# 5522- Issues Opening and Printing Chapters Corrupt Components of a Publication or Chapter file If you are having difficulties opening or printing one or more publications or chapters, one of the component files may be corrupt. To determine if the publication or chapter has become corrupt, perform the following procedures: Note: Before continuing, ensure you have made proper backups of all publication/chapter and all component files that are contained within the publication/chapter. 1. Where is the problem? If your publication contains more than one chapter, one particular chapter may be causing the problem. To determine this, try opening another chapter in the publication. If it opens, then it could be something that is isolated to the one particular chapter. If you cannot open any chapters in that publication, or you have only one chapter, the .PUB file may be corrupt or it could also be a common element that is shared by every chapter in the publication. 2. Determining if the publication or chapter file is corrupt. Create a new publication, and click Layout, Add Existing Chapter. If the chapter opens, then the problem may be associated with the publication file ( .PUB). If this procedure works, click File, Save As, and save with a new file name. 3. Common elements. Do the chapters or publications share a style sheet, a text file or graphic? You can also rule out certain components of the chapter in the same way. For example, if you can open a chapter that uses the same style sheet as the chapter that will not open, then you can assume the style sheet is not the problem. 4. Isolating and troubleshooting Component files Style Sheet. The style sheet is often named the same as the chapter. Otherwise, you will have to check the Publication Manager in Corel VENTURA to determine the name of the style sheet, and where it is located. In File Manager, or Explorer, rename the style sheet with the extension .ST_. Rename the DEFAULT.STY to the original style sheet. This may temporarily change the look of your document. The default style sheet is located in \COREL50\VENTURA\TYPESET. If it is not on the hard drive, it can be found on CD-ROM # 1. Try opening the chapter. If it opens, the style sheet is corrupt. To correct this, try using the backup style sheet by following the steps later in this document. However, if the backups are also corrupt, you may have to rebuild the style sheet. 5. Isolating and troubleshooting Graphics and Text files. You can find the corrupt file by eliminating files one by one. Start with the graphics files To find out which files are in the chapter, and where they are, use the Publication Manager. In the File Manager, or Explorer, rename a graphics file by changing the last letter of the file. Open the chapter. A message will prompt you that the file is missing. However, if the file opens/prints, then you know which file is corrupt. You can then try using backup files as described later in this document. Otherwise, the file must be recreated. 6. Isolating and troubleshooting .CAP files. A .CAP file contains information that has been typed directly into Corel VENTURA'S free frame. Not all chapters contain .CAP files. To find out if the chapter has a .CAP file, and where it is located, use the Publication Manager. In the File Manager, or Explorer, change the extension to .CA_. Load the chapter into Corel VENTURA. A message will prompt you that the file is missing. If the chapter loads, then you may try the backup .CAP file as described later in this document. If the backup doesn't work, you can rename the .CAP to .TXT and try opening it with any word processor. You can load the TXT file into Corel VENTURA as text, otherwise, the text must be reentered. 5. Using Corel VENTURA 5 Backup files. Backup files have the same name as the original file, except the first letter of the extension is replaced by $. For example, the backup of COREL.TXT will be COREL.$XT. They are stored in the same directory as the original file. It's best to change backup files one at a time, opening the chapter after each change. For example, try renaming the backup for the style sheet, and load the chapter. If this does not work proceed to do the same for all component files involved (.CAP, text and graphics files). 1. Rename the original file. Sometimes the backups are several days old or they're corrupted like the original file. If you copy over the original, you may have lost some work. 2. Rename the backup file to the same name as the original. 3. Try to open the chapter in Ventura. Step 6: It still will not open or print - If the chapter still does not load, even with the component files renamed or using the backups, it usually means the chapter file itself is corrupt. You may have to rebuild the chapter with the style sheet and component files. You can use the Publication Manager as a guide to determine which files were included in the chapter. To duplicate the chapter file create a new publication file, load the original style sheet, and proceed to load all of your other component files such as your text and graphic files. Once you have incorporated all of your component files into your new chapter file you will now have to change the chapter settings to reflect the original chapters settings. For example if you had a header defined in the original chapter you will have to redefine the header in the new chapter.