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The Right Microsoft Logo Program for You

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Designed for Microsoft® Windows® Logo is for commercially marketed desktop applications that run primarily on Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation and Microsoft® Windows® 98. It is not for client/server applications or Windows NT Server–based applications.

If your application is a client/server application or runs primarily on Windows NT Server, you should consider applying for the Designed for BackOffice® Logo. This logo does not require that you also qualify for the Designed for Microsoft Windows Logo. For additional information on the Designed for BackOffice Logo, see or send an e-mail message to

Microsoft also offers the Microsoft® Office Compatible Logo program. This logo program requires that your application also receive the Designed for Microsoft Windows Logo. For additional information on the Microsoft Office Compatible Logo program, see or send an e-mail message to

See Also

Important Restrictions on International and Localized Versions