SurePos ACE/EPS Known Issues APAR Level Date Abstract --------- --------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IO12428f_ a001 2010/09/23 Changing new pw can contain leading zeros but not at signon IO13127 a001 2010/09/23 Bottle returns negative transaction do not call for mgr overrid IO13176 a001 2010/09/24 ACECSMLL.386 Ending with DIF error IO13206 a001 2010/10/07 BPS Blackhawk doesn't SAF on a 2G response IO13141 a002 2010/10/12 Manager Override not requested after recovery IO13253 a003 2010/10/19 Check not understood with enhanced micr turned on IO13341 a005 2010/10/20 EPS: Host Reconciliation report shows many discrepancies IO13368 a005 2010/10/28 Terminal pickup checkout support not logging exlog record IO13370 a005 2010/11/04 Question on 99:F0:11:F0: TLog record IO13303 a006 2010/11/08 Reprint receipt after retrieve only shows header IO13349 a006 2010/11/03 Targeted Coupon xml message too big IO13389 a006 2010/11/10 EPS: Incorrect Authorization Number Sent To Host After Call In IO13477 a008 2010/11/25 Bad value franks on back of check for oldbaldue IO13031 a009 2010/11/19 Item Data Maint Screen Freezes when changing price IO13362 a009 2010/10/26 Performance extension record created even though file too small IO13566 a009 2010/11/24 Extend: Make InputSequenceMaximumBuffer Size Modifiable IO13505 a010 2010/12/03 Net Value Coupon with family code discounting incorrect item IO09032 a011 2010/12/07 Age restriction calculation incorrect IO12875 a013 2011/01/06 TS: TLOG 00 String INDICAT1 Bit 19 Not Set for Monitored Term IO12886 a013 2010/12/09 Taxable items after trx percentage discount reporting incorrect IO13685 a013 2011/01/06 Duplicate transaction numbers after terminal reloaded IO13515 a014 2011/01/12 EPS: Tenders not including cash back on total amount IO13698 a015 2011/01/18 Too many disk lookups used to determine next eam@@ source file IO13842 a015 2011/01/07 ACE returns an incorrect substate when clearing restricted sale IO12949 a016 2011/01/31 TS: Unexpected X483 Message When Transfering a Terminal IO13439 a016 2011/01/06 Recovery issue on pipe creation when pipe already created IO13723 a016 2011/01/24 Cannot get tare from item record when using alias pricing IO13741 a016 2011/01/24 Best Deal Coupon does not properly reissue IO13745 a016 2011/01/26 Item Data detail report does not show Host Pricing IO13768 a016 2011/01/27 EPS: Pinpad doesn't "All Current WIC Used" in bal inq IO13645 a017 2011/01/27 Foodstamp Partial Tender Not Voiding W/ No Amount Entered IO13736 a017 2011/01/26 Operator Performance Report calc NetAvg Item Price incorrect IO13749 a017 2011/01/25 Extend:SATRNDAT::setAttributes() needs call separate function IO13853 a018 2011/02/08 EPS Gift Card response msg from host fail with invalid format IO13659 a019 2011/02/04 "Date of Birth" descriptor on journal for non-IBM User Strings IO13779 a019 2011/02/01 The foodstamp total does not update after a partial tender IO13850 a019 2011/02/15 EPS: Cashier receives B089 message IO13856 a019 2011/02/11 Adding directive to DDMADDMB.HPP IO13867 a019 2011/02/17 Requesting DDMADDMB to be extended IO13947 a022 2011/03/11 EPS: Cashback value is being lost. IO13966 a022 2011/03/10 Unlimited percent off best deal not working IO13887 a023 2011/03/15 Terminal abends with best deal set up IO13951 a023 2011/03/17 Item Data Maint Screen Freezes when changing price IO13882 a024 2011/03/23 Terminal specific options using deleted id's not working IO13967 a025 2011/03/29 EXIPOS would like an Originator ID IO13690 a026 2011/04/05 Micr Format for CMC7 Check not working IO13873 a026 2011/03/30 EAMCOUPC is being populated when options are off IO13972 a027 2011/04/12 ACE Extend: Move initJVMCommunication into initialize() method IO14072 a028 2011/04/21 Void of best deal redeem/reward coupon not working IO14016 a029 2011/04/13 Selective item report does not handle displaced links IO14042 a029 2011/04/01 Terminal hang when recovering transaction IO14073 a029 2011/04/12 New logging incorrect for pipe already open X332 excessive IO14089 a029 2011/04/27 Loyalty coupon not processed by terminal application IO13967f_ a030 2011/05/06 EXIPOS originator was added as Exipos IO14087 a030 2011/05/02 EPS: Smartcard WIC transaction with POSCC not in claim file IO14161 a030 2011/05/02 ACEADDML corrupting item file EAMITEMR IO14202 a030 2011/04/20 Partial Images collected when check tilts IO14204 a030 2011/05/06 Save off tracing file before term reinitializes IO14082 a031 2011/05/13 9999 as last transaction before close causes duplicates IO14163 a032 2011/05/18 RX items not using model item when offline IO13972f_ a033 2011/05/20 Previous Extend request issue IO14250 a033 2011/05/24 ACETIRBL build using corrupted file not detected IO14360 a034 2011/05/31 B066 when voiding item with linked coupon IO14159 a035 2011/05/04 Terminal sign-on / sign-off during password change sequence IO14315 a035 2011/06/09 ACEAPSSR abends need dump review/fix IO14251 a036 2011/06/13 GS1 COUPON BAR CODE NOT SCANNING CORRECTLY IO14317 a036 2011/06/14 Online WIC training mode needs more categories IO13646 a038 2011/02/22 Paper Big Cross Promotion not computed on full amount IO14326 a039 2011/06/25 ITEM CHANGE IN EXCEPTION LOG INCORRECT IF X'3A' IN ITEM DATA IO14421 a040 2011/06/24 Extra paper coupons are allowed after retrieval IO14421 a041 2011/07/21 Extra paper coupons are allowed after retrieval IO14440 a041 2011/07/18 Terminal has trmitemr open preventing acetirbl IO14413 a042 2011/07/23 Expired GS1 is accepted in a coupon only transaction IO14316 a044 2011/07/28 The foodstamp total does not update after a partial tender IO14402 a044 2011/07/26 New FS balance Option causing tax refunds IO14599 a049 2011/08/25 Transaction processing at midnight IO15045 a049 2011/08/31 Linked cpn does not void when 1 of 2 aliased item is voided IO15044 a050 2011/09/01 Memory leaks in EPS code IO14562 a052 2011/08/10 Terminal dump in checkimage IO14600 a052 2011/09/27 Trx number re-used at terminal - missing in AW IO14724 a052 2011/09/27 Exception Log Reckey IO14702 a053 2011/09/29 ACE is abending on coupon scan IO15041 a054 2011/10/07 GC Account Numbers Not Masked IO15576 a056 2011/10/18 BJS: Term dump during terminal XFR and/or XTN recovery testing IO14942 a057 2011/10/18 Double coupon limit not honored if item is quantity required IO15042 a057 2011/10/21 Term Dump after Term Trans, Restart App, Forced Sign Off and On IO14550 a060 2011/08/01 Receipt prints incorrectly for change in price IO14737 a060 2011/10/27 Partial EPS tenders after reload and void send masked account IO14976 a060 2011/10/20 Coupons issue too many times with suspend/retrieve IO15133 a061 2011/11/10 Terminal dumping during transaction IO15143 a061 2011/11/08 GS1 coupon comes off as taxable when matching item not IO14884 a062 2011/10/11 Ace Transaction Search Tool does not show discountable totaL IO14970 a062 2011/11/04 Transaction not despooled causes accounting issue IO15180 a063 2011/11/29 Duplicate transaction after TOF Exit and IPL IO15135 a065 2011/12/06 EPS: No Re-Enter PIN Prompt with Online WIC and SAFs disabled IO15274 a067 2011/12/14 Terminal abends if 70 price overrides performed IO15393 a067 2011/12/21 B183 Void EBT Foodstamp issue IO15254 a068 2011/12/14 Checkout support reading options file too frequently IO15394 a069 2011/12/28 EPS: Gift Card Track Data With Embed Colon Abends Host Provider IO15497 a070 2012/01/09 ACEAPSSR cannot write to GIPC IO15356 a072 2012/01/23 Transaction not despooled causes accounting issue IO15376 a072 2012/01/17 operator authorization not working correctly IO15561 a074 2012/02/08 ACEADDML leaves the in process file EAMMINPR IO14618 a075 2012/02/02 ACECSMLL Misc Acct File Lock IO15541 a075 2012/02/09 Transaction with more than 9999 strings header string bad IO15807 a076 2012/02/21 EPS: Expiry date check reporting to user when option is off IO15824 a076 2012/02/21 TERMINAL DUMP in ISGS1CouponValidationPolicy::generateKey IO15837 a078 2012/02/24 Can not void a refunded Rx item IO15843 a079 2012/02/28 Skiptrx using item movement pointer instead of logpoint IO15886 a079 2012/03/06 EPS: IO15807 is incomplete for bal inq IO15905 a079 2012/03/06 SATRNDAT.CPP needs extend IO15870 a080 2012/03/13 dept key with promo not loaded properly at initialization IO15848 a081 2012/03/12 %AMTOVF% causes terminal abend IO15911 a082 2012/03/20 Suspended trans writing to new tlog instead of old IO16073 a082 2012/03/29 Transaction report not reflecting proper sign for Misc Items IO16071 a083 2012/03/27 XSLT change to support DIF IO15749 a084 2012/04/09 serviceability - log terminal status when power on IO15975 a084 2012/04/12 Insufficient information in itemevent from ACE to SI IO16066 a084 2012/04/03 Ahold: Help for Tracking file range wrong & popup needs change IO16267 a084 2012/04/16 EPS: USB attached pinpad time-out IO16062 a085 2012/04/17 entryNotStored not called for recalled 99:0:7 strings IO16193 a085 2012/04/26 TS: %off Val SC is awarded incorrectly with opt FtAppOneCpn On IO16198 a085 2012/04/25 Online Help incorrect in leading to E-Check or E-Signature IO16194 a087 2012/04/30 TS: Incorrect amount is given for Lkd Net Val SC w/ item req=3 IO16195 a087 2012/04/27 Coupon Tracking string not written for coupon due to insufficie IO16129 a088 2012/05/10 Customer loyalty Points aren't doubling IO16192 a088 2012/05/11 WMX:General Protection Fault with ACECNVDL -u parameter IO16269 a089 2012/05/14 % off all matching promotion code coupons applying incorrectly IO16366 a089 2012/05/14 .rpt files zero'ing out unexpectedly IO16367 a090 2012/05/23 Toolkit missing apsinst files IO16396 a090 2012/05/17 Batch data maintenance screen freeze / lock up IO16436 a092 2012/05/23 Response code field for ACE can be 2 bytes IO16450 a092 2012/05/29 missing aceejrpt file(s) IO16457 a092 2012/05/31 02 T-Log string issue with ACE IO16365.1 a093 2012/06/12 Missing totals event IO16521 a093 2012/06/15 Override for 2nd cpn differs between %OFF and Fixed$ IO16592 a094 2012/05/11 Second entry of paper Best Deal %Off coupon plays for $0.00 IO16596 a094 2012/06/22 Best deal coupon plays incorrectly IO16530 a095 2012/06/22 Substate not raised by B690 message prompt IO16615 a097 2012/07/05 indicat1 field (02 transaction string) for linked coupon wrong IO16539 a100 2012/05/11 Spanish DDM Batch Edit causes dump IO16707 a101 2012/07/24 extend: ability for negative points values IO16529 a104 2012/06/19 Incorrect subscription handling in ISSalesTransactionDialog2x20 IO16914 a105 2012/08/16 Cannot due balance inquires on gift cards with zero expiry IO16938 a108 2012/08/23 Terminal crashes when deleting point redemption best deal coupo IO16862 a109 2012/08/13 EPS: Fee is not charged for EPS cks (Cetergy/CCS Host/Gorv) IO16993 a109 2012/08/30 APL FILE TOO SMALL TO BUILD EFFICIENTLY IO16878 a111 2012/09/20 NS:Press TOTAL after B039 is show in 12 SIGN ON term goes dump IO17023 a111 2012/09/10 Type 2 item discounted by raincheck will not void IO17034 a112 2012/09/24 Unable to void QTY raincheck item after retrieval IO17214 a113 2012/09/28 Tender Exchange Dump IO17521 a115 2012/10/08 Abend in KrogerMainInputState::handleStateInput IO17433 a116 2012/10/22 auto reports zero'ing out even if not edited IO17299 a118 2012/10/22 Kroger:Cancel at Scan MO prompt not trans back to IE IO17337 a118 2012/10/24 Apex-Receipt shows "FS change" with wic optn=0 IO17491 a119 2012/11/12 ACE DIF Java code opens EGHRXFIL with too high access IO17059 a120 2012/10/12 Original price prompt when voiding rain check item IO17260 a120 2012/11/12 TS: Line "YOU WOULD HAVE SAVED xxx" amount is not printed on CR IO17503 a120 2012/11/21 acedmmll.exe dies after editing coupon IO17460 a121 2012/11/16 PERS:GPF received in ACEPERSL updating EAMOPTNS.INI IO17553 a121 2012/11/21 Misleading Error Msg for Terminal Monitor when Master is Down IO17554 a121 2012/11/29 Cust. # still required when Points Only entry voided IO17326 a123 2012/11/13 WIC Tender does not work, gives B003 IO17683 a123 2012/12/04 incorrect tracing in ISMatrixStorageArray::select method IO17715 a124 2012/12/10 WD036: X525 message logged when item sold and voided in trx IO17061 a125 2012/09/21 WD058: Dual Messages Displayed On GUI During FSA Tender IO17688 a125 2012/12/20 COS040: Text line printed after a blank line in hdr & trlr. IO17679 a126 2012/12/12 Bonus points not included when processing Boundary 2ndary point IO17688 a126 2012/12/21 COS040: Text line printed after a blank line in hdr & trlr. IO17821 a126 2013/01/08 Casting to parent class negates inheritance IO17833 a126 2013/01/03 3rd void of targeted coupon sign is negative IO17865 a126 2013/01/09 Remove 32295 from base ACE as it only functions for single play IO17984 a126 2012/10/22 ACETVREL recon report takes too many CPU cycles IO17208 a128 2013/01/16 Raincheck message incorrect when voiding IO17867 a129 2013/01/24 X203 TTAF not equal to TAF when tender FS in Paper WIC CVB Tran IO18024 a129 2013/01/30 Pinpad trace collisions have misleading message IO17866 a133 2013/02/12 QTY Item w/Dept Disc Refunded for Unexpected Price IO18109 a135 2013/02/21 AEF locks after cancelling gift card IO17718 a136 2013/02/08 Zavers: Flag changes after Suspend/Retrieve for GST/PST trans. IO17869 a137 2013/01/24 Dept Disc Print Lines Missing for Refunded / Voided Items IO17987 a137 2013/02/15 Override does does not appear with mult. pts cpns IO18419 a138 2013/03/11 EPS: 2711 error from sig capture IO18143 a139 2013/03/04 deal quantity missing or incorrect in xml message IO17869 a140 2013/03/08 Dept Disc Print Lines Missing for Refunded / Voided Items IO18103 a141 2013/03/13 TLOG Invalid 20 08 String IO18398 a141 2013/03/15 Customer requests extend change to Validate function IO18097 a142 2013/03/07 TLOG 20:04 and matching TLOG 00 strings have invalid values IO17770 a143 2013/03/25 File eamcoupo.dat growing to over 10 meg IO17637 a145 2013/04/05 limited fixed value weight coupons need to be delayed IO17890 a145 2013/04/08 Can't void a random weight item on SSPS if Price per LB IO18110 a145 2013/04/05 Void of targeted net value coupon not working IO18361 a147 2013/04/24 Terminal dump during retrieval of SCO suspended order IO18514 a147 2013/04/09 Linked coupon applied to rain check item IO18694 a148 2013/04/29 Need to correct field definition for Item Tender Restriction IO17682 a149 2013/04/18 First Data cert for customer failing IO18228 a149 2013/03/06 WIC benefits decremented but tender not reflected in tr. IO18722 a150 2013/05/10 Change Due disappears if trx started with 0 sign on IO18524 a151 2013/05/10 Group Cross Promotion appears broken IO18593 a151 2013/05/20 Invalid tlog data - QtyOrWgtOrVol IO18862 a151 2013/05/15 Bad EJ data in GIPCSPOL file causing hang in aceerjnl IO18546 a153 2013/05/14 Wrong Screens when Item Exception IO18802 a154 2013/06/05 Best Deal Promo Issue With Quantity Key Item Entry IO19042 a154 2013/06/03 EAMSRTRX is held open by terminal hanging store close IO18944 a155 2013/06/19 Tare item difference in Max Price Report IO19004 a155 2013/06/14 EAN barcode with alpha still being accepted for loyalty IO18777 a156 2013/06/24 GS1 Coupon awards when only one item is purchased IO18971 a158 2013/07/10 ADTLSMA9K:SD052313 B609 Check Keyed Msg Rcvd When CPN Scanned IO17832 a159 2013/05/07 Cannot void a ShopRite gift card tender when balance IO18709 a159 2013/07/22 Termsale: Refund both a NFS item and FS item => Refund Amount IO19015 a159 2013/07/18 GS1 coupon flags incorrect when using quantity key IO19186 a159 2013/07/24 B098 Check Pinpad and X371 in messages log when 2 voids done IO17832.1 a160 2013/07/31 IO17832 Preventing to refund cash IO18810 a161 2013/08/06 TORs remain with outstanding flag IO18535 a163 2013/05/30 Savings summary lines not printing on CHEC when postprinting IO19202 a164 2013/08/29 FSA tender gets canceled IO19423 a164 2013/08/26 TS:Accept str & mfr cpns on same item turned OFF is not working IO19325 a165 2013/08/22 Managers Jurnal report not showing overide void IO18499 a166 2013/09/11 Transaction number for terminal reset after NVRAM re-ID IO19289 a167 2013/08/14 Retrieved order stil has voided item IO19545 a167 2013/09/13 TermSales: B145 WIC Tender Not Allowed with non-WIC tenders IO20081 a167.3 2013/12/09 WIC EBT items are not assessed a 5% surcharge for Tax plan A. IO19054 a168 2013/09/23 B066: Manual Void flag not set properly voiding item with paper IO19420 a168 2013/09/13 Weighted coupon is issued twice instead of just once. IO19820 a168.2 2013/10/21 Gift Cards causing abend of ACEAPSSR IO19741 a170 2013/10/18 DI franking for Item Sale always prints double spaced. IO19221 a171 2013/10/23 Paper % off link coupon linking to itself not converted IO20016 a173 2013/11/08 Change/Tax is not calculated correctly IO20143 a174 2013/12/03 Linked coupons failing with Reward Card IO19546 a175 2013/12/17 Wrong message on EBT payment for age restricted items IO20319 a176 2014/01/13 Command ACETIRBL.386 fails on XCAL 0D10 IO20499 a177 2014/01/29 Terminal not flipping to new tlog close problem IO20473 a178 2014/02/03 not notified when wrong pin is entered for WIC EBT. IO18825.1 a180 2014/02/11 ACE 7.4 ACEPERSL Retrofit apex with IO18825 IO20313 a180 2014/02/14 Terminal Dumps intermittently after 745 upgrade. IO20496 a180 2014/02/17 Cannot price items for 960.01 through 960.99 IO20345 a181 2013/09/05 Electronic coupons which are voided are accounted for as manual IO20340 a182 2014/02/18 Check image will not parse IO20956 a184 2014/05/21 User File Rolling and Store Close Issue IO21421 a185 2014/06/11 EAMTERMS not TCLOSED distributed often enough IO21473 a186 2014/06/17 Controller dumps during unattended close ACEACSCL IO20345 a188 2014/02/20 Electronic coupons which are voided are accounted for as manual IO21359 a188 2014/07/07 Age Restricted line displays multiple times on SCO receipt IO21635 a188 2014/07/08 ISEPSPINPad::getOnlineWICProcessType IO21752 a189 2014/07/10 BOGO Wgt Coupon takes away all WIC total IO21815 a191 2014/07/31 S/R: item with linked fee treats fee like linked coupon (29979 IO21504 a192 2014/08/20 ACE TRX Search Tool shows tax exempt id IO21945 a193 2014/08/26 Store Close issues with terminal using tlog IO22057 a194 2014/09/09 Page fault ISReceiptLine::getLink() const Source:receptln.obj IO21757 a195 2014/02/03 Vantiv does not respond with a good message IO22222 a196 2014/10/08 EMV terminal capability field not set for Vantiv IO21225 a200 2014/05/27 Fuel Rollback Format for Gallons not set as relative IO17630 c070 2012/12/19 Dept Discount Applies Inconsistently to Pharmacy Items IO17061 c072 2012/09/21 WD058: Dual Messages Displayed On GUI During FSA Tender IO17679 c072 2012/12/12 Bonus points not included when processing Boundary 2ndary point IO17821 c072 2013/01/08 Casting to parent class negates inheritance IO17833 c072 2013/01/03 3rd void of targeted coupon sign is negative IO17865 c072 2013/01/09 Remove 32295 from base ACE as it only functions for single play IO17984 c072 2012/10/22 ACETVREL recon report takes too many CPU cycles IO17208 c073 2013/01/16 Raincheck message incorrect when voiding IO17867 c074 2013/01/24 X203 TTAF not equal to TAF when tender FS in Paper WIC CVB Tran IO18024 c075 2013/01/30 Pinpad trace collisions have misleading message IO17866 c077 2013/02/12 QTY Item w/Dept Disc Refunded for Unexpected Price IO17718 c079 2013/02/08 Zavers: Flag changes after Suspend/Retrieve for GST/PST trans. IO18109 c079 2013/02/21 AEF locks after cancelling gift card IO18286 c100 2013/07/11 Terminal dumps: ISGS1CouponValidationPolicy IO18367 c100 2013/06/05 Keyed Price Ignored for No-Match Weighted Coupon IO18782 c100 2013/07/12 Coupons for WIC items playing after WIC IO18971 c100 2013/07/10 ADTLSMA9K:SD052313 B609 Check Keyed Msg Rcvd When CPN Scanned IO17832 c101 2013/05/07 Cannot void a ShopRite gift card tender when balance IO18709 c101 2013/07/22 Termsale: Refund both a NFS item and FS item => Refund Amount IO18782 c101 2013/07/26 Coupons for WIC items playing after WIC IO19015 c101 2013/07/18 GS1 coupon flags incorrect when using quantity key IO19186 c101 2013/07/24 B098 Check Pinpad and X371 in messages log when 2 voids done IO17832.1 c102 2013/07/31 IO17832 Preventing to refund cash IO18362 c103 2013/07/29 Wrong Wt Amt on Print Line for Total Weight Coupon Void IO18368 c103 2013/06/27 WT on Receipt/Display = 0.00 for WT Cpn Entered w/ WT + PR Key IO18810 c103 2013/08/06 TORs remain with outstanding flag IO19110 c103 2013/07/23 PUB: ACE OPTION Accumulate Ratio of PLU not descriptive IO18975 c104 2013/08/02 Accept SC & MC on same item - void combo does not give B066 IO18362 c105 2013/08/19 Wrong Wt Amt on Print Line for Total Weight Coupon Void IO18535 c105 2013/05/30 Savings summary lines not printing on CHEC when postprinting IO19426 c105 2013/08/16 SF:DM display pages in different order for same item IO19475 c105 2013/08/16 EXTEND Request in additem for GS1 coupons IO19202 c106 2013/08/29 FSA tender gets canceled IO19423 c106 2013/08/26 TS:Accept str & mfr cpns on same item turned OFF is not working IO19325 c107 2013/08/22 Managers Jurnal report not showing overide void IO18499 c109 2013/09/11 Transaction number for terminal reset after NVRAM re-ID IO18850 c109 2013/05/24 Limited Net Value Big Cross Promotions not working. IO19289 c109 2013/08/14 Retrieved order stil has voided item IO19545 c109 2013/09/13 TermSales: B145 WIC Tender Not Allowed with non-WIC tenders IO17890 c111 2013/04/18 Can't void a random weight item on SSPS if Price per LB IO19054 c111 2013/09/23 B066: Manual Void flag not set properly voiding item with paper IO19420 c111 2013/09/13 Weighted coupon is issued twice instead of just once. IO19633 c112 2013/10/10 x488 Error Decrypting Data IO19816 c112 2013/10/09 An IPL scenario caused unencrypted TOR to be written to log IO19867 c112 2013/10/08 Terminal dumping in epsppie IO19487 c114 2013/10/11 No-Match Voided Cpn Price Negative When Cpn Price Keyed IO19741 c114 2013/10/15 DI franking for Item Sale always prints double spaced. IO19922 c115 2013/10/24 ACE V7R4 in EAMIPGM1.ZIP the ACEDDESC.INI IO11892 c116 2013/10/22 When checking "TTAF at Sign On" prints TTAF at Sign Off too. IO19221 c116 2013/10/23 Paper % off link coupon linking to itself not converted IO19483 c116 2013/10/16 Tare dropped in retrieved transacation with weight item IO18897 c117 2013/10/28 Void item & breaks match item constraint - not all coupons void IO19486 c117 2013/10/29 Sale Price Incorrect for Keyed WT / Keyed PR Coupon IO19729 c117 2013/10/25 TLOG 20:11 String Override field (2) IO19816 c118 2013/11/07 An IPL scenario caused unencrypted TOR to be written to log IO11892 c119 2013/10/22 When checking "TTAF at Sign On" prints TTAF at Sign Off too. IO20002 c120 2013/11/12 WFMIG:HLP txt inccorrect->optns/wic xtns/agency/claim net item IO20002 c123 2013/11/14 WFMIG:HLP txt inccorrect->optns/wic xtns/agency/claim net item IO19982 c124 2013/11/21 TS:Linked Coupon applies incorrectly after Qty change IO20185 c124 2013/12/10 System accepting Underage Drivers License for restricted sales IO22429 c124.6 2014/11/14 Cannot extend function welcomeMessageFor() in module EMCSTMHP. IO20016 c125 2013/11/08 Change/Tax is not calculated correctly IO20143 c125 2013/12/03 Linked coupons failing with Reward Card IO18825 c126 2013/12/19 ACE 7.4 ACEPERSL problem updating terminal options files IO19546 c127 2013/12/17 Wrong message on EBT payment for age restricted items IO20082 c127 2013/12/23 Mx9 series Pin pad support for TAVE in V7R4 ACE IO18850 c128 2013/08/29 Limited Net Value Big Cross Promotions not working. IO20006 c129 2014/01/06 Coupon performance accessing couponEntryDetails() IO20153 c129 2014/01/15 Terminal dumped @ Total containing net value coupon and qty IO20319 c129 2014/01/13 Command ACETIRBL.386 fails on XCAL 0D10 IO20411 c130 2014/01/20 Print #ER# instead of terminal dumping when %* is in text field IO20473 c130 2014/01/23 not notified when wrong pin is entered for WIC EBT. IO20412 c131 2014/01/21 Linked Price Required Bonus Point Coupon doesn't inherit from i IO20499 c131 2014/01/29 Terminal not flipping to new tlog close problem IO20313 c133 2014/02/14 Terminal Dumps intermittently after 745 upgrade. IO20496 c133 2014/02/17 Cannot price items for 960.01 through 960.99 IO20601 c133 2014/02/18 Encryption option makes all transactions B311 IO20134 c134 2013/12/11 PS transaction did not charge the customer but acted good IO20345 c134 2013/09/05 Electronic coupons which are voided are accounted for as manual IO20340 c135 2014/02/18 Check image will not parse IO20751 c135 2014/03/11 Fuel kiosk is dumping IO20320 c137 2014/03/13 X439 extra data does not have the correct day of last store cls IO20751 c137 2014/03/11 Fuel kiosk is dumping IO20783 c137 2014/03/19 The 2x20 data for the quantity/item is not massaged IO20795 c137 2014/03/19 TAVE registration dumps with unexpected track data IO20813 c137 2014/03/19 Memory leak check in ISTrace::exitContext causing Abend IO20812 c140 2014/03/31 Some Pricing Method Info Missing from to SI IO21013 c142 2014/04/15 Cannot extend ISMementoReportingDialog2x20 IO21037 c142 2014/04/17 B018 When Voiding Type-2 Item on GUI After Retrieve IO20427 c144 2014/01/27 Weight/Price Required Bonus Point Coupon does not apply pts/lb IO20811 c144 2014/04/14 Computed department group coupons do not apply IO21099 c144 2014/04/29 Alias items not logging 99 string with original itemcode IO20864 c145 2014/05/08 Void of online WIC partial payment after reload fails IO21221 c145 2014/05/09 Bob error during host reconciliation IO20956 c147 2014/05/21 User File Rolling and Store Close Issue IO21421 c149 2014/06/11 EAMTERMS not TCLOSED distributed often enough IO21430 c150 2014/06/12 Terminal abend on ISReceiptLine::stripItemPrintLines(void) IO21473 c150 2014/06/17 Controller dumps during unattended close ACEACSCL IO21418 c152 2014/06/24 Checkout support abends on WIC transaction IO20345 c154 2014/02/20 Electronic coupons which are voided are accounted for as manual IO21359 c154 2014/07/07 Age Restricted line displays multiple times on SCO receipt IO21697 c154 2014/07/10 ISXMLTag not parsing attributes in "open/close" tag IO21752 c155 2014/07/10 BOGO Wgt Coupon takes away all WIC total IO21545 c159 2014/08/12 base messages displayed on debit card tender IO21815 c159 2014/07/31 S/R: item with linked fee treats fee like linked coupon (29979 IO21504 c161 2014/08/20 ACE TRX Search Tool shows tax exempt id IO21945 c162 2014/08/26 Store Close issues with terminal using tlog IO21942 c165 2014/09/01 Cannot refund to WIC in V7R4 C131.2 IO21757 c167 2014/02/03 Vantiv does not respond with a good message IO20772 c168 2014/09/23 Unattended close would not start if yesterday finished late IO22222 c169 2014/10/08 EMV terminal capability field not set for Vantiv IO21105 c170 2014/08/11 Percent off LInk on a linked weighted cpn gives incorrct amt IO21261 c170 2014/10/13 B067 When Voiding Type-2 Item w/ Dept Disc After Suspend/Retr IO22297 c170 2014/10/15 Item is voided - one of 2 targeted coupons autovoids a 2nd time IO22288 c171 2014/10/14 UPP Host online wic except report not showing NTE IO22335 c173 2014/10/27 Tokenization doesn't contain discrestionary track 2 IO22040 c175 2014/10/31 Corrected Pin with TAVE gets 4R response from first data IO22107 c176 2014/11/10 Performance issue with large coupon quantities IO22571 c180 2014/12/16 JIOP defect requires change to state table IO22693 c184 2015/01/31 abend in ISSAPromotionServicePolicy::buildItemInfo IO21225 c186 2014/05/26 Fuel Rollback Format for Gallons not set as relative IO22735 c188 2015/02/21 Report issues, unattended close and auto carry forward tenders 373 APARs listed. Last update Mar 2 2015 Issue Level Date Closed Description --------- --------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1594 ace.como 2015/04/07 Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders cash drawer report bad 3177 A203 apex 06/15/15 2015/09/24 Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as possible discrepancy 6330 A204 apex 07/22/15 2015/08/09 abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 6660 A205 apex 08/31/15 2015/09/24 GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should never be negative 7415 A205 apex 08/31/15 2015/09/24 [Apex Clone of 6127] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 3541 A193 como 05/04/15 2015/06/24 Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 3888 A193 como 05/04/15 2015/07/07 [Remove of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 1593 A193 como 05/04/15 2015/07/07 Terminal hang when using large qty item linked to coupon 1822 A194 como 05/11/15 2015/06/18 item coerced into coupon with quantity required is allowed 3138 A194 como 05/11/15 2015/06/01 [Reject of 1594] Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders cash drawer report ba 3340 A194 como 05/11/15 2015/06/16 Pickups not updating all records if an accounting record is locked 4042 A194 como 05/11/15 2015/07/07 [COMO port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4116 A194 como 05/11/15 2015/07/07 [COMO port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4326 A195 como 05/18/15 2015/06/07 G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 1592 A197 como 05/26/15 2015/07/07 BPS host returns not handled on settlement report correctly 7476 A198 como 06/22/15 2015/08/11 [Clone of 4448] Terminal dumps with invalid stack 4448 A198 como 06/22/15 2015/07/07 Terminal dumps with invalid stack 5281 A198 como 06/22/15 2015/09/24 [COMO port of 3177] Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as poss 4019 A200 como 07/06/15 2015/09/24 C4 163.9 - specific scenario with coupon crashes terminal % value awared wi 699 A200 como 07/06/15 2015/03/08 Vantiv bob file problem with voiding after reload 4976 A200 como 07/06/15 2015/07/13 Auto Carry Forward not working if terminal is in Price Verify or Training 4446 A201 como 07/14/15 2015/07/07 Buypass sending E2GTRY AGAIN to Tave Request 5422 A201 como 07/14/15 2015/08/06 Wrong Manager Override Reason: Error, cannot update tracking file 6465 A202 como 07/20/15 2015/08/24 [Como Port of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 1563 A204 como 08/17/15 2015/05/28 Autoloan even at zero counts as number 1 7867 A205 como 08/31/15 2015/09/24 [Como Clone of 7415] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 7997 A205 como 08/31/15 2015/09/24 [Como Port of 6660] GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should ne 7477 A206 como 09/15/15 2015/08/11 [Reject of 4448] Invalid Print Request causing terminals to freeze 4646 A206 como 09/15/15 2015/07/07 Tops EAMCOUP file has negative amount - SWP 19376 1000 C116 earl 04/21/15 2015/07/07 2864 Gift card refunds over limit cause bad 20 string 3693 C117 earl 04/28/15 2015/07/07 [Earl Clone of 1822] item coerced into coupon with quantity required is all 3980 C118 earl 05/12/15 2015/07/07 [EARL port of 1593] Terminal hang when using large qty item linked to coupo 4071 C118 earl 05/12/15 2015/07/07 [EARL port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4092 C118 earl 05/12/15 2015/07/07 [Earl Clone of 3340] Pickups not updating all records if an accounting reco 4117 C118 earl 05/12/15 2015/07/07 [EARL port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4200 C119 earl 05/19/15 2015/06/01 [Earl port of 3138] [Reject of 1594] Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders c 4425 C119 earl 05/19/15 2015/07/07 [EArl port of 4326] G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 4629 C120 earl 05/26/15 2015/07/07 [Earl Clone of 1592] BPS host returns not handled on settlement report corr 5282 C122 earl 06/16/15 2015/09/24 [EARL port of 3177] Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as poss 5367 C123 earl 06/23/15 2015/09/24 [Earl Port of 4448] Terminal dumps with invalid stack 6063 C125 earl 07/07/15 2015/08/20 [Earl Clone of 5422] Wrong Manager Override Reason: Error, cannot update tr 5919 C125 earl 07/07/15 2015/08/12 [Earl Port of 4976] Auto Carry Forward not working if terminal is in Price 5940 C125 earl 07/07/15 2015/09/24 [Earl Clone of 4019] C4 163.9 - specific scenario with coupon crashes termi 6054 C126 earl 07/14/15 2015/08/04 [Earl port for 699] Vantiv bob file problem with voiding after reload 6129 C126 earl 07/14/15 2015/08/09 [Earl Port of 4446] Buypass sending E2GTRY AGAIN to Tave Request 6466 C127 earl 07/21/15 2015/08/24 [Earl port of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 7311 C129 earl 08/11/15 2015/08/24 [Earl Port of 1563] Autoloan even at zero counts as number 1 4485 C130 earl 08/18/15 2015/09/03 Scanning Membership number gets "Unable to Retrieve Data" 6454 C131 earl 08/26/15 2015/09/06 Bad 05 string account field 7998 C132 earl 09/01/15 2015/09/24 [Earl Clone of 7415] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 8012 C132 earl 09/01/15 2015/09/24 [Earl port of 6660] GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should ne 8204 C133 earl 09/08/15 2015/09/09 [Earl Port of 7477] [Reject of 4448] Invalid Print Request causing terminal 8365 C133 earl 09/08/15 2015/09/15 [Earl port of 4646] Tops EAMCOUP file has negative amount - SWP 19376 3293 D090 fisc 04/16/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal port of 1000] 2864 Gift card refunds over limit cause bad 20 string 3691 D091 fisc 04/26/15 2015/07/07 [Fiscal Clone of 1822] item coerced into coupon with quantity required is a 3985 D091 fisc 05/05/15 2015/07/07 [FISCAL port of 1593] Terminal hang when using large qty item linked to cou 4072 D092 fisc 05/11/15 2015/07/07 [FISCAL port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4091 D092 fisc 05/11/15 2015/07/07 [Fiscal Clone of 3340] Pickups not updating all records if an accounting re 4118 D092 fisc 05/11/15 2015/07/07 [FISCAL port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4201 D092 fisc 05/13/15 2015/06/01 [Fiscal port of 3138] [Reject of 1594] Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders 4426 D093 fisc 05/18/15 2015/07/07 [Fiscal of 4326] G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 4630 D094 fisc 05/22/15 2015/07/07 [Fiscal Clone of 1592] BPS host returns not handled on settlement report co 5283 D096 fisc 06/15/15 2015/09/24 [FISCAL port of 3177] Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as po 5368 D096 fisc 06/16/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal port of 4448] Terminal dumps with invalid stack 5921 D097 fisc 07/01/15 2015/07/01 [Fiscal port of 4976] Auto Carry Forward not working if terminal is in Pric 5941 D097 fisc 07/01/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal Clone of 4019] C4 163.9 - specific scenario with coupon crashes ter 6064 D098 fisc 07/09/15 2015/08/20 [Fiscal Clone of 5422] Wrong Manager Override Reason: Error, cannot update 6068 D098 fisc 07/09/15 2015/08/13 [Fiscal port of 699] Vantiv bob file problem with voiding after reload 6130 D098 fisc 07/09/15 2015/08/09 [Fiscal Port of 4446] Buypass sending E2GTRY AGAIN to Tave Request 6467 D099 fisc 07/16/15 2015/08/24 [Fiscal port of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 7316 D100 fisc 08/10/15 2015/09/17 [Clone of 1563] Autoloan even at zero counts as number 1 7525 D101 fisc 08/19/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal Port of 4485] Scanning Membership number gets "Unable to Retri 7897 D102 fisc 08/26/15 2015/09/22 [Fiscal Clone of 6454] Bad 05 string account field 7999 D102 fisc 08/27/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal Clone of 7415] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 8013 D102 fisc 08/28/15 2015/09/24 [Fiscal Port of 6660] GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should 8206 D102 fisc 09/03/15 2015/09/21 [Fiscal Port of 7477] [Reject of 4448] Invalid Print Request causing termin 8366 D103 fisc 09/07/15 2015/09/15 [Fiscal port of 4646] Tops EAMCOUP file has negative amount - SWP 19376 4444 076E03 grov 05/16/15 2015/07/07 [Clone of 4326] G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 3294 089R02 grov 04/16/15 2015/09/24 [Grover port of 1000] 2864 Gift card refunds over limit cause bad 20 string 3689 090R06 grov 04/26/15 2015/07/07 [Grover Clone of 1822] item coerced into coupon with quantity required is a 3616 090R08 grov 04/28/15 2015/06/08 [Grover Clone of 2411] POSREL-499 081R00krg22 02/23/15 - Key Slot designati 3986 091R06 grov 05/05/15 2015/07/07 [GROVER port of 1593] Terminal hang when using large qty item linked to cou 4073 092R02 grov 05/07/15 2015/07/07 [GROVER port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4089 092R03 grov 05/08/15 2015/07/07 [Grover Clone of 3340] Pickups not updating all records if an accounting re 4119 092R03 grov 05/08/15 2015/07/07 [GROVER port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4202 092R07 grov 05/13/15 2015/06/01 [Grover port of 3138] [Reject of 1594] Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders 4427 093R04 grov 05/16/15 2015/07/07 [Grover port of 4326] G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 4538 094R03 grov 05/22/15 2015/06/02 [Grover port of 4221] POSREL-500 081R00krg22 02/23/15 - EMV Franking Format 4631 094R03 grov 05/22/15 2015/07/07 [Grover Clone of 1592] BPS host returns not handled on settlement report co 685 094R04 grov 05/24/15 2015/06/14 EMV: B916 Chip Declined => Reconcil Report has trx as Approved 4700 095R02 grov 05/28/15 2015/06/08 POSREL-569 ACESSL program abends with -1 error and doesn't create a di 5284 097R04 grov 06/15/15 2015/09/24 [GROVER of 3177] Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as possibl 5369 098R01 grov 06/16/15 2015/09/24 [Grover port of 4448] Terminal dumps with invalid stack 5002 098R02 grov 06/17/15 2015/06/30 POSREL-584 Invalid PIN response causes terminal and pinpad to be out of syn 5524 099R03 grov 06/19/15 2015/06/30 POSREL-629 MasterCard Interop 12 T1-S1 - Mulitple tags do not match as requ 4149 101R05 grov 06/29/15 2015/07/07 Help screen for penny rounding incorrect 5922 101R08 grov 07/01/15 2015/07/01 [grover port of 4976] Auto Carry Forward not working if terminal is in Pric 5942 101R08 grov 07/01/15 2015/09/24 [Grover Clone of 4019] C4 163.9 - specific scenario with coupon crashes ter 5037 102R02 grov 07/02/15 2015/08/12 Items required error will not remove from the Item Data Maintenance screen 5412 102R02 grov 07/02/15 2015/08/12 Signature capture file missing tender id, auth code 6065 102R03 grov 07/07/15 2015/08/20 [Grover Clone of 5422] Wrong Manager Override Reason: Error, cannot update 6070 102R03 grov 07/07/15 2015/09/16 [Grover port of 699] Vantiv bob file problem with voiding after reload 566 102R04 grov 07/07/15 2015/03/17 abend in KSReceiptLine::combineWith 6131 102R06 grov 07/08/15 2015/08/09 [Grover Port of 4446] Buypass sending E2GTRY AGAIN to Tave Request 6085 103R01 grov 07/09/15 2015/07/21 Chip cards are treated as EMV fallback in Form agent 6461 104R01 grov 07/16/15 2015/07/19 [Grover Clone of 6425] POSREL-676 EMV card with cardholder selection will n 6468 104R01 grov 07/16/15 2015/08/24 [Grover port of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 6276 105R01 grov 07/17/15 2015/07/29 G2-100 – ACE terminal not updating Mx915 pinpad date and time 6853 106R0 grov 07/29/15 2015/08/12 multiline HOSTDATA 6101 106R01 grov 07/23/15 2015/08/12 Weighted Items do not void without re-entering weight 6768 107R02 grov 07/30/15 2015/08/11 G2-104- FA not allowing more than 5 digit PIN entry on pinpad 7007 107R02 grov 07/30/15 2015/08/23 [Clone of 6276] G2-100 – ACE terminal not updating Mx915 pinpad date and 6310 108R01 grov 07/31/15 2015/07/09 [Clone of 5535] - voiding coupons from touchscreen does not work get enter 5337 108R04 grov 08/04/15 2015/08/12 DIF Queue not processing because invalid character in TLOG for Tender Excha 7184 108R06 grov 08/05/15 2015/08/17 [Grover Port of 5535] Ahold - voiding coupons from touchscreen does not wor 7154 109R02 grov 08/06/15 2015/08/06 receive nack, do not recover 7354 109R04 grov 08/07/15 2015/08/23 [Reject of 7154] receive nack, do not recover 7006 110R03 grov 08/10/15 2015/08/03 Network Scan running ppctrl causes ACE terminal to dump 7317 110R04 grov 08/10/15 2015/09/17 [Grover Port of 1563] Autoloan even at zero counts as number 1 7417 110R08 grov 08/12/15 2015/08/10 02 item extension strings have an extra field at the end 8687 112E04 grov 09/17/15 2015/09/25 [SEG g112 Clone of 8497] Preswipe EWIC before TOTAL / EFT and the transacti 7527 112R03 grov 08/14/15 2015/09/24 [Grover Port of 4485] Scanning Membership number gets "Unable to Retri 7727 113R02 grov 08/20/15 2015/08/27 PAN from EMV card is in the ppctrl logs unmasked 7898 114R09 grov 08/26/15 2015/09/22 [Grover Clone of 6454] Bad 05 string account field 8000 115R02 grov 08/27/15 2015/09/24 [Grover Clone of 7415] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 6854 115R03 grov 08/28/15 2015/08/30 [Clone of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 8014 115R03 grov 08/28/15 2015/09/24 [Grover Port of 6660] GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should 8207 116R02 grov 09/03/15 2015/09/21 [Grover Port of 7477] [Reject of 4448] Invalid Print Request causing termin 7246 116R03 grov 09/04/15 2015/09/07 [Clone of 6928] Managers Journal Report Optional Filters do not always find 7118 116R05 grov 09/06/15 2015/08/27 EBT Card - Expired Date and Manually entry 957 116R05 grov 09/06/15 2015/08/05 Item voided via additem leaves coupon 8140 116R07 grov 09/09/15 2015/09/17 Cash back amount needs to be longer 7392 116R08 grov 09/09/15 2015/08/10 Customer name with letter 'D' prints wrong on reg-e receipts 7278 128R02 grov 09/25/15 2015/08/05 [Clone of 7006] Network Scan running ppctrl causes ACE terminal to dump 5901 128R05 grov 09/28/15 2015/06/30 Abends in ISTenderRestrictionGroup::removeItemFromGroupIfExists(ISItemEntry 8516 128R07 grov 10/01/15 2015/09/16 Abend in ISTenderRestrictionPolicy::addCouponWithNewAssociations 9294 129R03 grov 10/06/15 2015/10/07 SR31827:POSREL-788 PCI EMV issue with tag 5A and 57 in the clear in epslog 8267 130R01 grov 10/08/15 2015/10/04 SR28898 Void Transaction on 2x20 after sliding loyalty card, when terminal 3295 015R09 hali 04/15/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax port of 1000] 2864 Gift card refunds over limit cause bad 20 strin 3686 017R05 hali 04/26/15 2015/07/07 [Halifax Clone of 1822] item coerced into coupon with quantity required is 2411 017R08 hali 04/28/15 2015/06/08 POSREL-499 081R00krg22 02/23/15 - Key Slot designation for EMV 3987 018R07 hali 05/05/15 2015/07/07 [HALIFAX port of 1593] Terminal hang when using large qty item linked to co 4074 019R02 hali 05/07/15 2015/07/07 [HALIFAX port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4039 019R03 hali 05/08/15 2015/07/07 [Halifax Clone of 3340] Pickups not updating all records if an accounting r 4121 019R03 hali 05/08/15 2015/07/07 [HALIFAX port of 3541] Extend: Cannot override ISItemMatchKey 4221 019R09 hali 05/12/15 2015/05/21 [Halfiax Clone of 2497] POSREL-500 081R00krg22 02/23/15 - EMV Franking Form 4203 019R11 hali 05/13/15 2015/06/01 [Clone of 3138] [Reject of 1594] Auto Carry forward for mixed tenders cash 4428 020R07 hali 05/18/15 2015/07/07 [Halifax port of 4326] G1 Terminal freezes / dumps when produce PLU entered 4632 021R04 hali 05/22/15 2015/07/07 [Halifax Clone of 1592] BPS host returns not handled on settlement report c 4522 021R05 hali 05/24/15 2015/05/31 [Halifax Clone of 685] EMV: B916 Chip Declined => Reconcil Report has tr 4769 022R02 hali 05/28/15 2015/07/14 [Clone of 4700] POSREL-569 ACESSL program abends with -1 error and doesn&ap 5285 024R05 hali 06/15/15 2015/09/24 [HALIFAX of 3177] Reconciliation Report showing every transaction as possib 5370 024R06 hali 06/16/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax port of 4448] Terminal dumps with invalid stack 5477 025R04 hali 06/19/15 2015/07/01 [Halifax Clone of 5002] POSREL-584 Invalid PIN response causes terminal and 5630 025R05 hali 06/22/15 2015/07/07 [Clone of 5524] POSREL-629 MasterCard Interop 12 T1-S1 - Mulitple tags do n 5536 026R06 hali 06/29/15 2015/07/07 [Halifax Clone of 4149] Help screen for penny rounding incorrect 5923 026R09 hali 07/01/15 2015/07/01 [Halifax port of 4976] Auto Carry Forward not working if terminal is in Pri 5944 026R09 hali 07/01/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 4019] C4 163.9 - specific scenario with coupon crashes te 5739 027R02 hali 07/02/15 2015/08/12 [Halifax Clone of 5037] Items required error will not remove from the Item 5950 027R02 hali 07/02/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 5412] Signature capture file missing tender id, auth code 6066 027R04 hali 07/07/15 2015/08/20 [Halifax Clone of 5422] Wrong Manager Override Reason: Error, cannot update 6071 027R04 hali 07/07/15 2015/09/16 [Halifax port for 699] Vantiv bob file problem with voiding after reload 5949 027R05 hali 07/07/15 2015/07/02 [Halifax Clone of 566] abend in KSReceiptLine::combineWith 6132 027R07 hali 07/08/15 2015/08/09 [Halifax Port of 4446] Buypass sending E2GTRY AGAIN to Tave Request 6223 028R01 hali 07/09/15 2015/07/21 [Halifax Clone of 6085] Chip cards are treated as EMV fallback in Form agen 6408 028R06 hali 07/15/15 2015/07/22 [Halifax Clone of 5744] POSREL-660 EMV Fallback transactions use incorrect 6425 029R01 hali 07/16/15 2015/07/19 POSREL-676 EMV card with cardholder selection will not process if swiped fi 6469 029R02 hali 07/16/15 2015/08/24 [Halifax port of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::replaceNamedFields 6501 029R03 hali 07/17/15 2015/08/23 [Halifax Clone of 6276] G2-100 – ACE terminal not updating Mx915 pinpad d 6511 029R05 hali 07/20/15 2015/08/12 [Clone of 6101] Weighted Items do not void without re-entering weight 6852 030R06 hali 07/28/15 2015/08/12 [Halifax clone of 6853] multiline HOSTDATA 6992 031R02 hali 07/30/15 2015/09/09 [Halifax port of 6310] - voiding coupons from touchscreen does not work get 7027 031R02 hali 07/30/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 6768] G2-104- FA not allowing more than 5 digit PIN entry 7054 031R02 hali 07/30/15 2015/08/23 [Halifax Clone of 7007] [Clone of 6276] G2-100 – ACE terminal not updatin 7170 031R06 hali 08/05/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Port of 5337] DIF Queue not processing because invalid character i 5535 031R06 hali 08/05/15 2015/08/12 Ahold - voiding coupons from touchscreen does not work 7293 032R02 hali 08/06/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 7154] receive nack, do not recover 7355 032R04 hali 08/07/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 7354] [Reject of 7154] receive nack, do not recover 7277 032R06 hali 08/10/15 2015/08/05 [Halifax Clone of 7006] Network Scan running ppctrl causes ACE terminal to 7319 032R07 hali 08/10/15 2015/09/09 [Halifax Port of 1563] Autoloan even at zero counts as number 1 7453 032R11 hali 08/12/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Port of 4485] Scanning Membership number gets "Unable to Retr 7853 033R16 hali 08/24/15 2015/08/30 [Halifax Clone of 7727] PAN from EMV card is in the ppctrl logs unmasked 7899 033R19 hali 08/26/15 2015/09/22 [Halifax Clone of 6454] Bad 05 string account field 8001 034R02 hali 08/27/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Clone of 7415] Barcode 99 string contains non-numeric characters 8015 034R04 hali 08/28/15 2015/09/24 [Halifax Port of 6660] GS1 99 string has negative numbers where they should 8021 034R04 hali 08/28/15 2015/08/30 [Halifax port of 6854] [Clone of 6330] abend in ISCheckPrintingFormat::repl 8208 034R13 hali 09/03/15 2015/09/21 [Halifax Port of 7477] [Reject of 4448] Invalid Print Request causing termi 8260 034R14 hali 09/04/15 2015/09/24 [Clone of 7246] [Clone of 6928] Managers Journal Report Optional Filters do 8293 034R15 hali 09/04/15 2015/09/02 [Halifax port of 957] Item voided via additem leaves coupon 8369 034R17 hali 09/06/15 2015/09/15 [Halifax Clone of 7118] EBT Card - Expired Date and Manually entry 8368 034R18 hali 09/07/15 2015/09/15 [Halifax port of 4646] Tops EAMCOUP file has negative amount - SWP 19376 8418 034R20 hali 09/09/15 2015/09/28 [Halifax Clone of 8140] Cash back amount needs to be longer 8487 035R03 hali 09/11/15 2015/09/23 [Halifax Clone of 7392] Customer name with letter 'D' prints wron 8489 035R03 hali 09/11/15 2015/09/14 SEG EMV: Pinpad not resetting when manual entry message times out 8501 035R05 hali 09/14/15 2015/09/08 Mastercard prepaid credit / debit card no longer allowed to be used as Debi 8497 035R06 hali 09/15/15 2015/09/20 Preswipe EWIC before TOTAL / EFT and the transaction does not go out to pro 8699 035R07 hali 09/16/15 2015/09/16 [Clone of 8501] Mastercard prepaid credit / debit card no longer allowed to 8762 035R08 hali 09/17/15 2015/09/22 [Halifax Clone of 8659] POSREL767 EMV POS term would return to bal due then 8521 036R01 hali 09/23/15 2015/09/17 [Halifax Clone of 7278] [Clone of 7006] Network Scan running ppctrl causes 9105 037R05 hali 09/29/15 2015/10/06 [Halifax port of 5901] Abends in ISTenderRestrictionGroup::removeItemFromGr 9212 037R06 hali 09/30/15 2015/10/05 [Halifax Clone of 8516] Abend in ISTenderRestrictionPolicy::addCouponWithNe 9342 038R04 hali 10/06/15 2015/10/06 [Halifax Clone of 8479] SR29395:Pinpad displays cancelled when EFT pressed 9372 038R04 hali 10/06/15 2015/10/07 [Halifax Clone of 9294] SR31827:POSREL-788 PCI EMV issue with tag 5A and 57 9416 039R01 hali 10/08/15 2015/10/07 [Halifax Clone of 8267] SR28898 Void Transaction on 2x20 after sliding loya 9422 039R01 hali 10/08/15 2015/10/07 [Halifax Clone of 9318] SR30997 MSR and Chip reader not enabled (no lights) 205 Issues listed. Last update Oct 12 2015