System Submission Procedures
Last updated on November 11, 1999

Test Kits Are Valid Until 60 Days After The Next Test Kit Is Released

Welcome to the System Test Procedures for Microsoft Windows ® Operating Systems! This document contains the rules for assembling test submissions for all types of Systems and Servers.

Important points

Welcome to the 1999-2000 Windows Logo Program for Hardware! These pages contain the most current system testing documentation, including the HCT Testing Errata, available on the WHQL website.

The Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) kits correspond to the PC 99 System Design Guide and the Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT® Server. Manufacturers must read the Design Guides, implement the principals, and pass testing, in order to receive a listing on the HCL. For questions relating to the Design Guides and the implementation of the principles please see the Microsoft developer website at

Multi Processor Submissions

If the systems that you want displayed on the HCL contain multiple processor speeds, you can provide the results of the highest CPU speed and list the lower speed CPU systems as marketing names. The lower processor speeds should be used to determine the additional marketing names. The BIOS, Motherboard and CPU type must remain the same for the entire family.

If the list of computers that you want listed on the HCL contain multiple processors, you can provide the results of the highest CPU quantity and provide seperate submissions for the lower processor quantity with logs (no system is required). The BIOS, Motherboard and CPU type must remain the same for the entire family. A "family" of processors includes all of the processors of a given model at all available processor speeds. An exception to this rule is that the Intel® Pentium® III, Intel® Pentium® II and Intel® Celeron® processors can be considered to be of the same family for the purposes of multiple CPU speed submissions.

For example, there are 3 CPU speeds (450, 400 and 350) and a 1, 2, and 4 processor version of a system. Make separate submissions for each CPU quantity, at the highest processor speed:

Specific Testing Requirements:

This section lists requirements for systems HCT testing. These requirements are not necessarily the same as logo program requirements.

Step By Step procedures

Step 1: Choose a category for your submission:

PC 99: Mini-Note, Mobile, Office, Consumer, Entertainment, or Workstation.
Server: Basic Server, SOHO Server, or Enterprise Server

Step 2: Determine Self-Test Eligibility:

Self-test: You can test the system in your facility and submit the test results to WHQL.

Pre-test: You must test the system in your facility then submit system and test results to WHQL.

Criteria for system self-test eligibility:
Eligible for Self-Test* Pre-test (NOT Eligable for Self-Test)
  • Single and Dual processor systems with these CPU types:

  • Intel® Pentium® III (including Xeon®) processors
  • Intel® Pentium® II (including Xeon®) processors
  • Intel® Celeron® processors
    (including models with integrated cache)
  • Intel® Mobile Celeron® (Dixon®) processors
    (including models with integrated cache)
  • AMD-K6® and AMD-K6 3D® processors
  • AMD-K6® 2 processors
  • AMD Athlon® processors (single processor systems only)
  • Cyrix 6x86MX® processors
  • Cyrix MII® processors
  • Cyrix Media Gx Enhanced® processors
  • Cyrix GXM® processors
  • IDT WinChip® 2-3D processors
  • Rise mP6® processors

Note: Dual processor systems are only eligible for self-test for PC99 and SDG 2.0 submissions.

  • Systems with submission categories or processors not on the self-test list.
  • Systems with more than 2 processors
  • Systems that require a custom HAL
    (Hardware Abstraction Layer) for Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.
  • Mini-Note submissions
  • Mobile submissions
  • Office submissions
  • Consumer submissions
  • Workstation submissions
  • Basic Server submissions
  • SOHO Server submissions
  • Entertainment submissions
  • Enterprise Server submissions

See the WHQL Systems Web site for the latest self-test updates:

*If any of the Pre-test criteria apply to the test system then it is not eligible for self-test.

Step 3: Verify system components are logo'd

All components in your system or shipping with your system must also be logo'd and listed on the HCL before the system will be granted a logo.

  • The Logo'd Components test that runs in Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 will flag drivers that have not been tested by Microsoft. The test relies upon an index that is updated daily.
  • After installing the HCTs, download and execute the newest Logo'd Components Index from the testkits page to ensure you have the most current index of logo'd components. WHQL updates the index frequently.

    Component Specifics of Device Logo
    Audio Controller Chipset and Driver
    Video Controller Chipset and Driver
    Modem Chipset and Driver
    Network Interface Card Chipset and Driver
    Hard Disk Drives Make, Model, firmware revision
    CD-ROM Make, Model, firmware revision
    CD Recordable (CDR) Make, Model, firmware revision
    CD-RW Make, Model, firmware revision
    Removable Media Drives Make, Model, firmware revision and Driver (If 3rd Party)
    Tape Drives Make, Model, firmware revision and Driver (If 3rd Party)
    IDE Controller Chipset and Driver (If 3rd party)
    SCSI Controller Make, Model, BIOS revision of controller and driver version (If 3rd Party)
    RAID Controller Make, Model, BIOS revision of controller and driver version (If 3rd Party)
    Fibre Channel Controller Make, Model, BIOS revision of controller and driver version (If 3rd Party)
    DVD-ROM Make, Model, firmware revision
    DVD-ROM MPEG Decoder Software and/or hardware decoder must be tested.
    Still Image and Motion Video Capture Hardware and Software Revisions
    Display Monitor Size and Type
    Input Devices Mice, Keyboards, Game Controllers, Pointing devices
    Smart Card Readers Software Revision
    USB Hubs and HCI Cards Revision
    UPS Hardware Device
    ISDN Adapter Chipset and Driver
    Printer Hardware and Driver
    1394 Chipset and Driver
    AMR Chipset, Codec, BIOS and Driver
    Mini-PCI Chipset and Driver

    Step 4: Test the System

    Test the system in your lab and create log wrap-ups for each of these operating systems:
    Required: Optional: These operating systems are not required unless you plan to pre-install them on the system, or wish to display logos for these operating systems.

    Servers: Provide a testing log for one of the following:

    1. Windows 2000® Datacenter Server (RC3 or greater) (ACPI mode)
    2. Windows 2000® Advanced Server (RC3 or greater) (ACPI mode)
    3. Windows 2000® Server (RC3 or greater) (ACPI mode)

    Servers: Provide a testing log for:

    • Windows NT 4.0® Server Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 6 (SP6)
    • Windows NT 4.0® Server Standard Edition with Service Pack 6 (SP6)

    Systems: Provide a testing log for:

    • Windows 2000® Professional (RC3 or greater) (ACPI mode)

    Systems: Provide a testing log for any of the following:

    • Microsoft® Windows® 95 OEM Service Release 2
    • Windows® 98 Golden Edition (mode that ships: ACPI or APM)
    • Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 6 (SP6)
    • Windows® 98 Second Edition (ACPI Mode)

    Note: When the final version of Windows 2000 is released, only Windows 2000 pre-install images will be required for systems and servers that are only pre-installed with Windows 2000. Although Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 are listed as "Optional" in the table above, they are still required for system submissions if the system will be pre-installed with these operating systems, or logo'd for these operating systems.

    For each of these test runs, create separate logs on separate disks, or place them all on one media type (100MB Zip or CD-ROM) and clearly label each directory. Clearly label each disk with company name, model(s), and OS. DO NOT compress logs.

    Step 5: Legal Agreements

    Complete and sign the "Designed for Microsoft Windows" Logo License Agreement and WHQL Testing Agreement. If your company already completed these agreements, only "Exhibit A" of the Testing Agreement (Exhibit A.tif) needs to be completed and included with your Test Submission. The WHQL testing agreements and exhibits are available for download from the page.

    Step 6: Create electronic submission file (Systemsub.dat)

    Use the WHQL Submission Assistant to create the systemsub.dat file required for each submission. It is available for downloaded from the Test Kits page:

    Step 7: Assemble the System Submission

    The following items must be included for ALL submissions:

    1. Submission Disks. Provide the HCT 9.0 and/or 9.1 log sets for all required operating systems. If there are multiple submission disks, each one must be clearly labeled.
    2. Systemsub.dat file. Include with one set of the HCT logs or on a separate and clearly labeled disk.
    3. Legal Agreements. Completed and signed: WHQL Testing Agreement, Logo License Agreement and Exhibit A.
    4. Readme. Reference each errata item that explains a failure in your test logs, and explain how you believe this item applies if your failure is not identical to the one described in the errata item. Please include errata item ID #'s. Include master ID's for any failing devices.


    Test submissions sent to Microsoft Japan and NSTL must include fees, as described below in Step 8: Ship the Submission.

    Test submissions sent to WHQL USA must have payment sent to another address. Follow the directions in the USA Payment Form.doc when making your payment. The USA Payment Form can be downloaded from the Test Kits page.

    Fee: The processing fee is per system for the initial test run whether the system passes or fails, and for each retest and refresh.

    For non-Self-Test submissions, these additional items must also be included:

    1. Computer system: Send the system from your assembly line that you tested.
      • All systems must contain at least one CD-ROM, and one PCI 10/100 network interface card.
      • Include a keyboard only if it has customized, non-standard features. Do not send a monitor or mouse with the submission.
      • Server submissions must include two hard drives.
      • If the system ships with a RAID solution, it must be configured with a minimum of three hard disk drives.

    2. Shipping device driver files: (Unless available in the operating system setup media.)
      • PCI bridge driver
      • Storage controller drivers
      • Audio drivers
      • Video drivers
      • Modem drivers
      • Mouse, pen device or touchpad drivers

    3. Before you submit your system to WHQL for testing, be sure that your drivers comply with the following submission requirements:
      1. All drivers should be ready to install. No self-extracting archives, no ZIP files, and no ARJ files. The only exception to this rule is if a self-extracting archive also performs driver installation.
      2. If the operating system requires a driver in order to be able to complete installation, then that driver (usually a SCSI controller) should be placed on a floppy diskette.
      3. Driver directories should be kept to eight character maximum and no more than four directories deep.
      4. If drivers are stored in subdirectories on the CD, then the directories should be organized in either a DRIVER/os/type/manufacturer format or a DRIVER/type/manufacturer/os format. Use the minimum number of needed directories to separate drivers. An example of the DRIVER/os/type/manufacturer format would be a CD with video, SCSI, IDE, and network drivers organized in the following directory structure:
              |     |
              |     |-----SCSI
              |     |     |
              |     |     |---Adaptec
              |     |     | 
              |     |     |---Symbios
              |     |     |
              |     |     |---Mylex
              |     |     |
              |     |     ---Megaraid
              |     |
              |     |-----Video
              |     |
              |     |-----IDE
              |     |
              |      -----NIC (or LAN or network)
              |     |
              |     |----SCSI
              |     |
              |     |----Video
              |     |
              |     |----IDE
              |     |
              |      ----Network (or LAN or NIC)
                    |----Bridge (Win 95 & 98 only)
                     ----LAN (or NIC or network)

      OR, with the DRIVER/type/manufacturer/os format:

               |     |
               |     |----Adaptec
               |     |     |
               |     |     |---NT4
               |     |     |
               |     |      ---Win95/98 
               |     |
               |     |----Symbios
               |     |     |
               |     |     |---NT4
               |     |     |
               |     |      ---Win95/98
               |     |
               |     |
               |     |----Mylex
               |     |     |
               |     |     |---NT4
               |     |     |
               |     |      ---Win95/98
               |     |
               |     ----Megaraid
               |          |
               |          |---NT4
               |          |
               |           ---Win95/98
               |      |
               |      |----NT4
               |      |
               |       ----Win95/98
               |      |
               |      |----NT4
               |      |
               |       ----Win95/98

      Finally, try to install the drivers the way that they are saved. Sometimes tagfiles are needed in the root directory of the CD in order for the installation of the driver to work. Please take a couple of hours and install each OS and then make sure that the drivers can be installed without any changes other than pointing to the appropriate directory.

    4. Applicable device driver files: (Unless available in the operating system setup media.) PCI bridge drivers, Storage controller drivers, Audio drivers, Video drivers, Modem drivers, Mouse, pen device or touchpad drivers. Also include the the folowing configuration utilities, as needed:
      • EISA/SCU utilities
      • RAID configuration utilities (if applicable)

    Step 8: Ship the Submission

    If the System is not eligible for Self-Test, it must be sent to WHQL in the United States.
    Send self-test submission packages to one of the following authorized Microsoft test locations:
    1. Microsoft Corporation
      Windows Hardware Quality Labs, BLDG. 26 South
      One Microsoft Way
      Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

      Follow the directions in the USA Payment Form.doc when making your payment. The USA Payment Form can be downloaded from the Test Kits page.
      Note: payment is sent to a different address than the test submission.

    2. Microsoft Co., Ltd. JAPAN
      Microsoft Chofu Technology Center,
      18-1, Chofugaoka 1-chome, Chofu-shi,
      Tokyo 182-0021 JAPAN

      Wire transfer, payable to Microsoft Product Development Ltd.
      Attach a copy of the transfer and use the following information:
      Bank of Tykyo Mitsubishi, Sasazuka Shiten,
      Futsu Kouza 0882016, Beneficiary: Microsoft Product Development Ltd.

      For more information contact Microsoft Japan at 81-424-41-8384 (fax) or (e-mail).

    3. NSTL Asia Pacific/Allion Computer Inc.
      12FL., No. 552 Chung Hsiao E. Rd. Sec 5.
      Taipei 110 Taiwan R.O.C.

      Check, P.O. or wire transfer, payable to ALLION Computer Inc. If wire transfer, attach a copy of the transfer and use the following information:
      Taiwan Business Bank, Yung Chun Branch
      1FL., No. 552, Chung Hsiao E. Rd. Sec 5.
      Taipei Taiwan, R.O.C., Account Number: 10350004683; Beneficiary: ALLION Computer Inc.

      Note: Taiwanese customers only - Please contact NSTL by sending a fax to 886-2-27283203or e-mail to to obtain banking information.