NIC Submissions
Last updated on April 12, 1999

Welcome to the Network/LAN Self-Test Procedures for Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows® 98, and Windows NT® 4.0 operating systems! When your hardware completes the Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) tests, you will receive a Test Report which includes technical feedback on any problems found by WHQL.

When your hardware passes WHQL testing, you will receive the following:

WHQL will acknowledge all Test Submissions within 3 days of receipt via electronic mail. Submission ID numbers and missing items (if any) will be listed. Allow 10 days for submission processing. If you send a Test Submission to WHQL and DO NOT receive confirmation e-mail, please contact with the keyword STATUS REQUEST in your Subject line. Include the type of equipment, date shipped, and how to contact you in the message. Customers can also check the Submission Status page at for the most current Submission related information.

If you have program questions, contact WHQL by fax at (425)-936-7329 or by e-mail at

Note: For the latest information on submitting Network Interface Cards for Windows Logo qualification, read and follow the directions in the current LAN Self-Test Test Procedures. This document can be obtained from Click the Test Kits and FAQs link. Select "Network" from the Test Kit Type box and click GO. Click the LAN Network Self-Test procedure icon. This document is also located in the \hct\docs folder of the HCT Test Kit CD-ROM.