DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUTS FOR MS-DOS ---------------------------------- Microsoft distributes Dvorak keyboard layouts that make the most frequently typed characters on a keyboard more accessible to people who have difficulty using the standard "QWERTY" layout. There are three Dvorak layouts: one for two-handed users, one for people who type only with their left hand, and one for people who type only with their right hand. The left or right hand keyboard layouts can also be used by people who type with a wand. The MS-DOS Supplemental Disk includes the DVORAK.SYS file, which provides three new keyboard layouts for Microsoft MS-DOS. This document explains how to install these layouts and restore your original layout. It also provides illustrations of the layouts. WHAT IS A KEYBOARD LAYOUT? -------------------------- A keyboard layout is a map or a definition of how keys are laid out on your keyboard. The keyboard layout you use is determined by software in your computer. The letters on your keys indicate the standard layout for your keyboard. There are many different keyboard layouts in use throughout the world. The one you ordinarily use depends on the country you are in or the language you use. DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUTS ----------------------- Dvorak keyboard layouts are based on designs created by August Dvorak, a professor at the University of Washington during the 1930s and 1940s. Dr. Dvorak studied the way people type standard English, and determined the most common letter combinations. He then designed new keyboard layouts to speed up typing and reduce fatigue. These layouts, now called Dvorak or simplified keyboards, were initially developed for two-handed typists. Following World War II, Dvorak layouts were developed for typists who use the right or left hand alone. INSTALLING A DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUT FOR MS-DOS ---------------------------------------------- The MS-DOS Supplemental Disk provides the DVORAK.SYS file. This file supports the Dvorak keyboard layouts for two-handed and single-handed typists who use MS-DOS 6. To install a United States (U.S.) Dvorak keyboard layout for MS-DOS: 1. Run the Setup program included with the Supplemental disk files. For example, if your Supplemental disk files are on a floppy disk for drive A, insert the disk in drive A, and change to that drive by typing the following at the command prompt: A: To run the Setup program, you need to specify the drive and directory to which you want to install the files. For example, if you want to install the files on drive C in a directory called SUPP, type the following at the command prompt: SETUP C:\SUPP Follow the instructions on your screen. 2. Copy the DVORAK.SYS file to the directory that contains your MS-DOS files. For example, if the file is in C:\SUPP and your MS-DOS files are contained in C:\DOS, type the following at the command prompt: COPY C:\SUPP\DVORAK.SYS C:\DOS\DVORAK.SYS 3. To begin using one of the new keyboard layouts, type the appropriate command (as shown in the table below) at the MS-DOS command prompt and press ENTER. Keyboard Layout Command --------------------------------------------------------- Two-handed Dvorak KEYB DV,,C:\DOS\DVORAK.SYS Right-handed Dvorak KEYB RH,,C:\DOS\DVORAK.SYS Left-handed Dvorak KEYB LH,,C:\DOS\DVORAK.SYS To load one of these keyboard layouts automatically when your computer starts, include the appropriate KEYB command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The KEYB command should be placed after a PATH command that includes your MS-DOS directory. If your AUTOEXEC.BAT file includes the win or dosshell command, make sure the KEYB command comes before the WIN or DOSSHELL command. Once you have loaded one of the Dvorak layouts, you can easily switch between the Dvorak layout and the U.S. standard layout. * To switch back to the U.S. standard layout, press CTRL+ALT+F1. * To switch to the Dvorak layout, press CTRL+ALT+F2. * To disable the United States (U.S.) Dvorak keyboard layout for MS-DOS * To disable the United States (U.S.) Dvorak keyboard layout for MS-DOS, delete the line with the KEYB command from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. LEARNING TO USE THE DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUTS ------------------------------------------- The illustrations on the next page can help you learn a new keyboard layout. You may want to take a class or purchase stickers to put on your keys so you see the new layout as you type. For information about classes and stickers, contact: KEYTIME 4516 NE 54th St. Seattle, WA 98105-2933 (206) 324-7219 (voice and fax) DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUTS FOR WINDOWS ----------------------------------- Microsoft also provides Dvorak keyboard layouts for Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups and Microsoft Windows NT. Windows includes the Dvorak keyboard layout for two-handed typists. The Dvorak layouts for single-handed typists are available on the GA0650.ZIP file. If you have a modem, you can download the GA0650.ZIP file from network services, including the following: * CompuServe * GEnie * Microsoft OnLine * Microsoft Download Service (MSDL), which you can reach in the United States by calling (206) 936-6735 or in Canada by calling (416) 507-3022. Use a baud rate of 1200, 2400, or 9600, no parity bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The file containing the layouts on MSDL is named GA0650.EXE. * Various user-group bulletin boards (such as the bulletin-board services on the Association of PC User Groups network) Users within the United States who do not have a modem can order application note GA0650 by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098 or (206) 635-4948 (text telephone). NOTE: If you use MS-DOS-based applications with Windows, you must install the Dvorak layouts for MS-DOS to get Dvorak support for those applications. STANDARD QWERTY KEYBOARD LAYOUT -------------------------------------------- ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = bks -------------------------------------------- { } | tb Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \ -------------------------------------------- cps : " lck A S D F G H J K L ; ' entr -------------------------------------------- < > ? shft Z X C V B N M , . / shft -------------------------------------------- TWO-HANDED DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUT -------------------------------------------- ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 [ ] bks -------------------------------------------- " < > ? + tb ' , . P Y F G C R L / = \ -------------------------------------------- cps _ lck A O E U I D H T N S - entr -------------------------------------------- : shft ; Q J K X B M W V Z shft -------------------------------------------- RIGHT SINGLE-HANDED DVORAK KEYBOARD LAYOUT -------------------------------------------- ~ ! @ # $ ? { } ` 1 2 3 4 J L M F P / [ ] bks -------------------------------------------- % ^ > : + | tb 5 6 Q . O R S U Y B ; = \ -------------------------------------------- cps & * _ lck 7 8 Z A E H T D C K - entr -------------------------------------------- ( ) < " shft 9 0 X , I N W V G ' shft -------------------------------------------- LEFT SINGLE-HANDED DVORAD KEYBOARD LAYOUT -------------------------------------------- ~ { } ? $ # @ ! ` [ ] / P F M L J 4 3 2 1 bks -------------------------------------------- : > ^ % + | tb ; Q B Y U R S O . 6 5 = \ -------------------------------------------- cps _ * & lck - K C D T H E A Z 8 7 entr -------------------------------------------- " < ) ( shft ' X G V W N I , 0 9 shft --------------------------------------------