Suspender - an application to test suspend/resume on Windows98/Windows2000 Suspender consists of one executable, SUSPEND.EXE. You can launch Suspender via the Run command on the Start menu or via Explorer. Once running, Suspender will confirm that it can test your machine's power management functions. Then, using your system's resume timer, it will repeatedly suspend and resume your machine. Usage: Suspend [-a] [-b] [-c] [-d ] [-e] [-f] [-h] [-l ] [-n ] [-p ] [-q] [-r ] [-s ] [-u ] [-v] [-x] [-z] -a attempts to use All sleep states -b turns off buzzer (default on) -c Continue running on resume test failure -d is the delay (in minutes) between Suspends (default 1) -e Program will autoexit. (Close when done running.) -f Forces suspend - overrides the query operation (default off) -h Defines prefered methode of Wake-up is from hardware not timer. When -h used -r default is 5 minutes. -l is the name of the log file -n is the number of times to Suspend/Resume (default forever) -p Local file locations on disk: 'c:\' (default c:\) -q Deny the suspend query message -r is the length of the suspend (in minutes) (default 1) -s is the target sleep state (example: '-s 4' will target S4) -t is the amount of time (in minutes) the suspend grows each cycle -u UNC net path to file locations: '\\foo\bar' (no default) -v Uses a VxD to set the waitable timer -x eXpands the time delays (to work with DEBUG Windows) -z Time value submitted to SetWaitableTime is relative rather absolute