================================================================================================================ Deer Hunter 2005 - Console Commands Help During the Game ================================================================================================================ >>> During the game, you can open the game console by pressing the tilde (~) key (below the [Esc] key). The most important available commands are: /Quit Exits the game, returning to Windows. /Help Lists all console commands. /MatchSingle {optional parameters} Starts a single-player match. The optional parameters are: -Location:{map name} -Season:{season} /MatchHost {optional parameters} Starts a multi-player match. The optional parameters are the same as described in the document named "Dedicated Server Help.txt". /Connect {address} Connects to a multiplayer host computer using the given ip address. /Playback {filename} Starts playing a previously recorded game, with the given filename. /Wildlife {optional parameters} Starts the wildlife observation mode. The optional parameters are: -Location:{map name} -Season:{season} /MatchFinish Finishes the single-player, multi-player, wildlife or playback modes, returning to the main menu. /InitGame When a single or multi-player match was started, you can initialize a new game using this command. /FinishGame When a single or multi-player game is started, you can finish the game using this command. In the multiplayer case it will finish the level and return to the chat screen (will not shutdown the server). /RecStart {filename} Starts recording a game with the given filename. /RecStop Stops the game recording. /RecCancel Cancels the game recording. /Callvote {type} {parameter} Starts a vote. The callvote types are: Finish, Change_map, Time_limit, Game_type, Kick, Ban The parameter changes according to type. "Finish" doesn't requires a parameter. "Change_map" requires a location name and season, separated by comma. "Time_limit" needs a number from 0 to 1000, which is the number of minutes you want (zero is no time limit). "Game_type" will accept "Best_Trophy", "Most_Points" or "First_Trophy". "Kick" and "Ban" require a player name or player id, using the notation . /Yes If a vote is in progress, casts an "yes". /No If a vote is in progress, casts a "no". /ChangeMap {location, season} Changes the current location, with the given location and optional season. This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /TimeLimit {minutes} Changes the current time-limit to the given number of minutes, from 0 to 1000 (zero means no time-limit). This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /GameType {type} Changes the current game type ("Best_Trophy", "Most_Points" or "First_Trophy"). This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /Kick {player name or id} Kicks the given player by name or id (if using the id, replace it by "n" in the notation ). This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /Ban {player name or id} Banishes the given player by name or id (if using the id, replace it by "n" in the notation ). This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /UnkickAll Cleans up the list of kicked players which can't join the current game. This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /UnbanAll Cleans up the list of banned players which can't join the current match. This command only works if you are in a multi-player match, and you are the host computer. /ListPlayers Lists all the connected players. ================================================================================================================ (C) 2004 Southlogic Studios, represented exclusively by BizDev, Inc. All Rights Reserverd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Manufactured and marketed by Atari, Inc., New York, NY. ================================================================================================================