* * IBM(R) * IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0 for AIX Run-Time Environment component * 5724-I11 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, and by others. All Rights Reserved. * * IBM is trademark or registered trademark of International Business * Machines Corporation in the U.S., other countries or both. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure * restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0 for AIX Run-Time Environment component Readme Contents =============== I. Usage Statement II. Archive Contents III. Prerequisites IV. Installation Instructions V. Reverting to the previously installed C++ Runtime Level VI. Providing Feedback I. Usage Statement ================== The downloadable XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0 for AIX Run-Time Environment component is not warranted. It is to be used only for C++ applications developed with IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition for AIX. You must not use any part of this component with any other application or program. For detailed terms and conditions, please refer to the LicenseAgreement.txt and LicenseInformation.txt. II. Archive Contents ==================== The archive xlc.rte.70.aix.tar.Z contains the following: -> vacpp.cmp.rte -> xlC.aix50 -> xlC.msg.Ja_JP -> xlC.msg.en_US -> xlC.msg.ja_JP -> xlC.rte -> xlsmp.aix50.rte -> xlsmp.msg.EN_US.rte -> xlsmp.msg.JA_JP.rte -> xlsmp.msg.Ja_JP.rte -> xlsmp.msg.ZH_CN.rte -> xlsmp.msg.Zh_CN.rte -> xlsmp.msg.en_US.rte -> xlsmp.msg.ja_JP.rte -> xlsmp.msg.zh_CN.rte -> xlsmp.rte -> README -> LicenseAgreement.txt -> LicenseInformation.txt III. Prerequisites ================== The IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0 for AIX Run-Time Environment component requires AIX 5L. IV. Installation Instructions ============================= Complete the following steps to install the IBM XL C/C++ Enterprise Edition V7.0 for AIX Run-Time Environment component: 1. Prior to installing the Run-Time Environment component, please note the current C++ runtime level, so you can revert back to it if required. 2. Deinstall any XL C++ beta or evaluation run-time packages. 3. Download the xlc.rte.70.aix.tar.Z archive. 4. Uncompress and untar the downloaded package into a new directory: a. To uncompress the file, use: uncompress xlc.rte.70.aix.tar.Z b. To untar the resulting file, use: tar -xvf xlc.rte.70.aix.tar 5. Delete the .toc file in the download directory. If no .toc file exists, proceed to step 6. 6. Use 'smit install_latest' to go to the appropriate installation screen in SMIT. You must have root privileges. 7. Install the filesets: a. Specify the download directory location. b. Modify the installation options to suit your needs. c. The installation process writes a log to $HOME/smit.log. V. Reverting to the previously installed C++ Runtime Level ========================================================== To revert to the V6.0 C++ runtime level, use the following steps: 1. Download the base runtime and the fix level (if applicable) of the C++ runtime you recorded before installing the Run-Time Environment component. The base runtime and fix levels can be found at: http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/vacpp/support/ A compressed archive containing the base level C++ runtime libraries filesets can be obtained from: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/products/ccpp/xlc.600.runtime.aix.tar.Z 2. Force install the base level of the C++ runtime with the -F option, using the following command. installp -aFXd xlC.rte xlC.aix50.rte xlC.msg.LANG.rte where: is the location of the install images 3. Apply the fix level (if required), using the following command: installp -aXd where: is the location of the install images. is the fileset to update. or commit the fix level, using: installp -acXd where: is the location of the install images. is the fileset to update. VI. Providing Feedback ====================== IBM welcomes your comments. You can send them to: compinfo@ca.ibm.com. A reply will be sent to the originating address.