;========================================================================== ; MODULE: CDTest.txt ; AUTHOR: JohnMil ; DATE: 9-10-92 ; ; This is the data file for duplicating the Win 3.1 MCI Test coverage for ; the entire MCICD test. This data file was gleaned by running the 3.1 test, ; then stripping out all the commands in the order they occurred, then filling ; in expected return values. ; ; There are still some problems with this script. In particular, the position ; reported for a file which is playing will probably both vary. ; Errors should be hand-checked. ; ; Rules for construction of this data file can be found in MCI\MCIGen\TestLoop. ; ; ; MODIFICATIONS LOG ; ; The 'Resume' command is supported in NT3.51 and it no longer returns ; mcierr_unsupported_function. However, CD-ROM drives are not consistent in ; their responses to 'stop/pause - resume' sequences, some return ; mcierr_hardware while others accept it. In addition, a 'status position' ; immediately following a 'stop/pause' returns mcierr_hardware on some CD-ROMs. ; ; These is causing 5 of the CDAudio tests to fail. To isolate these problems, ; failing sequences have been disabled from these tests and will be put into ; a separate test case TC_CD_RESUME. ; ; JQ 24/may/95 ; ----------------- ; ;========================================================================== ; ; ; ;=================== TestCase TC_CD_SMOKE ;=================== ; close all 0 open %driver% 0 1 play %driver% 0 close %driver% 0 open %driver% 0 1 status %driver% length 0 =%MSFLength% sysinfo all quantity open 0 1 sysinfo %driver% quantity open 0 1 open %driver% MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN play %driver% 0 status %driver% media present 0 true status %driver% time format 0 msf set %driver% time format tmsf 0 play %driver% from 6 to 4 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE !We should be on track2, the first audio track. status %driver% current track 0 2 status %driver% time format 0 tmsf status %driver% time format 0 tmsf status %driver% in track MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status %driver% length track 8 0 00:07:53 status %driver% current track 0 2 status %driver% number of tracks 0 30 capability %driver% can record 0 false capability %driver% has audio 0 true capability %driver% has video 0 false capability %driver% device type 0 %driver% seek %driver% to 7 0 status %driver% current track 0 7 status %driver% current track 0 7 status %driver% mode 0 stopped status %driver% ready 0 true seek %driver% to 3 0 seek %driver% to 3 0 status %driver% current track 0 3 play %driver% from 0 to 3 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %driver% current track 0 3 play %driver% 0 pause %driver% 0 status %driver% current track 0 3 status %driver% position track 6 0 06:00:00:00 status %driver% in track MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status %driver% length 0 %MSFLength% status %driver% length track 7 0 00:08:46 status %driver% current track 0 3 status %driver% number of tracks 0 30 info %driver% product 0 CD Audio set %driver% time format milliseconds 0 !Get current position to compare with later status %driver% position 0 =%DrivPos% status %driver% time format 0 milliseconds play %driver% from 440 to 440 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE !Compare 1 status %driver% position wait 0 %DrivPos% play %driver% from 0 to 4 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE !Compare 2 status %driver% position 0 %DrivPos% play %driver% 0 stop %driver% 0 status %driver% mode 0 stopped close %driver% 0 open %driver% 0 1 set %driver% time format tmsf 0 !Compare 3 status %driver% position 0 01:00:00:* status %driver% time format 0 tmsf !Compare 4 status %driver% start position 0 01:00:00:00 status %driver% length 0 %MSFLength% status %driver% end position MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT seek %driver% to start 0 ;status %driver% position ;0 ;02:00:00:* seek %driver% to end 0 set %driver% time format tmsf 0 !Compare 5 status %driver% position 0 30:00:06:* !Compare 6 status %driver% position 0 30:00:06:* play %driver% 0 stop %driver% 0 !Compare 7 ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable 'status position' after a 'stop' - see header notes ; ;status %driver% position ;0 ;30:00:06:* pause %driver% 0 !Compare 8 ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable 'status position' after a 'stop' - see header notes ; ;status %driver% position ;0 ;30:00:06:* seek %driver% to 3: 0 status %driver% mode 0 stopped !Compare 9 status %driver% position 0 03:00:00:* play %driver% 0 stop %driver% 0 close %driver% 0 ; ;========================= TestCase TC_CD_SMOKE_ALIAS ;========================= ; close all * open %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 play %alias% 0 close %alias% 0 open %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 sysinfo all quantity open 0 1 sysinfo %alias% quantity open MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED open %driver% alias %alias% MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS play %alias% 0 status %alias% media present 0 true status %alias% time format 0 msf set %alias% time format tmsf 0 play %alias% from 4 to 4 0 status %alias% current track 0 4 status %alias% time format 0 tmsf status %alias% time format 0 tmsf status %alias% in track MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status %alias% length track 8 0 00:07:53 status %alias% current track 0 4 status %alias% number of tracks 0 30 capability %alias% can record 0 false capability %alias% has audio 0 true capability %alias% has video 0 false capability %alias% device type 0 %driver% seek %alias% to 5 0 status %alias% position 0 05:00:00:* status %alias% position 0 05:00:00:* status %alias% mode 0 stopped status %alias% ready 0 true seek %alias% to 3 0 seek %alias% to 3 0 status %alias% position 0 03:00:00:* play %alias% from 2 to 4 0 status %alias% position 0 02:00:0* play %alias% 0 pause %alias% 0 status %alias% position 0 * status %alias% position track 6 0 06:00:00:00 status %alias% in track MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status %alias% length 0 =%MSFLength% status %alias% length track 8 0 00:07:53 status %alias% current track 0 * status %alias% number of tracks 0 30 info %alias% product 0 CD Audio set %alias% time format milliseconds 0 status %alias% position 0 =%AliasMSPos% status %alias% time format 0 milliseconds !The first two seconds of a CD cannot be played. play %alias% from 349 to 349 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% position 0 %AliasMSPos% play %alias% from 5 to 9 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status %alias% position 0 %AliasMSPos% play %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped close %alias% 0 open %driver% alias %alias% 0 1 set %alias% time format tmsf 0 status %alias% position 0 01:00:00:00 status %alias% time format 0 tmsf status %alias% start position 0 01:00:00:00 status %alias% length 0 %MSFLength% status %alias% end position MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT seek %alias% to start 0 status %alias% position 0 02:00:00:* seek %alias% to end wait 0 status %alias% position 0 30:00:06:* status %alias% position * * play %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable 'status position' after a 'stop/pause' - see header notes ; ;status %alias% position ;0 ;30:00:06:* pause %alias% 0 ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable 'status position' after a 'stop/pause' - see header notes ; ;status %alias% position ;0 ;30:00:06:* seek %alias% to 3: 0 status %alias% mode 0 stopped status %alias% position 0 03:00:00:* play %alias% 0 stop %alias% 0 close %alias% 0 ; ;========================= TestCase TC_CD_MODE ;========================= ; close all * open %driver% alias cd 0 1 set cd time format tmsf 0 play CD 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD 0 pause CD 0 !The MCI CdAudio driver is never paused, only stopped. status cd mode 0 stopped play CD 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped stop CD 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * stop CD 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing stop CD 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped pause CD 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * pause CD 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing pause CD 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to start 0 play CD 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;playing seek CD to start 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to start 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to 3 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to 3 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to 3 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to end 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * seek CD to end 0 play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to end 0 stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 * play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 * play CD from 10 0 status cd mode 0 * play CD to 29 0 status cd mode 0 * play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 * play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 * play CD 0 status cd mode 0 * seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing status CD mode 0 playing status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD to 29 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to 30 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing status CD mode 0 playing status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 playing stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD to 101 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 101 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped status CD mode 0 stopped status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD to 101 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 30 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped status CD mode 0 stopped status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD to 101 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 30 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped status CD mode 0 stopped status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD to 101 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 12 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 30 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped status CD mode 0 stopped status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped play CD fast MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped play CD from 2 to 1 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped play CD to 29 MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped stop CD to 5 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped pause CD from 3 MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to 30 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped status CD mode 0 stopped status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped set audio all off MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped set audio all on MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped capability can eject MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 ;status cd mode ;0 ;stopped sysinfo %driver% MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER status cd mode 0 stopped close %driver% MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME close cd 0 ; ;================================== TestCase TC_CD_INFO ;================================== ; close all * open %driver% alias cd 0 1 set cd time format tmsf 0 status cd start position 0 01:00:00:00 status cd end position MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status cd length 0 =%MSFLength% status cd number of tracks 0 30 set cd time format msf 0 status cd start position 0 00:02:00 status cd end position MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status cd length 0 %MSFLength% status cd number of tracks 0 30 set cd time format milliseconds 0 status cd start position 0 2001 status cd end position MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT status cd length 0 =%MSLength% status cd number of tracks 0 30 close cd 0 open %driver% alias cd 0 1 close cd 0 capability %driver% can eject 0 true capability %driver% can play 0 true capability %driver% can record 0 false capability %driver% can save 0 false capability %driver% compound device 0 false capability %driver% device type 0 %driver% capability %driver% has audio 0 true capability %driver% has video 0 false capability %driver% uses files 0 false info %driver% product 0 CD Audio set %driver% audio all off 0 set %driver% audio all on 0 set %driver% audio left on 0 set %driver% audio left off 0 set %driver% audio right on 0 set %driver% audio right off 0 set %driver% door closed 0 set %driver% time format msf 0 set %driver% time format tmsf 0 status %driver% current track 0 1 status %driver% length 0 %MSFLength% status %driver% length track 1 0 * status %driver% media present 0 true status %driver% mode 0 stopped status %driver% number of tracks 0 30 status %driver% position 0 00:02:00 status %driver% position track 1 0 00:02:00 status %driver% ready 0 true status %driver% start position 0 00:02:00 status %driver% time format 0 msf !Can't close an auto-opened device if it's not open close %driver% MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME ; ;============================ TestCase TC_CD_COMMAND ;============================ ; open %driver% alias cd 0 1 set cd time format tmsf 0 capability cd can play 0 true info cd product 0 CD Audio pause cd 0 play cd 0 stop cd 0 bogus cd MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND seek cd to 4 0 ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; seek cd to start 0 set cd audio all off 0 set cd audio all on 0 set cd time format bogus MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT set cd time format MCIERR_NO_INTEGER status cd time format 0 tmsf set cd time format ms 0 capability cd can play 0 true info cd product 0 CD Audio pause cd 0 play cd 0 stop cd wait 0 bogus cd MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; seek cd to start 0 set cd audio all off 0 set cd audio all on 0 set cd time format bogus MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT set cd time format MCIERR_NO_INTEGER status cd time format 0 milliseconds set cd time format milliseconds 0 capability cd can play 0 true info cd product 0 CD Audio pause cd 0 play cd 0 stop cd wait 0 bogus cd MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; seek cd to start 0 set cd audio all off 0 set cd audio all on 0 set cd time format bogus MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT set cd time format MCIERR_NO_INTEGER status cd time format 0 milliseconds set cd time format msf 0 capability cd can play 0 true info cd product 0 CD Audio pause cd 0 play cd 0 stop cd wait 0 bogus cd MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND ; ;JQ 24/may/95 - disable resume after a stop, see header notes ; ;resume cd ;0 ; seek cd to start 0 set cd audio all off 0 set cd audio all on 0 set cd time format bogus MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT set cd time format MCIERR_NO_INTEGER status cd time format 0 msf close cd 0 ; ;=========================== TestCase TC_CD_CAPABILITY ;=========================== ; capability %driver% can eject 0 true capability %driver% can play 0 true capability %driver% can record 0 false capability %driver% can save 0 false capability %driver% compound device 0 false capability %driver% device type 0 %driver% capability %driver% has audio 0 true capability %driver% has video 0 false capability %driver% uses files 0 false info %driver% product 0 CD Audio info %driver% product 0 CD Audio status %driver% ready 0 true ; ;=========================== TestCase TC_CD_RESUME ;=========================== ; close all * open %driver% alias cd 0 1 set cd time format tmsf 0 ! !Test: resume after pause !------------------------ play cd from 1:1:1:1 to 3:3:3:3 0 pause cd 0 resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing pause CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped ! !Test: resume after play !----------------------- seek cd to 1:1:1:1 0 play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing play CD from 2 to 3 0 status cd mode 0 playing ! !Test: resume after stop !----------------------- stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 stopped stop CD 0 status cd mode 0 stopped ! !Test: resume when stopped after seek to start !--------------------------------------------- seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 stopped resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to start 0 status cd mode 0 playing info cd product 0 CD Audio status cd mode 0 playing ! !Test: resume when stopped after seek to mid disk !------------------------------------------------ stop cd 0 bogus cd MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND seek cd to 4 0 resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek cd to start 0 stop cd 0 seek CD to 27 0 status cd mode 0 stopped resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 playing seek CD to 3 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio ! !Test: resume when stopped after seek to end !------------------------------------------- status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 status cd mode 0 stopped resume cd 0 status cd mode 0 stopped seek CD to end 0 status cd mode 0 stopped info cd product 0 CD Audio