============================================================================ Readme File for iSeries Access for Windows Service Packs 5722-XE1 V5R3M0 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SI15176 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. ======================================================================== Co-requisite PTF SI15190 is automatically included with any shipment or web download of SI15176. SI15190 exists only for packaging reasons. All service pack level references will be to SI15176. SI15176 can be installed on any PC/server that is at V5R3 service level SI10817. See iSeries Access for Windows Properties in the IBM iSeries Access for Windows folder to determine current service level. NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS 2.1 iSeries SERVER FIXES 2.2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION WITHIN iSeries NAVIGATOR 2.3 UNIVERSAL CONNECTION WIZARD WITHIN iSeries NAVIGATOR 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI15176 (September 2004) 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM AN iSeries SYSTEM -------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack through the iSeries PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an OS/400 PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to an iSeries system with the LODPTF and APYPTF iSeries commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Check Service Level, controlled by the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab, will detect that the Service source directory has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. The APYPTF will update the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image) on the iSeries. Any client that installs iSeries Access for Windows (or selected components) from this image will automatically receive this service pack level (no extra steps or reboots). In this scenario, the service pack cannot be uninstalled on the client PC because it is merged in with the base release. Running setupsp.bat from the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image) will launch the service pack install wizard. View setupsp.bat via Notepad or Wordpad to see instructions on how to invoke setupsp.bat to record or run a silent service pack install. RMVPTF will restore your iSeries install image to the prior service level (or the base release if there was no prior service pack applied). 1.2 INSTALLING FROM A LOCAL OR NETWORK DRIVE --------------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the iSeries Access for Windows service pack as a set of install image files via a download from IBM's FTP site. Install the service pack by running the "SETUP.EXE" program from your PC. This program is part of the install image files shipped with a service pack. If you change the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab Source Directory to the directory containing these install image files, you can also use the "Check Service Level" or "Install Service Pack" shortcuts in the iSeries Access for Windows Service folder. Before running this program, copy the service pack install image files to a local drive on your PC or to any accessible network drive. Once the install setup program has completed, you can then remove the install image files from that drive. 1.3 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH AN iSeries ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALLATION IMAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following method could be used if you downloaded the service pack image from the iSeries Access for Windows web page location: http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/clientaccess/casp.htm The iSeries Access for Windows service pack PTFs are combined with the original iSeries Access for Windows installation image in QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\Install\Image NOTE: this directory is a symbolic link to QIBM\ProdData\CA400\Express\Install\Image There is one physical directory - either of these paths will access the directory. This means that a user can install (or upgrade) iSeries Access for Windows from this combined image directory and get the latest applied service level automatically in one integrated step - since the original installation image files have been replaced by updated versions via the service pack PTF. Selectively installing components from this combined image directory will also automatically get the latest applied service level for that component. If you tailored the iSeries Access for Windows install image to another directory (for instance, on another server), using the Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) tool, you can use the PTFFORM.EXE download in the FTP directory to duplicate the function of applying the iSeries PTF by following these steps: 1. Download PTFFORM.EXE (from the tailored/ FTP directory) to a directory on your PC or server. 2. Run PTFFORM.EXE to automatically expand the service pack image files to a temporary directory. 3. You will then be prompted via a wizard panel to select the iSeries Access for Windows install image directory to update to the new service level. 4. The components that are contained in the target install image will be automatically updated to the new service level from the files in the temporary directory, and then the temporary directory will be removed. 5. After completion, you can delete the downloaded PTFFORM.exe file, as it is no longer needed. Now you have combined this service pack level with the iSeries Access for Windows installation image, so that users can install iSeries Access for Windows plus this service pack in one integrated step. Note that this procedure also works if the installation image has already been combined with a prior service pack level. This procedure will replace the prior service level in the combined image with this new level. Alternatively, if you have a full copy of the original iSeries Access for Windows install image in a directory, you can combine PTFFORM.EXE with this full image, using the same 5-step procedure detailed above. Then you can run Create Tailored Installation Image (cwbinimg.bat) from this full image directory, to create tailored image directories that will automatically have the service pack merged in. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------- 2.1 iSeries SERVER FIXES -------------------------- In addition to installing the iSeries Access for Windows Service Pack, all servers should stay current on the latest Cumulative PTF Package, HIPER Group PTF, and Database Group PTF. Refer to IBM eServer iSeries Technical Support: Recommended fixes at http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.nsf/recommendedfixes 2.2 Application Development function within iSeries Navigator --------------------------------------------------------------- The Application Development folder within iSeries Navigator is being added back in V5R3 when the iSeries Navigator Network component is installed. All help and panels associated with Application Development functions will appear in English language only. To see the Application Development folder within the iSeries Navigator hierarchy, perform either of the following: -- Selectively Install (or initially install) the Network component of iSeries Navigator from an installation image containing V5R3 service pack SI13587 or newer. -- If the Network component is already installed on the PC, install service pack SI13587 or newer to receive the Application Development folder in the hierarchy. Application Administration can be used to restrict the display of the Application Development folder to certain users or groups of users. If secondary languages are installed on the PC, the Application Development English help and panels will be copied to each installed language directory. If a subsequent secondary language is installed, install service pack SI13587 or newer to copy the Application Development English help and panels into the new language directory. 2.3 Universal Connection Wizard within iSeries Navigator ---------------------------------------------------------- Running the Universal Connection Wizard to a V5R3M0 server that has not had PTF SI15166 for 5722SS1 installed could produce non-working universal connections in some scenarios. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- This a list of APAR fixes included in this service pack. Each service pack is cumulative; the current service pack includes all the fixes from the prior service pack levels. The APAR abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI15176 Build date = September 2004 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE15339: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 DATA TFR DOWNLOAD TO HTML Data Transfer download output to a HTML file converting to UTF-8 results in message CWBDB0052 or CWBTF.EXE terminates when downloading DBCS data. APAR SE16157: CA400EXP-SSL-INCORROUT MANDATING SSL FAILS 5250, VERIFY Application Administration is used to configure Central Settings for a user such that an environment is mandated, that a connection is defined in this environment, and that this connection must use SSL for communications. When the mandated environment is active, the following are true: 1) In iSeries Navigator, within Properties for the connection, on the Secure Sockets tab, clicking the Verify SSL Connection button appears to do nothing. 2) When a 5250 session to the iSeries server is started, no prompt for user ID and password appears, and the resulting session window remains blank and in a Disconnected state. Connecting the session fails. This PTF fixes the reported problem. However, you must be aware of a related issue. Use of SSL to communicate with an iSeries host requires that the host be trusted. The way the PC can trust the host is by downloading the host Certificate Authority certificate. This can be done, for example, by pressing the Download button on the Secure Sockets tab of the Properties of a connection in iSeries Navigator. Even once this PTF has been applied, SSL connections will fail until this certificate has been downloaded successfully to the PC. Downloading the certificate cannot be performed using SSL, because the certificate itself is needed to establish trusted SSL communications with the host. Therefore, if you intend to mandate use of SSL to a particular iSeries host, you must first download the CA certificate, and then configure the connection to mandate use of SSL. CIRCUMVENTION: Configure the connection not to use SSL. This might not be acceptable due to your employer's security policies. APAR SE16446: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT DISCOVERY OF ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM PROBLEM The automatic configuration of the current administration system is not working when installing from an iSeries Access for Windows image that has an initial current administration system defined. APAR SE16477: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT LAN CONSOLE NOT CONNECTING ANYMORE PC5250 Lan console does not connect after XE1 SSL component install and Application Administration has a "suggested SSL ON" setting. CIRCUMVENTION: Add "Security=N" in the [TELNET5250] section of the .WS profile in directory \aoc. For example, the Common Writeable directory on Windows 2000 is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\IBM\Client Access APAR SE16866: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MESSAGES-INCORROUT MULTIPLE SEND MESSAGE ITEMS V5R2M0 to V5R3M0 5722XE1 upgrade on PC leaves the old "Send Message..." tool within iSeries Navigator and provides the new java "Send Message..." tool also. The iSeries Navigator GUI displays both "Send Message..." options on the system context menu (right-click the configured system connection). Two Send Message taskpad entries are also seen for Basic Operations tasks. And, for a user within the Users and Groups folder, two Send Message menu items can also be seen. Installing V5R3 service pack SI15176 will remove the extraneous registry entries that are causing the Send Message menu item to appear twice. Also, if this service pack is merged with a V5R3 installation image, any upgrade performed from this install image, will also remove the extraneous registry entries. APAR SE16920: CA400EXP - Multiple Platform XDA As XDA has grown to support multiple platforms, the code has become inefficient to maintain and make enhancements. XDA has been repackaged with more extensive tracing. This will increase the maintainability of the component and will reduce the chances of introducing new errors in new and existing XDA clients. Also, the following two fixes are included: 1. XDA now checks the SQLIND field of the SQLDA structure, if the SQLTYPE is NULL-capable, to determine whether or not there are data, pointed to by the SQLDATA fields, to be sent to the database server. 2. If a connection cannot be made to the iSeries database server during the call to QxdaConnectEDRS(), because the user profile on server is disabled, a CPFB752 message will now be returned. APAR SE17036: CA400EXP-2-MSGCWB4028 RMTCMD REJECTS RESTRICTED USERS The RMTCMD program in the V5R3 iSeries Access for Windows client behaves differently than previous versions did. If the user has limit capabilities set to *YES on their user profile, RMTCMD is now rejecting attempts to run commands with a message CWB4028. It makes no difference if the command is allowed by restriced users or not, it is rejecting all commands with this message. The change was made to the client without any notification in the Memo To Users for V5R3 and is causing existing customer programs to fail and if this function does not revert back to the old behaviour, those programs will need to be rewritten. The RMTCMD program will be changed back to it's previous behavior of allowing iSeries profiles with limited capabilities to execute commands. CIRCUMVENTION: Use a iSeries profile that does not have limited capabilities. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE14716: LIC OPS NAV WAIT CONDITION I added an IP address for geo mirroring. Clicked on the other CRG and it wouldn't allow me to type in anything. Tried other applications and found that I could type fine. Tried the signon window again and got the message that ops nav quit responding. Have found this to happen different times in different places of ops nav. Can not reproduce any one problem. APAR SE15235: OSP-DB TIME LABEL INCORRECT ON TOTAL RUNTIME LABEL IN INAV Detailed reports for SQL Performance Monitor's Analyze Results function was reporting total runtime as microseconds when it has actually been converted to seconds. The headings on the SQL Performance Monitor's Analyze Results indicate that total runtime is represented in seconds. CIRCUMVENTION: The data returned in the report is correctly represented in seconds. The heading for the total runtime column is misleading. APAR SE15469: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Sys Monitor crash when edit values On a Stopped System Monitor Window, when you try to increase the "Display time" field, through the properties panel, and hit OK. The program crashes. CIRCUMVENTION: To avoid crashing iSeries Navigator, it is advised that you do not change the "Display time" property of a stopped system monitor from the Monitor "Open" window. APAR SE15492: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT Canceling insert of a row into table causes following row to be deleted When editing a table using the GUI and canceling out of an insert operation, the row just after the row being inserted is deleted. (Only happens when scrolled down into the data.) The user is presented with two dialog boxes, both which say the same thing. If the user clicks OK two times, the undesired delete of a row occurs. APAR SE15899: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT DNS DELETE HOST DYNAMIC The DNS server can't perform a Dynamic zone host deletion when it is running. The delete option for a dynamic zone host is only available when the server is stopped before opening the configuration window. When the server is brought from start to stop inside the configuration window the GUI seems to perform the deletion but it doesn't occur. Enable delete option for a dynamic zone host when the server is stopped before opening the configuration window. After that if the DNS server is started or stopped inside the configuration window the delete option for dynamic zones will be disabled. APAR SE15911: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SORT EXPLAINABLE STMTS LIST Customer is using sql performance monitor. He is right clicking on the file and selecting list explainable statements. He selects line one and sees the statement in the box titled " SQL statement select". He sorts by processing and selects the first line. This is now a different statement. He sees that the statement has change in the " SQL statement select" box. He selects the visual explain selection button and he sees the first statement that was selected instead of the later one. I tried to recreate that on our system and was not able to. He is going from r530 iseries nav to a r520 system. Visual Explain will explain the correct query after the list of statements is sorted. APAR SE15929: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT DNS needs to validate subnet field In the new Primary Zone Wizard, on the first page, type in any invalid subnet number (i.e. 99999.99999) and continue on through the wizard and will allow to create an invalid zone. Add validation for the subnet field APAR SE15947: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-WAIT Run SQL Scripts Save changes dialog does not appear Run SQL Scripts may appear to hang upon exit, if the document has unsaved changes. The save confirmation dialog never appears to give the user the option to save the changes, to ignore them or to cancel and return to Run SQL Scripts. The problem can occur if the following steps are followed: - Open Run SQL Scripts and enter some changes (an asterisk (*) will appear in the title bar indicating that some changes have not been saved) - Go back to the main iSeries Navigator window - Right click on a named database under the 'Databases' folder - Select the 'Manage Check Pending Constraints'option (certain other iSeries Navigator operations that open a new window may also be used here) - Close the 'Manage Check Pending Constraints' window that appears. - Close the Run SQL Scripts window by clicking on the 'X' in the title bar, or by using the File/Exit menu item. Run SQL Scripts will appear to hang. APAR SE15975: CA400EXP-OPNAV INCORROUT create of new ASP fails to display 2105 type ESS LUNS Enterprise Storage Server Parity disks do not show up in the "Add Parity Protected Disks" window when creating a new disk pool or adding additional disks to a disk pool. The current method of determining valid parity protected devices does not work with the ESS devices which have a built-in parity. Code will be added/modified as needed to cover these new devices and add them into the list as needed. CIRCUMVENTION: Use the OS/400 "Work with Disk Configuration" instead. APAR SE15985: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-UNPRED CLICKING JOURNALING CAUSES ABEND From iSeries Navigator, Database -> Schemas -> QGPL -> Tables -> Right click on QDDSSRC -> Journaling After that,iSeries Navigator screen disappeared. This problem occurs when the language of Host (iSeries) is DBCS ,2962. Problem fixed, iSeries Navigator will no longer crash when performing this operation. APAR SE16000: CA400EXP-OPNAV-WAIT Two TaskActionEvents for a shared propertysheet causing a hang in iNav A problem is occurring with a small subset of the iSeries Navigator propertysheets. Specifically, clicking one of the tabs on a propertysheet can cause iSeries Navigator to hang. One example of this problem is that clicking on one of the tabs in the Directory Services Properties can cause iSeries Navigator to hang. The problem is occurring because multiple activation events are being issued when a propertysheet panel is being displayed. Depending on the code that displays the tab, a thread deadlock situation can occur causing iSeries Navigator to hang. APAR SE16041: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CANNOT CREATE RANGE PARTITION The customer attempted to create a Range partitioned table using the 'New Table' dialog in a Japanese iSeries Navigator installation. A partition was defined without providing a name by selecting the 'System-generated' keyword which indicates that the name will be generated by the system. When the 'Show SQL' button was clicked an error message was displayed stating that no statement was available. When OK was pressed, the dialog dismissed but the table was not created. The same result can be expected when defining primary key constraints, unique key constraints, foreign key constraints, check constraints and range partitions without specifying a name for the object. iSeries Navigator is unnecessarily checking the string "System-generated" for validity as an SQL name, even though the string will not be used as the name when the SQL statement is constructed. In English this does not result in an error since "System-generated" is a valid name. However, in some translations the string may contain characters that are not valid within an SQL name. CIRCUMVENTION: Specify a name for the object instead of leaving the "System-generated" keyword selected. APAR SE16053: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE VE INDEX ADVISOR COLUMNS INFO TRUNCATED In Visual Explain's Statistics and Index Advisor the columns information for the index may appear truncated. It will appear that the index that should be built over only one column. This can occur if the user switches between the 'Statistics Advisor' and 'Index Advisor' tabs, and an index is advised over a number of columns of the table. If the user switches back to the 'Statistics Advisor' tab, and back again to the 'Index Advisor' tab, all of the columns information will appear. The Index Advisor will not truncate the column information when the user switches between the tabs. CIRCUMVENTION: Double clicking the row for the advised index will show all of the columns that are advised for the index. APAR SE16055: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DBNAV SCHEMA IN PROPERTIES INCORRECT The properties dialog for Database Navigator maps may incorrectly report the schema where the map is saved. This will happen if the schema that the map is saved in is not in the current user's list of schemas. The schema the map is saved in will automatically be added to the user's list of schemas. The schema where the map is saved will be reported correctly. CIRCUMVENTION: Add the schema where the map is saved to your list of schemas. APAR SE16056: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE F4 KEY DOES NOT LAUNCH SQL ASSIST In v5r2 Run SQL Scripts, the F4 key would launch SQL Assist. The function key no longer works and the user must select the 'Edit/SQL Assist' menu item to run SQL Assist on a query. F4 will launch SQL Assist for the selected query. APAR SE16075: CA400EXP-OPNAV HAT V5R3 GEO mirroring returns inappropriate message for error condition Problem with error messages (Error Code: 10259 and 1025A) causing the wrong error to be displayed. Error messages (Error Code: 10259 and 1025A) will now be displayed correctly. APAR SE16130: CA400EXP-OPNAV Send SNA panel hangs Adding a user to the "Send to" User/System list on the Send Via SNA panel causes a hang condition. APAR SE16141: CA400EXP-OPNAV SQL7008 WHEN EDIT TABLE IN CHINESE When connected to Chinese server, trying to edit a table using iSeries Navigator database causes SQL7008 to appear. APAR SE16167: OSP SI13587 CAUSED DATE/TIME FORMAT CHANGE IN OPSNAV Date and Time format changed after installing SI13587. This can be viewed by iSeries Navigator - Basic Operations - Printed output. The spooled file creation date and time is shown with format m/d/y and hh:mm AM or PM ( just a 12 hour clock ). At service level SI10817 both date and time were in European format. d/m/y and hh:mm using the 24 hour clock format. Also scheduled jobs on job queues have the US date / time format. APAR SE16458: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MSGJAVAX.SWING.JLABEL WHEN VIEWING PERMISSION Looking at User Profiles thru the IFS in OPSNAV. If you click on IFS and right click on QSYS.LIB and select "Include" and specific "*.USRPRF", you should get a list of user profiles. Right click on any of these on you will see the "permissions" option and I get the error "javax.swing.JLabel". An exception is being thrown due to an unexpected swing object being returned by the iSeries Navigator infrastructure. A change will be made to use the iSeries Navigator infrastructure method instead of the swing method to manipulate the panel control. This will prevent the exception from happening. APAR SE16475: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT SMTP SERVER NAME GETS CHANGED TO Using iSeries Navigator to change a *PSFCFG object. There is a SMTP server parameter. If you specify a host and domain name that is equal to the local host, the SMTP server gets changed to *LOCAL. If you change the same *PSFCFG object using the CHGPSFCFG command, and do the same thing, the system does not change the value to *LOCAL. iSeries Navigator should work the same way as the CHGPSFCFG command; that is, it should not be changing what the user keys to *LOCAL. If the user specifies the server to which iSeries Navigator is connected for the SMTP mail server, AFP Manager will no longer change the name to *LOCAL. APAR SE16486: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Preferred node status change - error for site name Tried to reorder preferred nodes in the cluster resource group recovery domain and received error "Site name site2 specified for node nodeNameHere not allowed." Incorrect site name is being sent to the API. APAR SE16561: CA400EXP-OPNAV Inserting rows into table with default values for DATE field produces "Error in assignment" Inserting rows into table with default values for DATE field produces "Error in assignment" APAR SE16646: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Can't create 1GB ifc w/5700 Users are unable to create an interface for a 5700 adapter Ethernet adapter (e.g. 5700) that uses the 1 GB/second speed. This option is disabled on the Ethernet Line Characteristics page of the New Interface wizard. APAR SE16647: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT NAS Batch file NET USER password should not be random string The Network Authentication Services wizard can be used to generate a batch file for configuring users on an Active Directory server. This batch file is currently generating a random password on the NET USER command. A random password makes it difficult to change the password later which is required in order to prevent the user from being disabled. The code to randomize the NET USER password will be removed. APAR SE16661: CA400EXP-OPNAV-USRGRP-INCORROUT Add LCLPWDMGT parameter The Local password management (LCLPWDMGT) parameter is not available when using iSeries Navigator Users and Groups to create or change a user profile. A checkbox needs to be added to the Users and Groups Capabilities->Password tab display panel to allow IBM Integration for Windows Server users to decide if they want to "Manage this password locally". For more information regarding the changes to iSeries Navigator for managing your IBM Integration for Windows Server users go to http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/iseries/navigator/faqs.html#lclpwdmgt CIRCUMVENTION: The Create or Change User Profile (CRTUSRPRF or CHGUSRPRF) command may be used to modify the Local password management (LCLPWDMGT) parameter. APAR SE16751: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK UCW support for backup VPN to Rochester SDC This Universal Connection Wizard update corresponds with host PTF 5722SS1 SI15166 to configure a backup VPN universal connection. This fix affects the output of the Universal Connection Wizard to support a backup service data center for downloading fixes. The wizard will create a second dial profile in the VPN scenario QTOCL2TP2. To complete creation of the second VPN connection there will be an additional VPN connection QIBMSERVICE52 and a corresponding IKE policy. The Universal Connection Manager on the iSeries will use the backup VPN connection should the primary be unavailable. APAR SE16752: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CREATE ADVISED INDEX SCHEMA When the Index Advisor in Visual Explain suggests some indexes to create, the user can select the advised index and select the 'Create' button. The 'New Index' dialog will display with all of the values pre-filled. However, the schema for the Index defaults to the first schema that is in the user's list of schemas. When the dialog is launched from a table, the schema of the index defaults to the schema of the table. The 'New Index' dialog will default to the schema of the table when launched from the Index Advisor. APAR SE16762: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT System status field 'Shared processor pool usage' shows incorrect data In the System Status function, on the processor page, the percentage field for 'Shared processor pool usage(elapsed)' is reporting incorrect data. (Note: this field is conditionally shown depending on hardware configuration, so it does not appear on all systems). A change has been made to the System Status function (Processor page) so that the percentage field for 'Shared processor pool usage(elapsed):' is correct. APAR SE16838: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT COLUMN WITH NO DEFAULT If a table has columns that have no default value, the 'Table Definition' dialog incorrectly reports that the column has a default of 'Data type default'. It should be reported as 'No default'. An example of such a table is created with the following SQL statement: create table t1(c1 int not null,c2 int not null with default) iSeries Navigator will report that c1 has a default value of 'Data type default', even though it has no default. The 'Table Definition' dialog will correctly report 'No default' for columns that have no default value. APAR SE16926: CA400EXP-OPNAV CPFB957 Endpoint system not found When adding systems via iSeries Navigator "New Cluster" I fail with a CPFB957 "Endpoint system not found" The 1st cluster TCP address is being used to look for an endpoint system rather than what is used for the server name. APAR SE17022: CA400EXP-OPNAV CTL-C of spooled file Followed by Paste Fails Ctl-c while a spooled file in iSeries Navigator for Windows followed by paste to the desktop fails. Choosing Edit from the toolbar followed by Copy and then paste to the desktop also fails. APAR SE17045: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT OSP COPY/PASTE FROM QTCPTMM IN OPS NAV PUTS FILES IN ROOT OF A Copy/Paste from a folder in iSeries Navigator puts files in root of current PC drive. CIRCUMVENTION: Do a drag and drop of the file instead of copy/paste. APAR SE17082: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MESSAGES String index out of range when execute blank statement in Run SQL Scripts In iSeries Navigator Run SQL Scripts window, if a statement containing only blanks is executed, the window hangs. If a statement preceding the empty statement is executed, the message String index out of range: -1 appears in the messages output pane of the Run SQL Scripts window. (The preceding statement was successfully executed.) CIRCUMVENTION: The problem can be prevented by not having multiple semicolons between statements in the Run SQL Scripts window. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- No fixes. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR SE15149: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED - ROW-WISE BINDING PROBLEM The ODBC statement attribute of SQL_ATTR_PARAM_BIND_TYPE is not being handled correctly. The driver does not work properly with row-wise binding which can lead to unpredictable behavior when inserting data. In most cases, the driver will fault with an access violation. APAR SE15598: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED SQLSETPOS RETURNS DRIVER NOT CAPABLE ER An application uses Microsoft RDO and iSeries Access for Windows ODBC to access lob fields. The application uses a block size of 100 rows on the fetch, then attempts to use SQLSetPos and SQLGetData to access the lob data. The ODBC driver returns SQLState S1C00 "Driver not capable" on the SQLGetData api. The error is caused because the odbc driver does not support positioning to a specific row in a block fetch when the requested block size is greater than 1. This restriction is described in the ODBC driver metadata via the SQLGetInfo SQL_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS API. The driver is adding support so that SQLSetPos can be called to position to the first row in a rowset. The driver will return the "driver not capable" error on a SQLSetPos call if an attempt is made using this API to position to a row beyond on the first in the rowset. APAR SE15814: CA400EXP-ODBC CATALOG_NAME NAMES ARE PADDED WITH SPACES The driver is incorrectly blank padding the TABLE_CAT field when the SQLTables API is called to get a list of catalogs. The SQLTables call that causes the problem is when CatalogName is set to SQL_ALL_CATALOGS (%) and the SchemaName and TableName arguments are empty-strings. APAR SE15895: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGINTERNAL DRIVER ERROR INTERMITTENT FAULT IN Applications such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft IIS that use the iSeries Access for Windows ODBC driver may encounter intermittent faults or hangs in cwbodbc.dll Multiple threads may appear to hang on SQLDriverConnect, SQLFreeConnect. A Client Access detailed trace will show that an attempt to free the environment handle never completed. APAR SE16131: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED - PACKAGE PROBLEM WITH STATEMENT IN USE Statements that do not contain parameter markers can incorrectly be added into an SQL package. This occurs if an application uses the same ODBC statement handle for two different SQL statements. If the first statement gets added to the package, the 2nd one gets added too. This can cause problems where a user would see a "statement in use" error. APAR SE16287: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL7008 AUTOCOMMIT OFF COMMIT MODE CHANGED The V5R3 ODBC driver is using the default commit mode of *NONE and the application is turning autocommit off. When connecting to a V5R3 system, an update, delete or insert statement will cause the ODBC driver to change the commit mode to *CHG. If the table is not journaled, the statement will fail with an SQL7008 - Table in Library not valid for operation. To circumvent the problem, the application would need to be modified to update the table with autocommit on or the table would need to be journaled. This same problem does not occur with V5R3 ODBC working to a V5R2 system. APAR SE16834: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INCORRECT DECIMAL PARAMETER VALUES Using iSeries Access R530 SI13587 to transfer data via linked tables from MS SQL Server to the iSeries 400 physical file. Numeric fields with decimals are passing a value of 0 on the decimal input parameter. The same data and files work using R520 ODBC. APAR SE16919: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - MISCELLANEOUS ODBC PROBLEMS Several problems exist in ODBC: -- When using ODBC Setup and typing in a default library of "A%LIB" the library name is not saved correctly. This results in a library name of "A LIB" when the dialog is displayed again. -- The driver is not handling the SQLGetData call correctly when called multiple times on a LOB field. The driver sometimes returns an incorrect length in StrLen_or_IndPtr. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE15785: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT ADO ActualSize wrong for LOBS. When getting the actual size for a LOB field using the ADO method Field.ActualSize() our provider returns the defined size instead of the actual size of the data in the field. APAR SE15809: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGCPF9810 TABLE NAME LISTED AS THE LIBRARY Using record level access with the iSeries Access for Windows OLE DB provider to open a table through ADO fails with message CPF9810. The error lists the table name as the name of the library in the error message. This problem occurs when the library name is a substring of the system name. For example if the system name is MYSYSTEM and the library was MYSYS and the table name was MYTABLE, the command text in ADO would be: "/QSYS.LIB/MYSYS.LIB/MYTABLE.FILE/*FIRST.MBR(*FIRST,*NONE)" Opening the recordest object results in error CPF9810: Library MYTABLE not found. APAR SE16302: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGCWBZZ5014 INSERT/UPDATE TABLE WITH LOB The error "CWBZZ5014 Value of parameter [field name] could not be converted to the host data" is received when updating or inserting into a table with lobs using a client side cursor. APAR SE16667: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SQLSTATE NOT SET FOR COMM ERROR SQLState is not being set to 08S01 for communication failures. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE15897: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Add iDB2ProviderSettings class A new class is needed to enable static, process-wide settings for the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET provider. The following new class will be created: Class name: iDB2ProviderSettings Description: Provides a way to set process-global provider settings. This class cannot be inherited. Property name: static string ProviderVersion (read-only) Description: Returns a string containing the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries .NET provider's AssemblyFileVersion. Method name: static void CleanupPooledConnections() Description: Performs orderly cleanup of pooled connections. Calling this method just before your process terminates will ensure pooled iDB2Connections get cleaned up properly. Make this method the last call you make before your process terminates. This ptf adds the new iDB2ProviderSettings class. APAR SE16002: CA400EXP IDB2DATA CommandBuilder fails with WHERE clause The application uses an iDB2CommandBuilder to automatically generate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements based on the SELECT statement. If the SELECT statement contains a clause following the table name, then an InvalidOperationException is thrown, indicating the table specified in the SelectCommand does not contain a unique key. An example of a failing statement includes one like the following: SELECT * FROM MYLIB.MYTABLE WHERE MYFIELD='SOME-VALUE' CIRCUMVENTION: Change the iDB2CommandBuilder's Select statement into a simple "select from table" APAR SE16003: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Exception with Decimal/Numeric result data The application attempts to retrieve a Decimal or Numeric field from an iDB2DataReader using GetDecimal(), or by calling .Fill on an iDB2DataAdapter. If the application's current UI culture is set to a culture whose decimal separator is anything but a period (.) then the operation fails with an exception. CIRCUMVENTION: Use an iDB2DataReader and call GetString() to get the decimal or numeric value, instead of calling GetDecimal() or using an iDB2DataAdapter to load the data. APAR SE16036: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Fix incorrect parameter handling for Stored Procedures When using CommandType.StoredProcedure, the .NET provider ignores the iDB2Command.Parameters collection when calling Prepare and the Execute methods. Instead of using the Parameters collection to build a prepare-able statement, the provider incorrectly queries the SYSPROCS table. While this works for many cases, this can be a problem when there is more than one stored procedure in a library with the same name but differing number of parameters. When calling DeriveParameters with CommandType.StoredProcedure, the provider queries the SYSPROCS table, but the query used, and the library used on the query when the CommandText does not include the library name, are not correct. CIRCUMVENTION: Use CommandType.Text instead of CommandType.StoredProcedure, and explicitly set the CommandText to include the 'call' statement and parameter markers, for instance: cmd.CommandText = "call mylib.mysp(@p1, @p2, ...)" cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text APAR SE16951: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Add support for LOBs and Library List Add support for LOBs and Library List to the .NET provider. The following new data types are added: iDB2Blob - represents a binary large object iDB2Clob - represents a character large object iDB2DbClob - represents a double byte character large object A new iDB2NamingConvention enum is created that allows the application to select SQL naming or System naming. The iDB2Connection class has the following new properties: Naming - to control the naming convention (SQL or System). Value is specified as either SQL or System. MaximumInlineLobSize - to control the threshold at which LOB data is transferred using LOB Locators, instead of as inline data. Value is an integer in the range 0-15360 which specifies the maximum size (in kilobytes) of a LOB which can be retrieved from the host server in a single operation. LibraryList - allows the application to set the user portion of the host server job's library list. If the application wants the DefaultCollection included in the library list, it must include it in the LibraryList property. LibraryList is a comma-delimited list of library names which may contain the special name *USRLIBL, which is a placeholder to indicate the host server job's current user portion of the library list. By placing other library names before or after *USRLIBL, the application can control where the libraries get added in relation to the job's current user library list. If *USRLIBL is not specified in the LibraryList, the specified libraries will replace the server job's current user library list, so applications that wish to add to the library list should be sure to specify *USRLIBL somewhere in the LibraryList. The iDB2DataReader class has the following new methods: GetiDB2Blob(int index) GetiDB2Clob(int index) GetiDB2DbClob(int index) This ptf adds LOB and Library List support to the .NET provider. APAR SE17162: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Decimal/Numeric digits truncated When an application defines its own iDB2Parameter of type iDB2Decimal or iDB2Numeric, the provider defaults the parameter's 'Scale' to 0. As a result, if the application does not explicitly set the parameter .Scale, any parameter data sent using that parameter has the scale portion truncated when it is sent to the host. CIRCUMVENTION: To avoid having the scale portion of a Decimal or Numeric truncated when sent to the host, explicitly set the scale when you define the parameter. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 4.5 (07/30/2004) and the equivalent of 5722JC1 SI14873. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- APAR SE14730: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 NEGOTIATES WRONG KBDTYPE OS400 Virtual Device creation is negotiated with WRONG KBDTYPE by PC5250 when using 1140 Portugal Euro Host Code Page. Virtual Device is created with KBDTYPE=BLM. It should be PRE. APAR SE15297: OSP PCSERR101 ERROR WHEN A COPY/PASTE FUNCTION IS PERFORMED. PCSERR101 error is reported when doing a COPY function. APAR SE15562: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGPCSERR999 MACRO LIMITED TO 64KBYTE PCSERR999 internal error: PCSKBD.DLL - 4001 Macroeditor limit macro size to 64KB APAR SE15735: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-UNPRED PRINTER SETUP WINDOW DOES NOT DISP When using a PC5250 printer session, click File/Printer Setup, and then check the box that says to "Display this dialog before every print". When you go to print a spooled file, the printer setup window is supposed to be displayed, but it is not happening. APAR SE15931: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT AFTER RETURNING TO CALLING PGM Program A is called from Program B. After returning to B characters on the DSPF gets overwritten if cursor was set with mouse APAR SE16801: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT GERMAN FUNCTION KEY ALT K IS NOT In a German PC5250 session "ALT" and "K" to open the menu Kommunikation will not work because Aktion is also using the "K" This service pack PTF will fix the problem for the following NLV's in V5R3: -- 2929 (German) -- 2939 (German MNCS) PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE13412: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT REMOTE CONTROL PANEL FAILS WIN-XP SP1 with current security patches fails to restart the parallel Remote Control Panel after it is disconnected, or the PC may stop responding or produce a blue screen termination and reboot. One can now stop and restart the parallel Remote Control Panel on Windows XP. APAR SE16299: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT wizard hangs in WinNT Windows NT setting up a local console directly attached with remote support allowed will hang in the wizard after selecting whether to run attended or unattended going to the user manager panel. The user manager wizard page is now properly displayed on Windows NT. APAR SE16534: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT fault RCS to LCS and firewall When the LCS is using a software firewall such as ZoneAlarm or Windows XP SP2 and an RCS tries to connect to the LCS a fault may occur. Operations Console at the RCS will no longer fault when a connection is prevented by a software firewall at the LCS. CIRCUMVENTION: Add a rule to the software firewall allowing all socket connections to cwbopcon.exe. APAR SE16535: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT close may hang Operations Console may stop responding when the user tries to close the application. Operations Console now closes as expected. APAR SE16821: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT emulator may not start Launching an emulation session may fail if many successfully- connected configs are disconnected, deleted and recreated. With this fix one can delete, recreate and reconnect configs and emulation sessions will be started as appropriate. CIRCUMVENTION: End and restart Operations Console and reconnect. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- Non-APAR fixes. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI13587 Build date = May 2004 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE12606: CA400EXP-2-MSGCWBCF0005-F/CWBBACK CWBBACK FAILS WHEN DBCS INVOLVED APAR SE13599: CA400EXP - Add 64 bit support to XDA Windows client APAR SE13926: CA400EXP-CONNECTIONS-UNPRED NO CWBCFG KERBEROS SETTING The cwbcfg utility provides a parameter for configuring the signon mode of the connection being defined: /uid . All signon modes may be set using this parameter except the use of Kerberos. The /uid parameter of cwbcfg now accepts the value *KERBEROS which configures the connection to use Kerberos for authentication. For example: cwbcfg /host server1 /uid *KERBEROS creates a connection to server "server1" and configures it for all users of the PC, and for the Default User, so that Kerberos is used for authentication. Previously, the only allowed values were *WINLOGON, *PROMPTALWAYS, and an actual iSeries user ID. IMPORTANT NOTE: Although you can now configure the new connection to use Kerberos, authenticating this way may not work. One possible reason is that the new or changed connection is configured only for accounts local to the PC on which cwbcfg is run. Successful use of Kerberos may require logging on to a domain, and local account configuration information is not typically used for domain logons. This is no different from the case in which a user logs on to the local PC, then uses iSeries Navigator to configure a connection to use Kerberos as the means of authentication. APAR SE14941: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER Help not displayed APAR SE15016: SSL - Update default key database A VeriSign Global Server Intermediate Root CA certificate has expired on January 7, 2004. This CA certificate was included in the default SSL key database shipped with the product. Updated SSL key database files (cwbssldf.kdb and cwbssldf.sth) will be provided by this service pack. The new files will only be installed if the previous files are deleted or do not exist in the Common Documents folder. APAR SE15205: CA400EXP - Incorrect data passed to database server from XDA Windows client APAR SE15507: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT CWBOPAUT.DLL ERROR APAR SE15715: CA400EXP-INCORROUT cwblmsrv background task not exiting OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. iSeries NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE12438: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT CWBUN_GETPUBLICLISTOBJECT AP APAR SE12441: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-MSGCPI0954 CREATE DISK TO MAX ASP USE APAR SE12774: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CREATE NEW VIEW DIALOG MAY NO APAR SE12976: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT PROMPTING FOR PASSWORD APAR SE13504: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT LPAR Create wizard doesn't use regional setting for shared procs APAR SE13614: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK Universal Connection Wizard modal to frame APAR SE13616: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Leased lines line profile cannot be updated APAR SE13629: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK Remote support authentication ids to allow connect APAR SE14019: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT File extensions corrupted on add share APAR SE14236: CA400EXP-OPNAV ISERIES NAVIGATOR HANG LISTING PRINTER OUTPUT APAR SE14383: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK Routes not added when configuring an ATT dial connection APAR SE14408: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-PERFM LONG DELAYS WHEN MOVING MULTIPL APAR SE14555: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT DNS ENABLES ADD HOST APAR SE14558: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT SMTP properties update fails APAR SE14569: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT MC Task Status window does not always paint APAR SE14570: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK UCW Qtocl2txx line decription wrong APAR SE14574: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Changing Max graph value on graph history takes two refreshes to take effect APAR SE14585: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK UCW phone5 call list to phone4 APAR SE14644: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK RAS PPP filter identifier list empty APAR SE14720: LIC-DISK-STG OPS NAV DISK POOLS DISPLAY PROBLEM APAR SE14734: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CURRENT ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM/USER CAN NOT BE REMOVED APAR SE14800: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Webfacing settings not saved APAR SE14802: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT Netserver Single Signon failing due to uppercase keytab entries. APAR SE14914: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Capabilities->Auditing page must be hidden for non-administrators APAR SE14968: CA400EXP-OPNAV- PRINTER OUTPUT ACTION ERROR IN OUTQ SHORTCUT APAR SE14983: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT QoS Configuration GUI ignores subnet mask input when creating a new Client object APAR SE15045: CA400EXP-OPNAV User registration is not working Service Agent user registration fails using iSeries Navigator. NOTE: In order for this fix works properly you need to install PTF SI13239 for the OS/400 operating system (5722SS1) or one that supersedes it in the iSeries server that is specified as Management Central system. APAR SE15048: CA400EXP-OPNAV ESA Verifiy connection to IBM is hung Verifying connection to IBM window is hung NOTE: In order for this fix works properly you need to install PTF SI13239 for the OS/400 operating system (5722SS1) or one that supersedes it in the iSeries server that is specified as Management Central system. APAR SE15049: CA400EXP-OPNAV ESA Subsystem jobs window APAR SE15050: CA400EXP-OPNAV ESA License not displayed for any release APAR SE15052: CA400EXP-OPNAV-AUTHLIST-INCORROUT Need to display description of Authority lists in iSeries Navigator Window APAR SE15081: CA400EXP-OPNAV-UNPRED Moving node up to be primary in Recov. Domain doesn't show entire line moving & "ineligible" node status APAR SE15105: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT When adding a data port ip address fails, the address still shows up in the gui like it was successful APAR SE15106: CA400EXP-OPNAV-PERFM Occasional Hangs during make available APAR SE15122: CA400WINOPT-OPNAV Support new hardware for V5R3M0 on Graphical Views No graphical views for the new hardware. Graphical views added. Requires PTF 5722999 MF32576 as well. APAR SE15148: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Cannot Display Disk Pool Properties Of Mirrored IASP APAR SE15212: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SCHEMA STARTS WITH @ # $ APAR SE15219: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT SPOOLED FILE LIST INCOMPLETE APAR SE15222: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Error removing user in Customize Access dialog APAR SE15282: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Consolidated Hardware File saved to incorrect path APAR SE15308: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Suspend Geographic Mirroring menu item occasionally in incorrect state APAR SE15367: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-WAIT Directory Server Propertysheet hangs searching/updating the configuration APAR SE15388: CA400EXP-OPNAV-UNPRED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOLDER MISSING APAR SE15395: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Adding a data port ip address failure still shows up as successful APAR SE15500: LIC-DISK-STG-UNPRED APAR SE15501: CA400EXP-OPNAV Drop down with wrong value on Edit Time Zone APAR SE15511: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Intelligent Agent panel hangs APAR SE15512: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK Unable to turn off LDAP filter cache support APAR SE15513: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Configuring a V5R2 server that is a replica to a master fails. APAR SE15514: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Directory Server publishing fields not enable/disabled correctly. APAR SE15526: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-WAIT CANNOT LAUNCH EXPRESSION BUILDER APAR SE15527: osp - Deleting a data port IP address fails APAR SE15528: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Removing a node in a recovery domain handled incorrectly APAR SE15545: CA400EXP-OPNAV Cannot Deconfigure Just A Secondary IASP APAR SE15546: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT GUI is partially untranslated APAR SE15748: CA400EXP-OPNAV Site name & membership status incorrect in recovery domain when moving nodes DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE15025: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER - UTF-8 ALWAYS TRUNCATES SPACES APAR SE15133: CA400EXP - DTRANSFER - trap opening TTO file APAR SE15135: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER UNICODE AND UTF8 PROBLEMS APAR SE15716: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER trailing blanks cause CWBLM0040 APAR SE15767: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER THE BROWSE FILES AND MEMBERS WINDOW FAILS DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE15356: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FDF DATE/TIME SETTINGS RESET WHEN USING USING EXCEL WIZARD ODBC ---- APAR SE13347: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED SQLCOLATTRIBUTES SQL_COLUMN_SEARCHABLE APAR SE14242: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGCPF5035 OVERLAY OF PARAMETER DATA ON SECON APAR SE14415: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - RETURN TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP AS SQL_CHAR APAR SE14963: CA400EXP SQLEXTENDEDFETCH RETURNS PWS0001 RETURNING DATA FRO APAR SE15056: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - OVERRIDE PASSWORD ENHANCEMENT When connecting with ODBC and your password is expired on the server, an error or a dialog asking the user to change the password is returned to the application. To avoid the error and possible dialog, an enhancement is being provided to allow an application to programmatically change the user's password. An example scenario on how this might be used is listed below: The application calls SQLDriverConnect with the SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT DriverCompletion option and the userid (UID keyword) and password (PWD keyword) specified in the connection string. Since the userid and password combination is expired, an error (SQL_ERROR) is returned to the application. No prompts are returned because of the SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT option. The application calls SQLError (or SQLGetDiagRec) to get back the NativeError. If the native error is 8003 then this is the case where the userid/password combination was expired. The application calls SQLDriverConnect with the userid (UID keyword), current password (PWD keyword), and the new password (NEWPWD keyword) specified in the connection string. The driver will change the password for that user profile to the new password if the current password is valid. APAR SE15502: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT - FIX SQLPROCEDURECOLUMNS ISSUES THAT COULD CAUSE FAULTS OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE14470: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT ZERO LENGTH PARAMETER DATA INCORREC APAR SE15283: CA400EXP-OLEDB-UNPRED RLA RANDOM TRACE APAR SE15503: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT BLANK STRINGS RETURN INCORRECT DATA .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE13984: CA400EXP IDB2DATA MSGSQL0501 Cursor not open error APAR SE13985: CA400EXP IDB2DATA INCORROUT iDB2CommandBuilder fails with table created using DDS APAR SE13986: CA400EXP IDB2DATA INCORROUT DeriveParameters not setting Size and IsNullable APAR SE14008: CA400EXP IDB2DATA INCORROUT DeriveParameters not setting ParameterName APAR SE15169: CA400EXP IDB2DATA .NET traces and logs sometimes do not work APAR SE15170: CA400EXP IDB2DATA Fix several problems with .NET provider A new method is added: iDB2DataReader.HasRows(). This method can be called to determine if the iDB2DataReader returned any rows. A final change is made to remove the public constructor for the iDB2ParameterCollection class. The parameter collection is always associated with an iDB2Command and should not be created by an application. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- Non-APAR fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 4.3 (04/02/2004) and the equivalent of 5722JC1 SI13437. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- APAR SE12161: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT IBM3270-1250 FONTS ARE NOT APAR SE12423: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CHARACTERS NOT CHANGED TO UPPERC APAR SE12821: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PC5250 SESSION DROPPING WHEN USING APAR SE13349: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-DBCS U/3010(EBCDIC:X/4466) CANNOT DISPLAY APAR SE13430: CA400EXP - TERMEMUL - Add support for LotusScript Extension APAR SE13431: TERMEMUL Signed Numeric won't paste to protected fields Currently if you copy and paste numeric fields they will paste into unprotected and protected fields. But if you copy and paste signed numeric fields, they will not paste into protected fields. This fix is enabled when the existing option, "Force Leading +/-", is ON. APAR SE13658: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT COPY AND PASTE ISSUE ON JAPANESE APAR SE13859: OSP-PAR RUNTIME ERROR. ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION. APAR SE13964: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DATA IN BLINKING FIELDS DOES NOT APAR SE13971: OSP-PAR USING VBSCRIPT MACROS MULTIPLE TIMES IN PC5250 HANGS APAR SE13991: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED FUNCTION AND ENTER KEYS INTERMITTEN APAR SE15134: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL PrintScreen doesn't work PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE14819: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT GUI can hang when CPU is busy APAR SE15504: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT cwbopcon fault during disconnect APAR SE15505: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT 5250 emulator doesn't connect APAR SE15506: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT status 'connected' but system down PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- APAR SE15136: CA400EXP-INCORROUT cwbCO_GetPasswordExpireDate The API cwbCO_GetPasswordExpireDate returns CWB_INV_BEFORE_VALIDATE when user profile set to *NOMAX. The documentation for API cwbCO_GetPasswordExpireDate will be updated as follows: CWB_INV_BEFORE_VALIDATE The user ID and password that were set in the specified system object have not been validated (so the password expire date is not available), or validation has occurred and the user profile password expiration interval is set to *NOMAX. Usage You must successfully call cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword, cwbCO_Signon, or cwbCO_Connect before calling cwbCO_GetPasswordExpireDate. (Note: CWB_INV_BEFORE_VALIDATE can represent a successful call, if the user profile password is set to never expire (*NOMAX) ) If you want to ensure that the value that is returned is recent, you either must call cwbCO_VerifyUserIDPassword explicitly, or set the Validate Mode to CWBCO_VALIDATE_ALWAYS before you call cwbCO_Signon or cwbCO_Connect. VISUAL BASIC WIZARDS -------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. EZ-SETUP -------- No fixes. 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------ To remove this service pack from your PC (if the service pack was originally installed with the Enable Service Pack Uninstall option): 1. Click the Windows Start button, click on Settings, and then click on Control Panel. 2. Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. 3. Click on the Change or Remove Programs button (if necessary), then find and click on the IBM iSeries Access for Windows SI15176 item, and then click on the Change/Remove button. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen. 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? ----------------------------------------------- InstallShield is the tool used to provide the install support for iSeries Access for Windows. The same tool is used for installing service packs. Setup.exe has a 2 minute timeout to initialize to the first wizard panel, which could expire when installing service packs over very slow communication lines. If installing from a CD or a faster connection is not possible, then the service pack could be installed in this manner: 1) A setting exists on the iSeries Access for Windows Properties Service tab that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, install the service pack, then remove the copied files. To use this support you will need to specify this setting ("Copy install image to PC before installing"). 2) Run Check Service Level (either from the IBM iSeries Access for Windows Service folder shortcut or when Check Service Level runs at system boot on its defined schedule) STATUS: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if the transfers are progressing, look in the 'CA400CKV' temporary directory (beneath the PC temporary directory, for example C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp). You should see new files appear periodically. 3) Proceed through the Service Pack install wizard to complete the install. 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL ------------------------- To prevent users from installing the Service Pack, an administrator can use the SP.TXT file. If the administrator places a file named SP.TXT (with a 'N' in the first position of the first line) in the service pack installation image directory, the service pack will not be installed. 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHY DOES MY DATA LOOK LIKE GARBAGE WHEN I PERFORMED A DOWNLOAD? By default, the Data Transfer function will not convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII if the data is tagged with a CCSID of 65535. In older versions of the Win 95/NT Client Access product, the 65535 conversion was controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. This process has been changed, and the conversion is now controlled by the Data Transfer user interface. Once the setting has been made in the user interface, it is then stored in the transfer request. This is only true for .TTO and .TFR files. .RTO and .DT files are still controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. The conversion setting for .RTO and .DT files can be modified in the Data Transfer user interface, but the setting will not be saved. The setting to control the conversion is found in the File, Properties information. WARNING: This feature is designed as a workaround for people that can not change the CCSID of their files. In order for this translation to work properly, you must be confident the data in the file matches the CCSID of your user profile. The design of the iSeries is that data with a 65535 CCSID are not to be converted. This feature will attempt to do a conversion of the data from the job CCSID to the PC CCSID. This conversion may not work if the data in the file does not match the user profile/job CCSID. The correct solution to this problem is to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. One way of doing this is by using CHGPF. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, please reference the iSeries National Language Support Manual.