Master of Orion II Revision history Known bugs - Auto Tactical Combat can not be disabled by clicking the "Auto" button or pressing "A". Clicking anywhere else does disable it. - Ships trapped by black hole generators are not "Immobilized" as they should be in Tactical Combat. - Capturing ships in Tactical Combat sometimes causes a hang at the end of the combat round. Ver 1.5 - Removed Draw Sprocket and Display Manger dependancies. - No longer switches monitor resolution on launch. - Added support for forcing movies to run in 256 colors by holding down the Option key on launch. - Fixed bad port when playing Quicktime movies which could cause crashes in some situations. - Added option to disable the "Antaran Attack" movie. - Fixed drawing of background in Information screens. - Fixed (added) scrollbars in Fleet Officer screen. - Fixed intermittent hanging when pausing game. - Fixed hidden cursor while game paused. - Fixed bug introduced in V1.4 which caused race pictures to not be drawn when eliminated. - Fixed Officers screen drawing bugs introduced by V1.4 speed improvements. - Improved mouse response on detailed ship information popup (Fleet and Officers screens, and Tactical Combat - Scan). - Fixed Auto button in combat so it can be disabled by clicking anywhere else on the screen. - Fixed bug in colony list screen which caused planet names to be drawn over each other. - Fixed update flash on banner selection screen. - Improved mouse response on Game Menu and all associated sub menus. - Fixed screen updating problems in build list with Colony Bases. - Fixed Tactical Combat bug with damaged ships which showed as "Immobilized" but weren't. - Fixed all references to Left & Right clicking and ALT keys (data file change). - Fixed highlighting stuff for designing ships broken in V1.4. - Fixed "What Ship ?" and "What ?" cursors so hotpoint is in center. - Essentially re-wrote the "Repeat Build" UI support from scratch. - Fixed networking support for TCP/IP Games over the internet. - Fixed a number of buffer overwrites which where causing damaged heaps and miscellaneous crashes. Ver 1.4 - Introduced processor specific optimized builds. - Added support for disabling movies by holding down the Control key on launch. - Changed startup test to work with monitors that don't support 640X480 mode. - Fixed stack overflow crash on 68k machines at the Construction Orders screen. - Improved mouse movement on most screens. - Improved drawing speed of many screens. Ver 1.3.1 - Original release.