Newsgroups: comp.lsi,comp.lsi.cad,news.answers,comp.answers Path:!!!agate!!altarrib!hemlock From: (Michael Altarriba) Subject: comp.lsi.cad Frequently Asked Questions With Answers (Part 2/4) [LONG] Message-ID: Followup-To: comp.lsi.cad Summary: This is a biweekly posting of frequently asked questions with answers the for comp.lsi / comp.lsi.cad newsgroups. It should be consulted before posting questions to comp.lsi or comp.lsi.cad. Keywords: FAQ Sender: (News Administrator) Supersedes: Reply-To: Organization: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis References: Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 23:02:50 GMT Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Lines: 677 Xref: comp.lsi:3070 comp.lsi.cad:3352 news.answers:11627 comp.answers:1675 Archive-name: lsi-cad-faq/part2 the most-accessible publication. To save space in the journal they left out some parameter discussions and (again in my opinion) produced a disjointed, not-fully- informative paper. Others may have different views, naturally. B.J. Sheu, D.L. Scharfetter, P-K Ko, M-C Jeng, "BSIM: Berkeley Short-Channel IGFET Model for MOS Transistors," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol SC-22, No. 4, August 1987, pp. 558-565. 14: Getting the latest version of the FAQ: Mail to with the subject "send faq". If you wish to be added to the FAQ mailing list, send a note to with subject heading 'Subscribe'. You will then have the FAQ regularly emailed to the return address of the note. Like- wise, use the subject heading 'Unsubscribe' to be removed from the list. This FAQ is now cross-posted to news.answers and comp.answers. This news- group is archived periodically on []. Postings are located in the anonymous ftp directory /pub/usenet/news.answers, and are archived as "lsi-cad-faq/part1" through "lsi-cad-faq/part4". 15: Converting from/to GDSII/CIF/Magic Magic version 6.3 is capable of reading and writting to all three for- mats. (From the magic man page): calma [option] [args] This command is used to read and write files in Calma GDS II Stream for- mat (version 3.0, corresponding to GDS II Release 5.1). This format is like CIF, in that it describes physical mask layers instead of Magic layers. In fact, the technology file specifies a correspondence between CIF and Calma layers. The current CIF output style (see cif ostyle) con- trols how Calma stream layers are generated from Magic layers. cif [option] [args] Read or write files in Caltech Intermediate Form (CIF). 16: CFI (CAD Framework Initiative Inc.) (From Randy Kirchhof ) CFI abridged FAQ guide for release 1.0 For those of you who may be unfamiliar with our work, The CAD Framework Initiative Inc. was formed in May 1988. We're located in Austin, TX, although we're a distributed company. We're a not-for-profit consortium formed under the laws of the state of Delaware. Our charter is to gain consensus from industry users, the academic community, and vendors, to develop guidelines for an industry acceptable CAD framework implementa- tion. A CAD framework is a software infrastructure which provides a common operating environment for CAD tools. Through a framework, a user should be able to launch and manage tools, create, organize, and manage data, graphically view the entire design process and perform design management tasks such as configuration management, version management, etc. CFI Release 1.0 started shipping in January. Q When can users buy CFI compliant tools? A Several vendors, some of which include Viewlogic, AT&T and very shortly Cadence Design are already shipping products which they claim are compliant to one or more of the 1.0 Standards. CFI has already begun certification audits and expects to begin awarding the first certification brand marks in the second quarter of 1993. We expect to see a rapid expansion of 1.0 compliant products beginning in the third quarter of 1993. Q How can the Standards be obtained? Are there any restrictions? A The 1.0 Standards, copyrighted by CFI, are available to members and non members priced as a set or individually through CFI Member Services. They will also being distributed under license by Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and Viewlogic as part of their product documentation. Versions of the 1.0 Standards are available on diskette in an electronic format. Q How do the CFI Standards relate to vendor framework programs like Mentor's Open Door, Viewlogic Power Team and Cadence Connection Partners - with so many point tool vendors participating, don't they have this problem solved? A The major EDA vendors have been and continue to be challenged by their customers over multi-vendor integration. These programs were a practical response by opening up their existing interfaces and providing services to assist integration. CFI 1.0, and future releases, will create a functional alternative to a growing subset of those interfaces so that the requirement that point tool ven- dors create partnership specific versions of their tool will decrease. Actually, the service provided through these programs will likely complement the CFI certification effort as these supplier's frameworks become fully certified. Contact: (Karen Buerkle, Member Services) (512) 338-3739 17: What synthesis systems are there? Thanks to Simon Leung , Michel Berkelaar , Noritake Yonezawa , Donald A Lobo , Greg Ward , Peter Duzy, Robert Walker , Heinrich Kraemer , Luciano Lavagno ADPS - Case Western Reserve University, USA - scheduling and data path allocation - Papachristou, C.A. et al.: "A Linear Program Driven Scheduling and Allocation Method Followed by an Interconnect Optimization Algorithm", Proc. of the 27th DAC, pp. 77-83, June 1990. ALPS/LYRA/ARYL - Tsing Hua University - scheduling and data path allocation - Lee, J-H: et al.: "A New Integer Linear Programming Formulation of the Scheduling Problem in Data Path Synthesis", Proc. of ICCAD89, pp. 20-23, November 1989. BDSYN - University of California, Berkeley, USA - FSM synthesis from DECSIM language for multilevel combination-logic realization - Brayton, R.: "Multiple-level Logic Optimization System", Proc. of IEEE ICCAD, Santa Clara, Nov. 1986 BECOME - AT & T Bell Labs, USA - FSM synthesis from C-like language for PLA, PLD and standard cell realization - Wei, R-S.: "BECOME: Behavior Level Circuit Synthesis Based on Structure Mapping", Proc. of 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 409-414, IEEE, 1988 BOLD - logic optimization - Bartlett, K. "Synthesis and Optimization of Multilevel Logic Under Timing Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, Vol 5, No 10, October 1986 BRIDGE - AT & T Bell Labs, USA - High-level synthesis FDL2-language descriptions - Tseng: "Bridge: A Versatile Behavioral Synthesis System", Proc. of 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 415-420, IEEE, 1988 CADDY - Karlsruhe University, Germany - behavioral synthesis using VHDL as the input/output language, based on data-flow analysis; automated component selection (allocation), scheduling, and assignment. Different architechture styles are supported, such as multiplexers vs busses and two-phase vs single phase clocks. - Camposano, R.: "Synthesing Circuits From Behavioral Descriptions", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1989 Rosenstiel, W., Kraemer, H.: "Scheduling and Assignment in High-Level Synthesis", in 'High-Level VLSI-Synthesis' R. Camposano, W. Wolf Ed. Kluwer, 1991 Gutberlet P., Mueller J., Kraemer H., Rosenstiel W.: "Automatic Module Allocation in High-level Synthesis", Proc. of 1st EURO-DAC, 1992 CALLAS - Siemens, Germany - highlevel, algortihmic and logic synthesis (contains CADDY, see above) - Koster, M. et al.: "ASIC Design Using the High-Level Synthesis System CALLAS: A Case Study", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD '90), pp. 141-146, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sept. 17-19, 1990 CAMAD - Linkoping University, Sweden - scheduling, data path allocation and iteration from a Pascal subset - Peng, Z.: "CAMAD: A Unified Data Path/ Control Synthesis Environment", Proc. of the IFIP Working Conference on Design Methodologies for VLSI and Computer Architecture, pp. 53-67, Sept. 1988. CARLOS - Karlsruhe University, Germany - multilevel logic optimization for CMOS realizations - Mathony, H-J.: "CARLOS: An Automated Multilevel Logic Design System for CMOS Semi-Custom Integrated Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, Vol 7, No 3, pp. 346-355, March 1988 CATHEDRAL - Univ. of Leuve, Phillips and Siemens, Belgium - synthesis of DSP-circuits from algorithm descriptions - De Man, H.: "Architecture-Driven Synthesis Techiques for VLSI Implementation of DSP Algorithms", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 78, NO. 2, pp. 319, February 1990 CATREE - Univ. of Waterloo, Canada - scheduling and data path allocation - Gebotys, C.H.: "VLSI Design Synthesis with Testability", Proc. of the 25th DAC, pp. 16-21, June 1988 CHARM - AT & T Bell Labs., USA - data-path synthesis - Woo, N-S.: "A Global, Dynamic Register Allocation and Binding for a Data Path Synthesis System", Proc. of the 27th DAC, pp. 505-510, June 1990. CMU-DA (2) - Carnagie-Mellon University, USA - behavioral synthesis from ISPS - Thomas, D.: "Linking the Behavioral and Structural Domains of Representation for Digital System Design", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 103-110, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1987 CONES - AT & T Bell Labs, USA - FSM synthesis, produces 2-level logic realizations (truth-table) - Stroud, C.E.: "CONES: A System for Automated Synthesis of VLSI and programmable logic from behavioral models", Proc. of IEEE ICCAD, Santa Clara, Nov. 1986. DAGAR - University of Texas, Austin, USA. - scheduling and data-path allocation - Raj. V.K.: "DAGAR: An Automatic Pipelined Microarchitecture Synthesis System", Proc. of ICCD '89, pp. 428-431, October 1989. DELHI - IIT - design iteration, scheduling and data path allocation - Balakrishnan, M. et al.: "Integrated Scheduling and Binding: A Synthesis Approach for Design Space Exploration", Proc. of the 26th DAC, pp. 68-74, June 1989 DESIGN AUTOMATION ASSISTANT (DAA) - AT & T Bell Labs, USA - expert system for data path synthesis - Kowalski, T.J. "The VLSI Desig Automation Assistant: An Architecture Compiler", Silicon Compilation, pp. 122-152, Addison-Wesley, 1988 ELF - Carleton University, Canada - scheduling and data path allocation - Girczyc, E.F. et al.: "Applicability of a Subset of Ada as an Algorithmic Hardware Description Language for Graph-Based Hardware Compilation", IEEE Trans. on CAD, pp. 134-142, April 1985. EUCLID - Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands - logic synthesis - Berkelaar, Michel R.C.M. and Theeuwen, J.F.M., "Real Area-Powe-Delay Trade-off in the EUCLID Logic Synthesis System" , proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 1990, Boston MA USA, pp 14.3.1 ff EXLOG - NEC Corporation, Japan - expert system, synthesizes gate level circuits from FDL descriptions - M. Watanabe, et al.,: "EXLOG: An Expert System for Logic Synthesis in Full-Custom VLSI Design", Proc. of 2nd Int. Conf. Application of Artificial Intelligence, August 1987. FACE/PISYN - General Electric, USA - FACE: high-level synthesis tools and a tool framework, PISYN: synthesis of pipelined architecture DSP systems (mostly) - Smith, W.D. et al.: "FACE Core Environment: The Model and it's Application in CAE/CAD Tool Development", Proc. of the 26th DAC, pp. 466-471, June 1989. FLAMEL - Stanford University, USA - data path and control-logic synthesis from Pascal description - Trickey, H. "Flamel: A High-Level Hardware Compiler", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, Vol 6, No 2, March 1987. HAL - Carleton University, Canada - data path synthesis - Paulin, P.: "Force-Directed Scheduling for the Behavioral Synthesis of ASIC's", IEEE Transaction on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 661, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1989. HARP - NTT, Japan - scheduling and data path-allocation from FORTRAN - Tanaka, T. et al.: "HARP: Fortran to Silicon", IEEE Trans. on CAD, pp. 649-660, June 1989. HYPER - UCB, USA - synthesis for realtime applications (scheduling, allocation, module binding, controller design) - Chu, C-M. et al.: "HYPER: An Interactive Synthesis Environment for Real Time Applications", Proc. of ICCD '89, pp. 432-435, October 1989 IMBSL/RLEXT - Univ. of Illinois, USA - data-path allocation, RTL-level design - Knapp D.W.: "Manual Rescheduling and Incremental Repair of Register Level Data Paths", Proc. of ICCAD '89, pp.58-61, November 1989. LSS (Logic Synthesis System) - IBM, USA - logic synthesis and optimization from many RTL-languages - Darringer, J. et al. "LSS: A System for Production Logic Synthesis", IBM Journal of Research and Developement, vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 272-280, Sept 1984. MAHA - University of Southern California, USA - data path synthesis - Parker, A.C. "MAHA: A Program for Data Path Synthesis", Proc. 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 252-258, IEEE 1986. MIMOLA - University of Dortmund, Germany - scheduling, data-path allocation and controller design - Marwedel, P. "Matching System And Component Behavior in MIMOLA Synthesis Tools", Proc. of EDAC '90, pp. 146-156, March 1990. OLYMPUS/HERCULES - Stanford University, USA - behavioral synthesis from C-language (HERCULES), logic and physical synthesis - De Micheli, G.: "HERCULES - A System for High-Level Synthesis", Proceedings of the 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 483-488, IEEE 1988 SEHWA - University of Southern California, USA - pipeline-realizations from behavioral descriptions - Park, N. "SEWHA: A Program for Synthesis of Pipelines", Proc. 23rd ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 454-460, IEEE 1986. SIEMENS' SYNTHESIS SYSTEM - Siemens, Germany - partitioning, data path allocation and scheduling - Scheichenzuber, J. et al.: "Global Hardware Synthesis from Behavioral Dataflow Descriptions", Proc. of the 27th DAC, pp. 456-461, June 1990. SIS (formerly MIS (II/MV)) - University of California, Berkeley, USA - synthesis and verification system for sequential logic - E. M. Sentovich, K. J. Singh, L. Lavagno, C. Moon, R. Murgai, A. Saldanha, H. Savoj, P. R. Stephan, R. K. Brayton, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli: "SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis", Tech report UCB/ERL M92/41, University of California, Berkeley, CA, May 1992 SOCRATES - General Electric, University of Colorado, USA - expert system - logic optimization and mapping for different technologies - de Geus, A.J., "The Socrates Logic Synthesis and Optimization System", Design Systems for VLSI Circuits, pp. 473-498, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987. SPAID - Universty of Waterloo, Canada - DSP-synthesis for silicon compiler realizations - Haroun, B.: "Architectural Synthesis for DSP Silicon Compilers", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 431-447, Vol. 8, No 4, April 1989. SYNFUL - Bell-Northern Research, Canada - RTL and FSM synthesis for a production environment - G. Ward, "Logic Synthesis at BNR: A SYNFUL Story", Proceedings Canadian Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, October 1990. SYSTEM ARCHITECT'S WORKBENCH - Carnagie-Mellon University, USA - behavioral synthesis - Thomas, D. "The System Architect's Workbench", Proceedings of the 25th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pp. 337-343, IEEE 1988 UCB'S SYNTHESIS SYSTEM - UCB, USA - transformations, scheduling and data path allocation - Devadas, S.: "Algorithms for Hardware Allocation in Data Path Synthesis", IEEE Trans. on CAD, pp. 768-781, July 89 SPLICER - University of Illinois, USA - scheduling and data-path allocation - Pangrle, B.M.: "Splicer: A Heuristic Approach to Connectivity Binding", Proc. of the 25th DAC, pp. 536-541, June 1988. V COMPILER - IBM, USA - scheduling and data path allocation from V-language - Berstis, V: "The V Compiler: Automatic Hardware Design", IEEE Design and Test, pp. 8-17, April 1989. VSS - Univ. of California at Irvine, USA - transformations, scheduling and data path allocation from VHDL to MILO - Lis, J. et al.: "Synthesis from VHDL", Proc. ICCD'88, pp. 378-381, October 1988. YORKTOWN SILICON COMPILER - IBM T.J.Watson Research Centre, USA - data path synthesis, logic synthesis etc. - Brayton, R.K., et al. "The Yorktown Silicon Compiler", Silicon Compilation, pp. 204-311, Addison-Wesley, 1988 18: What free tools are there available, and what can they do? (This section can be viewed as a cross reference to the detailed descrip- tion of software that follows.) Analog VLSI and Neural Systems: Caltech VLSI CAD Tools Automated place and route: octtools, Lager Digital design environment: Galaxy CAD Lsi (polygon) schematic capture: magic, octtools(vem) Layout Verification: caltech tools (netcmp), gemini (Washington Univerity), wellchk (MUG) PCB auto/manual place and route: PADS pcb, PCB (Just for testing lsi designs, of course :) Simulation: irsim(comes with magic), esim, pspice, isplice3, watand, switcap2 Synthesis: octtools, blis, Lager, item, (see section on synthesis) Standard schematic capture: PADS logic, PSPICE for windows 19: What Berkeley Tools are available for anonymous ftp? available from (pub) adore: switched capacitor layout generator. (Requires Octtools 5.1 to compile.) bdd: road: analog layout router sis: simplifies both sum-of-products and generic multi-level boolean expressions; it includes many tools including espresso, bdd ext2spice: enhanced ext2spice for use with magic available from (pub/misc) espresso: simplifies sum-of-products boolean expressions 20: What Berkeley Tools are available through ILP? (From MUG 20 Contributed by Carol Block of U. C. Berkeley) A new version of the popular circuit simulator, Spice3F2, is now avail- able from the Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) Office at the University of California, Berkeley. A new release of Octtools will be forthcoming in 1993. Enclosed is a list of software distributed by this office. Adore, BBL.2, Berkeley Building-Block Layout System, Berkeley Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Parameter Extraction Program for BSIM, Parameter Extraction for BSIM2, Bear-FP, Bert, BLIS, Spice 2G with BSIM Implementation, Cider, Ditroff/Gremlin, Ecstasy, EDIF 2 0 0, Elogic, ES1:Electrostatis 1-Dimensional Periodic Plasma, Franz Lisp, Gabriel, Glitter, IBC: Traveling-Wave-Tube Simulation, IEEE-754 Test Vector, Jsim, Jspice, Lanso, Magic-X11R3-Patch, Magic 1990 Decwrl/Livermore Release, Mahjong, Mighty, Octtools, Parmex Pix-Parmex, Plasma Device Simulation Codes, PLA Tools, Proteus, Ptolemy, Relax, Ritual, Sample, Sample-3D, Additional SAMPLE Documentation, Simpl-IPX and Simpl System 5, SIS, SPAM, Sparse, Spectre, Spice 2G6, Spice 3F2, Additional SPICE Documentation, Splat, Splice 3.0, Supercrystal, SWEC, Tempest, TimberWolf 3.2, Tsize, 1986 VLSI Tools, Wombat. Within a few weeks, a new catalog will be available via anonymous FTP. Users will also be able to obtain forms, ordering instruc- tions and some software via this means. Generally, recipients will have to com- plete an Agreement Form and pay a documentation and handling fee of about $250 per program. ILP can now distribute most of its programs in a variety of media, including: QIC-120, QIC-150, QIC-320, 8mm (2.2 gig), TK 50 (DEC tape for- mat), 9-track 1600 bpi and 9-track 6250 bpi. Visa and Mastercard ord- ers will be accepted on-line by 1993. Most of the software may be freely redistributed either within an organi- zation or to other organiza- tions, both within the United States and abroad, subject to the certain restrictions, including all U.S. Government restrictions, particu- larly those concerning ex- port. For additional information, contact: Industrial Liaison Program 205 Cory Hall Software Distribution Office University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 TEL: (510) 643-6687 FAX: (510) 643-6694 21: Berkeley Spice (Current version 3f2) (From spice_info on Acquiring Spice 3f2 For more information on how to acquire Spice3f2, please send your physi- cal mailing address to "" and request a software catalog. This will give you all of the necessary information for order- ing Spice3f2 and other Berkeley CAD software, including an order form and use agreements. At last check, the cost for spice3f2 was $250.00 (this price may change without notice). Systems supported and Formats Supplied Spice3f2 has been compiled on the following systems: Ultrix 4, RISC or VAX SunOS 4, Sun3 or Sun4 AIX V3, RS/6000 HP-UX 8.0, 9000/700 MS-DOS on the IBM PC, using MicroSoft C 5.1 or later The following systems have been successfully tested either in the past or by someone outside of UC Berkeley. Dynix 3.0, Sequent Symmetry or Balance (does _not_ take advantage of parallelism) HP-UX 7.0, 9000/300 Irix 3.2, SGI Personal Iris NeXT 2.0 Apple MacIntosh, Using Think C Spice3f2 is distributed in source form only. The C compiler "gcc" has been used successfully to compile spice3f2, as well as the standard com- pilers for the systems listed above. Spice3 displays graphs under X11, PostScript, or a graphics-terminal independent library, or as a crude, spice2-like line-printer plot. On the IBM PC, CGA, EGA, and VGA displays are supported through the Micro- Soft graphics library. Note in particular that there is no Suntools interface. Note the the X11 interface to Spice3 expects realease 4 or later, and requires the "Athena Widgets Toolkit" ("Xaw") which may be available only in the "unsupported" portion of your vendor software. A version of "OpenWindows" has problems due to undefined routines during linking -- linking with a null copy of these routines has reportedly worked, but "OpenWindows" has not been tested in any way for this release. Note that for practical performance a math co-processor is required for an IBM PC based on the 286 processor. A math co-processor is also recom- mended for the more advanced IBM PC systems. (from posting to comp.lsi.cad) The Windows NT port of spice3e2, Spice32, is available via ftp from site, /pub/pc/win3/nt. Filename is A similar port of nutmeg is included. (from Robert Zeff ) I have updated my Spice32 / Nutmeg32 for Windows NT. It is now up to Berkeley's 3f2 level and supports copy to clipboard of enhanced meta files. You can ftp it from ( Get all of the files in the pub/spice directory. The Unix distribution comes on 1/2" 9-track tape in "tar" format, TK50 tape (DEC tape), or QIC-150 1/4" cartridge tape (Sun cartridge tape). The MS-DOS distribution comes on several 3.5" floppy diskettes (both high and low density) in the standard MS-DOS format. The contents of both distributions are identical, including file names. New features in 3f2 The following is a list of new features and fixes from the previous major release of Spice3 (3e.2) (see the user's manual for details): AC and DC Sensitivity. MOS3 discontinuity fix ("kappa"). Added a new JFET fitting parameter. Minor initial conditions fix. Rewritten or fixed "show" and "trace" commands. New interactive commands "showmod" and "alter". Minor bug-fixes to the Pole-Zero analysis. Miscellaneous bug fixes in the front end. Additional features since release 3d.2 are: Lossy transmission line model (not available under MS-DOS). Proper calculation of sheet resistance in MOS models. A new command ("where") to aid in debugging troublesome circuits. Smith-chart plots improved. Arbitrary sources in subcircuits handled correctly. Arbitrary source reciprocal calculations and DC biasing now done correctly. Minor bug-fixes to the Pole-Zero analysis. Miscellaneous bug fixes in the front end. A Note on Version Numbering Spice versions are numbered "NXM", where "N" is a number representing the major release (as in re-write), "X" is a letter representing a feature change reflected by a change in the documentation, and "M" is a number indicating a minor revision or bug-patch number. FTP Access and Upgrades There is no anonymous ftp access for the Spice3 source(see below). The manual for spice3f2 (in it's postscript format) is available via anonymous ftp from "" in the directory "pub/spice3/". If you are interested in the troff/me source, contact the email address below (the "make" files and whatnot are some- what cumbersome for the manual). Patches or upgrades for Spice3 are _not_ normally supplied, however we have made exceptions to this rule, particularly in the case of minor ver- sion changes (such as 3f2 to 3f3). Email Address for Problems Please direct technical inquiries to "" or "spice-" (for now these addresses are the same), and ordering or redistribution queries to "". If you find that your email to "spice" or "spice-bugs" doesn't get a response in a few days, resend your message. (from Jim Nance ) Hello all circuits people. I have uploaded source and binaries for Spice 2g6 to As you are probably aware, spice is a circuit simulator, written at Berkeley. Ver- sion 2g6 was released in 1983. The current Berkeley version is approxi- matly Spice 3f2, however, Berkeley does not want this distributed. Source code for Spice 3e2 did escape from Berkeley and was ported to Linux (and a lot of other platforms). This code has been removed from anonymous FTP servers, and is therefore no longer available. Berkeley does publish the source code for Spice 2g6. I obtained the source code for Spice from a 386BSD ftp site. The code compiled cleanly, with only minor changes to the Makefile being required. I also included an ASCII spice manual which I have found helpful. 22: Octtools (Current version 5.1) (From the ANNOUNCE-5.1 that comes with it) Octtools is a collection of programs and libraries that form an integrated system for IC design. The system includes tools for PLA and multiple-level logic synthesis, state assignment, standard-cell, gate- matrix and macro-cell placement and routing, custom-cell design, circuit, switch and logic-level simulation, and a variety of utility programs for manipulating schematic, symbolic, and geometric design data. Most tools are integrated with the Oct data manager and the VEM user interface. The software requires UNIX, the window system X11R4 including the Athena Widget Set. The design manager VOV and a few other tools require the C++ compiler g++. Octtools-5.1 have been built and tested on the following combinations of machines and operating systems: DECstation 3100, 5000 running Ultrix 4.1 and 4.2; DEC VAX running Ultrix 4.1 and 4.2; Sun 3 and 4 running OS 4.0 and Sun SparcStation running OS 4.0. The program has been tried on the following machines, but is not supported: Sequent Symmetry, IBM RS/6000 running AIX 3.1. To obtain a copy of Octtools 5.1 (8mm, tk50, or 1/4inch cartridge QIC150) and a printed copy of the documentation) for a $250 distribution charge, see section on Berkeley ILP. Questions may be directed to 23: Ptolemy (Current version 0.4):