Logo Test
Last updated on June 28, 1999
Logo'd Components Test

Logo'd Components Test

Type Automatic
Operating system Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 (RC3 or later)
Log filename For 9x and NT 4.0: chklogo.log
For Windows 2000: chklogo5.log
Processing time Approximately 5 minutes
Status Required
Included in these HCTs: All

Systems submitted to WHQL for the 1999-2000 Windows Logo Program for Hardware are required to have all components logo'd with a PC 99 designation on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). The Logo'd Components Test relies upon an up-to-date index of these components. After installing the HCTs, download and execute the newest Logo'd Components Index to ensure the most current results. WHQL updates the index of logo'd components daily.

For PC 99 testing with HCTs 9.0 and 9.1 you must download the Logo'd Components test full install from the Test Kits page.

To run the logo'd components test: Windows 2000

  1. In Test Manager, expand System -> Logo. Select the Logo'd Components Test and click "Add".
  2. Click "Start" to run the Logo'd Components Test.

    The logo'd components test runs and either passes or fails.

To run the logo'd components test: Windows NT 4.0

  1. In Test Manager, expand System -> Manual Tests -> Logo. Select the Logo'd Components Test and click "Add".
  2. Click "Start" to run the Logo'd Components Test.

    The logo'd components test starts.

  3. When the logo'd components test starts, the Chklogo dialog will appear. You have ten seconds to select which HCL designation you are checking the logo for: PC 98, PC 99, PC 97, SDG 1.0, or SDG 2.0. After you have selected your designation, click "OK" in the Chklogo dialog.

    The logo'd components test runs and either passes or fails.

To run the logo'd components test: Windows 98

  1. In Test Manager, expand System -> Manual Tests -> Logo. Select the Logo'd Components Test and click "Add".
  2. Click "Start" to run the Logo'd Components Test.

    The logo'd components test starts.

  3. When the logo'd components test starts, the Chklogo dialog will appear. You have ten (10) seconds to select which HCL designation you are checking the logo for: PC 98, PC 99, PC 97, SDG 1.0, or SDG 2.0. After you have selected your designation, click "OK" in the Chklogo dialog.
  4. The Who's Motherboard dialog appears. Select the pci sig assigned vendor ID from the drop down and click "Enter". If you have modified the motherboard for your system, enter your pci sig assigned vendor ID and click "Enter".
  5. The Add-in card? confirmation box appears. This box will appear once for each device on the test system that may be an integrated device (ie, a device on the motherboard or a riser card). Click "Yes" or "No" for each confirmation box, depending on whether the device in question is an integrated device or not.

    The logo'd components test completes, and either passes or fails.


If the test system has integrated components and a motherboard made by the same manufacturer, it will fail the logo'd components test because the vendor IDs of the motherboard and integrated components are identical. This failure is acceptable, make a note of it when you make your sumbission.