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Rational 演示

Rational 软件提供了一个完整的生命周期开发平台,可有助于提高软件项目的开发速度、质量和可预见性。

加速用于Power Systems服务器的IBM I系统上的软件革新

通过这个7分钟的视频,观众可以了解到IBM新的企业现代化方案和资源是如何帮助客户在Power Systems上改造并加速IBM i的软件革新——同时保证他们数十年来在应用软件上的投资得到保护并持续增长的。新的方案帮您快速、轻松、经济地释放出您的软件资产、体系结构和技能的能量,满足瞬息万变的商业需求。您将得到建立用于Power Systems服务器的下一代IBM i应用程序所需的信息。点击下列文件,下载或运行演示文件。

Accelerating Software Innovation for IBM i on Power Systems Aug08

(6 分 53 秒)

Accelerating Software Innovation on System z  


(5 分 55 秒)

Change Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and ClearCase

仅提供英文。 This demo shows how to integrate IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® and Rational® ClearCase® into an integrated change management solution that is used to test a deployed Web banking application for defects.

Change Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and ClearCase Dec08
IBM Enterprise Modernization Introduction
IBM Enterprise Modernization Introduction  

仅提供英文。 Watch this brief overview of key aspects of IBM Enterprise Modernization solutions to learn how you can unleash the power of your IT systems quickly, easily, and economically to support your rapidly changing business needs. You'll get the information you need to develop your roadmap toward enterprise modernization to maximize your business value.

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IBM Enterprise Modernization

仅提供英文。 IBM Enterprise Modernization solutions apply modern architectures and technologies to core IT systems. Legacy application processes are “unshackled”, using simple and innovative solutions and then grouped to align with a set of business operations. This helps to improve overall effectiveness and future flexibility and extend the life of IT investments.

IBM Enterprise Modernization Mar08
IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench
IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench  

仅提供英文。 This multi-part demonstration shows how customers can get started with the IBM LanguageWare Resource Workbench® (LRW) and also showcases the analysis capabilities unleashed by the Workbench.

Integrated Data Studio

仅提供英文。 Data Studio provides an integrated, modular, data management environment designed to increase organizational productivity and effectiveness while improving the quality of service, cost of ownership, and governance of diverse data, databases, and data-driven applications. These demonstrations illustrate how a fictional company uses Data Studio software to enhance collaboration among team members for improved productivity and application performance while solving a real-world business problem.

Integrated Data Studio Jul08
Manage & Develop System z Applications with Rational Software
Manage & Develop System z Applications with Rational Software  

仅提供英文。 This demo shows how IBM Rational ClearCase, IBM Rational ClearQuest, and IBM Rational Developer for System z can benefit your System z development process. See how Rational ClearCase can manage System z application source, how Rational ClearQuest can manage the development process, and how Rational Developer for System z can help developers improve productivity.

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Rational AppScan

This demonstration shows how IBM Rational AppScan (formerly Watchfire) addresses web app security threats. AppScan scans applications, identifies vulnerabilities, and generates fix recommendations to ease remediation.

Rational AppScan Jun08

(5 分 52 秒)

Rational Performance Tester Extension for Citrix
Rational Performance Tester Extension for Citrix  

此演示介绍 IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for Citrix 的性能和可扩展性测试功能。

(7 分 6 秒)

Rational Performance Tester Overview

This demonstration provides an overview of IBM Rational Performance Tester's ability to create, execute and analyze large volume performance tests. With Rational Performance Tester, users can measure and validate the scalability of their Web, ERP, SOA and other server based applications.

Rational Performance Tester Overview May08

(7 分 27 秒)

Rational Performance Tester Root Cause Analysis
Rational Performance Tester Root Cause Analysis  

本演示展现了IBM Rational Performance Tester v7.0中引入的根本原因分析功能。本演示先介绍了该软件的性能测试和日程功能,然后重点介绍了用根本原因分析数据确定性能问题原因的过程。

(4 分 1 秒)

Rational Performance Tester SAP Extension

仅提供英文。 This demonstration introduces the performance and scalability testing capabilities of the IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for SAP. In this demonstration, you'll see how to create and execute large volume performance tests to measure and validate the scalability of SAP applications.

Rational Performance Tester SAP Extension May08
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Rational Quality Manager Overview
Rational Quality Manager Overview  

仅提供英文。 This product demonstration video explores core IBM Rational Quality Manager functionality, including requirements and defect management, test planning, manual test execution and quality management reporting.

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Rational Quality Solutions for Siebel Test Automation

仅提供英文。 This demonstration introduces the Rational Functional Tester and Rational Performance Tester Extensions for Siebel. See how you can extend the power and benefits of IBM Rational Software Quality solutions to test Siebel applications using the Software Quality Solutions for Siebel Test Automation products from IBM Rational software.

Rational Quality Solutions for Siebel Test Automation May07
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Rational Test Lab Manager
Rational Test Lab Manager  

仅提供英文。 This demo provides a brief overview of how IBM Rational Test Lab Manager allows teams to integrate lab activities into their quality management process.

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Simplify Innovation for Banking Applications with EGL Dec08

(4 分 6 秒)

Simplify Innovation for Insurance Applications with EGL  


(4 分 6 秒)


这个4分钟的视频高度概括了EGL在简化制造业应用软件的研发和革新上的商业价值和IT价值。通过从基础技术的执行中提炼出商业功能,EGL可以实现并加速对新的Web和SOA技术的使用。EGL是一项在使用诸如Web 2.0和SOA等新技术的过程中降低风险、减少成本的重要技术。

Simplify Innovation for Manufacturing Applications with EGL Dec08

(4 分 10 秒)

Rational Build Forge
Rational Build Forge  

IBM Rational Build Forge 可加快构建流程并将其自动化,从而使开发更灵活、构建性能更高、软件交付速度更快。

(4 分 53 秒)

Rational Software Delivery Platform

此演示通过展示典型开发团队的“每日”场景,介绍了 Rational Software Delivery Platform。Software Delivery Platform 通过增加一个“立即购买”采购选项,改善了拍卖网站。

Rational Software Delivery Platform Mar07
Rational Systems Developer Introduction
Rational Systems Developer Introduction  

此演示通过增强现有 C++ 程序,介绍了 IBM Rational Systems Developer 的可视化、分析和开发功能。

(8 分 31 秒)

Rational ClearQuest Test Management

IBM Rational ClearQuest enables you to govern test and development cycles. It provides a single project view to lifecycle information for users located anywhere, be it around the corner or around the world. You can count on IBM Rational ClearQuest as your hub for lifecycle development with unparalleled customization that provides an extensible test ecosystem.

Rational ClearQuest Test Management Jun06

(8 分 43 秒)

Rational Manual Tester
Rational Manual Tester  

此演示通过显示典型手动测试创建和执行用例来介绍 IBM Rational Manual Tester。 该演示显示具有可重用测试语句的测试创建以及具有自动数据输入和验证功能的测试执行。

(8 分 56 秒)

Testing SAP with Rational Functional Tester

本演示展现了使用 IBM Rational Functional Tester 创建自动测试脚本来验证 SAP 系统功能的情况。Functional Tester 脚本生成功能产生的可重用测试能对所有后续构建或发行的 SAP 系统运行。

Testing SAP with Rational Functional Tester Dec08

(5 分 59 秒)

Rational Application Developer End-to-End Application
Rational Application Developer End-to-End Application  

仅提供英文。 These tutorials take you through the development of an End-to-End application that includes Java Server Faces, Web Services, Service Data Objects, and more.

Rational RequisitePro Creating Requirements

仅提供英文。 This tutorial introduces IBM Rational RequisitePro and how requirements are created. It also shows how documents are imported into RequisitePro and the dynamic linking of documents and topics to requirements.

Rational RequisitePro Creating Requirements Jun06
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Rational RequisitePro Web Interface - Administration Tool
Rational RequisitePro Web Interface - Administration Tool  

仅提供英文。 This is a demonstration of the administrative capabilities of the Web interface to IBM Rational RequisitePro.

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WebSphere Integration Developer

了解 WebSphere Integration Developer 如何让专业集成人员只是通过最少的开发工作就可以集成复杂的业务解决方案。

WebSphere Integration Developer Jan06

(10 分 2 秒)






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