Divide By Zero Errors - #4207 Divide by Zero error messages are most often caused by a corrupt or poorly designed font. Corel VENTURA creates a font width table according to the font metrics of your system as seen by the default printer. The overall operating conditions of the program can be affected if one or more of the fonts detected by the width table are either corrupt or poorly designed. While building the width table, if Corel VENTURA encounters an invalid font metric or a corrupt font, a Divide by Zero error can occur. Note: For detailed information about width tables, look in your Corel VENTURA Reference Manual starting on page 5-15, or request document # 4208. If the Divide by Zero error occurred during the building of a width table, it is necessary to determine which font(s) caused the error, remove it from the system and either re-install it, in the case of corruption, or take it off the system to avoid future incompatibilities, in the case of poorly designed fonts. Since Corel VENTURA evaluates all fonts registered on a system, some third party fonts, their technologies or fonts provided as downloadable for printers etc., may be problematic. To view the fonts installed on your system simply go to the Windows Control Panel for True Type fonts or to the Adobe Type Manager (ATM) for Type 1 fonts. Please refer to your MS Windows User Guide and/or your Adobe Type Manager User Guide for instructions on managing fonts on your system. Unless you have an idea of which font(s) may be bad, use the process of elimination to identify the font(s) causing the error. Both the Control Panel and ATM have the ability to globally disable fonts. This is the quickest way of determining which type of font you are looking for, True Type or Type 1. Another method is to try duplicating the error message by rebuilding the width table. As the width table rebuilds, each system font's name briefly displays on the screen. As each new name appears, it indicates that the fonts named previously are alright. If and when the error is repeated, note the last font name displayed. This gives you a good indication as to where to begin searching. After you have located and removed or reinstalled the offending font(s), restart Windows for the changes to take effect. If after following these suggestions the problem still persists, contact Corel Technical Support. Copyright © 1996 Corel Corporation. Last Updated: 29 May, 1996