Design Gallery - #4210 Corel VENTURA 4.2 comes with pre-defined stylesheets designed to help with document creation. There are two distinct sets of stylesheets, the Examples set and the Design Gallery. The Examples set is contained in the \COREL40\CORELVP\TYPESET directory and are provided for training purposes. The second set, called Design Gallery, is more extensive. These files are sample chapters of professionally produced documents. Simply load the chapter and alter the text and graphics as necessary for your particular application or apply just the stylesheet to your document. When installed, this collection of files is located in the \COREL40\CORELVP\TYPESET\VPSTYLE directory. Note: The directory paths provided are the defaults created during the installation process. If custom locations were defined during installation then use the assigned directory to locate the Example and/or Design Gallery files. Installing Design Gallery Design Gallery is not installed by default. To install the Design Gallery chapters, run the Setup program and choose a Custom install. From the Custom installation screen, select Design Gallery and then click on the Select button. A list of Design Gallery Categories (Academic, Business, etc...) will become available. Select the category containing the desired chapter(s), then select the chapter(s). Repeat this selection process for each of the chapters you wish to load. After selecting the chapter(s) you wish loaded at this time, click on Continue. Once installed, load the chapter and/or stylesheet using the same method used with any other chapter or stylesheet. Note: This is the only method for installing the Design Gallery as the paths in the chapters are updated to reflect your system during the installation. Do not copy the files directly from the CD-ROM as associated indexes or pointers may be missed. Copyright © 1996 Corel Corporation. Last Updated: 29 May, 1996