Related Links
Last updated on April 12, 1999

Welcome to the WHQL Systems related links page! The related links on this page are broken up into the following categories:

To see a list of technical support links and email addresses, see the Support and Problem Resolution page.

Windows Logo and Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)Link
The Windows Hardware Compatibility List (HCL).
This site has a list of the specific features that will become a part of the logo compliance testing timeline.
Information on Microsoft Logo programs and requirements can be found on the Hardware Development page.
Windows Logo'd Product Search. Search for products with the Windows® logo.
Frequently Asked Questions About PC 98 and the Windows Logo Program.
WHQL Test Kits and System SubmissionsLink
WHQL Test Kits page. This page contains the Windows Hardware Quality Labs Test Kits.
WHQL Submission Status page. To follow submission status via the WHQL web site, plug your master ID into this page.
Hardware Compatibility Test CDs. Go to this page to order the current hardware compatibility test CD-ROM (HCTCD).
Design Guides and SpecificationsLink
Microsoft Design Guides Page.
PC 98 System Design Guide Web site.
PC 99 System Design Guide Web site.
Server Design Guide (SDG 1.0).
Plug and Play Design Specification for IEEE 1394.
This page contains a white paper describing the Microsoft standards-based approach to incorporating smart cards.
This page contains additional whitepapers and new information on ACPI.
Recommended Minimum Test Matrix for Windows 2000. This page lists ACPI functionality tests that should be run.
Other Microsoft SitesLink
A White Paper on the strategy for Microsoft SQL Server on clusters.
Microsoft Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition Solutions Directory. This page contains an up-to-date list of announced products that support Microsoft Cluster Server.
Go to this page to subscribe to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)
Go to this page to order the Windows NT® 4.0 Service Packs.
Go to this page to get Driver Development Kits for Windows 2000 (Beta 3), Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0.
Top 150 Open Standards and Specifications. This site has a link to the "Windows Hardware Instrumentation Implementation Guidelines, Version 1.0"
Power Management for Network Devices. This page describes network wake-up events.
PC Design Specifications. This page provides links to Bus, Communications, Plug and Play, Storage, Power Management, and ACPI specifications.
The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web Site
Microsoft OEM System Builder Program homepage. Go here to find programs for manufacturers who sell PC systems pre-installed with Microsoft products.
The Driver Verifier is a series of checks added to the Windows 2000 kernel to help readily expose errors in kernel mode drivers.
Sites Outside MicrosoftLink
Note: These links point to servers that are not under the control of Microsoft Corporation. Please read our disclaimer before clicking on any of these links:
The System Test Implimenters Forum is co-sponsored by Intel® Corporation and Microsoft® Corporation. It is open to all developers who want to participate by providing feedback during development of the PC 99 Test Specifications and related compliance tests.
This site contains a list of ACPI FAQ items and BIOS tips.
Intel® Website, USB page. This page contains information on USB
The USB Implementer's Forum
The PC Design Guides Web Site. This site is co-sponsored by Microsoft and Intel to provide up-to-date information about current design guide projects.