============================================================================= Readme File for System i Access for Windows Service Packs 5761-XE1 V6R1M0 Cumulative Service Pack Level ------------- SI42423 ------------- (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. ============================================================================= PLEASE READ: --------------------- Microsoft has released a security update that is now a prerequisite for all future V6R1 IBM i Access for Windows service packs. For information about the security update and how to install it, please see: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/windows/casp.html Windows 7 Support --------------------- Starting with service pack level SI35607 System i Access for Windows supports running on Windows 7. Please see Information APAR II14522 for issues related to using iSeries Access for Windows on Windows 7. NOTICE: ------- Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit interactive capacity to purchased levels. This PTF may be a prerequisite for future PTFs. By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the foregoing. This PTF is subject to the terms of the license agreement which accompanied, or was contained in, the Program for which you are obtaining the PTF. You are not authorized to install or use the PTF except as part of a Program for which you have a valid Proof of Entitlement. SUBJECT TO ANY WARRANTIES WHICH CAN NOT BE EXCLUDED OR EXCEPT AS EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN THE APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT OR AN APPLICABLE SUPPORT AGREEMENT, IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON INFRINGEMENT, REGARDING THE PTF. The applicable license agreement may have been provided to you in printed form and/or may be viewed using the Work with Software Agreements (WRKSFWAGR) CL command. ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A System i 1.2 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH A System i ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALL IMAGE 1.3 INSTALLING A SECONDARY LANGUAGE 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS 2.1 System i SERVER FIXES 2.2 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION WITHIN System i NAVIGATOR 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI42423 (May 2011) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI41053 (November 2010) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI37891 (April 2010) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI35607 (December 2009) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI34289 (February 2009) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI32504 (October 2008) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI31390 (July 2008) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI31251 (March 2008) - SERVICE PACK LEVEL = SI29455 (November 2007) 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------ 1.1 INSTALLING FROM A System i -------------------------------------- The following method would be used if you have received the System i Access for Windows service pack through the System i PTF ordering process either as an individual PTF order or as part of an i5/OS PTF cumulative package. Once this service pack has been applied to a System i with the LODPTF and APYPTF System i commands, it can be installed on individual PC's with the "Check Service Level" shortcut in the System i Access for Windows Service folder. Check Service Level, controlled by the System i Access for Windows Properties Service tab, will detect that the Service source directory has been updated, and will present the user with the option to install the service pack at startup time as well. The APYPTF command will update each of the System i Access for Windows install image directories (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image32, \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64a and \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64i) on the System i. Any client that installs System i Access for Windows (or selected features) from one of these images will automatically receive this service pack level (no extra steps or reboots). In this scenario, the service pack cannot be uninstalled on the client PC because it is merged in with the base release. NOTE: The System i contains three System i Access for Windows install images, one for each processor architecture supported by System i Access for Windows: \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image32 for 32-bit (X86) based PCs, \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64a for AMD64 based PCs and \QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows\image64i for Itanium based PCs. Running setup.exe from the System i Access for Windows install image directory that matches your PC's processor type (\image32 for 32-bit (X86) based PCs, \image64a for AMD64 based PCs or \image64i for Itanium based PCs) will launch the install wizard for that specific architecture. Running cwblaunch.exe from the System i Access for Windows install image root directory (\QIBM\ProdData\Access\Windows) will determine your PC's processor architecture and accordingly launch the install wizard from the appropriate image directory. RMVPTF will restore your System i install image to the prior service level (or the base release if there was no prior service pack applied). 1.2 COMBINING THE SERVICE PACK WITH A System i ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALL IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have an install image on a local or network drive that you want to update to the latest service pack, please see Downloads.txt at: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v6r1m0/servicepack/si41053/ 1.3 INSTALLING A SECONDARY LANGUAGE ------------------------------------ Starting with service pack SI31390, customers can install secondary languages in V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows as in previous releases. You can install secondary languages from a System i platform that has both System i Access for Windows (5761–XE1) and the desired secondary language installed, or from the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 DVD, as long as the client computers have the latest service level installed. The following instructions describe how to install secondary languages from a System i and from the DVD. Note: in the steps detailed below, you can use setup.exe instead of cwblaunch.exe as long as you are located in the ImageXX folder that contains the installation image that is right for your PC, i.e. Image32 for 32-bit based PCs, Image64a for AMD 64-bit and Image64i for Itanium. To install a secondary language from a System i In order to make secondary languages available to your users, you first need to apply System i Access for Windows PTF SI31390 or later on your System i. During a new installation: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. Choose a Custom installation to select which secondary languages and features you want installed to your PC. Note: If you select a Complete or a PC5250 User installation, no secondary languages will be installed by default. In this case, you can specify what secondary languages to install with the CWBADDSECLANG property from the command line, as explained below. 4. Complete the wizard. During an upgrade: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. Choose a Custom installation. If you had the secondary language installed in the previous version, the language will appear selected under the Languages node. You can select which secondary languages and features you want to add or remove. 4. Complete the wizard. Note: If you have secondary languages and the .NET Data Provider installed in the previous version, you must: 1. Use Selective Setup to uninstall the .NET Data Provider prior to upgrade. Upgrading .NET Data Provider secondary languages is not supported by System i Access for Windows V6R1M0. 2. Run cwblaunch.exe to start the upgrade as described above. To install a secondary language after System i Access for Windows has been installed: 1. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM) 2. Double-click QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the setup program. 3. If your local installation is at an older service level than the level on the System i, the installation program will be launched in service pack mode. At this time you will not be able to add secondary languages yet. Complete the service pack wizard, then re-run cwblaunch.exe as pointed out in the next step. 4. Run cwblaunch.exe from QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows to start the maintenance wizard. 5. Choose Modify to select which secondary languages you want installed on your PC. 6. Complete the wizard. To install a secondary language from the V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows DVD Since the V6R1M0 System i Access for Windows DVD was shipped without secondary language support,you first must install System i Access for Windows from the DVD, then download service pack SI31390 or later from the System i Access for Windows web site and install it on the PC, then re-run the installation from the DVD in order to install secondary languages. 1. Install the System i Access for Windows DVD by running Windows > cwblaunch.exe. 2. Download the latest service pack from the System i Access for Windows web site. Note: Make sure to download the service pack version that is right for your computer’s processor architecture. 3. Launch the service pack download on your PC in order to upgrade System i Access for Windows to the new service level. 4. From your DVD, double click Windows > cwblaunch.exe to start the maintenance wizard. 5. Choose Modify to select which secondary languages you want installed on your PC. 6. Complete the wizard. Using CWBADDSECLANG to add secondary languages A new public property named CWBADDSECLANG is available to specify secondary languages from the command line. This is particularly useful for unattended installations. Note that your local installation of System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 must be at service level SI31390 or greater. Otherwise, the CWBADDSECLANG property will be ignored. If System i Access for Windows is not yet installed, then your source installation image must be at service level SI31390 or greater. If you are installing from the System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 DVD then, after installing the DVD, you must download and install service pack SI31390 or later from the System i Access for Windows web site prior to use CWBADDSECLANG. To specify secondary languages at the command line: 1. Open a command prompt window. 2. Change directories to your installation image: - If you are installing from a System i, change directories to QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows. - If you are installing from DVD, change directories to the Windows folder. 3. Type in the following command: cwblaunch /v"CWBADDSECLANG=mri29xx,mri29yy,…" Where mri29xx, mri29yy, etc. are the NLV codes of the languages that you want to install. Note: a list of 29xx NLV codes is available in the IBM i5/OS information web site at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/scope/i5os/index.jsp Search for "National language version feature codes". 4. To install secondary languages silently, type in the following command: cwblaunch /s /v"/qb CWBADDSECLANG=mri29xx,mri29yy,…" 5. To install all languages available on your installation image, specify CWBADDSECLANG=ALL. 6. Complete the wizard. To install a secondary language from a custom DVD You can burn a DVD out from the updated image residing on your System i, and distribute this custom DVD to your users so they can install secondary languages from the DVD without needing to download the service pack from the web. 1. Apply System i Access for Windows PTF SI31390 or later on your System i. 2. Map a drive to the System i QIBM sharepoint (\\NetServerName\QIBM). 3. Burn the contents of QIBM > ProdData > Access > Windows to your DVD. Note: The three images under the Windows folder might not fit on a single DVD. In that case, you can burn just the image that is needed by your users -i.e. Image32, Image64a or Image64i. 4. Instruct your users to run cwblaunch.exe from the custom DVD in order to install secondary languages. The procedure is identical to the steps described under the section 'To install a secondary language from a System i' above. After you have installed the secondary language, use System i Access for Windows Properties to select the language you want to use. Notes: - You must run cwblaunch.exe –or setup.exe- in order to install secondary languages. You cannot install secondary languages from the Add or Remove Programs panel; in that case, the Languages node will not be available. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS/RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------- 2.1 System i SERVER FIXES -------------------------- In addition to installing the System i Access for Windows Service Pack, all servers should stay current on the latest Cumulative PTF Package, HIPER Group PTF, and Database Group PTF. Refer to IBM eServer System i Technical Support: Recommended fixes at http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.nsf/recommendedfixes 2.2 Application Development function within System i Navigator --------------------------------------------------------------- The Application Development folder within System i Navigator is added when the System i Navigator Network component is installed. Application Administration can be used to restrict the display of the Application Development folder to certain users or groups of users. 3.0 AUTHORIZED PROGRAM ANALYSIS REPORT (APAR) ABSTRACTS -------------------------------------------------------- This a list of APAR fixes included in this service pack. Each service pack is cumulative; the current service pack includes all the fixes from the prior service pack levels. The APAR abstracts are listed by installable component within a service pack level. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI42423 Build date = May 2011 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE47273: CA400EXP-INCORROUT wrkprt.exe may crash with stack overflow APAR SE45657: CA400EXP-SECURITY-INCORROUT USERID NOT SHOWN IN PROPERTIES APAR SE46581: CA400EXP-CONNECTIONS-INCORROUT CONNECTION MAY LOSE IP ADDR APAR SE47582: CA400EXP-INSTALL Error 1713 on service pack install with secondary languages installed APAR SE47223: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT WIN.INI FILE WILL NOT CREATE AFTER SYSTEM I ACCESS FOR WINDOWS INSTALL. APAR SE46484: CA400EXP MSGCWB0999 RMTCMD TRUNCATES COMMANDS APAR SE45418: CA400EXP-APIS-OTHER-INCORROUT CWBX PACKEDCONVERTER RETURNS NO OUTPUT IF DECIMALPOSITION SPECIFIED. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE46412: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT LIST OF SPOOLED FILES IN INAV USING DATE AND TIME RANGE FAILS APAR SE46563: OSP-PAR-940XCOM SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR INVOKING WEB BROWSER FAILS WITH GOOGLE CHROME AS DEFAULT BROWSER APAR SE45903: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-UNPRED ISERIES NAVIGATOR CRASHES INERMITTENTLY APAR SE46718: CA400EXP NOT ABLE TO ACCESSES THE GRAPHICAL VIEW OF DISK UNITS FROM INAV APAR SE46495: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-UNPRED USERS ARE UNABLE TO COPY THE FILE PATH WITHIN THE IFS. APAR SE47447: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT OPENING FILE SHARE RESULTS IN PATH NOT FOUND ERROR APAR SE45681: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-UNPRED SYSTEM I ACCESS HOST SERVER SETTING FOR *NET PRINT CHANGES ARE NOT DISPLAYING IN NAVIGATOR. APAR SE45803: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT JOBS ASSOCIATED WITH SERVERS DOES NOT SHOW IN INAV APAR SE46083: OSP-COMM-OTHER-INCORROUT INAV TCP/IP STARTING INTERFACES, WITH ITALIAN LANGUAGE APAR SE46214: CA400EXP CHANGING THE POP3 SERVER SSL ATTRIBUTES IS NOT UPDATING THE POP3 SETTINGS PROPERLY. APAR SE46409: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT PARM ETRNSVR OF CHGSMTPA IS NOT REFLECTED WITHIN IBM I NAVIGATOR AND IBM NAVIGATOR APAR SE45832: CA400EXP-OPNAV-JOBS-INCORROUT WRKUSRJ FAILS APAR SE47165: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT INCLUDE DIALOG DATE IS NOT ACCURATE. APAR SE46884: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-THREADS-PERFM HISTORY LOG SORT OF THE SENT COLUMN TAKES A LONG TIME. APAR SE45065: CA400EXP WRKSPLF.EXE FAILS IF SPOOLED FILE LIST CONTAINS R520 SPOOLED FILES APAR SE46957: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-UNPRED FUNCTION TO DELETE SYSTEM SEPERATE FROM ENVIRNONMENT APAR SE45449: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT MSGCPF2223 RECEIVED WHEN ADDING USER TO OBJECT PERMISSIONS IN SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR APAR SE46910: CA400EXP - PERFORMANCE DATA NOT ALWAYS IN THE GRAPH APAR SE47739: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT COPY/PASTE FUNCTION OF THE PACKET FILTER RULES EDITOR WILL CAUSE NAVIGATOR TO HANG. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE47794: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT CREATE SYSTEM I DATABASE FILE TOOL FAILS TO RECOGNIZE NUMERIC FIELDS DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE46586: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT EXCEL 2010 DATA TRANSFER ADD-IN UPLOAD LIMIT IN GUI ONLY ALLOWS UP TO 99999 RECORDS ODBC ---- APAR SE46775: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT IBM I ACCESS ODBC THROWS "ERROR IN ASSIGNMENT." FROM SQLGETTYPEINFO(ALL). OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE46594: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SQL DUMP W/ EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION OCCURS WITH IAW IBMDASQL OLE DB PROVIDER IN SQL SERVER MSDTC APAR SE47516: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT FLOATING POINT ACCURACY AT V6R1 AND V7R1 APAR SE46541: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT CWBNL0107 WHEN GETTING DATA FROM A CCSID 5026 COLUMN. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ No fixes. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 7.3 (2011-01-14) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI42389. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20110401 APAR SE44304: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 ON WINDOWS 7 USING GENERIC/TEXT ONLY DRIVER TO FILE: FAILS TO PRINT APAR SE45978: CA400EXP-COMM-OTHER-INCORROUT EDIT KEYWORD DOES NOT PROCESS INVALID CHARACTERS. APAR SE46125: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL HEBREW TEXT IS NOT PRINTED APAR SE46145: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 WINDOW SIZE AND POSITION NOT RETAINED APAR SE46299: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL USING PDT SUPPORT ON PC WITH THAI LOCALE RESULTS IN ERROR APAR SE46348: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 MOUSE DOUBLE CLICK ON FUNCTION KEYS DISABLE SIMPLE CLICK ACTION APAR SE46679: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT INSERTING DBCS BLANKS INTO FIELD CAUSES RULED LINE TO DISAPPEAR. APAR SE46888: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-THREADS-INCORROUT PC5250 USER OUTPUT IS UNPREDICTABLE AFTER PASTE OF AN ELLIPSIS CHARACTER. APAR SE46953: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED ON WINDOWS 7 WHEN OPENING *.BCH FILE THE CONFIGURATION TOOL IS OPENED INSTEAD OF PC5250 SESSION APAR SE46981: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DBCS IN FE REQUIRED INPUT FIELD SPECIAL KOREAN CHARACTERS DON'T ALWAYS WORK. SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE45893: CA400EXP-OPCON-OTHER-WAIT STATE CONNECTING, IP ADDRESS BLANK PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI41053 Build date = November 2010 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE45023: CA400EXP stored kerberos tickets do not work with QNTC resources APAR SE44326: CA400EXP-INSTALL Corruption of machine.config XML data may occur APAR SE44621: CA400EXP-INSTALL Enable Visual Studio 2010 support for .Net Provider APAR SE45305: CA400EXP-SECURITY-UNPRED CWBSY1040 WHEN USING WINDOWS LOGON OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE43622: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT DOWNLOAD CA IN INAV REPORTS DCM NOT INSTALLED. APAR SE43545: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT ATTEMPTING TO REACH TIVOL ADMIN TOOL FROM ISERIES NAVIGATOR THROUGH LDAP PROPERTIES FAILS APAR SE44160: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT INVALID ARGUMENT WHEN RESIZING A COLUMN APAR SE44920: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CONDENSED INDEX ADVICE SCRIPT WRONG APAR SE44919: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE INVALID MESSAGE ON CREATE INDEX ADVICE APAR SE45003: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DAYS USED COUNT MISSING FOR TABLES APAR SE39944: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE INCORRECT TEXT DESCRIPTION FOR SCHEMAS APAR SE42677: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE SQL PROCEDURE STATEMENT TEXT TRUNCATED APAR SE43023: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT UNABLE TO SAVE RUN SQL SCRIPT APAR SE44531: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-PERFM VERY SLOW OPENING DIRECTORIES CONTAINING LARGE NUMBERS OF FILES WITH SI37891 APPLIED APAR SE44859: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-PERFM SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR IS VERY SLOW LOADING OBJECT LISTS IN LIBRARIES VIA THE QSYS.LIB FILE SYSTEM. APAR SE42399: OSP-PAR-940XCOM UNABLE TO CHANGE/REMOVE PHONE NUMBERS FROM A PPP PROFILE. APAR SE43074: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT ERROR TRYING TO VIEW CUSTOMIZATIONS OF SERVERS. APAR SE44347: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT AN ERROR OCCURRED RETRIEVING ROUTE LIST INFORMATION APAR SE44421: TCPIP-TCPIP-CFG-THREADS-INCORROUT USING INAV 610 TO UPDATE DHCP SERVER ON RELEASE 540 OF THE OS, THE CONFIGURATION IS CORRUPTED. APAR SE44441: OSP-DNS-INCORROUT SRV RECORD WILL NOT ALLOW UNDERSCORE APAR SE41842: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-WAIT INAV HANGS AFTER RUNNING FOR EXTENDED PERIODS. APAR SE42574: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT SOME PROPERTIES DIALOG BOXES IN INAV OPEN WITH NO VISIBLE CONTENTS. APAR SE44025: CA400EXP RUN SQL SCRIPT DOES NOT SAVE USER PREFERENCES APAR SE42468: F/QGLDCFGDIRSVRINST-APIFAILED ATTEMPT TO CONFIGURE LDAP / IBM TIVOLI DIRECTORY SERVER FAILS WITH QGLDCFGDIRSVRINST API FAILED APAR SE43542: INCORROUT-HLIC-94XXCOM LDAP SSL CIPHERSPEC PROTOCOLS NOT WORKING IN ISERIES NAVIGATOR APAR SE44847: CA400EXP-APIS-INCORROUT CWBSO_CREATELISTHANDLEEX FAILS WITH SYSTEM.ACCESSVIOLATIONEXCEPTION APAR SE43492: CA400EXP-OPNAV-SECPOL-INCORROUT Application Administration (Advanced) Panel's Connection tab fail to work. APAR SE45279: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER AFP MANAGER KEEPS LOCK ON PC FILE AFTER IMPORTING APAR SE42147: CA400EXP-OPNAV-PRINTERS USING ADD PRINTER WIZARD RESULTS IN JAVA ERROR MESSAGES APAR SE43871: OSP-MSGCPF1806-PAR-940XDOC OK'ING OUT OF TELNET PROPERTIES IN SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR CHANGES SYSTEM VALUES EVERY TIME. APAR SE43882: CA400EXP-OPNAV-SWINV-UNPRED GET "THE PARAMETER IS INCORRECT" MESSAGE ON ATTEMPT TO LOOK AT PROPERTIES OF ANY SOFTWARE PRODUCT APAR SE43457: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT INTERMITTENT PERMISSIONS WINDOW IS EMPTY. APAR SE42883: CA400EXP-OPNAV-USRGRP-MSGCPD0076 COPY & PASTE OF A USERID VIA INAV V6R1 FROM V5R4 TO V6R1 IS FAILING WITH CPF0001 AND CPD0076 DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE42664: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT DATA TRANSFER FAILING WITH LONG FILE NAMES QUOTES ON FILE NAMES APAR SE43586: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT SYSTEM I ACCESS DATA TRANSFER "CREATE SYSTEM I DATABASE FILE..." NOT SCANNING CORRECTLY APAR SE43867: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT NULLS IN CSV OUTPUT APAR SE44527: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCPD0024 MSGSQL0443 DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE44637 (SE44637): OSP-PAR-940XCOM DATA TRANSFER ADD-IN LIMITED TO 65535 ROWS IN EXCEL 2010 ODBC ---- APAR SE43530: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ERROR "[ISERIES ACCESS ODBC DRIVER] WRONG NUMBER OF PARAMETERS" ON 64-BIT VERSIONS OF WINDOWS APAR SE44683: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ODBC DRIVER RETURNS DUPLICATE RECORDS ON SECOND EXECUTE OF AN SQL STATEMENT WHEN USING SQLFETCHSCROLL APAR SE45105: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT XA TRANSACTION ROLLS BACK AUTOMATICALLY ON XA:END IN ODBC AFTER SETCONNECTATTR ATTR=1207 VALUE=0X0 OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE42899: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGCWBZZ5014 USING MS SQL SERVER WITH SSIS AND UNICODE FIELDS WILL FAIL MSGCWB0111 APAR SE43625: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT CRLF CHARS IN STRING PARSED WRONG .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE42659: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT SYSTEM.ACCESSVIOLATIONEXCEPTION WHEN USING CHECKCONNECTIONONOPEN APAR SE44070: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT QUERY TIMEOUT CAUSES AF AUDIT JOURNAL ENTRIES LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 7.1 (2010-08-25) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI40986. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20100920 APAR SE45127: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL PC5250 Japanese batch file saving issue APAR SE41240: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-PERFM SSL HANDSHAKE WILL BE ABORTED BY PC5250 SESSIONS DUE TO A PCSCM.EXE MEMORY LEAK WHEN AUTO-RECONNECTING. APAR SE41532: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CHARACTERS ARE DISPLAYED IN BORDER OF WINDOW ON SOME MACHINES APAR SE41590: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT INCORRECT HANDLING OF 'INSERT CURSOR' AND 'CONTROL CHARACTERS' IN PC5250 APAR SE42878: CA400EXP HOIZONTAL SCROLL BAR NOT WORKING PROPERLY. APAR SE42970: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSERR003 WHEN ATTEMPTING TO SAVE MODIFIED MACROS. APAR SE43047: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT KEYBOARD LAYOUT IS BLANK AND ENTER KEY DOES NOT WORK APAR SE43289: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED WHEN DBCS WAS INPUT, PC5250 WAS ENDED AS ABNORMAL. APAR SE43460: CA400EXP HOST PRINT KEY ON OPERATION CONSOLE RESULTS IN MSGMCH0601 AND MSGCPF5257 APAR SE43540: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 DISPLAYS EXTRA CHARS IN SCROLLBAR AREA APAR SE43597: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PROGRAMMED MOUSE OPERATION AND SCROLL BAR PROCESSING CONFLICT CREATES UNPREDICTABLE RESULT APAR SE43735: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT SCREEN TRUNCATED WITH TERMINAL FONT IN 132 COLUMN APAR SE44089: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT RANDOM AND INTERMITTENT FONT RENDERING ISSUES WITH THAI LANGUAGE APAR SE44187: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DISPLAYED CHARACTERS IMPROPERLY WHEN USING HCP 930/939. APAR SE44304: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 ON WINDOWS 7 USING GENERIC/TEXT ONLY DRIVER TO FILE: FAILS TO PRINT SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE42550: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT PARTITION ID >255 MAY FAULT PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI37891 Build date = April 2010 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE42135: CA400EXP-CONNECTIONS-INCORROUT CWBCFG MAY FAIL FOR DOMAIN USERS APAR SE41142: CA400EXP-SECURITY-UNPRED ATTEMPTS TO CONNECT TO A MACHINE USING KERBEROS AUTHENTICATION FAILS. APAR SE42451: CA400EXP-LICMGMT-MSGCWB099 RC052 274D with mobility client OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE40093: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT REORDER LIST OF OUTPUT QUEUES BY NAME; DISPLAYING OUTPUT QUEUE DISPLAYS WRONG QUEUE APAR SE41594: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MESSAGES-UNPRED INAV CRASH WHEN PERFORMING SOME OPERATIONS APAR SE39496: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT APAR SE41452: OSP-INCORROUT DISK MANAGEMENT TASKS WINDOW DOES NOT APPEAR WHEN USING ISERIES NAVIGATOR APAR SE42211: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT-DISK-D/T433C GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF 8203-E4A DOES NOT SHOW UP ON INAV. APAR SE40474: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT NAVIGATOR CHANGE DATE/TIME COLUMN LISTING FILES IN A FOLDER IS INCORRECT. APAR SE38864: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT SMTP GUI PROPERTIES BINDINGS TAB FAILS TO ADD THE IP ADDRESSES TO BIND TO. APAR SE39424: OSP-BASEDIR-INCORROUT SYSTEM REGISTRATION WIZARD DOES NOT COMPLETE APAR SE39567: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT DHCP COMMENTED OUT BY MISTAKE APAR SE40119: CA400EXP-OPNAV ADDING VIEW APAR SE40437: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT R610 GUI DOES NOT ADD IP FILTER RULES TO PPP PROFILE APAR SE40536: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT PPP APAR SE40564: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT DDM TCP APPLICATION SERVER PROPERTIES DISPLAYED VIA ISERIES NAVIGATOR SHOW INCORRECT VALUE. APAR SE40997: CA400EXP SAVING DNS CONFIGURATION CHANGE ISSUES MESSAGE APAR SE41003: TCPIP-SMTP-INCORROUT WHEN LOOKING AT THE "BINDINGS" TAB UNDER SMTP PROPERTIES, BINDINGS TO OLD IP ADDRESSES ARE NOT SHOWN, APAR SE41361: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT REMOTE ACCESS APAR SE41537: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT ONDEMAND SERVER IS NOT IN THE V6R1 SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR NETWORK -> SERVERS -> TCP/IP CONTAINER. APAR SE41595: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT TOO MUCH AUTHORITY REQUIRED TO START AND END REMOTE ACCESS PROFILES APAR SE41328: CA400EXP-OPNAV-MESSAGES-INCORROUT TIME STAMP IN SENT COLUMN ON MESSAGES ISN'T THERE WHEN REGION IS HEBREW. APAR SE39426: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT SYSTEM REGISTRATION WIZARD DOES NOT COMPLETE APAR SE40903: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS MSGCPFA0A9 WHEN EDITING PERMISSIONS APAR SE41289: MSGGUIEIMERROR-CRT-D/TINAVIGATOR-HLIC-94XXMISC GUI ERROR POPUP INDICATING ENTERPRISE IDENTITY MAPPING ERROR APAR SE39402: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR - NETSERVER WINDOW DOESN'T SHOW LIST OF SHARES CORRECTLY. APAR SE42416: LIC-DISK-OTHER-INCORROUT INAV OPTION FOR GEO MIRROR DETACH WITH TRACKING MISSING DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE41961: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER - Excel addin doesn't support FDF with MS XML file type listed APAR SE39872: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT MSGCWBDB0048 RFROMPCB APAR SE42430: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT BROWSE NOT RETURNING LIBRARIES DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR SE40400: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ERROR MESSAGES RETURNED TO ODBC WITH INCORRECT CONVERSION OF NATIONAL LANGUAGES APAR SE41622: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT COMMA AS DECIMAL SEPARATOR OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE41276: CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGSQL0199 ON UPDATE OF RECORDSET .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE40142: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT .NET - ACCESSVIOLATION EXCEPTION APAR SE42378: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA RDONLY XA TRANSACTIONS CAUSE NEXT TO FAIL APAR SE38978: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA Visual Studio TableAdapter fails to generate commands APAR SE41598: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT Implement Command.Cancel APAR SE40192: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT DECIMAL MISSING TRAILING ZEROS LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.7 with support for JDBC 3.0. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20100203 APAR SE38984: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CURSOR COLOR INCONSISTENT WITH THE INPUT FIELD COLOR APAR SE39282: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT VARIOUS ERRORS WITH THE ESC_P.PDT TRANSFORM OF DBCS PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE39683: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL INCORRECT OUTPUT PRINTING THAI CHARACTERS USING PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE39771: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED STRPCCMD CAN'T INDENTIFY DBCS WITH HCP1399/1390 APAR SE40136: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT .NET APPLICATION USING HACL CAUSES BSOD APAR SE40530: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT RESTORE EMULATOR WINDOW IN LAST POSITION ON MULTI-MONITOR APAR SE40544: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-WAIT FUNCTION KEYS RANDOMLY BECOME UNRESPONSIVE RESULTING IN FORCED ABEND OF PC5250 SESSION. APAR SE40650: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT V5R4 OF ISERIES ACCESS FOR WINDOWS WILL NOT DISPLAY 132 CHARACTERS WHEN USING TERMINAL FONT. APAR SE40754: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 DISPLAY EMULATOR TRIM RECTANGLE IS CLEARED INCORRECTLY SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE39569: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT IPADDR BLANKS CAUSE CONNECT FAILURE PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI35607 Build date = December 2009 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE38898: CA400EXP-CUSTCONTROLS-THREADS-INCORROUT SCAN FREQUENCY ON ADMINISTARTION SYSTEM IS 200MILION DAYS INSTEAD OF EVERY SIGNON APAR SE37687: CA400EXP-APIS-OTHER-INCORROUT "COULD NOT LOAD FILE OR ASSEMBLY"WHEN TRYING TO LOAD ISERIES ACCESS HACL PC5250 APIS. APAR SE37569: CA400EXP-SECURITY-WAIT signon may hang APAR SE37732: CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED CHECK VERSION FAILS WITH ERROR 1309 APAR SE37840: CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED SYSTEM I ACCESS INSTALLS HELP FILES TO THE ROOT OF THE PRIMARY DRIVE. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE39134: CA400EXP-OPNAV TABLE AND VIEW DEFINITION MISSING COLUMNS APAR SE38013: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-WAIT INAV HANG WHEN PERFORM BASIC OPERATION APAR SE38524: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-WAIT ISERIES NAVIGATOR HANGS WHEN USER ATTEMPTS TO OPEN IT. APAR SE37774: OSP-PAR-940XCOM CA400EXP-OPNAV ADD CONNECTION BUTTON NOT USABLE APAR SE29526: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT DRAG AND DROP COPY AND PASTE 64BIT APAR SE37751: CA400EXP-DBASE-SYNTAX AND RUNTIME ERROR ADD CR TO SQL SCRIPT APAR SE38769: CA400EXP POUND SYMBOL NOT ALLOWED FOR DATABASE OBJECTS ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT APAR SE38771: CA400EXP RUN SQL SCRIPTS, VISUAL EXPLAIN DO NOT ALWAYS SHOW ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-DBASE-UNPRED APAR SE39196: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT SQL PACKAGE DETAILS NOT SHOWN APAR SE38167: UNPRED-HLIC-94XXCOM WHEN TRYING TO START ALL NFS SERVERS IN INAV DOES NOT START ALL THE SERVERS. APAR SE39446: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT ITEMS IN DNS SERVER CONFIGURATION DISPLAY INCORRECT APAR SE39447: CA400EXP-APIS-COMM-INCORROUT DOMAIN SEARCH LIST IS CHANGED TO *DFT WHEN CHANGING TCPIP SERVER START PROPERTIES. APAR SE39448: INCORROUT IN DHCP PANELS APAR SE39449: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT IPV4 WAN INTERFACE WIZARD SHOW FRAM DELAY CARD INCORRECT APAR SE39450: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT ANSWER PROFILE ApplicationDefined DATA NOT SET AS DESIGN APAR SE36875: CA400EXP RAS GUI does not check QRETSVRSEC system value APAR SE36984: CA400EXP RAS GUI unable to create a PPP line with sync mode APAR SE37487: TCPIP-OTHER-INCORROUT INCORRECT DISPLAY OF LEASEEXPIREINTERVAL. APAR SE38875: CA400EXP-OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT UPDATING REVERSE ENTRY IN ISERIES NAV FAILS WITH NULL ORIGIN ERROR. APAR SE38915: CA400EXP-OPNAV DNS CONFIGURATION HANGS AND DEFINE DHCP RANGE TO ASSIGN GETS ERROR APAR SE37719: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS-INCORROUT V6R1 SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR DOES NOT DISPLAY CONTENTS OF SUBDIRECTORY NAMED "ROOT" APAR SE38390: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT SOME ISERIES NAVIGATOR DIALOGUE WINDOWS ARE BNK WHEN OPENED. APAR SE38659: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER DIRSRV CONFIGURATION OF PASSWORD ENCRYPTION APAR SE39442: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT EXPORT SPOOLED FILE FUNCTION REPEATS PAGES FOR DBCS CLIENT APAR SE38044: OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR HANGS/ABEND VIEWING LARGE JOB LOGS APAR SE38255: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-INCORROUT DISK STATUS COLUMNS NOT SAVED APAR SE38835: OSP-OTHER-INCORROUT ACTIVE JOBLOG NOT SHOWN CORRECTLY IN OPSNAV APAR SE37030: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT UPDATE FIX-GRP STATUS FAILS DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE37863: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN DOWNLOAD CRASHES WHEN SELECTING DATA OPTION DETAILS APAR SE38141: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT ACCESS VIOLATION COPYING DATA TO CLIPBOARD APAR SE38773: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT EXCEL ADD-IN DOESN'T DETECT DD/MM/YYYY AS A VALID DATE FROM EXCEL. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- No fixes. ODBC ---- APAR SE37242: CA400EXP-ODBC-MSGSQL0501 ENCOUNTERED WITH ODBC APPLICATION USING R610 SYSTEM I ACCESS ODBC DRIVER. APAR SE38018: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ISERIES NAVIGATOR ENDS WHEN SECURITY EXIT PROGRAM REJECTS REQUEST. APAR SE38597: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ISERIES ACCESS ODBC API SQLSETDESCFIELD DOES NOT EXIT WHEN ODBC OLEDB WRAPPER USES A CLIENT-SIDE CURSOR OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE37815: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT MSGCWBZZ5028 RC32300 WHEN INSERTING MULTIPLE ROWS. APAR SE39116: CA400EXP-OLEDB-UNPRED RUNTIME ERROR WHEN CONNECTION IS LOST .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE38028: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT VARCHAR LENGTH REPORTED 2 BYTES TOO LONG LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.3 (2008-08-29). 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20090912 APAR SE38988: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL Deadlock during signon APAR SE38932: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL PC5250 updates APAR SE39009: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL Printer Association without device naming changes QPADEVxxxx DEVDs APAR SE37369: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL MSGCPF5261 RC10050228 PRINTING WITH DBCS PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE37509: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT WINDOWS XP SP3 CAUSES PCSCM.EXE ERROR ON PCTLNET.DLL OFFSET 0X00025995 APAR SE37597: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL INCORRECT PAPER FEED WHEN USING ESC_P.PDT TABLE WITH PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE37679: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CPF5140 RESULTS WHILE RUNNING PC5250 QUERIES. APAR SE37680: CA400EXP-APIS-OTHER-INCORROUT GETTEXT METHOD OF AUTOECL OBJECT USING HCP1399 RETURNS INCORRECT DATA. APAR SE37735: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL VIETNAMESE PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION CONCERNS APAR SE37951: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 MACRO PLAYBACK OF LARGE MACROS APAR SE37978: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED INCONSISTENT PROCESSING OF PASSWORD STARTING WITH A NUMBER APAR SE38094: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL VBSCRIPT MACRO WSCRIPT.QUIT() FUNCTIONALITY TO END THE MACRO IS NOT AVAILABLE. APAR SE34939: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DATA DISAPPEAR IN FIELD THAT SPECIFYBLINKING WHEN HIT UNIQUE KEY FOR APPLICATION APAR SE36051: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT THE CLIENT DOES NOT DISPLAY TERMINAL FONT AT THE CORRECT OUTPUT WIDTH. APAR SE36727: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT KEYBOARD MAPPING OPTIONS WILL NOT LOAD. APAR SE36774: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 PRINT EMULATION MISPOSITIONS SOME CHARACTERS APAR SE36960: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-THREADS-UNPRED NO SOUND IN CITRIX ENVIRONMENT. APAR SE37061: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT THAI AND VIETNAMESE FIELD NAMES DISPLAY INCORRECTLY. APAR SE37109: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL FORM SETTINGS BLANK WITH PRINTER EMULATION INTERFACE APAR SE38139: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-THREADS-UNPRED STATUS MESSAGE CAUSES CURSOR TO GO TO HOME POSITION. APAR SE38177: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL ERROR WHEN PRINTING TO A FILE WITH PC5250 AND VISTA APAR SE38189: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT WHEN USING THE "TAB" KEY ON A VIETNAMESE KEYBOARD, THE LAST CHARACTER ENTERED IS DUPLICATED. APAR SE38211: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT COPY/PASTE ISSUES ITH HCP 930 OR 939. APAR SE38227: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT INSTALL OF SI34289 CAUSES AN ISSUE WITH THE ALARM SOUND. APAR SE38305: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PRINTSCREEN DOESN'T SHOW 747 SPECIFIED IN .XLT TABLE IN S-CHINESE ENVIRONMENT APAR SE38484: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT AFTER INSTALLING SERVICE PACK SI35287 PC5250 SESSIONS FAIL TO CONNECT WHEN USING NAVIGATOR APAR SE38551: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL FONT DOES NOT SHOW UP IN LIST OF FONTS FOR JAPANESE PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE38661: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT "YUAN" X'5B EBCDIC APPEARED AS AS "BOX" X'14 ANSI IN NOTEPAD INSTED OF "$" X'24 ANSI SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- APAR SE38865: SSL updates APAR SE38298: CA400EXP-SSL-INCORROUT DOWNLOAD OF SSL CERTIFICATE APPEARS TO FAIL FOR PC5250 USER CONFIGURATIONS PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI34289 Build date = February 2009 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE35852: CA400EXP-INSTALL ADMIN IMAGE FAILS FROM NETWORK DRIVE APAR SE36316: CA400EXP-INSTALL ADMIN IMAGE FAILS WHEN USING NON-ENGLISH APAR SE37017: CA400EXP-INSTALL-LOOP Hang when JAVA plug-in file not found OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE37020: CA400EXP Inbound Admission Policies list is not loaded APAR SE37021: CA400EXP v.25 Bis command string is not saved APAR SE36983: CA400EXP UCW problem with proxy password confirmation APAR SE37022: CA400EXP-OPNAV UNEXPECTED ERROR EXECUTING AN SQL SCRIPT APAR SE37024: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT COMMAND PROMPTER IN RSS APAR SE37025: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT ANALYZE A SUMMARY SQL MONITOR APAR SE37026: CA400EXP-OPNAV DEFAULT IP ADDRESS CREATING AN SQL MONITOR APAR SE37027: CA400EXP DNS GUI is unable to set IPv6 in dynamic update APAR SE37028: CA400EXP ISP deletes default routes at the end of the wizard APAR SE37029: CA400EXP OSPF interface authentication GUI problems APAR SE35394: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS OBJECTS SORTS INCORRECTLY APAR SE35432: CA400EXP Value from SMTP Filter tab not saved APAR SE35482: CA400EXP LAST TWO LIBRARIES ARE NOT SHOWN UNDER QSYS.LIB APAR SE36007: CA400EXP Error adding static routes in RAS profiles APAR SE36188: CA400EXP RAS GUI is setting a different value internally for pap APAR SE36469: CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS DOES NOT SHOW DETAILS BUTTON APAR SE36552: CA400EXP-OPNAV Warning after dynamic update on DNS GUI APAR SE36593: CA400EXP-OPNAV-OUTPUT-INCORROUT WRKSPLF COMMAND FAILS APAR SE36608: CA400EXP ENABLE PROXY ARP SAVES THE HOST SUBNET MASK APAR SE36617: CA400EXP-OPNAV NETWORK PRINTERS NOT SHOWN AT GRAPH HISTORY APAR SE36633: CA400EXP Problem adding Remote Name Server in DNS GUI APAR SE36717: CA400EXP VPN IPSEC DATA POLICY DOES NOT SAVE 3DES APAR SE36749: CA400EXP Changing the TCP/IP configuration properties fail APAR SE36874: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE IMPORT TO TABLE WITH CCSID 13488 FAILS APAR SE37019: CA400EXP Unsaved parameters and missing panel on QoS wizard ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE37018: CA400EXP Schedule and clients not saved in Diffserv policy ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE37016: CA400EXP static routes are not created for new interfaces ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE37015: CA400EXP IPv6 stateless interface values are not saved Additional Keywords: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE37014: CA400EXP New DHCP configuration wizard problems ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: OPNAV-NETWORK-INCORROUT APAR SE37437: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0338 DISPLAYING INDEXES LIST WITH R610 CHANGES MADE REQUIRING MORE CONSISTANT JOIN DEFINITIONS A MSGSQL0338 ERROR MAY BE GENERATED WHEN USING ISERIES NAVIGATOR TO DISPLAY INDEXES FOR A SCHEMA. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE35769: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER IASP OF JOB DESCRIPTION IS NOT HONORED APAR SE36052: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT POSITION NOT WRITTEN TO TRACE DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE36134: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER ADD-IN CAUSES EXCEL TO CLOSE ABRUPTLY APAR SE36808: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT CWBTF0011 FIELD LENGTH > 1022 ODBC ---- APAR SE35508: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ACCESS VIOLATION IN CWBODBC.DLL APAR SE35669: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SQLGETDATA WRONG STRLEN_OR_INDPTR APAR SE35964: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SQLTRANS ROLLBACK NOT HONORED APAR SE36703: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT ODBC WRONG NUMBER OF PARAMETERS OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE36806: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT NEGATIVE DECIMAL NUMBERS LOSE SIGN APAR SE37343 : CA400EXP-OLEDB EXCEPTION READING NULL LOB WITH STATIC CURSOR APAR SE37287 : CA400EXP-OLEDB Data Mapping Error on INSERT using SQL Server .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE35276: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA INDEXOUTOFRANGEEXCEPTION READING NULL CHAR APAR SE35399: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT MEMORY LEAK READING CLOB DATA APAR SE37122 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA EventWaitHandle UnauthorizedAccessException LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.3 (2008-08-29) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI32768. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20090409 APAR SE37023: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CWBLM0111 KERBEROS LARGE TICKET APAR SE35063: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 FAILS TO LAUNCH BROWSER APAR SE35095: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL OPENING >15 PC5250 SESSIONS CRASHES PCSWS APAR SE35326: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL CWBEM0005 WHEN CONFIGURING COMMUNICATIONS APAR SE35381: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL Incorrect cursor position or behavior APAR SE35805: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL TRIM RECTANGLE REAPPEARS AFTER AID KEY USE SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI32504 Build date = October 2008 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE35312: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT WELCOME WIZARD ENABLED AFTER UPGRADE APAR SE35316: CA400EXP-INSTALL Secondary language install support for plug-ins APAR SE35313: CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED ADMIN INSTALL CAUSES CWBSY1040 ON WINDOWS 64BIT OS APAR SE33754: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CAN'T INSTALL SYSTEM I ACCESS USING GROUP POLICY APAR SE34183: CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT MACHINE.CONFIG PERMISSIONS ARE MODIFIED DURING INSTALL OF THE .NET DATA PROVIDER APAR SE34652: CA400XW1-UNPRED PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT HELP FILES PRODUCE AN ERROR FOR JAPANESE LANGUAGE. APAR SE34884: CA400EXP-SERVICE-INCORROUT CWBSVGET GETS A FAULT WITH CWBINFEAT APAR SE35160: CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED SP SI31390 CAUSES CWBSY1040 ON WINDOWS 64BIT OS. APAR SE34759: CA400EXP-NLS-INCORROUT CONVERSION FROM UTF8 TO UNICODE APAR SE33999: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT PACKED TO CHARACTER CONVERSION APAR SE34758: CA400EXP-NLS-INCORROUT CONVERSION FROM UNICODE TO BIDI OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE35281: CA400EXP QoS Inbound admission policy wizard hangs APAR SE35287: CA400EXP New RIP server is not available from GUI APAR SE35288: CA400EXP RIP GUI accepts unsupported filter types APAR SE35310: CA400EXP New DHCPv4 interface is not available from GUI APAR SE35289: CA400EXP error adding RIP IPv4 blackhole filter APAR SE35311: CA400EXP Wrong field validations for SNTP and RExec APAR SE35290: CA400EXP- DHCP Relay server properties is not displayed APAR SE35291: CA400EXP- Host Domain values are not saved from the GUI APAR SE35292: CA400EXP Inactive router timeout value is not saved APAR SE35293: CA400EXP Unable to remove OSPF IPv6 areas APAR SE35294: CA400EXP OSPF backbone area is not allowed from GUI APAR SE35295: CA400EXP Wrong buttons behavior in subsystems page APAR SE35296: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT MGTC Delete Tasks function fails APAR SE35297: CA400EXP RouteD configuration problems APAR SE35304: CA400EXP DNS Statistics interval reported as error APAR SE35305: CA400EXP DNS v6r1 connected to v5r4 created rndc-key APAR SE35306: CA400EXP problem adding dual stack servers APAR SE35307: CA400EXP error adding servers in manage RNDC option APAR SE35309: CA400EXP error adding RIP IPv6 blackhole filter APAR SE32681: CA400EXP SMTP GUI not displayed with 5.4 systems APAR SE34055: CA400EXP- DHCP Subnet Properties fails loading subnet ranges APAR SE34077: CA400EXP- Error message displayed on DHCP subnet wizard APAR SE34308: CA400EXP- problem changing properties of a HEA interface APAR SE34631: CA400EXP Adding same OSPF area in either IP protocols fails APAR SE35159: CA400EXP wrong autostart value on telnet, FTP and SMTP GUIs APAR SE34375: CA400EXP-OPNAV MGTC IPv6 Support Implementation APAR SE34913: CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT- IPv6 Discovery Panel Issues APAR SE35385: CA400EXP ADD SERVER MODE CONNECTED THREAD TO JOB SQL DETAILS APAR SE35282: CA400EXP AVERAGE OF QUERY ESTIMATES COLUMN DISPLAYS 0.0000 APAR SE35283: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0104 SORTING LIST OF TRANSACTIONS APAR SE35284: CA400EXP-OPNAV OBJECT NOT FOUND IN A PROCEDURE/FUNCTION APAR SE35285: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0104 SORTING LIST OF TRANSACTIONS APAR SE35298: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CONDENSED INDEX ADVICE LIST APAR SE35299: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DATABASE PREFERENCES SAVED INCORRECTLY APAR SE35300: CA400EXP-OPNAV TABLE NAME SUPPORT LONGER THAN 128 CHARACTERS APAR SE35301: CA400EXP IGNORE SQL0204 WHEN ALTER STATEMENT INCLUDES DROP APAR SE35302: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PARTITION FILTER ERROR IN STATISTICS APAR SE35303: CA400EXP STATISTICS DATA DISPLAYS 1ST PARTITION MEMBER INFO APAR SE35308: CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE INDEXES LIST INSTEAD MQTs LIST FROM VE APAR SE34965: CA400EXP UNABLE TO PERFORM ACTION WITH *JOBCTL AUTHORITY APAR SE35286: CA400EXP-OPNAV ADD PRINTER WIZARD PORT NUMBER WRONG APAR SE33505: CA400EXP-OPNAV UNABLE TO LAUNCH SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR APAR SE34372: CA400EXP-OPNAV-PRINTERS ADD PRINTER WIZARD PORT NUMBER INCORRECT APAR SE34466: CA400EXP-OPNAV CWBUNNAV.EXE FAILS WITH SECUR32.DLL FAULTING DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE35138: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CREATION OF STD FDF BY DEFAULT IS NEEDED APAR SE34941: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT CWBDB0014 WHEN BROWSING MEMBER DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE33886: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CWBTF0073 ON UPLOAD WITH EXCEL ADD-IN APAR SE34570: CA400EXP-DTRANSFER ADD-IN FAILS TO UPLOAD DATE OR TIME CELLS ODBC ---- APAR SE34540: CA400EXP-ODBC-UNPRED SQLSETCONNECTATTR CURRENTCATALOG FAILS APAR SE35097: CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT SQLGETDATA CAUSES FAULT OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE34359: CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT SQL UPDATE STATEMENT FAILS USING IBMDASQL OLE DB PROVIDER. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE35315: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-MSGSYSTEM.ACCESSVIOLATIONEXCEPTION WITH IDB2DATAREADER AND DISPOSED COMMAND APAR SE33957: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT STACKOVERFLOWEXCEPTION READING IDB2TRANSACTION.CONNECTION PROPERTY APAR SE34938: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-F/QSQRUN1-T/QSQRUN1-MSGSQL0519 THE IBM.DATA.DB2.ISERIES .NET PROVIDER IS NOT CLOSING AN SQL CURSOR APAR SE34166: CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-THREADS-INCORROUT FAULT WITH DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTIONS LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.3 (2008-08-29) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI32768. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20080919 APAR SE33455: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT DUP KEY BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY ON WINDOWS XP THAN IT DOES WITH WINDOWS 2000. APAR SE33459: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL INCORRECT OUTPUT WITH ESC_P.PDT APAR SE33610: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL PRINTER EMULATION FAILURE WITH NO PDT AND SI30707 APAR SE33691: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 EMULATOR SCREEN HANGS APAR SE33740: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED KONICA MINOLTA PRINTER SUPPORT APAR SE34002: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT IN USER-DEFINED SCREENS, THE "PC" DDS KEYWORD IS IGNORED WHEN THE DISPLAY REFRESHES. APAR SE34044: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF SI29771 FOR V5R4 OF 5722XE1, USERS RECEIVE PCSWS041 APAR SE34106: OSP-PAR-940XMISC AFTER SI30707 INSTALLATION V5R3 5722XE1, PCSWS041 RECEIVED ATTEMPTING TO RUN MACRO ON WINDOWS 2003 SERVER APAR SE34184: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSWS.EXE FAILS WITH PCSWLIB.DLL FAULTING ON PC5250 LAUNCH APAR SE34231: CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL VIETNAMESE SUPPORT FOR PC5250 PRINTER EMULATION APAR SE34629: CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PASTE INTO AN PC5250 SESSION WILL LET THE SESSION DIE WITHOUT A MESSAGE SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- APAR SE33913: CA400EXP-SSL-UNPRED SETTING TLS CIPHER ENV VAR FAILS PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE34459: CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT LAN RCP FUNCTION 21 FAILS PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI31390 Build date = July 2008 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE33915 : CA400EXP-INSTALL NO SECONDARY LANGUAGE SUPPORT IN V6R1 APAR SE33680 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CUSTOM AND PC5250 INSTALL TYPES BEHAVE WRONG APAR SE32538 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-UNPRED INSTALLATION OF ADDITIONAL FEATURES FROM DVD FAILS WITH PROMPT FOR DVD. APAR SE33006 : CA400EXP-SERVICE-INCORROUT CWBSVGET DOESN'T WORK ON VISTA OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE33562 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT UPDATE NOT SAVED INTO SERVER APAR SE33563 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT-DISK IASP Jobs is not available in web APAR SE33564 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CREATING NEW SOURCE FUNCTION WITH UDT APAR SE33565 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CORRUPTED PATH DIRECTORIES IN SECURED OBJECTS APAR SE33107 : CA400EXP-OPNAV IASP QSYS displays the contents of QSYS APAR SE33569 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Wrong host for Integrated Server APAR SE33570 : CA400EXP-OPNAV INCOMPATIBLE AUTHORITY USING /QSYS.LIB APAR SE33571 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Exclude from Parity Set option unavailable APAR SE33572 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT GIANT ICON IN VISUAL EXPLAIN APAR SE33573 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Work with copy description resources fails APAR SE33574 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE PREFERRED FOLDER WHEN OPENING A SCRIPT APAR SE33575 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT COMMENTS IN AN SQL PACKAGE APAR SE33576 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE USER PREFERENCES NOT HONORED IN MAPS APAR SE33577 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CURSOR IN RSS IS LOST APAR SE33578 : CA400EXP-OPNAV HANDLE NULL POINTER EXCEPTION IN PLAN CACHE APAR SE33579 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE INVALID ERROR WITH CORRECT SHORT NAME APAR SE33581 : CA400EXP-OPNAV INDEX ADVISED NOT GENERATED CORRECTLY FROM VE APAR SE33582 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Collect Attributes invalid file prefix error APAR SE33583 : CA400EXP-OPNAV NESTED BRACKETED COMMENTS IN RUN SQL SCRIPTS APAR SE33584 : CA400EXP-OPNAV TRIPLE DES AND RC4 ALGORITHMS NOT RECOGNIZED APAR SE33585 : CA400EXP ISW does not commit wizard configuration APAR SE33586 : CA400EXP ADD SERVER MODE CONNECTING JOB TO JOB SQL DETAILS APAR SE33587 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Reattach Metro Mirror session hangs APAR SE33588 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Object properties on IASP not shown APAR SE33589 : CA400EXP Create Modem with parameters command empty APAR SE33590 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT-GUI DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIDEVD APAR SE33591 : CA400EXP profile not created if remote authentication is set APAR SE33592 : CA400EXP Local system identification not saved for RCP APAR SE33593 : CA400EXP SMTP schedule attribute dismatch in AT&T summary APAR SE33594 : CA400EXP named.conf is not updated with the generated key APAR SE33595 : CA400EXP save master copy of data does not create the files APAR SE33596 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO EXPLAIN CREATE OF MQT TABLE APAR SE33566 : CA400EXP-OPNAV Enable Global mirror functions for GUI APAR SE33567 : CA400EXP IPv6 Enhancements for TCP/IP applications APAR SE29734 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT USER NETWORKS OPTION FAILS APAR SE30855 : CA400EXP Help is not available on Rules Editor. APAR SE32165 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ERRORS WHEN APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION IS NOT INSTALLED APAR SE32235 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT BAD INVENTORY EXPORT STORAGE VALUE APAR SE32527 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGSQL0551 EDIT CONTENTS OF A TABLE APAR SE32734 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ISERIES NAVIGATOR PERFORMANCE ADVISOR STOPS APAR SE33434 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT PARTITIONED TABLE DEFINITION APAR SE33354 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT UPDATE FIX-GROUPS TASK FAIL APAR SE32748 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT SELECTING PERMISSIONS FOR AN OBJECT APAR SE33244 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CENTRAL SYSTEM CHANGE PROBLEM DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE31984 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-LOOP RXFERPCB GOES INTO AN ENDLESS LOOP APAR SE32445 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 INCORRECT ROW NUMBER APAR SE32745 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT DATE FORMAT IS NEEDED APAR SE33119 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FDF DEFAULT PATH IS NOT DEFINED APAR SE33249 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT IASP PARAMETER IS IGNORED APAR SE33421 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER UPLOADING XML FILES CAUSES VARIOUS ERRORS APAR SE33422 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FIELD NAMES ARE ALPHEBETIZED APAR SE32981 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 RETRIEVING A LIST OF LIBRARIES AND FILES FAILED ON JAPANESE SYSTEM I ACCESS DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE32745 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT DATE FORMAT IS NEEDED APAR SE33119 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-INCORROUT FDF DEFAULT PATH IS NOT DEFINED APAR SE32981 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER-MSGCWBDB0052 RETRIEVING A LIST OF LIBRARIES AND FILES FAILED ON JAPANESE SYSTEM I ACCESS ODBC ---- APAR SE33580 : CA400EXP-DATABASE-MSGSQL0401 using translate hex connection property APAR SE32285 : OSP-INCORROUT MSGSQL0104 LINUX ODBC DRIVER wrong length stmt APAR SE32817 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT STORED PROCEDURE CALLS FAIL WITH {} APAR SE33393 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT GARBAGE DATA APPENDED TO DATA RETURNED FOR RESULT SET. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE32880 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT QUERY OPTIONS LIBRARY NOT SET FROM SQL SERVER APAR SE33580 : CA400EXP-DATABASE-MSGSQL0401 using translate hex connection property .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE33568 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA GetDataSources() strings contain garbage characters APAR SE33517 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT EXCEPTION WITH EMPTY STRING PARAMETERS APAR SE32401 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA-INCORROUT CONNECTION TIMEOUT NOT WORKING LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.2 (2008-04-30) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI31554. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20080430 APAR SE29943 : CA400EXP 5250 SESSION HANG WHEN THE MIXED DATA WAS PASTED. APAR SE31610 : CA400EXP-PRINTEMUL PRINTER EMULATION ENDS ABNORMALLY WITH PDT CONTAINING START_JOB WITH MORE THAN 255 BYTES APAR SE32283 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT COPY AND PASTE AT G TYPE FIELD PCOMM APAR IC55304 APAR SE32400 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 KEYBOARD ERROR WILL NOT RESET APAR SE32408 : OSP-PAR-940XCOM CURSOR POSITIONED INCORRECTLY AFTER UPGRADE TO R540 ACCESS FOR WINDOWS APAR SE32924 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED PCSWS.EXE FAILS DURING PLAYING MACRO ON 5250 SESSION WITH VISTA. CODE PAGES 1399 OR 1390. APAR SE33046 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PASTING DBCS/SBCS MIXED DATA TO O-TYPE FIELD INCORROUT APAR SE33077 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT * AT THE END OF A URL IS IGNORED APAR SE33291 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-MSGPCSERR100 PC5250 ABENDS WITH PCSERR100 ERROR SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ APAR SE33431 : CA400EXP-OPCON-INCORROUT IP address as config name fails PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI31251 Build date = March 2008 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE32355 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CHECK VERSION IGNORES CMDLINE PARMS SPECIFIED IN SETUP.INI APAR SE32356 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT CWBLAUNCH.EXE IGNORES CMDLINE PARMS SPECIFIED IN SETUP.INI APAR SE30681 : CA400EXP-NLS-INCORROUT CONVERSION FROM CCSID 5035 TO 932 APAR SE32877 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-OTHER-UNPRED NO SYSTEM I NAVIGATOR PLUGINS WERE DETECTED IN YOUR SOURCE DIRECTORY OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- APAR SE30805 : CA400EXP-INRMTCMD-INCORROUT EXECUTING GRAPHICAL APPLICATIONS System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- APAR SE31184 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CLUSTER GUI SUPPORT FOR i5OS V6R1 APAR SE31263 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT Error message when creating a user APAR SE31191 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE DISTINCT VALUES CREATING ADVISED INDEX APAR SE32302 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Corrupt characters in column headers APAR SE31816 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT No Message QUEUE/LIBRARY on Monitor APAR SE32303 : CA400EXP UCW does not force selection of country APAR SE32304 : CA400EXP Wait for Dial tone checkbox shows inconsistency APAR SE32305 : CA400EXP Packet Rules is not shown under IPv6 interfaces APAR SE32306 : CA400EXP OPNAV CRASHES USING DRAG AND DROP IN NEW VIEW DIALOG APAR SE32307 : CA400EXP Error displaying VPN responer connection APAR SE32331 : CA400EXP Rules Editor hangs displayed from Group Access APAR SE32332 : CA400EXP VPN default settings causes an exception APAR SE32333 : CA400EXP Can not change IKE local key identifier in VPN APAR SE32073 : CA400EXP-OPNAV SCRIPT NOT SAVED WITH CLOSE GROUP ACTION APAR SE32334 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-FILESYS Various NLS problems APAR SE32335 : CA400EXP ISP connection does not save internal resource APAR SE32308 : CA400EXP Language network GUI problems APAR SE32309 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO EXPLAIN AN OBJECT IN AN IASP APAR SE32310 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT CURSOR IN RSS IS LOST APAR SE32311 : CA400EXP-OPNAV JDBC SETUP USE LIBRARY LIST FOR SERVER JOB APAR SE32312 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CONTEXT MENU OPTION MISSING IN ADVISOR APAR SE32313 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CHANGE FORMAT DATE AND RSA KEY TRANSLATED APAR SE32314 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE OPERATORS AND FUNCTIONS IN EXPRESSIONS APAR SE32315 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE CANNOT IMPORT SQL PLAN CACHE DATA FILE APAR SE32316 : CA400EXP L2TP Remote Dial profile tries to dial *NONE APAR SE32317 : CA400EXP Physical line is not created for PPPoE APAR SE32318 : CA400EXP Incorrect profile Script ASCII value APAR SE32319 : CA400EXP incorrect modem retrieved by Profile APAR SE32320 : CA400EXP Optional Modem parameters are not saved in PPP APAR SE32321 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE FORMAT NUMBER IN HEALTH CENTER APAR SE32322 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE SQL ASSIST IS NOT CONNECTED APAR SE32323 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE -MSGSQL0104 CONTROL STATEMENT SEMICOLON APAR SE32324 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE UNABLE TO LOAD STRING IN REORGANIZE APAR SE32337 : CA400EXP SLIP Leased terminator profiles hangs on save APAR SE32338 : CA400EXP ICMP version 6 not support in filter rules APAR SE32339 : CA400EXP Able to enter invalid group name in L2TP APAR SE32340 : CA400EXP Can not change Remote Key Server in VPN connections APAR SE32341 : CA400EXP FRAGMENT should not be included on permitnonVPNv6 APAR SE32342 : CA400EXP DNS TTLs units are set in English only APAR SE32353 : CA400EXP problems in Multiple Domains and Bindings panels APAR SE32354 : CA400EXP L2TP profile does not save line validation list APAR SE32357 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE AVERAGE OF QUERY ESTIMATES IN ADVISOR APAR SE32358 : CA400EXP Internal modem 576C missing APAR SE32399 : CA400EXP-OPNAV OBSOLETE TASK DISPLAYED AFTER UPGRADE APAR SE29597 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT CLUSTER ADMIN DOMAIN MRE LIST ERROR APAR SE29905 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-PRINTERS-INCORROUT UNABLE TO SORT PRINTER OUTPUT APAR SE29980 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT APPLICATION ADMINISTRATION PLUG-INS SETTING IS NOT WORKING AS DESIGNED APAR SE30770 : CA400EXP-OPNAV CONFIGURATION AND SERVICE FAILS WITH CPF3CF1 APAR SE30848 : CA400EXP-OPNAV- ERROR CREATING NEW USER WITH JAPANESE CLIENT APAR SE31060 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-MSGCWB0111 UPDATING A CHARACTER COLUMN APAR SE31061 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-DBASE-INCORROUT UPDATE NOT SAVED INTO SERVER APAR SE31229 : CA400EXP IPv4 interface properties is not diplayed APAR SE32025 : CA400EXP-OPNAV ADVANCED JOB SCHEDULER CONTAINER IS EMPTY APAR SE32448 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT QLMTDEVSSN inaccurately described APAR SE31085 : CA400EXP-OPNAV-INCORROUT when display strings in norwegian APAR SE32051 : CA400EXP-OPNAV MGTC Fix Task mix Fixes and Fix Groups DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- APAR SE31895 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER FILE TYPE CHANGED AFTER MSGCWBTF0002 DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- APAR SE31662 : CA400EXP-DTRANSFER ADD-IN FAILS WITH TIME FORMATTED CELLS ODBC ---- APAR SE30295 : CA400EXP-ODBC-INCORROUT INCORRECT TYPE CONVERSION USED APAR SE30749 : CA400EXP-ODBC-WAIT HANG ENDING XA ENLISTMENT OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- APAR SE30751 : CA400EXP-INCORROUT DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION WITH SQL SERVER 2005 AND IBMDASQL FAILS. APAR SE30788 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-MSGSQL0104 DUE TO SINGLE LINE COMMENTS IN SQL APAR SE31868 : CA400EXP-OLEDB-INCORROUT ADSCHEMACOLUMNS FOR OPENSCHEMA METHOD RETURNS NO RESULTS .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ APAR SE32325 : CA400EXP-IDB2DATA iDB2Permission fails in 64-bit LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- APAR SE32359 : CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER OpNav View spooled file fails on Vista APAR SE31194 : CA400EXP-AFPVIEWER-INCORROUT DISPLAY FAILS TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.1 (2008-01-15) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI29813. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20080208 APAR SE32336 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CORRUPTED PRINTER DIALOG STRINGS APAR SE30424 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT THE CURSOR DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE FIELD IF THAT IS APAR SE30508 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-UNPRED IN A KOREAN INSTALL ENVIRONMENT, SWITCHING BETWEEN APPLICATIONS APAR SE30613 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT CLOSING SESSION WITH FILE EXIT ALL CAUSES APPLICATION APAR SE31152 : CA400EXP-TERMEMUL-INCORROUT PC5250 DOES NOT SUPPORT GREEK ALPHABETIC CHARACTERS SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- APAR SE30656 : CA400EXP-SSL-MSGCWBCO1052 STASH PASSWORD IS NO LONGER CHECKED BY DEFAULT. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. --------------------------------- Service Pack Level = SI29455 Build date = November 2007 --------------------------------- REQUIRED PROGRAMS ----------------- APAR SE30715 : CA400EXP-INSTALL-INCORROUT General Availability Updates. V6R1M0 GA fixes. Build 20071122. OPTIONAL COMPONENTS ------------------- INCOMING REMOTE COMMAND ----------------------- No fixes. System i NAVIGATOR ----------------- No fixes. DATA ACCESS ----------- DATA TRANSFER ------------- DATA TRANSFER BASE SUPPORT -------------------------- No fixes. DATA TRANSFER EXCEL ADD-IN -------------------------- ODBC ---- No fixes. OLE DB PROVIDER --------------- No fixes. .NET DATA PROVIDER ------------------ No fixes. LOTUS 123 FILE FORMAT SUPPORT ----------------------------- No fixes. AFP WORKBENCH VIEWER -------------------- No fixes. TOOLBOX FOR JAVA ---------------- Includes JTOpen 6.1 (11/1/2007) and the equivalent of PTF 5761JC1 SI29061. 5250 DISPLAY AND PRINTER EMULATION ---------------------------------- PC5250 Version 5.9 Level 20071102 SECURE SOCKETS LAYER (SSL) -------------------------- No fixes. PRINTER DRIVERS --------------- AFP PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. SCS PRINTER DRIVER ------------------ No fixes. OPERATIONS CONSOLE ------------------ No fixes. PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT -------------------- HEADERS, LIBRARIES, AND DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- No fixes. JAVA PROGRAMMER'S TOOLS ----------------------- No fixes. 4.0 INSTALL/UNINSTALL CONSIDERATIONS ------------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support and known problems that you may notice while using the Install/Uninstall function. 4.1 REMOVING THE SERVICE PACK ------------------------------ You cannot remove a service pack that was installed by running setup.exe from an updated installation image. In order to revert a service pack that was installed in this fashion, you must first uninstall System i Access for Windows and re-install it using an image that is at an older service level, such as the image available on the System i Access for Windows DVD. The SI31251 service pack download available on the System i Access FTP site can be uninstalled individually; however, due to significant changes introduced to the installation support during service pack SI31390, individual service packs cannot longer be removed starting with SI31390. Please refer to the readme.txt file that accompanies each service pack for details on service pack uninstall support. ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/as400/products/clientaccess/win32/v6r1m0/servicepack/ 4.2 UNABLE TO INSTALL FROM THE SERVICE SOURCE? ----------------------------------------------- If you experience problems while installing a service pack over slow communication lines, and if installing from a DVD or a faster connection is not possible, then the service pack could be installed in this manner: 1) A setting exists on the System i Access for Windows Properties Service tab that will copy the service pack image to the PC's temporary directory, install the service pack, then remove the copied files. To use this support you will need to specify this setting ("Copy install image to PC before installing"). 2) Run Check Service Level (either from the IBM System i Access for Windows Service folder shortcut or when Check Service Level runs at system boot on its defined schedule) STATUS: No status information is displayed while the files are copied. To determine if the transfers are progressing, look in the 'CA400CKV' temporary directory (beneath the PC temporary directory, for example C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp). You should see new files appear periodically. 3) Proceed through the install wizard to complete the install. 4.3 SERVICE PACK CONTROL ------------------------- To prevent users from installing the Service Pack, an administrator can use the SP.TXT file. If the administrator places a file named SP.TXT (with a 'N' in the first position of the first line) in the service pack installation image directory, the service pack will not be installed. 5.0 DATA TRANSFER CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------- The following sections describe additional support or known problems that you may notice while using the Data Transfer function. 5.1 TRANSFERRING DATA WHEN THE FILE OR DATA CCSID IS 65535 ----------------------------------------------------------- WHY DOES MY DATA LOOK LIKE GARBAGE WHEN I PERFORMED A DOWNLOAD? By default, the Data Transfer function will not convert data between EBCDIC and ASCII if the data is tagged with a CCSID of 65535. In older versions of the Win 95/NT Client Access product, the 65535 conversion was controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. This process has been changed, and the conversion is now controlled by the Data Transfer user interface. Once the setting has been made in the user interface, it is then stored in the transfer request. This is only true for .TTO, .TFR, .DTT, and .DTF files. .RTO and .DT files are still controlled by the CWBTFR.INI file. The conversion setting for .RTO and .DT files can be modified in the Data Transfer user interface, but the setting will not be saved. The setting to control the conversion is found in the File, Properties information. WARNING: This feature is designed as a workaround for people that can not change the CCSID of their files. In order for this translation to work properly, you must be confident the data in the file matches the CCSID of your user profile. The design of the System i is that data with a 65535 CCSID are not to be converted. This feature will attempt to do a conversion of the data from the job CCSID to the PC CCSID. This conversion may not work if the data in the file does not match the user profile/job CCSID. The correct solution to this problem is to appropriately tag the data with the correct CCSID. One way of doing this is by using CHGPF. For more information on the 65535 CCSID, please reference the System i National Language Support Manual.