# 5507- "Too many Files Open" Error Message The error message "Too Many Files Open", or "Initialization Failure" when launching Corel VENTURA 5 may be generated, if SHARE.EXE is loading in the AUTOEXEC.BAT, and VSHARE.386 has been disabled. Corel VENTURA 5 requires that VSHARE.386 be active. If the setup requires that you do not use VSHARE.386, adjust the SHARE.EXE line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT as follows: 1. Backup the AUTOEXEC.BAT file located in the root directory of the boot drive. 2. Using Notepad, open the AUTOEXEC.BAT, and locate the following line: \DOS\SHARE.EXE Note: The path may differ. 3. If this line does not exist, add using the correct path to SHARE.EXE, and include the following parameter. If this line does exist, append the parameter as follows: C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /L:500 /F:5100 4. Click File, Save, and exit Notepad. 5. Reboot the computer.