Clustering Readme
Last updated on November 11, 1999

1.0 Run the Wolfpack HCT

To run the Wolfpack HCT kit use hwtest.exe to start it.

2.0 Welcome to the Wolfpack HCT 9.5 kit

This kit will run on Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 and Windows 2000 RC3. Please make sure that you install SP5, or Windows 2000 as appropiate on both Wolfpack servers. Service Pack 5 can be downloaded from the web site. Also with this version of the HCT kit all client machines should also be on SP5 NTS or NTW.

For Windows 2000 only:

The client master's monitoring processes currently require more active connections then are supported in the default installation of Workstation. As a result we recommend that you run the client master from an install of Windows 2000 Server.

3.0 Documentation

Please look in the \docs directory on the cd and printout either the wolfpackdoc.htm or mscs2000.htm. These are meant to be the step by step instructions on how to run the Wolfpack HCT tests. Please also review the Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Server docs or Windows 2000 Advanced Server docs, and have them available, before starting the tests.

4.0 Contact info

General WHQL information can be found at the hwtest web page at:

The WHQL systems e-mail support alias is

Additional information can be found in doc files located in the \doc directory on the latest CD.

If you run into problems running wolfpack tests or have complaints and/or suggestions please send email to:

We will try to answer all questions. We will also review all comments and try to take those into consideration for the next release of the test kit.

Please also submit a log file for each node that had a failure. You need to set a system environment variable on each node.

ClusterLog=C:\cluster.log ( for example )

This can be done with the system applet->Environment and then reboot.

Also include the vald2nod.log (or vald1nod.log), valdclus.log and the spfail.log as well the the output from the following commands:

  1. cluster.exe <node-name> res
  2. cluster.exe <node-name> group
  3. cluster.exe <node-name> node

5.0 Known problems

The MSDTC and MSMQ test currently do not run correctly. These tests will attempt to start, but will fail immediately.

In a previous version of the test kit there were cases where a client would show up as state "Unknown" when running the phase 2 or phase 5 tests. We believe this problem is now fixed. If however you see a client in this state Don't try to start the tests. It is better to abort and restart. This problem wasn't very common, but it would cause the test run not to start though.

In some cases the client pass rate is not 100% accurate. For the final HCT test kit we don't track client pass/rate anyhow but we will fix this problem also.

Don't leave Cluadmin running on either a remote or local cluster node. The way that our HCT test suite cleans up resources and creates them will cause message boxes with error 5006 to popup after the test completion.

6.0 Fixed problems

7.0 Changes to test plan