V5R2 5722-XH2

iSeries Access for Web

Lab Setup Guide

Warren Acker - warrena@us.ibm.com

Doug Beauchene - dougbeau@us.ibm.com

iSeries Access for Web Development

IBM Rochester, MN

© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2002. All Rights Reserved

iSeries Access for Web Lab Setup Guide


This section includes complete instructions for setting up the iSeries Access for Web Lab on both the iSeries server and client Windows based workstations. Anything in bold needs to be done by hand.

  1. The iSeries Access for Web setup and user's guide is available at


    It contains all the necessary setup information to get iSeries Access for Web installed and configured on the iSeries server. Install and configure iSeries Access for Web.

  1. Part of the lab uses the AFP viewer to display printer output. You don't need Client Access to setup the lab. Client Access must be installed on each PC to the default location. The AFP Viewer should be selected during the installation.

  2. Part of the lab uses a PDF viewer to display printer output. Verify that an Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer is on the PC (Version 6.0 does not work).

  3. The LabSetup.EXE contains all the files necessary for the lab. This self-extracting EXE can be unzipped to the PC directory of your choice.

  4. Run setup.bat located in the unzip target directory. If you do this from the command prompt, you will need to make this directory the default directory (change directory to it before you run the batch command).

  5. Setup will prompt you for the following information:
    1. Name of the iSeries server
    2. Administrator user profile
    3. Administrator password
    4. Which instance of iSeries for Web to use for the lab
    5. Action to perform (install to server, remove from server, install to workstation, remove from workstation, reset a workstation).
    6. Number of workstations for the lab if you are installing to the server (number of user Ids to create).
    7. The setup code will detect if mail servers are running, and will prompt you to start the servers if they are not running.

  6. NOTE: This has to be done manually. On each PC, you must configure a mail client. For Outlook, you:
    1. Select Tools - Email Accounts
    2. Select "Add a new email account", hit Next
    3. Select "POP3", hit Next
    4. In the "Logon Information", enter the Waxx ID and password for the workstation
    5. In the "Server Information", enter the server name in both fields. (Don't need to enter domain)

  7. NOTE: Verification steps

Resetting a Workstation

Perform this procedure to reset a workstation when a user completes the lab. This clears out the changes the user had made during the lab and sets up a fresh environment for the new user.

  1. Run setup.bat.
  2. Select the option to Reset a lab user.
  3. Enter the workstation ID to reset.

Removing the Lab

You may remove the lab material from the server and workstation.

  1. Run setup.bat.
  2. Select the option to Remove lab material from server or Remove lab material from the workstation to remove from server or workstation.
  3. If you want to remove the setup program, remove the directory and files you unzipped in the setup section.

Reference Information

    Actions automated by the setup program:

  1. Create group profile, WALABUSER. This allows admin privileges to be given to this ID, and each of the other IDs get the privileges of this "owning" group. CRTUSRPRF USRPRF(WALABUSER) PASSWORD(IWALAB1) USRCLS(*USER)

  1. Create group profiles


    where xx is a team number, usually 01-30

  2. Create user profiles


    where xx is a team number, usually 01-30

  3. Create user profiles


    where xx is a team number, usually 01-30

  4. Setup for the Print Lab
    3. Move some output from a print queue to WEBLIB/WEBQUEUE. Use Operations Navigator or the green screen. This should be done by the setup program.
      1. WRKSPLF
      2. #2 to change spool file information
      3. Enter WEBQUEUE for the output queue
      4. Enter WEBLIB for the library.

    4. Create an AFP printer device named IWAAFP


      AFP(*YES) PORT(1) SWTSET(1) ONLINE(*NO) FONT(12) TEXT('Printer for

      Access for Web')

    5. Create a printer share named WEBSHARE for the AFP printer device. This step is done by the setup program.
      1. Open OpNav.
      2. Expand Basic Operations.
      3. Expand Printers.
      4. Right click on the Iwaafp printer, select Sharing-->New Share
      5. Enter WEBSHARE in the Share name field.
      6. Click OK.
      7. Move some output from a print queue to QUSRSYS/IWAAFP. Use Operations Navigator or the green screen...
        1. WRKSPLF
        2. #2 to change spool file information
        3. Enter IWAAFP for the output queue
        4. Enter QUSRSYS for the library.

  5. Setup for the Files Lab
    1. The file Upload.DTT must be modified to use the name of the iSeries server used in the lab.


    1. On each PC (or the master PC)
      1. Create C:\WALab
      2. Copy the pc/walab zip files to C:\WALab
      3. Verify C:\WALab\Upload contains
        • Sonicboom.jpg
        • sonic.mpeg
      4. Verify C:\WALab\database contains
        • Upload.DTT <--- Verify the name of the server was updated in this file.
        • Upload.FDF
        • Upload.XLS
    2. On the server, create some IFS directory structures:
      1. MD '/walab'
      2. MD '/walab/file'
      3. MD '/walab/file/download'
      4. Copy the /iseries/walab/file/download zip file contents to /walab/file/download
        • Bungy_fishing.mpeg
        • COMMON40th.gif
        • Paradise.mp3
        • READMEGT.TXT
        • USSStennis.jpg
      5. MD 'walab/file/upload'
      6. MD 'walab/file/upload/waxxdir/' (where xx is a team number, create as many of these as there are lab teams)
    3. Use OpNav to create the Read Only and Read Write shares to the /walab directory. These steps have been done by the setup program.
      1. Open OpNav.
      2. Expand File Systems.
      3. Expand Integrated File System.
      4. Expand Root.
      5. Right click on walab, select Sharing-->New Share.
      6. Enter walabRO in the Share name field, set Access field to Read only.
      7. Click OK.
      8. Right click on walab, select Sharing-->New Share.
      9. Enter walabRW in the Share name field, set Access field to Read/Write.
      10. Click OK

  6. Setup for the Customize Lab
    1. On the server, create some IFS directory structures:
      1. MD '/walab'
      2. MD '/walab/homepage'
      3. MD '/walab/homepage/images'
      4. MD '/walab/homepage/waxxdir' (for the number of teams running the lab)
      5. Copy the /iseries/walab/homepage zip file contents to /walab/homepage
        • adminserv.policies
        • homepage.html
        • template.html
      6. Copy the /iseries/walab/homepage/images zip file contents to /walab/homepage/images
        • boathead.gif
        • boatstripe1.gif
        • boatstripe2.gif
        • carver.jpg
        • carver.mpg
      7. Copy /walab/homepage/homepage.html to c:\walab\homepage\wadir\homepage.html
    2. FTP the BOATS save file file to the server
      2. The save file is in the iSeries directory of the zip file. FTP the save file (binary) to WEBLIB/BOATS.

  7. Setup for the Messages Lab and Database lab.
    1. SNDMSG MSG('Test Message') TOUSR(WAxx) for each WAxx user.
    2. CRTLIB WAxxLIB for each team in the lab.
  8. Setup for the email support
    1. You must start the SMTP and POP servers on the iSeries
    2. For every user (click All Users in Op Nav)
      1. Right click on the user, select Properties
      2. Select the Personal box
      3. Select the Mail tab
      4. On Mail Service Level, select Lotus Mail or other POP3 client from the dropdown list
      5. Hit OK until you are back at the user list
      6. Repeat for each user starting with Waxx
    3. NOTE: This has to be done manually. On each PC, you must configure a mail client. For Outlook, you:
      1. Select Tools - Email Accounts
      2. Select "Add a new email account", hit Next
      3. Select "POP3", hit Next
      4. In the "Logon Information", enter the Waxx ID and password for the workstation
      5. In the "Server Information", enter the server name in both fields. (Don't need to enter domain)

    NOTE: Verification steps

How to Determine What is Configured for iSeries Access for Web

  1. Look at the items listed in: /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/config/instances.properties
  2. Look at the WebSphere settings:
  3. Go to http://server:2001. Look at the HTTP server instance ports that match the WebSphere item

How to Start Configured Instances

WebSphere 5 Base

  2. STRTCPSVR *HTTP HTTPSVR(instance) Instance is found in the 2001 port
  4. QSH
  5. cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin
  6. startServer -instance instanceName serverName
  7. When command completes, press F3 (look for $)
  8. Open a browser to: http://system:port/webaccess/iWAHome

WebSphere 5 Express

  2. Open your browser to: http://:2001
  3. Click on either link: IBM HTTP Server for iSeries or IBM WebSphere Application Server Express for iSeries
  4. Click the Manage tab, select All Servers in the Server drop down dialog box
  5. Click the Start button to restart the correct instance of WAS - Express V5 server
  6. Click the Refresh button until the server has a status of Running