Miscellaneous Tests
Last updated on November 15, 1999
Auto NIC Test
IR & IDE Enumeration
PNP Disable/Enable Device I/O
Driver Verifier Test

Auto NIC Test

Type Automatic
Operating system NT 4.0, Windows 2000 (RC3 or later), Windows 95 & 98
Log filename ndistest.log
Processing time Approximately 30 Minutes
Status Required
Included in these HCTs: All

NDIS Auto NIC Test Overview

The NDIS Auto NIC Tester performs two important tasks:

The NDIS Auto NIC Test is run as part of the system compatibility tests. A system must pass these tests to be included on the Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). Also, netcards submitted for membership on the HCL must pass the full WHQL NDIS Netcard Driver tests.

Note: NDIS 3.0 drivers are no longer being certified for Windows NT® or Windows 95 & 98.

NDIS Auto NIC Test Features

The NDIS Auto-NIC Test verifies the functionality of each NDIS request supported by the netcard driver. The tester can be used with Windows NT 4.0 (sp2 and later), Windows 2000, Windows 95, and Windows 98.

The tester works by stressing the packet send and receive functions. The tester emulates a transport layer protocol driver and communicates with the netcard driver through the NDIS wrapper.

To test a variety of network configurations, multiple instances of the tester are bound to each driver. This lets you simulate up to eight network stacks installed on the same machine. The NDIS Auto-NIC Test covers the functional testing part of the full NDIS Netcard Driver Tester:


Installing the NDIS Auto NIC Tester is controlled by the Test Manager. All binaries applicable to that machine are loaded. For example, on a machine with an Alpha processor, the binaries for Windows NT® 4.0 SP6 and Windows® 2000 are installed. On a machine with an Intel processor, the binaries for Windows® 95 and Windows® 98 are loaded in addition.

After completing the installation, be sure to read the file UPDATE.TXT in the installation directory to learn about new program updates.

Start-Up Procedures

You should connect the cards involved in the test on a private network. Also, we recommend that you connect the test machine's appropriate serial connection to a debugging machine. If you encounter problems during the test, the debugger can help you solve them. The symbols for NDISTEST.SYS are contained in either NDISTEST.SYS or NDISTEST.DBG. You can copy the appropriate file to your debugger machine.
Before running the NDIS Netcard Driver Tester, you need to perform these steps:

Interpreting Test Results

When NDTEST finishes running the tests, it produces a summary file called ndistest.log. Click the Results burron to see the summary information. Unless the summary indicates errors, warnings, or blocked tests, there is little need to look at the log files. If you want to look at individual log files, double click the name of the log.

Sometimes when running a test, you may hit a breakpoint in the tester. The breakpoint should be preceded by a string sent to the debugger that identifies the problem. Because most of these problems relate to data corruption in the packet, the breakpoints in NDIS Netcard Driver Tester give you a useful tool to pinpoint the cause and extent of data corruption.

Viewing the Log Summary

Each line of the log summary lists a log file and the results of the tests contained in that log file. A final summary is provided at the end of the list.

Following is a description of each column in the log summary.

Testname Contains the name of the log file whose results are on the remainder of the line. It is also the name of the script with a .TST extension.
Total Lists the total number of test variations recorded in this log file. This number varies widely between test scripts. A variation is a test that differs slightly from all other tests - meaning that at least one variable has been changed.
Passed Lists the number of test variations that passed. This number should equal the total number of variations performed.
Failed Lists the number of test variations that failed. To determine why tests failed, search the corresponding log file for a line beginning with the string FAIL. The message on this line indicates what the failure was. The lines immediately above give you more information about the test.
Warned Lists the number of test variations that generated warnings. Some of these are insignificant, and some are inconsequential failures. Check these tests to determine if they indicate real problems. Search the appropriate log file for a line beginning with the string WARN.
Blocked Lists the number of test variations that could not be performed because they were blocked. Search the log file for a line beginning with the string BLOCK.

Viewing Individual Log Files

If the summary indicates that a script failed, examine the log file produced by that script. Select Results/Test Logs, then select the log file of your choice. Search for these stringsto determine the nature of the problem:

The information following these strings helps you troubleshoot failures. To determine exactly what test was running, you need only examine a few lines after the character strings. Log entries that identify a new set of tests start with "***." Packet filters for a set of tests are at the top of a loop under multiple "LOOPTOPs". You'll find additional information on determining the cause of failures in the NT Debugging Overview.

Even if all tests succeed, these are the logs that we advise you inspect:

1C_GINFO.L* This log contains the results of all queryinfo calls that the driver claims the netcard supports. The results of some of these calls cannot be verified by the tester (for instance, the driver description string). Make sure that these are correct.
1C_GSTAT.L* This log contains the results of all the querystats that the driver claims the netcard supports. Scan these to make sure they are correct.

Miscellaneous Information

An FAQ file, included in the installation, should contain answers to most of your questions. It will be updated as required. The tester binaries and scripts are updated frequently and the latest copies can be found on ftp.microsoft.com/services/whql/ndis. The tester is stored there as a self-extracting archive. Download this to a clean directory, then extract by running "ndisxxxx -d". This will create a directory tree from which you can do the actual installation using ndsetup.bat.
Always check file readme.txt for any special information about the version or versions of the tester available.

A document containing the information you would need to write your own scripts will be posted at the above ftp site when it is completed. If you have any questions about the ndis tester, or run into any problems, please do the following:

IR & IDE Enumeration

Type Interactive
Operating system Windows 95 & 98
Log filename enum.tst.log
Processing time Approximately 30 minutes
Status Required
Included in these HCTs: 8.x, 9.x

This test procedure verifies IRDA enumeration functions properly, and IDE drives with more than 4096 cylinders are properly identified by the system BIOS (Int 13 extensions). Detailed instructions are presented in the test dialog.




Type Interactive
Operating system Windows 95 & 98
Log filename misc.tst.log
Processing time Approximately 30 minutes
Status Required
Included in these HCTs: 8.x, 9.x

This test procedure verifies miscellaneous Windows Logo Program requirements such as port icons, keyed IDE cables, etc. are met. Detailed instructions are presented in the test dialog.

Note: There is a miscellaneous test test called "APM (integrated devices)". The test instructions are valid for Windows 95 only. Windows 98 does not support a suspend button on the start menu. In Windows 98 choose 'Shutdown' and 'Standby' for the suspend function.



PNP Disable/Enable Device I/O

Type Automatic
Operating system Windows 2000
Log filename nftest.log
Processing time Approximately 30 minutes
Status Required
Included in these HCTs: 9.0 and 9.1

This test makes a list of all the adapters in the system and the devices attached to each adapter. For each adapter, this test sends I/O, disables, then enables the input and output from the devices attached to the adapter.


When run, this test:

  1. Makes a list of all the adapters in the test system, and the devices attached to each adapter.
  2. For each adapter in the system the PnP test:


Due to a bug with Windows 2000, this test may not work with some devices. If the system locks up and will not respond to mouse or keyboard activity, or if this test continues to run for two hours, the test has found an adapter that is affected by this bug. This is an easy error to observe, usually the last line of test output indicates the test was attempting to run I/O through the device (For Example: Pinging with a network card; attempting to play sound with a sound card, etc). If this test fails to complete, they should hook up a debugger to the system to find the cause of the failure.

Driver Verifier Test

Type Automatic
Operating system Windows 2000 (RC3 or later)
Log filename shrtver.log
Processing time

If no unsigned drivers are found: 2 minutes

If unsigned drivers are found: approximately 4-5 hours

Status Required
Included in these HCTs: 9.5
Location in Test Manager: \system\verify\

The Driver Verifier test only tests unsigned drivers that are designed for Windows 2000. The Driver Verifier test stresses device/driver combinations and tests the device's use of system resources, including the driver's memory paging behavior.

The Driver Verifier test tests device/driver combinations using the following verification types:

For more information on Driver Verifier and Driver Verifier verification types, see the latest version of the Windows 2000 DDK, section 5.1 "Driver Verifier": http://www.microsoft.com/DDK/

To Run the Driver Verifier Test:

  1. Start the HCT Test Manager.
  2. Expand System -> Verify, and double-click Driver Verifier (Preview).
  3. Click the Start button to run the test.