GSA Price Management Known Issues since PTF L001 IR49831 The DEACTIVATE.PRICE routine causes RE.NUM.PRICES to increment, even in the situation where we are updating a permanent price that is inactive and having the new permanent price swap places with a currently active promo event price that hasn't expired. This caused the count to be one more than it should be in NUM.PRICES in the EALPMRES file. IR51572 When the ATO occurs, the file handles get shut down for the terminal. When the files would get reopened, the Item Record file required a direct read first to get the size of the item records. There existed a window when this read would fail and IR.RECL would end up getting set to zero. IR51751 The Maintain UPC Index File function of Price Management did not have the capability to add a 14 digit or larger UPC in on the screen. Even though the file could be expanded to support up to 21 digits UPC symbols, the input program would not allow it. IR52546 Some array variables were not being properly dimensioned back to zero before being redimensioned to a new value for the next iteration. This could lead to memory allocation that was not being freed up. Over time, this could lead to an OM out of memory error on the terminal. IO00628 Code in UPDATE.STATUS in EALPMO2C.BAS issued a READ autolock and then entered a FOR loop to process batches. As each batch processed, the control record which had been read at the top of the function would issue a WRITE autounlock. However, there was never another READ autolock after each WRITE - leaving the control record open and exposed for updates from outside sources in between. IO00668 It turns out that there was a promotional item (one flagged with an INDICAT1 of x'04') in the event that was full of new permanent price items. When that promotional item got processed, it set the value of IR.INDICAT1(BLOCK.OFFSET) to a x'04'. The problem was that each item subsequently that fell into the same block.offset value also carried over that x'04' value. IO00970 APAR IR35537 made changes to EALPIRW6.J86 to handle the writing out of the user fields when items were not on sale. However, at that time, the same change was not made to EALPIRW7.J86 which handles items that are currently on sale. IO03445 Applying selected items from a Price Management Batch causes incorrect items to be marked "In Progress". ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 APARs listed. Last update Feb 2 2015