;========================================================================== ; MODULE: WaveTest.txt ; AUTHOR: JohnMil ; DATE: 9-10-92 ; ; This is the data file for duplicating the Win 3.1 MCI Test coverage for ; the entire MCIWave test. This data file was gleaned by running the 3.1 test, ; then stripping out all the commands in the order they occurred, then filling ; in expected return values. ; ; There are still some problems with this script. In particular, the path to ; Wave files and the position reported for a file which is playing will ; probably both vary. Errors should be hand-checked. ; ; Rules for construction of this data file can be found in MCI\MCIGen\TestLoop. ; ;========================================================================== ; ; ; ;============================= TestCase TC_CAPS_DEV_WAVE ;============================= ; close all * open %element% 0 1 close all 0 capability %driver% inputs 0 =%CapInputs% capability %driver% outputs 0 =%CapOutputs% open %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 capability %alias% inputs 0 %CapInputs% capability %alias% outputs 0 %CapOutputs% play %alias% MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION capability %alias% inputs 0 %CapInputs% capability %alias% outputs 0 %CapOutputs% close all 0 ; ;============================= TestCase TC_CAPS_ELEM_WAVE ;============================= ; close all * capability %element% inputs 0 =%CapInputs% capability %element% outputs 0 =%CapOutputs% open %element% alias %alias% 0 * capability %alias% inputs 0 %CapInputs% capability %alias% outputs 0 %CapOutputs% play %alias% 0 capability %alias% inputs 0 %CapInputs% capability %alias% outputs 0 %CapOutputs% close all 0 ; ;============================= TestCase TC_INFO_WAVE_TSTS ;============================= ; close all * info %driver% file MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% input MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% output MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION open %element% alias %alias% 0 1 info %driver% file MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% input MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% output MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION play %alias% 0 info %driver% file MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% input MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %driver% output MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION stop %alias% 0 record %alias% from 1 to 1000 0 info %driver% file MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %alias% input 0 =%AliasInput% info %driver% input MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION info %alias% output 0 =%AliasOutput% info %driver% output MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 close all 0 ; ;============================= TestCase TC_WAVE_PAUSE_RESUME ;============================= ; close all * resume %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION open %element% 0 1 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION play %element% 0 pause %element% 0 resume %element% 0 stop %element% 0 play %element% 0 seek %element% to start 0 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION seek %element% to 370 0 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION play %element% 0 resume %element% 0 pause %element% 0 record %element% from 1 to 1000 0 pause %element% 0 pause %element% 0 resume %element% 0 close %element% 0 close all 0 ; ;============================= TestCase TC_FT_WAVE_TIME_PLAYS ;============================= ; close all * open %element% 0 1 status %element% time format 0 milliseconds play %element% to 42 wait 0 set %element% time format samples 0 status %element% position 0 463 status %element% position 0 463 play %element% from 455 to 221 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% position 0 463 status %element% position 0 463 play %element% to 360 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE set %element% time format bytes 0 status %element% position 0 463 status %element% position 0 463 play %element% from 75 to 331 0 status %element% position 0 * status %element% position 0 * play %element% to 259 * close all 0 ; ;============================= TestCase TC_WAVE_AUTO_PLAY ;============================= ; close all * play %element% 0 stop %element% 0 sysinfo all quantity open 0 * sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED status %element% length 0 =%ElemBytes% play %element% from 401 0 seek %element% to 213 0 sysinfo all quantity open 0 * play %element% 0 close %element% * play %element% from 245 to 261 wait 0 open %element% alias %alias% 0 1 play %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 seek %alias% to start 0 play %alias% 0 pause %alias% 0 resume %alias% 0 pause %alias% 0 play %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 playing play %alias% 0 seek %alias% to start 0 play %alias% 0 record %alias% from 1000 to 2000 0 play %alias% 0 close %alias% 0 play %element% 0 close %alias% MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME !Can't open as own name because this conflicts with auto-open. open %element% MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN seek %element% to end 0 play %element% 0 play %element% 0 close %alias% MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME pause %element% * play %element% 0 close %element% * sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED sysinfo all quantity open 0 * seek %element% to start 0 status %element% position 0 0 info %element% product 0 =%ElemProductName% info %element% product 0 %ElemProductName% record %element% from 1000 to 2000 0 stop %element% 0 sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED stop %element% 0 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION stop %element% 0 info %element% product 0 %ElemProductName% info %element% product 0 %ElemProductName% status %element% position 0 0 status %element% position 0 0 sysinfo all quantity open 0 * seek %element% to start 0 status %element% position 0 0 status %element% position 0 0 seek %element% to start 0 stop %element% 0 close all * ; ;================================ TestCase TC_RAND_WAVE_POS_TST ;================================ ; close all * status %element% position 0 0 sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED sysinfo all quantity open 0 * sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% time format milliseconds 0 seek %element% to start 0 status %element% position 0 0 info %element% product 0 =%ElemProductName% set %element% time format milliseconds 0 stop %element% 0 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION seek %element% to start 0 pause %element% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% time format milliseconds 0 sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED sysinfo %element% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED open %element% alias %alias% 0 1 set %element% time format samples 0 status %alias% length 0 =%ElemBytes% play %alias% from 343 0 seek %alias% to 397 0 play %alias% from 16 to 366 0 set %element% time format bytes 0 status %alias% length 0 %ElemBytes% play %alias% from 472 0 seek %alias% to 213 0 play %alias% from 494 to 120 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE close %alias% 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_REC_STATES ;================================ ; close all * open new type %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 status %alias% length 0 0 record %alias% from 500 to 1500 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% mode 0 stopped pause %alias% MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION record %alias% from 328 to 2300 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% length 0 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% position 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 record %alias% to 1000 0 seek %alias% to start 0 play %alias% 0 seek %alias% to start 0 record %alias% insert to 1000 0 record %alias% insert to 1000 0 delete %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped seek %alias% to start 0 play %alias% 0 record %alias% overwrite to 1000 0 pause %alias% 0 resume %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 recording status %alias% length 0 * stop %alias% 0 save %alias% tstwav1.wav 0 close %alias% 0 open tstwav1.wav alias %alias% 0 1 cue %alias% output 0 status %alias% mode 0 paused record %alias% overwrite to 2000 0 status %alias% mode 0 recording cue %alias% input MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION status %alias% mode 0 recording close all 0 open new type %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 status %alias% length 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped record %alias% overwrite from 50 to 1500 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 record %alias% insert from 500 to 2000 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 play %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped record %alias% overwrite from 1000 to 2000 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 record %alias% insert to 2000 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 play %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped record %alias% overwrite to 3000 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 record %alias% insert to 4000 0 status %alias% length 0 0 delete %alias% from 0 0 status %alias% length 0 0 play %alias% from 0 0 close all 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_REC_DEL_TSTS ;================================ ; close all * open %element% 0 1 status %element% length 0 =%ElemLength% status %element% length 0 %ElemLength% delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 status %element% mode 0 stopped record %element% overwrite from 1000 to 2000 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 record %element% insert to 1000 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 play %element% from 0 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 status %element% mode 0 stopped record %element% overwrite to 1000 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 record %element% insert to 3000 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 play %element% from 0 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 status %element% mode 0 stopped record %element% overwrite to 1200 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 record %element% insert to 5000 0 status %element% length 0 227 delete %element% from 227 0 status %element% length 0 227 play %element% from 0 0 close all 0 close all 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_SET_PARAM ;================================ ; close all * set %element% any input 0 set %element% any output 0 set %element% mapper MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD set %element% input 0 0 set %element% input 1 * set %element% input 2 * set %element% output 0 0 set %element% output 1 * set %element% output 2 * set %element% format tag 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% format tag 1 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% format tag pcm MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 1 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 2 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% alignment 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% alignment 8 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 8 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 16 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION open new type %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 set %alias% any input 0 set %alias% any output 0 set %alias% mapper MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD set %alias% input 0 0 set %alias% input 1 * set %alias% input 2 * set %alias% output 0 0 set %alias% output 1 * set %alias% output 2 * set %alias% format tag 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE set %alias% format tag 1 0 set %alias% format tag pcm 0 set %alias% channels 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE set %alias% channels 1 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 assume most sound cards will support channel 2. ;change expected result from mcierr_outofrange to 0 set %alias% channels 2 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE 0 set %alias% samplespersec 11025 0 set %alias% bytespersec 11025 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - assume that most sound cards will support 22050 ;so change expected result from mcierr_outofrange to 0 set %alias% samplespersec 22050 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - assume that most sound cards will support 22050 ;so change expected result from mcierr_outofrange to 0 set %alias% bytespersec 22050 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - dont test for 44100 as not all sound cards support it ;set %alias% samplespersec 44100 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ; ;set %alias% bytespersec 44100 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ; set %alias% bytespersec 11025 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - assume that most sound cards will support 22050 ;so change expected result from mcierr_outofrange to 0 set %alias% bytespersec 22050 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - dont test for 44100 as not all sound cards support it ;set %alias% bytespersec 44100 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ; set %alias% alignment 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE set %alias% alignment 8 0 set %alias% bitspersample 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE set %alias% bitspersample 8 0 ;JQ 24/may/95 - dont test for 16 bitspersample as not all sound cards support it ;set %alias% bitspersample 16 ;MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE ; close all 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_BAD_SET_PARAM ;================================ ; close all * open %element% 0 1 play %element% 0 set %element% any input 0 set %element% any output 0 set %element% mapper MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD set %element% input 0 0 set %element% input 1 * set %element% input 2 * set %element% output 0 0 set %element% output 1 * set %element% output 2 * set %element% format tag 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% format tag 1 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% format tag pcm MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 1 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% channels 2 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% samplespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% alignment 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% alignment 8 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 0 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 8 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION set %element% bitspersample 16 MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION close all 0 open %driver% 0 1 set %driver% any input MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% any output MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% mapper MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD set %driver% input 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% input 1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% input 2 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% output 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% output 1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% output 2 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% format tag 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% format tag 1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% format tag pcm MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% channels 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% channels 1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% channels 2 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% samplespersec 11025 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% samplespersec 22050 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% samplespersec 44100 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 11025 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 22050 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bytespersec 44100 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% alignment 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% alignment 8 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bitspersample 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bitspersample 8 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% bitspersample 16 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 close all 0 set %element% door open MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %element% door closed MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION open %element% 0 1 play %element% 0 set %element% door open MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %element% door closed MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 open %driver% 0 1 set %driver% door open MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION set %driver% door closed MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_STATUS_PARAM ;================================ ; close all * status %element% format tag 0 =%ElemTag% status %element% media present 0 true status %element% channels 0 =%ElemChan% status %element% samplespersec 0 =%ElemSPSec% status %element% bytespersec 0 =%ElemBPSec% status %element% bitspersample 0 =%ElemBPSamp% status %element% alignment 0 =%ElemAlign% status %element% level 0 =%ElemLev% open new type %driver% alias %alias% 0 * status %alias% format tag 0 pcm status %alias% media present 0 true status %alias% channels 0 * status %alias% samplespersec 0 * status %alias% bytespersec 0 * status %alias% bitspersample 0 * status %alias% alignment 0 * status %alias% level 0 * close all 0 open %element% 0 1 play %element% 0 status %element% format tag 0 %ElemTag% status %element% media present 0 true status %element% channels 0 %ElemChan% status %element% samplespersec 0 %ElemSPSec% status %element% bytespersec 0 %ElemBPSec% status %element% bitspersample 0 %ElemBPSamp% status %element% alignment 0 %ElemAlign% status %element% level * close all 0 open %driver% 0 1 status %driver% format tag MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% media present MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% channels MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% samplespersec MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% bytespersec MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% bitspersample MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% alignment MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% level MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 ; ;================================ TestCase TC_WAVE_BAD_STATUS_PARAM ;================================ ; close all * status %element% position track 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% position track 2 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% position track -1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track 2 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track -1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE open %element% 0 1 play %element% 0 status %element% position track 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% position track 2 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% position track -1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track 0 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track 2 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %element% length track -1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE close all 0 open %driver% 0 1 status %driver% position track 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% position track 2 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% position track -1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% length track 0 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% length track 2 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION status %driver% length track -1 MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION close all 0 ; ;======================== TestCase TC_WAVE_STOP_TST ;======================== ; close all * stop %element% 0 open %element% alias %alias% 0 1 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped play %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped play %alias% 0 pause %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped seek %alias% to 474 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped play %alias% from 0 0 pause %alias% 0 resume %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped stop %alias% 0 close %alias% 0