Chain Drug Sales Known Issues since PTF J001 IR42710 The cash drawer prompt did not appear on the 2 X 20 terminal display when change was due the customer. The condition has only been reported on the faster processors of 400 and 500 mhz. 4610 printer with option to print duplicate receipts was being used at the time of the reported problem. IR42716 FU20 Logging slows down controller if system display detached. This fails on hardware using auto config with USB port. IR42799 EGHCBANR TERMINAL BANNER CAUSES TERMINAL TO HANG IF DISPLAY RATE SET TO 0 AND TERMINAL STATUS BIT SET TO FORCE RELOAD IR42973 Terminal Monitor fails on the 4610 printer due to the format used for the print line in this printer. The application writes to the terminal monitor file from the terminal and the controller program displays the contents of the terminal monitor file to the controller screen. The previous code in the application used print line formats not compatible with 4610. Therefore, if terminal monitor program attempts to display the 4610 terminal operator input, the TM program fails to display the operator activity on the terminal. IR44160 When an error is encountered in the initalization of the terminal the ON ERROR routine trys to print to the summary journel. This write to a session not opened causes a 'FU' error which trys to write to the summary journel. IR47138 The 4610 printer buffer was getting a 'SU' error, and no warnings messages were being posted for the filling of the 4610 printer buffer or the Tlog buffer. IR48819 New function added for transaction recovery. IR48833 4610 Stub subroutine was missing and causing linkage error. IR50173 Latest versions of adxmicrf.dat require that a space not be added to the data received from the printer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 APARs listed. Last update Jan 12 2015