Memory Tests
Last updated on November 15, 1999
AWE Test

AWE Test

Type Automatic
Operating system Windows 2000 (RC3 or later)
Log filename awe-prms.log
Processing time One to several hours, depending on memory size and processor speed
Status Required for systems with a greater than 4 Gigabytes of RAM
Requirements A system with greater than 4 Gigabytes of RAM
Included in these HCTs: 9.x

The AWE test tests the Win32 Address Windowing Extensions on machines with more than 4 gigabytes (GB) of memory (RAM). The Address Windowing Extensions provide user applications with 32-Bit virtual addressing to greater than 32-bit regions of physical memory.

Note that this tests should run without errors on systems with less than 4 GB of RAM, but that this test is designed to test systems with greater than 4 GB of RAM. Note: AWE is supported on all platforms supported by Windows 2000, including Alpha (32-Bit) and the 64-Bit version of Windows 2000.

To run the AWE Test

  1. Start Test Manager.
  2. In the Available Tests pane, open 'System' then 'Memory'.
  3. Under 'Memory', double click on 'AWE'.

    'Memory\AWE' appears in the selected tests pane.

  4. Click 'Start' to start the AWE test

The AWE test consists of several sub-tests, wich include:

  1. Parameter tests:
  2. Stress tests
  3. Limit tests
  4. Synchronization tests
  5. Performance tests


Many of the HCT test exhibit problems when run with 4 or more GB of RAM, so it is advisable to test with less than 4 GB of RAM, then add RAM and run AWE and System Stress.