Newsgroups: comp.lsi,comp.lsi.cad,news.answers,comp.answers Path:!!!agate!!altarrib!hemlock From: (Michael Altarriba) Subject: comp.lsi.cad Frequently Asked Questions With Answers (Part 1/4) [LONG] Message-ID: Followup-To: comp.lsi.cad Summary: This is a biweekly posting of frequently asked questions with answers the for comp.lsi / comp.lsi.cad newsgroups. It should be consulted before posting questions to comp.lsi or comp.lsi.cad. Keywords: FAQ Sender: (News Administrator) Supersedes: Reply-To: Organization: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 23:02:43 GMT Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Lines: 677 Xref: comp.lsi:3069 comp.lsi.cad:3351 news.answers:11626 comp.answers:1674 Archive-name: lsi-cad-faq/part1 Welcome to comp.lsi.cad / comp.lsi: this is the biweekly posting of fre- quently asked questions with answers. Before you post a question such as "Where can I ftp spice from?", please make sure that the answer is not already here. If you spot an error, or if there is any information that you think should be included, please send us a note at The products and packages described here are intended for research and edu- cational use. As such, we try to limit our entries to applications which are available for free or at low cost (< $500). We also wish to limit the descriptions to at most a page (60 lines) in length. Bret Rothenberg Wes Hardaker Mike Altarriba Solid State Circuits Research Laboratory Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Davis Davis, California 95616 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id:,v 1.62 93/08/20 16:00:38 altarrib Exp $ Frequently Asked Questions with Answers 1: Readership report for comp.lsi.cad and comp.lsi 2: Mosis Users' Group (MUG) 3: Improved spice listing from magic. 4: Tips and tricks for magic (Version 6.3) 5: What can I use to do good plots from magic/CIF? 6: What tools are used to layout verification? 7: EDIF data exchange format. 8: What layout examples are available? 9: How can I get my lsi design fabbed and how much will it cost? 10: Mosis fabrication services. 11: Archive sites for comp.lsi.cad and comp.lsi 12: Other newsgroups that relate to comp.lsi* 13: Simulation programs tips/tricks/bugs ! 14: Getting the latest version of the FAQ 15: Converting from/to GDSII/CIF/Magic 16: CFI (CAD Framework Initiative Inc.) 17: What synthesis systems are there? 18: What free tools are there available, and what can they do? 19: What Berkeley Tools are available for anonymous ftp? 20: What Berkeley Tools are available through ILP? 21: Berkeley Spice (Current version 3f2) 22: Octtools (Current version 5.1) 23: Ptolemy (Current version 0.4) 24: Lager (Current version 4.0) 25: BLIS (Current version 2.0) 26: COSMOS and BDD 27: ITEM 28: PADS logic/PADS PCB 29: Another PCB Layout Package 30: Magic (Current version 6.3) 31: PSpice 32: Esim 33: Isplice3 (Current version 2.0) 34: Watand 35: Caltech VLSI CAD Tools 36: Switcap2 (Current version 1.1) 37: Test Software based on Abramovici text 38: Atlanta and Soprano automatic test generators 39: Olympus Synthesis System 40: OASIS logic synthesis 41: T-SpiceTM (was CAzM), a Spice-like table-based analog circuit simulator 42: Galaxy CAD, integrated environment for digital design for Macintosh 43: Gabriel DSP development system 44: WireC graphical/procedural system for schematic information 45: LateX circuit symbols for schematic generation 46: Tanner Research Tools (Ledit and LVS) (Commercial Product) 47: SIMIC, a full-featured logic verification simulator 48: LASI CAD System, IC and device layout for IBM compatibles 49: EEDRAW, an electrical/electronic diagramming tool for IBM compatibles 50: MagiCAD, GaAs Gate Array Design through MOSIS 51: XSPICE, extended version of Spice 52: MISIM, a model-independent circuit simulation tool 53: Nelsis Cad Framework 54: APLAC, a system-level simulator and IEEE-488 measurement tool 55: SLS, a switch-level simulator 56: OCEAN, a sea-of-gates design system + : new item ! : changed ? : additional information for this subject would be appreciated. 1: Readership report for comp.lsi.cad and comp.lsi This is the full set of data from the USENET readership report for Jul 93. Explanations of the figures are in a companion posting in news.lists. +-- Estimated total number of people who read the group, | worldwide. | +-- Actual number of readers in sampled population. | | +-- Propagation: how many sites receive this group | | | at all. | | | +-- Recent traffic (messages per month). | | | | +-- Recent traffic (kilobytes per | | | | | month). | | | | | +-- Crossposting percentage | | | | | | +-- Cost ratio: | | | | | | | $US/month/rdr | | | | | | | +-- Share: % of | | | | | | | | newsreaders | | | | | | | | who read this | | | | | | | | group. V V V V V V V V 547 37000 604 82% 58 244.4 27% 0.01 1.6% comp.lsi 438 41000 674 78% 65 122.1 7% 0.00 1.7% comp.lsi.cad 2: Mosis Users' Group (MUG) (From the Microelectronics Systems Newsletter) The MOSIS Users' Group (MUG) Newsletter is now known as the Microelec- tronic Systems Newsletter. The name change reflects the increased scope of this newsletter which includes not only items of interest to those designing integrated circuits for prototyping via MOSIS but also for those designing, prototyping and producing microelec- tronic systems. This issue is being distributed only via elec- tronic means to about 1600 individuals throughout the world. We hope that you enjoy receiving this newsletter and find it useful. Comments and suggestions should be directed to the Editor along with any change in address. If you prefer not to receive messages of this type, which will occur no more often than monthly, please contact the Editor. Newsletter Editor Prof. Don Bouldin Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-2100 Tel: (615)-974-5444 FAX: (615)-974-5492 Email: Compmail II: D.Bouldin A variety of design files and CAD tools contributed by the members of the MOSIS Users' Group (MUG) are now available via anonymous ftp from "" ( in directory "pub/mug". The files "readme" and "index" should be retrieved first. These files are provided "as is", but may prove very helpful to those using the MOSIS integrated circuit prototyping service. 3: Improved spice listing from magic. Hierarchical extractions with net names: ext2spice done by Andy Burstein : This program will do hierarchial extraction using node names. It sup- ports PS, PD, AS, and AD extraction as well. It is available for ftp from in pub/spice3/ext2spice.tar. Poly and well resistance extraction: There are persistent rumors that people have this working, however, all I have seen is extracted poly resistor with each end shorted together, ie each end has the same node name/number. (This is the most annoying problem that I typically encounter daily. If ANYONE knows a fix for this, please tell us! I wrote a real quick and dirty set of scripts/programs to edit the magic file. It will break the poly contacts and relabel them. This is a real hack, but all other solu- tions require modification of the magic code itself. This procedure only works with an extractor that handles labeled nodes, i.e. ext2spice from above. --WH) There is an upcoming release of Magic 6.45 that is supposed to have a greatly improved netlister. Here is part of the annoucement: The AuE Magic release provides hierarchical SPICE and LSIM netlist extractors not available in previous Magic releases. Previously, a flat SPICE netlist could be obtained using a program called "ext2spice". AuE provides a hierarchical SPICE netlister which provides a robust set of SPICE parameters for every device, including transistor source/drain dif- fusion perimeters and areas. The extractor has also been modified to correctly account for the shared S/D regions on stacked devices. The AuE extractor supports LSIM netlists, an Hspice compatible netlist, and a SpiceIIG compatible netlist. The SpiceIIG format uses node numbers instead of node names. The AuE SPICE extractor also recognizes bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) in several configurations. The previous Magic netlist extractor does not recognize BJT devices in any form. Spice listing from magic with MESFETs. (from Jen-I Pi ) We have a revised version (of sim2spice) that goes with version6. It is available from our anonymous FTP host "" ( under the pub/mosis/magic directory. The file you need is "gaas_extract.tar.Z". Assuming file inv.ext exist, the procedure for using 'sim2spice' is ext2sim inv sim2spice inv.sim Here's the resulting SPICE decks for SPICE3e... SPICE 3 Deck created from inv.sim, tech=edgaas * z2 3 4 2 efet1.2 2.8 C3 3 0 0.485F C4 4 0 1.062F z1 1 4 3 dfet1.2 2.8 * A new capacitance rule has been added to the base Magic extractor to facilitate the extraction of accurate dielectric capacitances. The previ- ous verion of Magic did not handle coupling capacitances correctly and frequently inserted a substrate capacitor in addition to the correctly extracted coupling capacitor. The AuE Magic release also includes an updated and enhanced technology file. Modifications include fixes to several MOSIS DRC rules which were previously improperly checked, modifications to the CIF writer to resolve software bugs, and updated capacitance and resistance values in the extraction sections of the tech file. Special extraction sections for more commonly used processes have also been added. For information on how to order this version of Magic send an E-mail request to or send your request in writing to the address given below. We will start filling orders in mid October. 4: Tips and tricks for magic (Version 6.3) Searching for nets: Yes, magic does actually let you search for node names. Use :specialopen netlist. Then click on the box underneath label, you will be prompted for the name of the label you want to search for. Enter the name, and then press enter twice. Click on show, and then find, magic will then highlight the net. Bulk node extraction: Problems with getting the bulk node to extract correctly? Try labeling the well with the node name that it is connected to. Painting Wells: Supposedly :cif in magic will automatically paint in the wells correctly. However this is not always the case. If you are using mosis 2u technol- ogy, and your wells are getting strange notches in them, you might try changing the grow 300 shrink 300 lines in your lambda=1.0(pwell) and lambda=1.0(nwell) cif sections of your tech file to grow 450 shrink 450. (Remember you can use :cif see CWN to see nwell, if :cifostyle is nwell, or :cif see CWP to see pwell if its pwell technology to preview what will be done with the well. You may use :feedback clear to erase what it shows you.) Magic notes available from ( (Located in pub/DEC/magic) Magic note.1 - 9/14/90 - ANNOUNCEMENT: Magic V6 is ready Magic note.2 - 9/19/90 - DOC: Doc changes (fixed in releases after 9/20/90) Magic note.3 - 9/19/90 - GRAPHICS: Mode problem (fixed 9/20/90) Magic note.4 - 9/19/90 - HPUX: rindex macro for HPUX 7.0 and later Magic note.5 - 9/19/90 - GCC: "gcc" with magic, one user's experience Magic note.6 - 9/19/90 - FTP: Public FTP area for Magic notes Magic note.7 - 9/20/90 - RSIM: Compiling rsim, one user's suggestions & hints Magic note.8 - 9/26/90 - GENERAL: Magic tries to open bogus directories Magic note.9 - 9/26/90 - GRAPHICS: Mods to X11Helper Magic note.10 - 10/5/90 - DOS: Magic V4 for DOS and OS/2 Magic note.11 - 10/11/90 - GENERAL: reducing memory usage by 600k Magic note.12 - 12/19/90 - EXT2xxx: fixes bogus resistances Magic note.13 - 12/19/90 - EXTRESIS: fixed bug in resis that caused coredump. Magic note.14 - 12/19/90 - EXTRESIS: new version of for extresis Magic note.15 - 12/19/90 - TECH: documentation for contact line in tech file Magic note.16 - 12/19/90 - EXTRACT: bug fix to transistor attributes Magic note.17 - 5/13/91 - CALMA: Incorrect arrays in calma output Magic note.18 - 5/14/91 - CALMA: Extension to calma input Magic note.19 - 6/28/91 - IRSIM: Some .prm files for IRSIM Magic note.20 - 7/18/91 - EXTRESIS: fixes for Magic's extresis command Magic note.21 - 2/7/92 - FAQ: Frequently asked questions Magic note.22 - 11/6/91 - CALMA: how to write a calma tape Magic note.23 - 11/4/91 - EXT2xxx: fix for incorrect resistor extraction Magic note.24 - 11/8/91 - EXTRESIS: fix 0-ohm resistors Magic note.25 - 11/15/91 - NEXT: porting magic to the NeXT machine Magic note.26 - 11/21/91 - IRSIM: fix for hanging :decay command Magic note.27 - 12/17/91 - RESIS: fix for "Attempt to remove node ..." error Magic note.28 - 1/28/92 - MAGIC: anonymous FTP now available Magic note.29 - 3/27/92 - PLOT: support for Versatec 2700 Magic note.30 - 4/8/92 - PATHS: Have the ":source" command follow a path Magic note.31 - 4/10/92 - MPACK: Mpack now works with Magic 6.3 Magic note.32 - 3/13/92 - AED: Using AED displays with Magic 6.3 Magic note.33 - 3/13/92 - OPENWINDOWS: Compilation for OpenWindows/X11 Magic note.34 - 2/14/92 - OPENWINDOWS: fix mouse problem 5: What can I use to do good plots from magic/CIF? (Thanks to Douglas Yarrington and Harry Langenbacher , for feedback here.) CIF: CIF stands for CalTech Intermediate Form. It's a graphics language which can be used to describe integrated circuit layouts. cif2ps version 2 (Gordon W. Ross, MITRE): A much better version of cif2ps, extending the code of cif2ps (Marc Lesure, Arizona State University) and cifp (Arthur Simoneau, Aerospace Corp). It features command line options for depth and formatting. Can extend one plot over several pages (up to 5 by 5, or 25 pages). By default, uses a mixture of postscript gray fill and cross-hatching. Options include rotating the image, selecting the hierarchy depth to plot, and plotting style customization. Plots are in B/W only. It was posted to comp.sources.misc, and is available by ftp from as: comp.sources.misc/volume8/cif2ps.Z. cifplot: Cifplot plots CIF format files on a screen, printer or plotter. Cifplot reads the .cif file, generates a b/w or color raster dump, and sends it to the printer. Plots can be scaled, clipped, or rotated. Hierarchy depth is selectable, as well as the choice of colormap or fill pattern. An option exists which will compress raster data to reduce the required disk space. For those plotting to a Versatec plotter, there is also a printer filter/driver available called vdmp. cifplot (m2c version, from ): The cifplot program from M2C is not in public domain. However, we do provide P.D. CAD tools to university for a fee of $2500/year to cover our cost on distribution, telephone hotline support, documentation and tutorials, etc., under our CUME (Clearinghouse for Undergraduate Microelectronics Education) program. This program, in the past, was sub- sidized by NSF. The cifplot program was modified by M2C to support plotting for B&W PostScript and color PostScript printers, besides the versatec plotters. We also provide plotting services for people who sent us a cif file. The cost is $20/per 24" color versatec plot for University and $50 for oth- ers. For more information on the CUME program or the plotting service, please send e-mail to oct2ps (available as part of the octtools distribution): It is possible to convert your .mag file to octtools, and then you may use oct2ps to print it. Both cif2ps and oct2ps work well for conversion to postscript. They do look slightly different, so pick your favorite. Note that cif2ps can be converted to adobe encapsulated postscript easily by adding a bounding box comment. oct2ps does convert to color postscript, which can be a plus for those of you with color postscript printers. Flea: Flea ([F]un [L]oveable [E]ngineering [A]rtist) is a program used to plot magic and cif design files to various output devices. Parameters are passed to flea through the flags and flag data or through .flearc files and tech files. Supports: HP7580 plotter, HP7550 hpgl file output, HP7550 plotter lpr output, Postscript file output, Laser Writer lpr out- put, Versatec versaplot random output. Options include: Does line draw- ings with crosshatching for postscript, versatec, and hp plotters. Many options (depth, label depth, scale, path, format...) Available by ftp from in pub/flea.tar.Z. pplot: Can output color PostScript from CIF files. The source is available from: in /pub/cad/pplot.tar.Z. It only generates PS files (including color PS), and there's no support for EPS files. It is lim- ited in its support of cif commands. (Wire, roundflash, and delete are not supported.) It only supports manhattan geometry (Polygons and rota- tions may only be in 90 degree multiples.) vic: Part of the U. of Washington's Northwest Lab, for Integrated Systems Cad Tool Release (previously UW/NW VLSI Consortium). Does postscript and HP pen plotters. Only available as part of the package. CIF/Magic -> EPS -> groff/latex Currently no prgram here directly generates EPS files. It is possible to add an EPS bounding box (%% BoundingBox: l t b r) to the output from these programs to get an EPS file. Alternatively, ps2eps or ps2epsf may be used. 6: What tools are used to layout verification? Gemini: This is an excellent program that was done by Carl Ebeling. There is a new version that is currently in beta. This version supports serveral different netlist formats. Devices with any number of terminals are sup- ported. (This could be suitable for use at digital block level LVS, for example.) LVS of mosfet w/l and capacitor values is supported as well. Contact: Carl Ebeling Computer Science Department, FR-35 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Tanner LVS: This is a relatively inexpensive commercial product, see the section on Tanner tools. Wellchecker: (from MUG) ftp ( netcmp: Part of the caltech tools (see the "Caltech VLSI CAD Tools" section) 7: EDIF data exchange format. (From Nigel Whitaker ) EDIF Version 3 0 0 was announed/released at the Design Automation Confer- ence (DAC) at Dallas, Texas, 16/6/93. New Reference Manuals and EXPRESS information models for this new version of EDIF are available from the EIA: Electronic Industries Association Standard Sales Department (Attn: Cecelia Fleming) 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 20006, USA An electronic copy of the BNF, together with other EDIF related informa- tion such as tests files and EDIF documents can be obtained by anonymous ftp from in subdirectories of /pub/edif. An ftpmail server is provided for those without ftp access. Send an empty email message to: ; a message describing the commands which can be used in further email messages to retreive files will be sent to you. An electonic mailing list is available to people interested in EDIF and for EDIF developers/programmers. Send email to edif-users- to be added. The EDIF Technical Centre (based at the University of Manchester and funded by the CEC as part of ESPRIT 2072 -- ECIP) can be contacted by the following means: EDIF Technical Centre, Depeartment of Computer Science University of Man- chester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK Tel: +44 61 275 6289 FAX: +44 61 275 6280 e-mail: edif- 8: What layout examples are available? From MUG: Analog neural network library of cells, 66-bit Manchester carry-skip adder, static ram fabricated at 2-micron, an analog op amp, ftp ( Located in pub/mug. 9: How can I get my lsi design fabbed and how much will it cost? See section on mosis fabrication services as well. (From ) M2C can also provide low-cost, low- volume prototyping fab services. The current technology available to the public is the 2um NWell single-poly double-metal process. For pricing information and fab schedule, please send e-mail to Unfortunately, the fab line is currently inactive. We have no informa- tion as to when the fab will be back up. (From MUG 20 George Lewicki of Orbit Semiconductor) Orbit Semiconductor operates an integrated circuit prototyping service that accepts designs each week for all of its processes. The service is available to both U.S. and non-U.S. designers. In- quiries about the FORESIGHT prototyping service should be ad- dressed to George Lewicki. Designs can now be submitted directly via email. Orbit Semiconductor, Inc. 1215 Bordeaux Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 TEL: (408)-744-1800 FAX: (408)-747-1263 Email: (Contributed by Don Bouldin of the University of Tennessee) Recently, I contacted several foundries to determine which com- panies are interested in fabricating small to moderate lots of wafers for cus- tom CMOS designs. I believe many of the readers of this column are designers who wish to have fabricated only 1,000 to 20,000 parts per year. There are currently several prototyp- ing services (e.g. MOSIS and Orbit) that can produce fewer than 100 parts for about $100 each and there are also several foun- dries which are willing to produce 100,000 custom parts for $5- $20 each (depending on the die size and yield). My purpose was to identify those companies filling the large gap between these two services. The prices in the table below are a result of averaging the data sup- plied by four foundries. The raw data varied by more than +/- 40% so the information should be used only in the early stages of budgetary plan- ning. Once the design specifications are fairly well known, the designer should contact one or more foundries to obtain specific budgetary quotes. As the design nears comple- tion, binding quotes can then be obtained. The following assumptions were made by the foundries: All designs will require custom CMOS wafer fabrication using a double-metal, single-poly process with a feature size between 2.0 and 1.2 microns. The designs may contain some analog circuitry and some RAM so the yield has been calculated pessimistically. The dies will be pack- aged and tested at 1 MHz using a Sentry- type digital tester for 5-10 seconds per part. The customer will furnish the test vectors. Piece Price includes Wafer Fabrication+Die Packaging+Part Testing Size Package Quantity |1,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 |100,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2 mm x 2 mm; 84 PLCC: | $ 27 | $ 6 | $ 5 | $ 4 | $ 3 | 5 mm x 5 mm; 84 PLCC: | $ 31 | $ 12 | $ 8 | $ 7 | $ 6 | 5 mm x 5 mm; 132 PGA: | $ 49 | $ 30 | $ 25 | $ 22 | $ 18 | 7 mm x 7 mm; 132 PGA: | $ 65 | $ 44 | $ 36 | $ 31 | $ 27 | Lithography charges: $ 20,000 - $ 40,000 Preferred Formats: GDS-II or CIF Tapes Additional charges for Second-Poly: $ 5,000 (This is from MUG 19, there is also a list of foundries that these prices were derived from. In the interested of saving space, I have ommitted the list. The list is available from MUG's ftp site included in MUG newsletter #19.) 10: Mosis fabrication services. (From Mosis) Information is available from mosis for pricing and fab schedules through an automatic email system: Mail to with the message body as follows: REQUEST: INFORMATION TOPIC: TOPICS REQUEST: END for general information and a list of available topics. If you need to contact a person at mosis, you may mail to with REQUEST: ATTENTION. Also anonymous ftp is available. ftp to This is a dupli- cation of all files that are available from the mail server. (From MUG 20 Contributed by Don Bouldin of the University of Tennessee) Multi-project fabrication of BICMOS designs are already available to European universities via CMP and to Canadian universities via the Cana- dian Microelectronic Corporation. However, in the United States, the demand for BiCMOS fabrication via MOSIS has not been considered signifi- cant. MOSIS is currently planning to start offering 0.5-micron BiCMOS during the first quarter of 1994. This will have a core voltage operation of 3.3v and a clock frequency in the range of 220-250Mhz. MOSIS is interested in seeing if a larger demand exists in the community than expressed so far. If you would like to have BiCMOS available before 1994, please send a short note to (with a copy to using the following format. REQUEST: ATTENTION . . your message goes here . . REQUEST: END (From MUG 20 and Chris Donham of the University of Pennsylvania) Support for mosis technologies under Cadence Analog Artist 2.4 is avail- able as is from University of Pennsylvania. This includes DRC, LVS, EXT, and a beginner's guide. Currently they are working on support for Opus 4.2. The files supporting Artist 2.4 are currently available via anonymous FTP. Penn is not affiliated with MOSIS, except as a satisfied customer, and as a result, NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WITH REGARDS TO THE FILES, OR THEIR FITNESS FOR ANY USE. Use the files at your own risk. To obtain the files, FTP to (, using the name "anonymous" and your mailing address as the password. The files are in the "pub" directory. Penn is in the process of switching from Artist 2.4 to Opus 4.2. The manual is being rewritten, and the support files are being updated. Technology files supporting DRC, Extract, and Compare are currently in beta-test. If problems or bugs are detected, please send email to "". 11: Archive sites for comp.lsi.cad and comp.lsi (None of these are comprehensive archives, rather, they have about 3 postings each) comp.lsi.cad: in /pub/Archives/comp.archives/auto/comp.lsi.cad in /pub/comp.archives/comp.lsi.cad in /.a/sranha-bp/arch/arch/comp.archives/auto/comp.lsi.cad 12: Other newsgroups that relate to comp.lsi* alt.cad comp.cad.cadence comp.lang.verilog comp.lang.vhdl comp.sys.mentor sci.electronics 13: Simulation programs tips/tricks/bugs Berkeley spice: Pspice: Hspice: If your simulation won't converge for a given DC input, you can ramp the input and print the DC operating point and then set the nodes that way for future simulations. A number of documents are available for information on BSIM model parame- ters: (from Mark Johnson, as posted to comp.lsi ) 1. The very best written description I have seen is in a software manual. The good news is that this manual is free; the bad news is that you have to buy the multi-thousand-dollar program in order to get the free manual. The program is HSPICE from Meta-Software Inc (Campbell, Calif., USA). The HSPICE User's Manual, chapter 7, gives all the details you'd ever want to know regarding BSIM parameters. 2. The second best description I have seen of BSIM is in, strangely enough, a manual for BSIM2 (!). It is available from the University of California at Berkeley. Telephone (510)-643-6687 and they will give you instructions on how to buy the manual. (They'll probably suggest that you might want to buy some software too). J.S. Duster, M.C. Jeng, P.K. Ko, and C. Hu, "Users Guide for the BSIM2 Parameter Extraction Program and the SPICE3 with BSIM Implementation" 3. You can learn some things about BSIM parameters by reading about pro- grams which extract the parameters from measured data. UC Berkeley offers several programs and manuals for this. The one that I person- ally prefer is M.C. Jeng, B.J. Sheu, and P.K. Ko: "BSIM Parameter Extraction - Algorithms and User's Guide," Memo No. UCB/ERL M85/79, 7 October 1985. 4. Next, look at Sheu's Ph.D. thesis. He is the guy who combined the Bell Labs CSIM model with a bunch of other published equations, and formulated BSIM. It's available from the same phone number. B.J. Sheu, "MOS Transistor Modelling and Characterization for Circuit Simulation", Memo No. UCB/ERL M85/85, 26 October 1985 5. The worst description (in +my+ opinion of course) is unfortunately in