Printing Issues Under Windows '95 - #4214 Issues when printing using a 32 bit printer driver When running under Windows '95 you may encounter difficulties printing to 32 bit drivers. If you encounter difficulties you may want to try installing a 16 bit Windows 3.x printer driver. In most cases where there is compatibility issues with 32 bit drivers - no output to the printer has been achieved. If you are able to produce some output to a printer you are probably not encountering compatibility issues with 32 bit drivers. To install Windows 3.x printer drivers in Windows 95, try the following: Step 1 - Select My Computer | Printers | Add Printer | Next | select Local Printer or Network Printer and then choose the Next button | select your printer from the Manufacturers & Printers list. Step 2 - If your printer is listed with "(Windows 3.X Drivers)" beside it as indicated below: NEC Silentwriter2 990 (Windows 3.X Drivers) ...then proceed with Step 3. If your printer driver is not listed with the "(Windows 3.X Drivers)" beside it, please go to Step 4 Step 3 a. Ensure that the printer with the "(Windows 3.X Drivers)" is selected and follow the printer name/description, then choose Next. If you're installing a printer driver for a printer which you already have installed (which is likely the case), then you may be prompted to Keep or Replace the current printer driver. In which case you should choose to Replace the current driver and then choose the Next option. b. Choose the appropriate port to connect the printer to, and choose Next. c. Accept or change the Printer Name and decide whether you wish to set this printer as the Default, then choose Next. d. Choose whether you wish to print a test page or not, then choose Finish. e. At this point, you will be prompted for your Windows 3.X diskette #6 (installing the 3.58 version PS driver is preferred, if you have WFW 3.11 diskettes, then the 3.58 driver should install by default and if you have Windows 3.1 diskettes, then you'll likely end up installing the 3.50 driver, in which case you would be better off obtaining a diskette containing the 3.58 driver). f. During the installation of this driver you will be prompted that the PSCRIPT.DRV file being installed is older than the current one already installed. At this point you must choose Not to Keep the newer (version 4.0.950) driver, otherwise the Windows 3.X PS driver will not be installed. Step 4 a. If your printer driver is not listed with "(Windows 3.X Drivers)" following the name/description, then you must select Have Disk before choosing your printer from the Manufacturers & Printers list. b. At this point, you will be prompted for your Windows 3.X diskette (likely diskette #6). Installing the 3.58 version PS driver is preferred, if you have WFW 3.11 diskettes, then the 3.58 driver should install by default and if you have Windows 3.1 diskettes, then you'll likely end up installing the 3.50 driver, in which case you would be better off obtaining a diskette containing the 3.58 driver). c. Once Windows 95 has found the proper diskette, you will be returned to the Manufacturers & Printers list, at which point you must select your printer from the Manufacturers & Printers list and then proceed to select the Next button. d. If you're installing a printer driver for a printer which you already have installed (which is likely the case), then you may be prompted to Keep or Replace the current printer driver, in which case you should choose to Replace the current driver and then proceed to choose Next button. e. Choose the appropriate port to connect the printer to, and choose Next. f. Accept or change the Printer Name and decide whether you wish to set this printer as the Default, then choose the Next option. g. Choose whether you wish to print a test page or not, then choose Finish. At this point, the driver should begin to install from the diskette. During the installation of this driver you will be prompted that the PSCRIPT.DRV file being installed is older than the current one already installed. At this point you must choose not to keep the newer (version 4.0.950) driver, otherwise the Windows 3.X PS driver will not be installed. Note: In the future, if you need the Windows 95 driver (version 4.0.950) you will need to reinstall it, using this similar method. Margins are not retaining their settings when printing under the European version of Windows ‘95 When running Ventura 4.2 under the European version of Windows ‘95 margins may retain the same settings when you print. The margins that display on the printout may not correspond with the margins that have been set within the page layout. To correct the problem you need to modify the target path within the program properties under the shortcut tab. Step 1 - Select the Corel Ventura 4.2 program icon, choose File | Options | Shortcut | Target Step 2 - Your target path should look something like this: C:\COREL40\CORELVP\CORELVP.EXE /I=C:\COREL40\PREF Step 3 - Remove the /I=C:\COREL40\PREF section. Your target path should now look like the following: C:\COREL40\CORELVP\CORELVP.EXE By removing /I=C:\COREL40\PREF section the issue with margins not holding when printing should now be solved. Copyright © 1996 Corel Corporation. Last Updated: 11 June, 1996