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Getting the Logo
for Your Application

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Getting the Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo may be surprisingly easy for your application since many of the requirements are standard practice among Windows programmers; many of the new requirements are quite easy to comply with.

The process of application testing and licensing consists of seven straightforward steps:

  1. Make sure your application meets the requirements. Review your product to ensure that it complies with Logo requirements, as described in this documentation.
  2. Pretest. Pretest your product's installation using the Installation Analyzer tool from VeriTest, Inc.
  3. Sign agreements. Obtain and sign necessary legal documents.
  4. Send to VeriTest, Inc.. Submit your product, together with pretest results and legal documents, to VeriTest, Inc. for testing. All fees are to be paid to VeriTest, Inc., not to Microsoft.
  5. Get test results. VeriTest, Inc. will notify you of test results within eight (8) business days from when your complete application package is received. VeriTest, Inc. will also send Microsoft a copy of the test results, and, if your product passed, VeriTest, Inc. will also send the license agreement to Microsoft.
  6. If you pass, Microsoft signs your license. Microsoft will then sign the license agreement and send it to your marketing contact. The license allows you to use the Logo on packaging, advertising, your Web site, and other promotional materials.
  7. Use the Logo. At this point, you can download an electronic copy of the Logo artwork kit from a secure Web server using a password provided to you by VeriTest, Inc. This contains electronic copies of the Logo and Logo usage guidelines.

See Also

Important Restrictions on International and Localized Versions