;=========================================================================== ; MODULE: AVIManl.Txt ; AUTHOR: JohnMil ; DATE: 2/1/93 ; ; This data file is meant to act as a sanity check for the MCI AVIVideo ; driver. It attempts to run a representative set of commands on known ; AVI files, and asks the user whether or not the results were as expected. ; It is IMPERATIVE that all questions be phrased in a manner such that 'Yes' ; indicates the correct behaviour, and 'No' indicates an error. ; ; Rules for construction of this data file can be found in MCI\MCIGen\TestLoop. ; ;=========================================================================== ; ; ; ;===================== TestCase TC_AVI_SANITY ;===================== ; close %alias% * open %element% alias %alias% 0 =%DevNum% play %alias% repeat 0 ?Is %element% playing? stop %alias% 0 ?Select 'Yes'. A configure dialog should come up, which you should close. configure %alias% 0 ?Did the 'Configure' dialog come up? seek %alias% to start wait 0 play %alias% repeat 0 ; This is to buy some time for the play command to start status %alias% file * * pause %alias% 0 ?Did %element% stop playing in the middle somewhere? resume %alias% 0 ?Did %element% resume from where it left off? seek %alias% to start 0 play %alias% fullscreen * ?Did %element% play in fullscreen mode? (Select 'Yes' if fullscreen mode is not supported) seek %alias% to start wait 0 ?Press 'Yes.' A short segment of %element% will play. play %alias% from 40 to 60 wait 0 ?Did %element% play in the middle for a few seconds? play %alias% to 40 0 ?Did %element% play backwards over the same section? seek %alias% to 40 0 ?Press 'Yes.' The playback window should skip forward through four frames of %element%. step %alias% by 5 0 step %alias% by 5 0 step %alias% by 5 0 step %alias% by 5 0 ? Were four frames from %element% shown in forward order? status %alias% position 0 ?Press 'Yes.' Approximately the same four frames should be shown in reverse order. step %alias% by 5 reverse 0 step %alias% by 5 reverse 0 step %alias% by -5 0 step %alias% by -5 0 ? Were the frames shown in reverse order? play %alias% repeat 0 put %alias% window at 0 0 300 300 0 ? Is %element% now a 300x300 pixel window at the upper left of your screen? put %alias% destination at 0 0 150 150 0 ? Is all of %element% in the upper left 1/4 of the playback window? put %alias% source at 20 20 50 50 0 ? Is a magnified part of %element% visible in the upper left 1/4 of the playback window? put %alias% destination 0 put %alias% source at 0 0 10 10 0 ? Is %element% stretched so that a small portion of the source fills the whole playback window? put %alias% source 0 close %alias% 0 open %element% alias %alias% 0 * set %alias% speed 1000 0 play %alias% repeat 0 ?Press 'Yes' after noting how quickly %element% is being played. set %alias% speed 500 wait 0 status %alias% position 0 ?Is %element% playing about half as fast as it was at first? set %alias% speed 2000 wait 0 ?Is %element% playing about twice as fast as it originally was? set %alias% speed 1000 0 ; ;JQ 17/may/95 A sequence of setaudio on/off commands run too quickly to be heard even with the ;wait option. So restructure this section to play consecutive sequences of 10 frames with and ;without the audio. ; seek %alias% to start wait 0 ?Press 'Yes' and listen to the audio track as %element% plays. It should cut in and out several times. play %alias% to 10 wait 0 setaudio %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 20 wait 0 setaudio %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 30 wait 0 setaudio %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 40 wait 0 setaudio %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 50 wait 0 setaudio %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 60 wait 0 setaudio %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 70 wait 0 setaudio %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 80 wait 0 setaudio %alias% on wait 0 ?Did the audio cut in and out several times? status %alias% position 0 ?Press 'Yes' and watch the video as %element% plays. It should freeze at several different points. ; ;JQ 17/may/95 A sequence of setvideo on/off commands run too quickly to be heard even with the ;wait option. So restructure this section to play consecutive sequences of 10 frames with and ;without the audio. ; seek %alias% to start wait 0 play %alias% to 10 wait 0 setvideo %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 20 wait 0 setvideo %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 30 wait 0 setvideo %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 40 wait 0 setvideo %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 50 wait 0 setvideo %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 60 wait 0 setvideo %alias% on wait 0 play %alias% to 70 wait 0 setvideo %alias% off wait 0 play %alias% to 80 wait 0 setvideo %alias% on wait 0 ?Did the video cut in and out (pause, then skip) several times? status %alias% position 0 ?Press 'Yes', and listen to the volume as %element% plays. It should slowly fade out, then back in. play %alias% repeat 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 1000 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 900 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 800 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 700 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 600 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 500 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 400 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 300 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 200 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 100 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 0 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 100 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 200 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 300 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 400 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 500 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 600 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 700 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 800 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 900 0 setaudio %alias% volume to 1000 0 ?Did the volume gradually fade out, then back in again? put %alias% window at 0 0 100 100 0 open %element% alias alias2 0 =%devnum% play alias2 reverse repeat 0 put alias2 window at 200 0 100 100 wait 0 ? Is %element% playing forward on the left, and backward on the right? put %alias% destination at 0 0 50 100 0 status %alias% window handle 0 =%WndHnd% window alias2 handle %WndHnd% 0 put alias2 destination at 50 0 100 100 wait 0 ?Is %element% playing backwards in the left half of the window, and forward in the right half? window alias2 handle default 0 put %alias% destination 0 close alias2 0 ?Is %element% back to playing normally (forward) in a single window? put %alias% window at 0 0 320 320 wait 0 ;window %alias% state minimized ;0 ;?Is %element% playing minimized? ;window %alias% restore ;0 ;?Is %element% back to normal size? ;window %alias% state show na ;0 ;?Is %element% still playing audio, but not video? ;window %alias% show normal ;0 ;? Press 'yes'. %element% will be maximized. After it is, switch focus to find the next question. ;window %alias% show maximized ;0 ;? Was %element% maximized? ;window %alias% show normal ;0 ; window %alias% text "Just Another Spud-Boy" wait 0 ?Does the caption on the title bar of %element%'s play window read 'Just Another Spud-Boy'? close %alias% * *