a good plan with smartdrv - better Ramdrive. The reason is that Vdisk starts taking it's memory at the 1meg boundary and goes up. Ramdrive and Smartdrv take their memory from the top of available memory and work down, and tell the system that the memory they are using is gone. This lets programs like win386 or others that want to use that upper memory use what is left without finding vdisk in the way. I realize that this answer is only meaningful for extended memory. I don't know about expanded memory (but vdisk won't use expanded, so you must be talking about extended, right?) -Pete #: 7458 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 11:27:05 Sb: #7434-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Pete Jacobsen 72307,2416 Pete-- VDISK on my system is using what it thinks is extended, simulated on expanded with AST's REX.SYS. SMARTDRIVE, on the other hand, thinks it is using expanded, which it actually is. I now am 110% convinced that I want RAMDRIVE instead of VDISK, and as soon as I figure out how to tell RAMDRIVE to use expanded memory I will set it up that way. --Marc #: 7703 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 22:41:35 Sb: #7458-#SMARTDrive Fm: Chuck Venter 73036,510 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) I see that you have an AST machine of some sort, I have an AST Premium 286. Since we have the easy choice, have you found an advantage to Expanded vs Extended? It sounds to me that it would be best to have Extended for OS/2, but Expanded for Windows and some DOS apps. Unfortunatly it's not THAT easy to switch between the two. I am using Golden Bow's Cache program (the one that came with Mace). It works well, but I have not yet tried SmartDrive. Do you know if Smartdrive works any better in Expande or Extended? #: 7722 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 23:47:18 Sb: #7703-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Chuck Venter 73036,510 Chuck-- I don't have an AST machine--I just have a Rampage AT board. I am the last one to ask to compare cache programs, because (1) I haven't had any trouble with any of them, and (2) I see very little effect (only a few percent) for the stuff I do. Theoretically, access to extended memory would be faster than expanded, as pages don't have to be mapped in. Of course, a particular implementation might be better than another, so this generalization doesn't say anything about how one cache would fare over another. With OS/2, clearly you want lots of extended (not expanded) memory. Same with UNIX or Xenix. --Marc #: 7111 S6/Windows Developers 08-Feb-88 18:05:07 Sb: #7095-#SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Ladislav Nemec 74226,2160 (X) Ladislav-- So, I gather you are confirming that smartdrive works w/o windows? Do you know whether it is safe to run it with VDISK? --Marc #: 7511 S6/Windows Developers 10-Feb-88 18:52:09 Sb: #7111-#SMARTDrive Fm: Ladislav Nemec 74226,2160 To: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 (X) I do not think so. MS cautiones, in general terms, against using any combination of cache/ramdisk software other than their own, the one which comes with Windows 2.03 or Excel. They have their Ramdrive.sys there and I have been using the combination of smartrdrv.sys and ramdrive.sys for a week or so without any trouble. BTW, I tried on PS/2 50 and 60 to utilize the 384 K given us by IBM for a first smartdrv.sys installed without the /A option, i.e., in the extended memory. It seems to work fine, so far. Regards, L. #: 7578 S6/Windows Developers 11-Feb-88 01:31:03 Sb: #7511-SMARTDrive Fm: Marc Rochkind 75765,1233 To: Ladislav Nemec 74226,2160 Ladislav-- I too am now using Ramdrive and Smartdirve, and everyone confirms what you say -- that these are the only safe combinations. The /A option on Ramdrive puts it into expanded memory. I think that option is undocumented; I know I couldn't find it. --Marc