+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | IMPORTANT: Installation instructions in this file only applies to | | installation on the Solaris Operating System | | (not on AIX or any other platform). You can mount | | this afs onto your SUN machine and install it from | | there. | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ CONTENTS ======== HOW TO INSTALL C SET ++ FOR THE SOLARIS O/S VERSION 1.1.1.x Introduction Getting Started Prerequisite Tasks or Conditions Organization PROCEDURE TO INSTALL Steps for Installation IBMcset Package IPFR-RUN Package IPFS-SDK Package NetLS Package Before Installing NetLS During Installation of NetLS NetLS Installation process Procedure to run swmtool remotely NETLS LICENSING REQUIREMENTS Types of NetLS Licenses Nodelocked License Concurrent-use License IBMcset-Specific Administration Considerations Troubleshooting Nodelocked Licenses Troubleshooting Concurrent-use Licenses PRODUCT SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION Viewing the online tutorial and books Printing the PostScript Documentation DEINSTALLATION OF SOFTWARE IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION FOR NETLS REGISTRATION Before You Request Password(s) NetLS Target ID Product and Machine Information Registration Form Product Information Machine Information IBM Product Registration Information Form - Company Data Your Company Information Your IBM Representative Information (OPTIONAL) INFORMATION RETURNED BY THE IBM REGISTRATION CENTER Information Returned for a Nodelocked License Information Returned for Concurrent-use Licenses Installing your NetLS Password(s) =================================================================== HOW TO INSTALL C SET ++ FOR THE SOLARIS O/S VERSION 1.1.1.x ___________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: Installation instructions in this file only applies to installation on the Solaris Operating System (not on AIX or any other platform). INTRODUCTION ____________ The C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System Version 1.1.1.x licensed program provides: o native optimizing C and C++ compilers o graphical debugger o source code browser o dynamic memory usage debugger o C++ class libraries o on-line C++ language tutorial o on-line documentation o PostScript** documentation You can install the C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System components from: o CD-ROM o Tape After installing C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System be sure to read the product readme file "/opt/IBMcset/README". It contains instructions on how to start using the product and contains information that the system administrator may need to act on or distribute to others who use the product. WARNING: C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System operates under the Network License System (NetLS) and cannot be used without a password. You must choose between a Nodelocked license, a Concurrent-use license, or a combination of both before installing the product. This choice should have been made at product purchase time. After installation, a password must be obtained by contacting the Registration Center. Please do not specify any annotation field when using a Nodelocked license. Please refer to "NetLS Licensing Requirements" section below for more information. GETTING STARTED _______________ This is an overview of the installation process. 1. Read these installation instructions carefully. This memo contains the latest and most accurate information and supersedes any information on the CD-ROM. 2. Check your NetLS configuration. The choice of Network Licensing option should have been made at product purchase time. Determine your type of licensing, and consult the section on "NetLS Licensing Requirements" below to learn more about your particular requirements. 3. Remove any existing IBMcset product. If you have already installed a previous version (including PTFs) of this product, you must remove it before installing this version. 4. Check your prerequisites. You should consult "Prerequisite Tasks or Conditions" for any prerequisites that are required before installation. 5. Install the software. Use either swmtool or pkgadd to install the software. The installation includes packages for the compiler, network licensing system, and the online tutorial. Depending on your NetLS configuration, you may need to install the NetLS server software. 6. Configure your system. After the installation, change your PATH variable to include the directories containing the product executables. You may also need to change your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable if you've installed the IPFR-RUN or IPFS-SDK packages. 7. Collect licensing information and obtain a password. Collect the system information, such as CPU ids, and contact the key center to get a license that lets you operate the software legally. 8. Read the README file for the new product. The README contains information that arrived too late for the documentation or for this install note. It is stored in "/opt/IBMcset". There are several README.topic files, each describing a separate topic, stored in "/opt/IBMcset/etc". PREREQUISITE TASKS OR CONDITIONS ________________________________ o If any of the following packages are not installed on your machine, you must install them before installing C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System: SUNWCAR Core Architecture, (Root) SUNWKVM Core Architecture, (Kvm) SUNWCSR Core Sparc, (Root) SUNWCSU Core Sparc, (Usr) SUNWTOO Programming Tools SUNWARC Archive Libraries SUNWBTOOL CCS tools bundled with SUNOS SUNWCSD Core Sparc Devices SUNWhea Header Files Use the following command to determine if a package has been installed: pkginfo (eg. pkginfo SUNWcar) o If you plan to use the online C++ tutorial or view the online documentation, you will need to install IPF runtime (IPFR-RUN) package. o If you plan to use the IPF compiler in the IPF Software Develop- ment Kit (IPFS-SDK package), you will need to install the IPF runtime (IPFR-RUN package) as well. o C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System operates under the Network License System (NetLS) and cannot be used without a password. You must choose between a Nodelocked license, a Concurrent-use license, or a combination of both before installing the product. This choice should have been made at purchase time. After installation, a password must be obtained by contacting the Registration Center. o If you plan to re-install NetLS, please refer to "Before Installing NetLS" section below first. o All four packages require about 114 Megabytes of space for a COMPLETE installation. If the postscript files are omitted from the IBMcset package during installation, only 57 Megabytes of space is required instead. o The installation procedure will require and additional 131 Megabytes of temporary spool space which will be free up afterwards. ORGANIZATION ____________ The organization is as follows: "PROCEDURE TO INSTALL" This chapter tells you how to install from CD-ROM, either from the GUI install tool or from the command line. "NETLS LICENSING REQUIREMENTS" This chapter describes the Network Licensing configuration and tells you how to prepare your site for these configurations. Study this chapter before you set up a client-server concurrent- access configuration. If you only need a nodelock setup, skim this chapter for nodelock information. "PRODUCT SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION" This chapter gives additional information you can use to access the software after it has been installed. It also contains information on viewing the online books and tutorial, and printing the PostScript documentation. "DEINSTALLATION OF SOFTWARE" This chapter describes how to deinstall the product from your system. You must deinstall the package before installing a different version or release. "IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION FOR NETLS REGISTRATION" This chapter contains the forms required for NetLS registration. "INFORMATION RETURNED BY THE IBM REGISTRATION CENTER" This chapter contains samples of information returned by the Registration Center. =================================================================== PROCEDURE TO INSTALL ____________________ This section covers a detailed installation for C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System, from CD-ROM. It covers two styles of installation: o Command line: pkgadd o Graphical User Interface (GUI): swmtool Both styles provide the same product installation. However, the GUI style offers a more coherent overview of the packaging and product lines. It also indicates which products already exist on your system, and shows basic package information. If you are running swmtool remotely, please refer to "Procedure to run swmtool remotely" section below for additional information. STEPS FOR INSTALLATION ______________________ 1. If previously installed. If you installed a previous release of the IBMcset package and wish to apply this release, proceed to "Deinstallation of Software" section below before continuing. It will show you what to do to remove a previous release. If you already installed the IPFR-RUN, IPFS-SDK or NetLS package, you do not need to reinstall them. ====== 2. Check for sufficient space. Table 1 shows the approximate size of the various software packages. It also indicates their default target directory. Different combinations of packages are combined to form dif- ferent clusters. The default directories are all under "/opt". If you do not have enough space in "/opt", you may place the software in different directories in most cases. Even then, the default directory is still created in "/opt" and links are established to your actual physical directory. This is because the software comes with a default config file in "/opt/IBMcset/etc/xlC.cfg" which contains the default directories to look in for include and library files. Refer to the "C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System User's Guide" before attempting to alter the contents of this file. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 1. Packages | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ | PACKAGE | SIZE | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT | | | | | DIRECTORY | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ | IBMcset | 102.52 MB | Select this package to install |/opt/IBMcset | | | C Set ++ compilers and tools. | | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ | IPFR-RUN | 3.64 MB | Select this package to install |/opt/ipfx | | | | the Information Presentation | | | | | Facility which provides the | | | | | capability to view on-line | | | | | view on-line documentation. | | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ | IPFS-SDK | 1.62 MB | Select this package to install |/opt/ipfxsdk | | | the Information Presentation | | | | | Facility - Software Development| | | | | Kit, which you can use to inte-| | | | | grate your User Interface Class| | | | | Library applications with IPFX | | | | | online help. NOTE: this package| | | | | pre-reqs the IPFR-RUN package. | | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ | NetLS | 6.21 MB | Select this package to install |/opt/netls,| | | | the NetLS License Server soft- |/opt/ncs, | | | | ware. This will allow the |/usr/lib/netls, | | | machine to be setup as a NetLS |/usr/lib/ncs | | | License Server. A NetLS License| | | | | Server machine is required to | | | | | use Concurrent-use licensing | | | | | (see Concurrent-use licensing | | | | | under "NetLS Licensing | | | | | Requirements" below | | +----------+-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+ 3. Log on as a user with root authority. 4. For NetLS installation only. If you plan to re-install NetLS, please refer to "Before Installing NetLS" section below. 5. Installing from the PTF .Z file: The installation requires a spool directory with about 131 Megabytes of space to temporarily store all packages in the product. The install will proceed from the spool directory. In this example, we will store the spool directory "Solaris_2.x" under the /tmp directory. This spool directory may be removed after installation is completed. First uncompress the .Z file via uncompress -cvf Uxxxxxx.Z > /tmp/Uxxxxxx This will create file Uxxxxxx where xxxxxx is the PTF number. Then execute the following on the command line: mkdir /tmp/Solaris_2.x cd /tmp; pkgtrans -o Uxxxxxx /tmp/Solaris_2.x When prompted with "Type [go] when ready ...", enter "go". When prompted with "Select package(s) you wish to process ...", enter "all". Wait for pkgtrans to convert data from datastream format to file system format. 6. Select which package to install (packages are listed in Table 1 above): o If you are using pkgadd: a. At the prompt "Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all):", enter the number of the package that you wish to install or press the 'enter' key to install all 4 packages. o If you are using swmtool: a. In the Software Manager window, double click on the "IBM C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System Version 1.1.1.x" line to display a menu of 7 clusters. b. Select a cluster to determine which package or group of packages is to be installed. A cluster is selected by clicking on a line to highlight it. Some of the clusters include other clusters and selecting one line may cause other lines to be selected as well. A cluster may be deselected by clicking on the high- lighted line. Table 2 shows the mapping between clusters and packages. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 2. Swmtool Clusters | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | CLUSTER | DESCRIPTION | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IBM C Set ++ only | Select this cluster to install the | | | IBMcset package only. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IBM C Set ++ with | Select this cluster to install the IBMcset | | IPF Runtime | and IPFR-RUN packages. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IBM C Set ++ with | Select this cluster to install the IBMcset,| | IPF Runtime & | IPFR-RUN and IPFS-SDK packages. | | Software Development | | | Kit | | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IBM C Set ++ with | Select this cluster to install the IBMcset,| | IPF Runtime & | IPFR-RUN, IPFS-SDK and NetLS packages. | | Software Development | | | Kit and NetLS server | | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IPF Runtime | Select this cluster to install the IPFR-RUN| | | package only. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | IPF Runtime & | Select this cluster to install the IPFR-RUN| | Software Development | and IPFS-SDK packages. | | Kit | | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | NetLS for Netls | Select this cluster to install the NetLS | | admin server | License Server package only. | +----------------------+--------------------------------------------+ c. After highlighting the desired clusters, click on the Begin Installation button. d. The Software Manager: Command Input/Output window will be displayed. 7. From this point, the install progresses the same for the graphical and the command line interface. Please refer to the following sections for further information on installing each package: a. "IBMcset Package" b. "IPFR-RUN Package" c. "IPFS-SDK Package" d. "NetLS Package" 8. The prompt "Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all):" will reappear after you install. You can select another package at this time or enter 'q' to quit. IBMcset PACKAGE _______________ 1. At the prompt "Enter [return] to continue:", press the 'return' key. 2. At the prompt "Enter options (comma separated, no space) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]:", select the classes you wish to install by entering the corresponding number or numbers. The list of classes is shown in Table 3. If more than one number is specified, separate the numbers with a comma and leave no spaces. Entering 10 will install all classes except the post- script documentation. Use the following table to determine which classes to install: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 3. Classes | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | | NAME | CLASS | SIZE | DESCRIPTION | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 1 | C/C++ Compiler | comp | 16.35 MB | compilers, libraries, | | | | | | class libraries, | | | | | | include files, | | | | | | utilities | | | | | | | | | | | | Installing this class | | | | | | will provide a minimum | | | | | | setup for using the C | | | | | | and C++ compilers. | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 2 | Debugger | xldb | 0.88 MB | graphical source code | | | | | | debugger (xldb) | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 3 | Browser | brow | 5.12 MB | graphical source code | | | | | | browser for viewing | | | | | | class hierarchies | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 4 | HeapView | heap | 2.59 MB | graphical tool for | | | Debugger | | | viewing heap memory | | | | | | usage | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 5 | IBM User | clui | 12.49 MB | additional class | | | Interface Class| | | library used with | | | Library and | | | C/C++ Compiler class | | | samples | | | that enables | | | | | | development of Motif | | | | | | applications in C++ | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 6 | C++ Class | cltu | 0.24 MB | sample programs and | | | Library samples| | | tutorial for the Class | | | and tutorial | | | Library | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 7 | Experience C++ | tuto | 2.62 MB | tutorial for learning | | |On-line tutorial| | | C++ language | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 8 | On-line | book | 5.04 MB | C Set ++ for the | | | documentation | | | Solaris Operating | | | | | | System documentation | | | | | | that can be viewed | | | | | | on-line using the | | | | | | Information | | | | | | Presentation Facility | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 9 | Postscript | docu | 57.19 MB | C Set ++ for the | | | Documentation | | | Solaris Operating | | | | | | System documentation | | | | | | that can be printed | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 10 |Complete IBMcset| | 45.33 MB | All the above listed | | | package except | | | classes minus the | | | Postscript | | | Postscript | | | Documentation | | | Documentation. | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ | 11 | Complete | | 102.52 MB | All the above listed | | | IBMcset package| | | classes. | +----+----------------+--------+-----------+------------------------+ 3. At the prompt "Please enter a New top level [/opt]" , press the 'return' key to install into the default install directory "/opt". If the directory "/opt" does not have enough space, use a different directory with the required space (ie. "/home"). Links will be created automatically between this directory and the "/opt" directory so that it will appear as if the image has been installed into "/opt". 4. At the prompt "The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package: /usr/lib/X11 Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q]" , enter the 'y' key. This prompt will only appear if another software package has been previously installed that use X11R5 libraries. Answering 'y' will recreate the "/usr/lib/X11" directory with a different set of attributes. 5. The root directory may become too full. This is dangerous as various root directory links are not made and the software database in "/var/sadm/pkg" is not updated. If a message appears asking for more space in /, then you should quit by entering 'q' and try to free up some space in the root directory. If you continue the install without making enough space in root, you may not get all the required links established or the software database may become corrupt. 6. At the prompt "This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y,n,?]", enter the 'y' key. 7. The installation is complete when you see the message: "Installation of was successful." 8. After installing C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System be sure to read the product readme file "/opt/IBMcset/README". It contains instructions on how to start using the product and contains information that the system administrator may need to act on or distribute to others who use the product. NOTE: remember to remove the spool directory (in the example, /tmp/Solaris_2.x) after ALL REQUIRED packages have been installed. IPFR-RUN PACKAGE ________________ 1. Once the option to install this package has been selected, you will see a list of files being installed onto the system. 2. The installation is complete when you see the message: "Installation of was successful." NOTE: the IPFR-RUN package does not provide the option of installing in a directory other than "/opt". Please refer to the section on "Viewing the online tutorial and books" below on starting the online tutorial and viewing the online books. The books can also be printed as hardcopy. Please refer to the section on "Printing the PostScript Documentation" below. NOTE: remember to remove the spool directory (in the example, /tmp/Solaris_2.x) after ALL REQUIRED packages have been installed. IPFS-SDK PACKAGE ________________ 1. Once the option to install this package has been selected, you will see a list of files being installed onto the system. 2. The installation is complete when you see the message: "Installation of was successful." NOTE: the IPFS-SDK package does not provide the option of installing in a directory other than "/opt". NOTE: remember to remove the spool directory (in the example, /tmp/Solaris_2.x) after ALL REQUIRED packages have been installed. NetLS PACKAGE _____________ The installation of the NetLS package involves some understanding of Network Licensing. Please refer to the "NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661)" for more information. If you're using Nodelocked licensing, you will not need to install the NetLS package. You should install the NetLS package if you're using Concurrent-use licensing. BEFORE INSTALLING NETLS If you intend to install NetLS on a system that already has an existing version of NCS or NetLS, ensure that none of the daemons or applications are running prior to installing the product. You should use the ps command to identify the process ids of any of the NetLS or NCS servers (netlsd, glbd,llbd) and kill them (use "kill -9 process_id") in the above order. Alternatively, you can run the script "/usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_stop". If you have an existing version of NetLS installed, remove the package before beginning this installation procedure. You can verify the presence of the NetLS package with the following command: pkginfo -l NetLS Use 'pkgrm NetLS' to remove NetLS. DURING INSTALLATION OF NETLS The installation process creates a shell script called "/var/netls/netls_config". The installation executes this script, which gathers information and places it in "/var/netls/netls_first_time". If there is no existing GLB database, the configuration procedure first checks for location brokers running elsewhere on the network. This information is then displayed. If there are no existing cells, you are asked to choose one of the following options: 1. Continue the configuration without joining a cell 2. Use the default cell 3. Create a new cell. If there are one or more existing cells, you are asked to choose one of the following options: 1. Continue the configuration without joining a cell 2. Join the default cell 3. Join the alternate cell 4. Create a new alternate cell. The information gathered by the configuration procedure is placed in the script "/var/netls/netls_first_time". You should run this script immediately after the configuration procedure. If you elect not to join a cell in either of the above situations, you must execute "/var/netls/netls_config" at some later time in order to complete the configuration procedure. NetLS does not run until at least one cell is manually configured or "/var/netls/netls_config" is executed. If at any time you need to start the daemons manually, you must start them in the order listed below: llbd glbd netlsd You should also kill them in the reverse order. The scripts srv_start and srv_stop in "/usr/lib/netls/bin" ensure that this is done properly. NETLS INSTALLATION PROCESS 1. At the prompt "New top level [/opt]" , press the 'return' key to install into the default install directory "/opt". If the directory "/opt" does not have enough space, use a different directory with the required space (for example "/home"). Links will be created between this directory and the "/opt" directory so that it will appear as if the image has been installed into "/opt". 2. At the prompt "Do you want 'netlsd' and the location broker started automatically when the machine boots? [y]" , enter the 'y' key. 3. At the prompt: "The following files are already installed on the system and are being used by another package: /usr/lib/X11 /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults Do you want to install these conflicting files [y,n,?,q]" Enter the 'y' key. This prompt will only appear if another software package has been previously installed that use X11R5 libraries. Answering 'y' will recreate the "/usr/lib/X11" and "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults" directories with a different set of attributes. 4. The root directory may become too full. This is dangerous because various root directory links may not be made and the software database in "/var/sadm/pkg" may not be updated. If a message appears asking for more space in /, then you should quit by entering 'q' and try to free up some space in the root directory. If you continue the install without making enough space in root, you may not get all the required links established or the software database may become corrupt. 5. At the prompt: "This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of this package [y,n,?]" Enter the 'y' key. 6. The installation is complete when you see the message: "Installation of was successful." 7. After installing the NetLS package you must execute the script "/var/netls/netls_config" to start the NetLS configuration. 8. If an initialized database already exists for the gldb, you will be prompted with: "There is already an initialized database for the gldb. Do you wish to use the existing database when starting the 'glbd' daemon? [y]" Enter the 'n' key. Even though the default answer is yes, it is recommended that you choose 'no' to remove the glb database and start with a clean configuration. 9. If no glb database previously existed or has been removed by answering 'n' to the previous prompt, the following prompts will be displayed: a. At the prompt "Press enter for a list of available cells.", press the 'enter' key. b. At the prompt "Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]:", enter 2 to use the default cell which provides global access to the product. If you wish to limit the use of the product to a certain set of machines, enter 3 to create an alternate cell. Please refer to "NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661)" for information on using an alternate cell. 10. After configurating the NetLS package you must execute the script "/var/netls/netls_first_time" to start the NetLS server. Please refer to "Concurrent-use License" section below for information on setting up a NetLS server. NOTE: remember to remove the spool directory (in the example, /tmp/Solaris_2.x) after ALL REQUIRED packages have been installed. PROCEDURE TO RUN SWMTOOL REMOTELY _________________________________ To run swmtool on a remote machine, you must enable the remote host to access the X-window server on your local machine. This is accomplished by executing the following commands: 1. Execute the following on your local machine: xhost + 2. Execute the following on your remote machine under ksh: export DISPLAY=:0 =================================================================== NETLS LICENSING REQUIREMENTS ____________________________ C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System operates under the Network License System (NetLS). You choice between a Nodelocked license, a Concurrent-use license, or a combination of both should have been made at purchase time. The information in this section is based on the following manuals which should be consulted for a complete description of NetLS: o NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661) o Managing Software Products with Network License System (SC09-1660) o Managing NCS Software (SC09-1834) The postscript fromat of these manuals can be found on the cdrom under directory /usr/cdrom/sws/netls/ps. A Nodelocked license allows C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System to be run on a single machine by multiple users. A Concurrent-use license is a floating license that allows C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System to be run by a single user on any client machine that can access the license server. Due to network overhead, Concurrent-use licensing may operate slower than Nodelocked licensing. TYPES OF NETLS LICENSES _______________________ The following table summarizes the attributes of each license type: +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 4. NetLS License Type | +-------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------------+ | LICENSE TYPE| USES SERVER | APPLICATION ACCESS | USAGE | +-------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------------+ | Nodelocked | No | Limited to single | 1 license = | | | | machine | unlimited use on | | | | | installed machine | +-------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------------+ | Concurrent- | Yes | Whole network | 1 license = 1 use | | use | | | on a client | | | | | machine | +-------------+-------------+--------------------+-------------------+ All licenses are supplied as an encrypted set of characters by the vendor. Any invocation of the C or C++ compiler requires a license. Each license type has an expiration date and each license must be installed on a specific machine. NODELOCKED LICENSE __________________ These are tied to the CPU of the machine on which the licensed product operates. Each node (workstation) on which a licensed product operates must obtain a license password based on its CPU id. You can find the CPU id of a machine by doing any one of the following: 1. Install the IBMcset package and execute the ls_targetid program in bin: /opt/IBMcset/bin/ls_targetid 2. Install the NetLS License Server code. This copies the executable command supplied with the NetLS software to your machine's hard disk. After installing the NetLS License Server, type: /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_targetid 3. You can also use the system utility: /etc/sysdef -h The results look like the following: sunbird ------- 0843874 You should place this result in a copy of "/usr/cdrom/sws/regform.txt", and send this information to your nearest key center representative. The key center sends back a license password, such as the following: #Product Passwords built as # name : C Set++ for Solaris # version : 1.1 # license type : Node Locked # # built as # start date : 11/09/94 # duration : 53 # expiration : 12/31/94 # target type : Sun # target : Any # #Put the following line into your nodelock file: 5da54a553b4c. h48egjcv226jj5c5k7veyibbgw "" "1.1" You should append the above information in the following file as root: /var/netls/nodelock A symbolic link also exists for the above file as "/usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock". You should annotate each additional password clearly using comment lines (lines beginning with "#") so that when you need to clean up the contents of the file, there is no doubt as to which password can be removed. To use a nodelock license, you only need the IBMcset package. You do not need to install NetLS as no license server is required. Note that IBMcset always tries to look for a nodelock password, before attempting to ask for other types of licenses. o Follow these steps to complete setup of Nodelocked licensing: 1. Install the IBMcset package on each machine on which the compiler will be executed. 2. Obtain a vendor id and a Nodelocked license password by completing the IBM Product Registration Information Form (regform.txt) and contacting the Registration Center. The procedure for obtaining passwords will vary depending on your country and you should read the README.password file for information on how to obtain a password. Please refer to "IBM Product Information for NetLS Registration" section below for the location of these files. 3. On the installed machine, place the password in the "/var/netls/nodelock" file. 4. If the Nodelocked license is not working, please refer to "Troubleshooting Nodelocked Licenses" section below. CONCURRENT-USE LICENSE ______________________ Concurrent-use licenses are floating licenses that allow software to be accessed from any machine as long as the number of legal licenses has not been exceeded. Multiple-use rules allow a user to run multiple instances of an application without acquiring additional licenses based on these rules. IBMcset has been enabled with the multiple-use rule of same job. Processes with the same job id will not acquire extra licenses. This license type has two sides. The client side is the licensed product or IBMcset. When it is executed, it requests a license from a NetLS server daemon (netlsd) which allows the software to execute. NetLS servers maintain information about the vendor name, software product IDs, and the number and expiration dates of licenses purchased for each product. The server uses this data to satisfy license requests from clients. These NetLS servers require the NetLS package. Communication is established by NCS protocols. If a NetLS server does not have available licenses to satisfy a request, other servers automatically try to satisfy the request from their installed licenses. o Follow these steps to complete setup of Concurrent-use licensing: 1. Install the IBMcset package on each machine on which the compiler will be executed (referred to as the client machine). 2. Obtain a vendor id, a vendor password, and a Concurrent-use license password by completing the IBM Product Registration Information Form (regform.txt) and contacting the Registration Center. The procedure for obtaining passwords will vary depending on your country and you should read the README.password file for information on how to obtain a password. Please refer to "IBM Product Information for NetLS Registration" section below for the location of these files. 3. Install the NetLS License Server package on the server machine (please refer to section "NetLS Package" before for instructions). 4. On the server machine, use the ps command to ensure that the llbd, glbd, and netlsd daemons are not running. These processes can be stopped by using the "/usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_stop" script or by stopping them manually (kill -9 ) in the following order: netlsd, glbd, llbd. 5. On the server machine, execute the "/var/netls/netls_first_time" script to start the NetLS server. It contains the commands needed to initialize NCS and to start up the NCS and NetLS daemons for the first time. After that, the daemons will start automatically whenever the server machine is booted. 6. On the server machine, install the vendor id, the vendor password, and the Concurrent-use license password as follows: - If you wish to use a command line interface, enter the following on the command line: > /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_admin -a -v \ > /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_admin -a -p \ "IBM C Set ++ for Solaris" "1.1" where the "" is the "Vendor Name" field, the "" is the "Vendor ID" field, the "" is the "Vendor Password" and the "" is the "Product Password" field in the information returned by the Registration Center. - If you wish to use a graphical user interface, execute the "/usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_admin" command to bring up the ls_admin window. Please refer to the "Managing Software Products with Network License System (SC09-1660)" manual for instructions on using ls_admin. 7. If you have chosen to use an alternate cell, copy the "/etc/ncs/glb_obj.txt" file from the server machine to every client machine that will be allowed to use C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System. 8. To verify that a client machine can connect to the server machine, execute the "/opt/IBMcset/bin/ls_tv" and "/opt/IBMcset/bin/lb_find" commands on each client machine. 9. To enhance server identification speed, create the file "/etc/ncs/glb_site.txt" on the client machine which contains the line: ip: Where "" is the name of the server machine. 10. If the Concurrent-use license is not working, please refer to "Troubleshooting Concurrent-use Licenses" section below. IBMcset-SPECIFIC ADMINISTRATION CONSIDERATIONS ______________________________________________ The IPFR-RUN package has not been NetLS-enabled and requires no license information. The IBMcset software first looks for a Nodelock license before looking for another type of license. The following differences exist between C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System and the "NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661)": 1. Although "/usr/lib/netls/conf" is usually linked to "/var/netls", it may not be. The correct location for the "nodelock" file is always "/var/netls". 2. If you are on the NetLS server, all the NetLS programs can be found in "/usr/lib/netls/bin" and "/usr/lib/ncs/bin". If you are on the client, the following essential NetLS test tools have been packaged within "/opt/IBMcset/bin": LS_TARGETID to find the CPU id for both nodelock and concurrent licenses. LS_TV to test what NetLS server can be seen by the client LB_FIND to see what cells and Location Brokers are seen from the client ls_targetid is used to find the node ID. ls_tv and lb_find can be used from the client-side of a concurrent setup to determine what the client sees. If the client can see the servers, and the software still does not run, you may have forgotten to install the concurrent licenses using ls_admin. Run ls_admin on the server to see what licenses are available under which product and under which vendor. Note that initially, you need to run ls_admin at least twice, once to set up the vendor password (IBM), and once for each product password. Once the vendor password has been setup in the database, you only need to run ls_admin once from the command line for each additional concurrent password. 3. The "/var/netls/netls_first_time" script performs the functionality listed in the "Installing the First Global Location Broker daemon" section. 4. The "NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661)" indicates that the "/etc/rc.local" file contains the automatic startup for the llbd and gldb daemons. On Solaris 2.3 or higher, the "/etc/rc".[0-6] files and the daemon scripts in the "/etc/init.d" directory are used. 5. The "NetLS Quick Start Guide (SC09-1661)" refers to the "/usr/lib/netls/conf" directory which has been changed to the "/var/netls" directory. This change should be transparent to the user as "/usr/lib/netls/conf" is linked to "/var/netls". TROUBLESHOOTING NODELOCKED LICENSES ___________________________________ If the product does not function after installing a Nodelocked license, check the following: 1. Verify that the "/var/netls/nodelock" file exists. 2. Verify that the "/var/netls/nodelock" file contains a line with a valid vendor id and password: a. The line cannot start with a # character. b. The line must not be split by a carriage return. c. The id and password must be identical to what was returned by the Registration Center. Check for upper versus lower case, number 1 versus lower case l, number 0 versus upper- case O, single quote versus double quote. 3. The permissions on the "/var/netls/nodelock" file allow global read access. 4. Make sure the date and time of your machine is set correctly so that the Nodelocked license is active within the period. 5. Check that the license you receive really is the correct license for the software that you want to run. The Nodelocked license must be for the same version of the application as the version you are running. Note that the IBMcset package does not require additional licenses for patches. However, some major version upgrades may require new licenses. TROUBLESHOOTING CONCURRENT-USE LICENSES _______________________________________ If the product does not function after installing a Concurrent-use license, you should perform the following steps. The machine with the licensed application is called the client machine and the machine with the NetLS server is called the server machine. 1. Make sure the license server and the required daemons are running on the server machine. a. Run /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_tv on the server machine. If ls_tv returns your server machine as one of the machines, then go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 2. 2. If you received an error from ls_tv or your server machine is not listed, the problem may be a failure to start some of the daemons. a. Shut down all the daemons using /usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_stop b. Restart all the daemons using /usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_start c. Go to step 1 and try again, if you still have problems go to step 3. 3. You need to reconfigure everything. a. Shut down all the daemons using /usr/lib/netls/bin/srv_stop b. Remove the following files with the rm command: o "/tmp/lllbdbase.dat" o "/etc/ncs/glb.e" o "/etc/ncs/glb.p" o "/etc/ncs/glb_log" o "/etc/ncs/glb_obj.txt" o "/etc/ncs/glb_site.txt" c. Execute /var/netls/netls_config If there is an existing database, answer "no" to the question. d. Select the default cell. e. Run /var/netls/netls_first_time f. Check to make sure that the brokers (llbd, glbd, and netlsd) are running via the ps command. g. Run the following: /usr/lib/ncs/bin/lb_admin lb_admin: use global lb_admin: clean h. Check that the clocks on all the systems are within two minutes of each other. If they are not, then synchronize the clocks. 4. Verify that the license is installed with ls_stat. a. Run /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_stat -i -n b. This lists all the installed licenses on your license server and their availability and usage. Are all the licenses in use? c. If the license you need is not installed, then go to step 5. If licenses are installed and available, then go to step 6. 5. Install the license. Use "/usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_admin" to install the product license from the key center. You may also need to install the vendor license to set up the vendor using the ls_admin command. 6. Is the Client machine the same as the server machine? Go to the client machine and try to run the application again. If your client machine is not the same as your server machine, then go to step 7. If they are the same, go to step 8. 7. If your license request is still not granted, one of the following may be true. a. The client machine may be in a different NCS cell than the license server. To join the same cell as the license server, look for the file "/etc/ncs/glb_obj.txt". If the file exists on the server machine, copy it to the client machine, even if it already exists on the client machine. If the file exists on the client machine, but does not exist on the server machine, then delete it from the client machine (because you are using the default cell). b. The client machine may be in a different communications subnet than the global location brokers (GLB), and cannot contact the glbds through the normal broadcast. Create the "/etc/ncs/glb_site.txt" file on the client machine to direct communication with GLB. Refer to Page 35 of the "NetLS Quick Start Guide" for information on this file. 8. Your license requests should now be granted properly by the server. If the licenses are still not being granted, verify the following: a. There is no user configuration file restricting access on the server machine. b. The product version of the installed license is the same as the product version of the application. For IBMcset, the license only uses the first two numbers of the full product version. This is because patches are usually designated by the last two numbers and they do not require repurchase of licenses. Only major upgrades require repurchase of a license. c. Normal TCP/IP communication can occur between the client machine and the server machine using: /usr/sbin/ping d. If everything seems correct, deinstall NetLS and reinstall NetLS, retry the reconfiguration in step 3 and carefully note any errors before reporting to your nearest service representative. =================================================================== PRODUCT SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION ______________________________ To complete configuration for the IBMcset package, you must advise each interested user to add the path "/opt/IBMcset/bin" to their login shell file. o For Korn Shell, add: "export PATH=/opt/IBMcset/bin:$PATH" to the file .profile o For Bourne Shell, add: "PATH=/opt/IBMcset/bin:$PATH" to the file .profile o For C Shell, add: "set PATH=/opt/IBMcset/bin:$PATH" to the file .cshrc Note that placing "/opt/IBMcset/bin" in front of your path may cause the IBM C Set ++ for Solaris cc command to be executed instead of the one in "/bin" or in your SUNWspro directory. As well, for any user intend to view any online tutorial or documentaton, they must add the following to their login shell file. o For Korn Shell, add: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IBMcset/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to the file .profile (all on one line) o For Bourne Shell, add: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IBMcset/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to the file .profile o For C Shell, add: "set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IBMcset/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to the file .cshrc (all on one line) To complete configuration for the NetLS package, you must execute the script "/var/netls/netls_first_time". It contains the commands needed to initialize NCS and to start up the NCS and NetLS daemons the first time. After that, the daemons will start automatically whenever the system is booted. VIEWING THE ONLINE TUTORIAL AND BOOKS _____________________________________ Finally, to startup the tutorial, enter: /opt/IBMcset/bin/tutorial To start up the online documentation, enter: LICENSED PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetlps" USER'S GUIDE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetug" LANGUAGE REFERENCE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetlref" CLASS LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetclsu" CLASS LIBRARY REFERENCE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetclsr" USER INTERFACE CLASS LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetuiug" USER INTERFACE CLASS LIBRARY REFERENCE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetuiref" SOURCE CODE BROWSER USER'S GUIDE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetbrow" HEAPVIEW DEBUGGER USER'S GUIDE "/opt/IBMcset/bin/csetheap" Please refer to the file "/opt/IBMcset/etc/README.ipfx" for more detail. If you encountered errors from "/usr/bin/xview" while attempting to invoke any online tutorial or documentation, make sure the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" environment variable has been set as described in "Product Software Configuration" earlier. PRINTING THE POSTSCRIPT DOCUMENTATION _____________________________________ The books are stored in PostScript format in "/opt/IBMcset/doc". You can print any of the manuals on a PostScript printer using a command similar to: cat filename.ps | lpr +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 6. The C Set ++ for the Solaris Operating System | | Version 1.1.1 PostScript Library | | (NOTE: all file names are one word with .ps extension. | | This table may have represented some names over two lines) | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | FILE NAME | TITLE (ORDER | DESCRIPTION | | | NO.) | | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | LPS.ps | Licensed | Describes C Set ++ for the | | | Program | Solaris Operating System Version | | | Specifications| 1.1.1 functions and features, the | | | (GC09-1935-01)| specified operating environment, | | | | performance, interoperability, | | | | available licences, order | | | | numbers, service information, and | | | | a warranty. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | UsersGuide.ps | IBM C Set ++ | Describes the C Set ++ for the | | | for Solaris | Solaris Operating System licensed | | | User's Guide | program, and explains how to | | | (SC09-1926-00)| compile, link, and run C or C++ | | | | programs using the C Set ++ for | | | | the Solaris Operating System | | | | compiler. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | Language | IBM C Set ++ | Describes the syntax and | | Reference.ps | for Solaris | semantics of the C and C++ | | | Language | languages implemented by the | | | Reference | C Set ++ for the Solaris | | | (SC09-1927-00)| Operating System licensed | | | | program. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | ClassLibrary | IBM C Set ++ | Introduces and demonstrates the | | UserGuide.ps | for Solaris | uses of the Complex, I/O Stream, | | | Class Library | Task, Application Support, and | | | User's Guide | Collection Class Libraries | | | (SC09-1929-00)| supplied with C Set ++ for the | | | | Solaris Operating System. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | ClassLibrary | IBM C Set ++ | Describes the classes and member | | Reference.ps | for Solaris | functions of the Complex, I/O | | | Class Library | Stream, Task, Application | | | Reference | Support, and Collection Class | | | (SC09-1930-00)| Libraries supplied with C Set ++ | | | | for the Solaris Operating System. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | UICLUsersGuide| IBM C Set ++ | Describes how to design and | | .ps | for Solaris | develop applications that use the | | | User | C++ user interface classes. | | | Interface | | | | Class Library | | | | User's Guide | | | | (SC09-2169-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | UICLReference | IBM C Set ++ | Describes the C++ user interface | | .ps | for Solaris | classes, a set of C++ classes | | | User | that you can use to create C++ | | | Interface | applications with a graphical | | | Class Library | user interface that conforms to | | | Reference | the Common User Access (CUA) | | | (SC09-2170-00)| interface design. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | BrowserUsers | C Set ++ for | Describes how to study your C or | | Guide.ps | the Solaris | C++ programs using the source | | | Operating | code browser provided with | | | System Source | C Set ++ for the Solaris | | | Code Browser | Operating System. | | | User's Guide | | | | (SC09-1932-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | HeapViewUsers | IBM C Set ++ | Describes the HeapView Debugger, | | Guide.ps | for Solaris | which lets you study and debug | | | HeapView | dynamic memory allocation and | | | Debugger | deallocation in your C or C++ | | | User's Guide | programs. | | | (SC09-1933-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | Reference | IBM C Set ++ | Summarizes the C Set ++ for the | | Summary.ps | for Solaris | Solaris Operating System compiler | | | Reference | options, preprocessor directives, | | | Summary | compiler limits, and other | | | (SX09-1298-00)| implementation dependencies. | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | netmanag.ps | Managing | Contains information needed to | | | Software | manage the use of NetLS. | | | Products with | | | | NetLS | | | | (SC09-1660-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | netquick.ps | NetLS Quick | Information needed for quickly | | | Start Guide | setting up NetLS. | | | (SC09-1661-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ | managncs.ps | Managing NCS | More detailed information on | | | Software | setting up NetLS. | | | (SC09-1834-00)| | +---------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+ =================================================================== DEINSTALLATION OF SOFTWARE __________________________ To remove a package, use pkgrm. Do this by becoming root, then entering: GUI "/usr/sbin/swmtool package_name" Command line "/usr/sbin/pkgrm package_name" The program prints some information about the package and asks if you want to remove it. If you answer 'y', the program removes the package, verifying the package dependencies. See the man page pkgrm(m) for more information. You have a choice between GUI or command line deinstallation. The GUI tool is swmtool and the command line tool is pkgrm. Neither needs to be invoked with any arguments as the system knows what packages have been installed. Invoking without any package name argument causes a numbered list of all installed packages to be printed. You can choose a number from this list to specify which package to deinstall. You should always deinstall before reinstalling the same package. If you do not, the install program only installs files that are new and not files that are different but already exist on the system. There is also no facility to deinstall specific classes. You must deinstall everything. Some package removals may fail because the path "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults" cannot be removed if it contains files from other packages. This may happen, for example, when you remove NetLS. As a result, the database information wrongly suggests that NetLS is still partially installed. To completely remove it, a second run at removing the NetLS package clears it from the system. =================================================================== IBM PRODUCT INFORMATION FOR NETLS REGISTRATION ______________________________________________ BEFORE YOU REQUEST PASSWORD(S) ______________________________ The product and machine information on the form "Product and Machine Information Registration Form" below must be supplied for each product registration. Please have the information ready before contacting the IBM Product Registration Center. You will require one form for each target system (Nodelocked) or NetLS server (Concurrent-use). A template Information Form is supplied in "Product and Machine Information Registration Form" below. The product and machine information are required each time a product is registered with IBM. The information about your company and your IBM representative is needed only the first time you register any product. A copy of this form is available on this CD-ROM as the ASCII file: /usr/cdrom/sws/regform.txt Once the product has been installed, the form is also available as the ASCII file: /opt/IBMcset/etc/regform.txt You can print the form on an ASCII-capable printer. NETLS TARGET ID The IBM Product Registration Information Form requires the customer to supply the NetLS Target ID. The Target ID identifies the machine node where the software is installed (for Nodelocked type passwords) or the machine node where the NetLS License Server is installed (for Concurrent-use passwords). You can perform ANY ONE of following steps to obtain the Target ID: 1. Use the system command sysdef by typing the following: /etc/sysdef -h 2. Install the product and type the following: /opt/IBMcset/bin/ls_targetid 3. Install the NetLS License Server code. This copies the executable command supplied with the NetLS software to your machine's hard disk. After installing the NetLS License Server type the following: /usr/lib/netls/bin/ls_targetid The information returned is unique for each NetLS server node. PRODUCT AND MACHINE INFORMATION REGISTRATION FORM _________________________________________________ PRODUCT INFORMATION 1. IBM Program Name: C Set ++ for Solaris 2. IBM Program Number: 5765-448 3. Version : 1.1 MACHINE INFORMATION 1. Target Operating System: SunOS 2. NetLS Target ID: _______________ 3. Machine Model: ____________________ License Type: Permanent _________ Trial __________ Number of users for Concurrent-Use: _______________ (OPTIONAL) Number of users for Nodelocked: _______________ IBM PRODUCT REGISTRATION INFORMATION FORM - COMPANY DATA ________________________________________________________ Please complete the information on this page when you are doing your "first" product registration, or when you desire to change the company profile maintained by the Registration Center. NOTE: Please include International Country codes and area codes for phone numbers where appropriate. YOUR COMPANY INFORMATION Your IBM Customer Number: __________________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country: _________________________ Your License Administrator's name : __________________________________ Country Code : ___ Phone number for License Administrator : _____________________________ FAX number for sending license passwords: ___________________________ YOUR IBM REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) Branch Office Number: __________ Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Country Code : ___ Phone: ______________________________________________________________ ====================================================================== INFORMATION RETURNED BY THE IBM REGISTRATION CENTER ___________________________________________________ NOTE: One or more passwords may be generated for each product. INFORMATION RETURNED FOR A NODELOCKED LICENSE Vendor Password zkxpp32dxx73y built as vendor name : IBM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS TORONTO vendor id : 5da54a553b4c. target : 7235cbe4 Product Passwords built as name : IBM C Set ++ for Solaris version : 1.1 license type : Node Locked Product password for 0x7235cbe4 server : zijkms1hwptcqregds8vchkg8sadk built as license annotation : 5 start date : 02/03/95 duration : 60 expiration : 04/03/95 target type : Sun target : 7235cbe4 Put the following line into your nodelock file: 5da54a553b4c. zijkms1hwptcqregds8vchkg8sadk "" "1.1" INFORMATION RETURNED FOR CONCURRENT-USE LICENSES Vendor Password zkxpp32dxx73y built as vendor name : IBM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS TORONTO vendor id : 5da54a553b4c. target : 7235cbe4 ls_admin -a -v "IBM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS TORONTO" 5da54a553b4c. zkxpp32dxx73y Product Passwords built as name : IBM C Set ++ for Solaris version : 1.1 license type : Concurrent Access Product password for 0x7235cbe4 server : w4fmhwgirqteqnqz1qi2i37f9scsa built as start date : 02/03/95 duration : 60 expiration : 04/03/95 number : 3 multi usage rules : Same user node. target type : Sun target : 7235cbe4 ls_admin -a -p "IBM SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS TORONTO" "IBM C Set ++ for Solaris" w4fmhwgirqteqnqz1qi2i37f9scsa "1.1" INSTALLING YOUR NETLS PASSWORD(S) _________________________________ There are various types of NetLS passwords. The IBM Registration Center will advise you of the type of password(s) that are supplied for different software products. Most trial passwords will be of the nodelocked variety. o Installing Nodelocked passwords Nodelocked licensing allows the use of the product on a single workstation for which the password was created until the license expires. You do not need to install a NetLS license server or have the workstation attached to a network to use this type of licensing. 1. Log in as root or use 'su' 2. Edit file "/var/netls/nodelock" using any text editor. The nodelock file can have comment lines beginning with a '#' character. Comments are highly recommended to keep track of multiple password entries. There are 2 parts to the product password entry: a. Vendor ID (a long number) followed by a space b. The alphanumeric password that enables the Nodelock license 3. Transfer the Vendor ID and password that you received from the IBM Registration Center to a blank line in the file. Here is an example "nodelock" file, set to expire in May 3, 1995: # C Set ++ for Solaris Node-Locked good til 5/3/95 5da54a553b4c. b2brd9ev8jdpbqw984qc8ihkfiaa "" "1.1" o Installing Concurrent-use Passwords Concurrent-use licensing allows several users to access the software simultaneously. However, you need to install a NetLS server and other software to use this type of licensing. You will have to use the ls_admin command to add the license information for the product to the license database before you can begin using it. The license information consists of a vendor ID and password as well as one or more product passwords. For more information on installing Concurrent-use passwords see "NetLS Licensing Requirements" section earlier in this document.