[Settings] Version= This string determines the version of BCTShell and is used to determine whether a new version should be downloaded. Upgrade= When a new version of BCTShell is downloaded, this message is displayed. ExcludedDrives= Drive letters in this string are not scanned during initialization and thus no tests will be allocated for them. LaunchDelay= This is the default delay between test launches. It is in 100ths of a second. Default value for this is 15 (thus .15 seconds). ProgramDirectory= This directory should contain a copy of BCTShell. During scan, BCTShell will compare the Version strings of its .ini file with the one found at this location. If there is a difference, BCTShell will present the user with the option to upgrade, at which time it will copy the directory over itself. If the string is blank (default), no check will commence and the Net Link Attempt message will not be displayed. CreateDirectories= This string contains a semicolon seperated list of directories that will be created on EVERY NON-NETWORK WRITABLE drive. LogEditor= When the logfile icon is double clicked, this file will be launched to edit/display it. NOTEPAD.EXE is the default editor. ResultsDirectory= Long filename results will be placed in this directory. If long filenames are not available (on the share or on the machine) no logging will commence. Default for this is empty, in which case no logging occurs. RecordProfiles= This is a comma seperated list of profiles that will be included in the logging attempt. Specifically, BCTShell will record what drives matched these profiles. in the above mentioned logging attempt. DragonDrive,CDROM, SwapDrive DefaultStressLevel= Tests have stress ranges for which they are valid. Stress values range from 0 to 9. The initial default stress level is 5. AutomaticTests= This string is set to Yes (default) or No. Whether automated tests are ran depends on this string. ManualTests= This string can be used to disable manual (user assisted) tests. By default these are enabled (Yes). Set to No to disable. DebugOutput= The DebugOutput level determines the range of debug messages printed out by BCTShell. Add the numbers listed in the following table to determine the appropriate amount of debug strings that will be printed (default value is 1). Tracking (Starting/Stopping) 1 Tests (Loading) 2 Tests (State changes) 4 Suites (Loading) 8 Suites (State changes) 16 Variations (Loading) 32 Variations (State changes) 64 Collection 128 P.S. To fill up your debug terminal, everything set is 255 MaxTestsForStressLevelN= N=0..9 These entries determine the maximum tests that can be launched for a given stress level. They default to the lower stress levels value. The default for stress level 0 is -1, which is no limit. UserTestMaximum= User override to settings listed above. Default is -1. CleanUp= Either 1=Y/0=N. Setting indicates whether BCTShell will empty and delete the directories it creates.