Ver 1.0
August 31th, 2000

Section 1: Microsoft DirectX
Section 2: Windows NT/2000
Section 3: Background Applications
Section 4: Autoplay
Section 5: Uninstall
Section 6: Game Instructions
Section 7: Changes from User Guide
Section 8: Other Troubleshooting
Section 9: Legal Information
Section 10: Mega Thanks


Thank you for playing Battleship SURFACE THUNDER, the ultimate in ship warfare!

Section 1: Microsoft DirectX

Battleship SURFACE THUNDER is a Microsoft DirectX application. Microsoft DirectX Version 7.0a is included on the CD and you have the option to install it when Battleship is installed. You can re-install it by running the Autoload program on the Battleship CD.

If you have difficulty running Windows 95/98/2000 after these new Microsoft DirectX drivers have been installed, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary, or write:

Microsoft Customer Sales and Service,
One Microsoft Way,
Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

USA telephone: 1-800-426-9400
International telephone: ++1-206-882-8080

Section 2: Windows NT/2000

Battleship SURFACE THUNDER requires Windows NT 2000 or later to be installed in order to work with Windows NT.

Section 3: Background Applications

It is strongly recommended that Battleship SURFACE THUNDER be the only foreground application running. This will allow Windows to devote all of its resources to Battleship for better game play.

Section 4: AutoPlay

If your CD does not "AutoPlay" when inserted in the drive, you may have this feature disabled. To enable Autoplay:

Section 5: Uninstall

Uninstalling Battleship will not remove your configuration, display settings or career files. These files are created by the game and can only be removed manually.

Section 6: Game Instructions

The following document is designed to provide the reader with the basic understanding of gameplay and control for Classic & Arcade gameplay. Furthermore, it describes how to change from software to hardware.

6.A. How to change the game's render mode

6.B. How to play a game of Classic Battleship
6.C. How to play Arcade Battleship
Sidewinder/Xterminator Fire Forward X
Fire Backward A
Fire Right R1
Fire Left L1
Fire Power-up B
Cycle Power-up Y
Steer Right D-pad Right
Steer Left D-pad Left
Speed Up D-pad Up
Slow Down D-pad Down
Map Toggle Z
Keyboard Fire Forward W
Fire Right D
Fire Left A
Fire Backward S
Fire Power-up E
Cycle Power-up Q
Map Toggle M
Left Turn Left
Right Turn Right
Speed Up Up
Speed Down Down
Ahead Full Shift+UP
All Stop Shift+DOWN
Camera Zoom In Add
Camera Zoom Out Sub
General Gameplay Pause Menu Esc
Quit Game Alt-X

Section 7: Changes from the User Guide

7.a. General
7.b.Classic Multiplayer
7.c. Arcade Mode

Section 8: Other Troubleshooting

8.A. Video
If you are experiencing problems viewing the introduction video, you can skip the video by adding the following command line option to Battleship.

8.B. Lastest drivers
You can get the latest drivers for your video card from the web site of the chipset manufacturers:
8.C. IPX Multiplayer
If you do not have IPX Network drivers installed, selecting LAN / IPX will display a windows dialog box error. Just click 'OK' to continue. You can not play a LAN/IPX game with out the IPX Network drivers. See your Operating System manuals for installing IPX Network drivers.

8.D. Unsupported Devices
Hercules video cards and Hercules 3D video cards are not supported by Battleship SURFACE THUNDER

Section 9: Legal Information

(C) 2000, Hasbro Interactive, Inc. (C)2000, Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Section 10: MEGA THANKS!

Hasbro Interactive would like to further thank the Hunt Valley QA group, and the Beverly QA group, along with everyone at Meyer-Glass Hunt Valley and Meyer Glass Chicago for their hard work and late nights. We would also like to thank all the family members and loved ones of everyone involved for enduring the extra effort... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!