Store Integrator Known Issues Release Level APAR Abstract ----------- ----- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------ SIV3.1 s001 IO07447 Duplicate output errors logged against the pos printer handler SIV3.1 s003 IO06830 Enhance POS Printer Handler to allow user defined character set SIV3.1 s006 IO07714 Remote printing of barcodes without "above" or "below" text doe SIV3.1 s018 IO07977 Concurrent session requests cause lane not to open SIV3.1 s027 IO08233 PreAuth response returns UNCHECKED_EXCEPTION SIV3.1 s029 IO08294 Improve messaging on WARNING condition SIV3.1 s032 IO08247 Extra character gets inserted when ringing items quickly SIV3.1 s037 IO08284 Corrections to allow certain printer attributes to function SIV3.1 s037 IO08383 SI AEF javadoc is missing health monitoring related classes. SIV3.1 s037 IO08426 Incorrect status sent to the app for MSR with java redirection SIV3.1 s050 IO08577 Total button does not show following a lane transfer. SIV3.1 s058 IO08722 Voucher Number Prompt Only Allows 4-6 Digits SIV3.1 s063 IO08845 DisplayModalMessageAction does not display on secondary GUI. SIV3.1 s064 IO08899 Total button does not show following a lane transfer. SIV3.1 s068 IO08956 Duplicate session number detected with Remote Session Server SIV3.1 s068 IO08966 WM Terminal Hang in SV SIV3.1 s076 IO09175 Item Weight Incorrect On Electronic Receipt SIV3.1 s093 IO09455 Some SI components do not use SI remote socket factories SIV3.1 s095 IO09357 SISocketFactory ignores CipherSuite setting in SIV3.1 s097 IO09517 Log User Tlog results in APPLICATION_NOT_IN_PROPER_STATE SIV3.1 s097 IO09612 Request to generate a POSBC javacore SIV3.1 s097 IO09651 Cannot set prompt key value in callback request SIV3.1 s097 IO09811 Tender failure after pressing "Bypass electronic signature" SIV3.1 s097 IO09920 SCO Lane can't scan data bar item SIV3.1 s097 IO09998 Two sessions did not start after reconfig / reboot SIV3.1 s101 IO10103 NullPointerException when loading SIGUI terminal. SIV3.1 s101 IO10136 userid and pw not masked in si logs SIV3.1 s102 IO08974 Selecting FINE level of audit tracing not picking up INFO recs. SIV3.1 s102 IO10169 Loop in AEFMultiCastThread SIV3.1 s105 IO08963 No B911 Prior To Tendering When Restricted Item Qty Exceeded SIV3.1 s105 IO10162 Possible coding concerns in updateView() SIV3.1 s105 IO10318 ACE: Pressing Enter @ Mgr Override W/No Data Returns To Bal Due SIV3.1 s106 IO10380 ACE: Msgs Do Not Post Addl Info On SI GUI If Overrde Type = MGR SIV3.1 s108 IO10326 ConditionLock timeout on trans. void in training mode SIV3.1 s109 IO10456 SIV3 Pumps rounding up the price SIV3.1 s111.1 IO11146 Unable to re-tender check after cancelling DL entry SIV3.1 s112 IO10740 Major Session Issues (thread hang) upon session terminate SIV3.1 s113 IO10799 WARNING:Cannot locate requested ssl alias:SSL msg logged SIV3.1 s116 IO10965 PML cannot print JAN8 barcodes. SIV3.1 s118 IO11053 Correct Trace Entry SIV3.1 s119 IO11137 Css session could not be recovered/restarted SIV3.1 s119 IO11193 50CSS-NullPointerException in ConditionLock during addItem SIV3.1 s119 IO11194 Overwritten During SI Install SIV3.1 s123 IO11318 ScannerHook.scan() eating up 250ms on every add Item SIV3.1 s124 IO11205 Debit Does Not Give Cash Back SIV3.1 s124 IO11206 POSBC schema does not allow cashback for EBT Cash SIV3.1 s124 IO11316 Unchecked Throwable Exception on Invalid GE Gift Card Acct # SIV3.1 s124 IO11317 Beer Department Entry Coupon (MC or SC) Added Twice + Exception SIV3.1 s127 IO10979 Lane stuck on POS initialization failed SIV3.1 s127 IO11370 Terminal abends in AEF code when paper out occurs SIV3.1 s128 IO11519 If SI send / for SA, no error state is generate SIV3.1 s128 IO11527 Unresolved Component with operator scale property set on WIN SIV3.1 s131 IO11613 Need to be able to extend the AEFInvocationHandler class. SIV3.1 s133 IO11204 Secure callback data not masked in SI logs SIV3.1 s134 IO11368 Scale display is blank SIV3.1 s134 IO11618 SI Force Logoff failure when terminal secured w/ non-default ID SIV3.1 s134 IO11644 MSR track data appear in the posbc log SIV3.1 s136 IO11797 TCLOSE timeout on extra printed receipts SIV3.1 s137 IO11547 Issue with Miscellaneous Item Entry buttons SIV3.1 s137 IO11821 Duplicate Tax and Balance lines on Suspend Chit SIV3.1 s138 IO11830 Enter Date of Birth MMDDYYYY prompt allows > 8 characters SIV3.1 s138 IO11884 Index Out of Bounds Err When Suspending Trx With Partial Tender SIV3.1 s139 IO11935 Getting "NO_LISTENER_SUPPORT" sporadically SIV3.1 s139 IO11955 ClassCastException in line 390 if SIV3.1 s139 IO11956 SI-GUI install inconsistently creates SI_HOME environment var SIV3.1 s139 IO11964 Cannot cancel out of term transfer on keypad SIV3.1 s140 IO11817 Application abends if more than 64k of print data SIV3.1 s140 IO11956 SI-GUI install inconsistently creates SI_HOME environment var SIV3.1 s141 IO11991 maximum field length has been exceeded SIV3.1 s142 IO12126 Out of Memory Error SIV3.1 s142 IO12161 '/' key detected as number on enh term w SI GUI screensaver up SIV3.1 s142 IO12163 ACE GUI: Must hit clear when attempting to sign off SIV3.1 s143 IO11983 When using the SI GUI, an SS error occurs when computing VAT SIV3.1 s143 IO12159 AEF indicates a transaction is in progress when it is not SIV3.1 s143 IO12164 Terminal hangs in message loading options 13 SIV3.1 s143 IO12180 Classic 4690 terminal hung during SI GUI load SIV3.1 s144 IO12247 SIT Cannot Process Print GiftReceipt w/ EPS tender SIV3.1 s145 IO12292 Null Pointer Exception in TouchLabelUI SIV3.1 s145 IO12304 Password Change puts register in frozen state SIV3.1 s146 IO12301 Issue with Miscellaneous Item Entry buttons - Continuation SIV3.1 s146 IO12358 ItemSalesListenerSupport class not handling all item flag combo SIV3.1 s146 IO12825 Revise trap to capture heap dump usage SIV3.1 s147 IO12372 terminal hang tender exchange chk to chk SIV3.1 s147 IO12384 NPE in AEFSessionImpl.terminate. SIV3.1 s147.6 IO13039 Can't get Credit tender to process on mobile device SIV3.1 s148 IO12084 Remove 'Cancel' option in BYPASS_E_SIGNATURE_PROMPT callback. SIV3.1 s148 IO12163 ACE GUI: Must hit clear when attempting to sign off SIV3.1 s149 IO12446 POSBC Resume (ACE) hangs if there are no items in order SIV3.1 s149 IO12483 Different value for Tenders after Void SIV3.1 s150 IO12364 POSBC issue when voiding a transaction with linked coupon SIV3.1 s150 IO12424 Unable to tender or void after swipe card at pinpad timeout SIV3.1 s151 IO12424 Unable to tender or void after swipe card at pinpad timeout SIV3.1 s151 IO12647 AGE Restricted that earns fuelperks! generates an Exception SIV3.1 s152 IO12594 Customer Receipt not printing double high font SIV3.1 s152 IO12616 AFTER CANCELING AGE RESTRICTION PROMPT, TOTAL GOES AWAY SIV3.1 s152 IO12735 AlphaKeypadNotebook not registered as Listener correctly SIV3.1 s152 IO12747 Array index out of bounds when writing to hard totals SIV3.1 s153 IO12822 Add timestamp for TSSJVM in the standard output SIV3.1 s153 IO12843 List of Transaction Discounts blank after void of item SIV3.1 s153 IO12922 Lane unable to open, POSBC app not running SIV3.1 s154 IO12834 Check Logs error at sign on SIV3.1 s154 IO12958 Declined tender(s) causing transaction suspend to fail SIV3.1 s155 IO12917 Missing Customer logo if error adding first item to trxn. SIV3.1 s155 IO12926 Unable to continue after signature prompt times out SIV3.1 s155 IO12950 NullPointerException when loading SIGUI terminal SIV3.1 s157 IO13056 ConfigurableScreenImpl.getMessageBarDefaultText() throws the fo SIV3.1 s158 IO13069 Exception thrown while SI GUI Terminal attempts to initialize SIV3.1 s158 IO13078 Gui cannot display euro character SIV3.1 s159 IO13178 HIGH in does not give 128 bit encryption as docu SIV3.1 s159 IO13179 SI "HIGH" allows anon ciphers on JRE 1.4.2 SIV3.1 s160 IO13185 Request to Generate SI Javadoc SIV3.1 s160 IO13264 Serial PinPad with java redirection fails on speeds above 19200 SIV3.1 s161 IO13175 posbc printer messages "outputCompleteOccurred" rolling logs SIV3.1 s161 IO13182 Lane automatically cancelled the EBT Tender order SIV3.1 s161 IO13184 SI Timed out due to out of sequence messages SIV3.1 s161 IO13267 Quick lookup does not work after reload SIV3.1 s162 IO13293 Coupon box full caused lane close and error SIV3.1 s163 IO13405 Food stamp total(1003)not seen as valid substate for item entry SIV3.1 s164 IO13050 WTA errors after upgrade SIV3.1 s165 IO13363 Out of Memory error SIV3.1 s165 IO13487 Invalid val for SecurityLevel defaults to LOW SIV3.1 s167 IO13747 SimpleKeyAction causes java exception SIV3.1 s167 IO13890 Override prompt can be hidden SIV3.1 s167 IO13929 Cancelling Telecheck in Tender Exchange get Terminal stuck SIV3.1 s168 IO13684 Browser page on SI GUI paints incorrectly SIV3.1 s168 IO13854 SA retrievable transactions in training duplicate entries SIV3.1 s169 IO13833 Double Enter key entry error on 4820 SIV3.1 s169 IO13879 CSS will not start due to empty checkpoint file SIV3.1 s169 IO14153 RAMCopy not working SIV3.1 s169 IO14170 Out of synch condition due to AEF sending total SIV3.1 s171 IO13804 API is locked message SIV3.1 s171 IO14245 SI SSLSetup not caching properties properly SIV3.1 s171 IO14303 Pinpad serial port does not recover SIV3.1 s173 IO14408 Pinpad not connecting SIV3.1 s173 IO14429 1006 sub-state is raised twice SIV3.1 s173 IO14481 Message logged in auto file 1000's of times - mouse Events SIV3.1 s173 IO14585 Modify SVPRODUC.JAR for RUTABAGAS SIV3.1 s174 IO14756 Food Stamp Balance button gives incorrect FS bal on popup/2x20 SIV3.1 s174 IO14921 Price override reason not removed on options load SIV3.1 s175 IO15235 Labels in Dutch does not work SIV3.1 s175 IO15238 Check franking causes intermittent hang on SCO SIV3.1 s176 IO14623 With IO5400 fix getting "null tender is selected" in msg area SIV3.1 s176 IO15400 Department Descriptor Missing Above 2x20 on Dept Items SIV3.1 s176.5 IO16902 X483 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION DETECTED - occuring on sessions SIV3.1 s178 IO15912 NullPointerException after manager pin entry SIV3.1 s179 IO16202 CHEC lanes locked up during print request SIV3.1 s179 IO16437 Decimal quantity not recognized when entering through SIGUI SIV3.1 s179 IO16510 Canadian French code page for 2x20 display on SIGUI SIV3.1 s180 IO17048 Canadian Amt Due Is Not Displayed SIV3.1 s183 IO16542 OS file number table full due to file handles not being closed 150 APARs in SIV3.1 SIV3.2 s004 IO09357 SISocketFactory ignores CipherSuite setting in SIV3.2 s007 IO09651 Cannot set prompt key value in callback request SIV3.2 s008 IO09612 Request to generate a POSBC javacore SIV3.2 s012 IO09517 Log User Tlog results in APPLICATION_NOT_IN_PROPER_STATE SIV3.2 s012 IO09811 Tender failure after pressing "Bypass electronic signature" SIV3.2 s015 IO09920 SCO Lane can't scan data bar item SIV3.2 s015 IO09998 Two sessions did not start after reconfig / reboot SIV3.2 s018 IO10136 userid and pw not masked in si logs SIV3.2 s019 IO10103 NullPointerException when loading SIGUI terminal. SIV3.2 s020 IO10169 Loop in AEFMultiCastThread SIV3.2 s021 IO08974 Selecting FINE level of audit tracing not picking up INFO recs. SIV3.2 s024 IO08963 No B911 Prior To Tendering When Restricted Item Qty Exceeded SIV3.2 s024 IO10162 Possible coding concerns in updateView() SIV3.2 s024 IO10318 ACE: Pressing Enter @ Mgr Override W/No Data Returns To Bal Due SIV3.2 s024 IO10326 ConditionLock timeout on trans. void in training mode SIV3.2 s024 IO10380 ACE: Msgs Do Not Post Addl Info On SI GUI If Overrde Type = MGR SIV3.2 s024 IO10456 SIV3 Pumps rounding up the price SIV3.2 s026 IO10740 Major Session Issues (thread hang) upon session terminate SIV3.2 s026 IO10799 WARNING:Cannot locate requested ssl alias:SSL msg logged SIV3.2 s026 IO10965 PML cannot print JAN8 barcodes. SIV3.2 s026 IO11053 Correct Trace Entry SIV3.2 s026 IO11137 Css session could not be recovered/restarted SIV3.2 s026 IO11146 Unable to re-tender check after cancelling DL entry SIV3.2 s026 IO11193 50CSS-NullPointerException in ConditionLock during addItem SIV3.2 s026 IO11194 Overwritten During SI Install SIV3.2 s027 IO11205 Debit Does Not Give Cash Back SIV3.2 s027 IO11206 POSBC schema does not allow cashback for EBT Cash SIV3.2 s027 IO11316 Unchecked Throwable Exception on Invalid GE Gift Card Acct # SIV3.2 s027 IO11317 Beer Department Entry Coupon (MC or SC) Added Twice + Exception SIV3.2 s027 IO11318 ScannerHook.scan() eating up 250ms on every add Item SIV3.2 s028 IO10979 Lane stuck on POS initialization failed SIV3.2 s028 IO11204 Secure callback data not masked in SI logs SIV3.2 s028 IO11368 Scale display is blank SIV3.2 s028 IO11370 Terminal abends in AEF code when paper out occurs SIV3.2 s028 IO11519 If SI send / for SA, no error state is generate SIV3.2 s028 IO11527 Unresolved Component with operator scale property set on WIN SIV3.2 s028 IO11547 Issue with Miscellaneous Item Entry buttons SIV3.2 s028 IO11613 Need to be able to extend the AEFInvocationHandler class. SIV3.2 s028 IO11618 SI Force Logoff failure when terminal secured w/ non-default ID SIV3.2 s028 IO11644 MSR track data appear in the posbc log SIV3.2 s028 IO11797 TCLOSE timeout on extra printed receipts SIV3.2 s028 IO11821 Duplicate Tax and Balance lines on Suspend Chit SIV3.2 s028 IO11830 Enter Date of Birth MMDDYYYY prompt allows > 8 characters SIV3.2 s029 IO11817 Application abends if more than 64k of print data SIV3.2 s029 IO11884 Index Out of Bounds Err When Suspending Trx With Partial Tender SIV3.2 s029 IO11935 Getting "NO_LISTENER_SUPPORT" sporadically SIV3.2 s029 IO11955 ClassCastException in line 390 if SIV3.2 s029 IO11956 SI-GUI install inconsistently creates SI_HOME environment var SIV3.2 s029 IO11964 Cannot cancel out of term transfer on keypad SIV3.2 s030 IO11991 maximum field length has been exceeded SIV3.2 s031 IO12126 Out of Memory Error SIV3.2 s031 IO12161 '/' key detected as number on enh term w SI GUI screensaver up SIV3.2 s031 IO12163 ACE GUI: Must hit clear when attempting to sign off SIV3.2 s032 IO11983 When using the SI GUI, an SS error occurs when computing VAT SIV3.2 s032 IO12159 AEF indicates a transaction is in progress when it is not SIV3.2 s032 IO12164 Terminal hangs in message loading options 13 SIV3.2 s032 IO12180 Classic 4690 terminal hung during SI GUI load SIV3.2 s033 IO12247 SIT Cannot Process Print GiftReceipt w/ EPS tender SIV3.2 s034 IO12292 Null Pointer Exception in TouchLabelUI SIV3.2 s034 IO12301 Issue with Miscellaneous Item Entry buttons - Continuation SIV3.2 s034 IO12304 Password Change puts register in frozen state SIV3.2 s034 IO12358 ItemSalesListenerSupport class not handling all item flag combo SIV3.2 s034 IO12372 terminal hang tender exchange chk to chk SIV3.2 s034 IO12384 NPE in AEFSessionImpl.terminate. SIV3.2 s034 IO12825 Revise trap to capture heap dump usage SIV3.2 s036 IO12001 M54 - PrintReceipt info from til report included in tender evt SIV3.2 s036 IO12084 Remove 'Cancel' option in BYPASS_E_SIGNATURE_PROMPT callback. SIV3.2 s036 IO12163 ACE GUI: Must hit clear when attempting to sign off SIV3.2 s036 IO12364 POSBC issue when voiding a transaction with linked coupon SIV3.2 s036 IO12424 Unable to tender or void after swipe card at pinpad timeout SIV3.2 s036 IO12446 POSBC Resume (ACE) hangs if there are no items in order SIV3.2 s036 IO12483 Different value for Tenders after Void SIV3.2 s038 IO12594 Customer Receipt not printing double high font SIV3.2 s038 IO12616 AFTER CANCELING AGE RESTRICTION PROMPT, TOTAL GOES AWAY SIV3.2 s038 IO12647 AGE Restricted that earns fuelperks! generates an Exception SIV3.2 s038 IO12735 AlphaKeypadNotebook not registered as Listener correctly SIV3.2 s038 IO12747 Array index out of bounds when writing to hard totals SIV3.2 s040 IO12822 Add timestamp for TSSJVM in the standard output SIV3.2 s040 IO12834 Check Logs error at sign on SIV3.2 s040 IO12843 List of Transaction Discounts blank after void of item SIV3.2 s040 IO12922 Lane unable to open, POSBC app not running SIV3.2 s041 IO12926 Unable to continue after signature prompt times out SIV3.2 s041 IO12950 NullPointerException when loading SIGUI terminal SIV3.2 s041 IO12958 Declined tender(s) causing transaction suspend to fail SIV3.2 s041 IO13039 Can't get Credit tender to process on mobile device SIV3.2 s041 IO13056 ConfigurableScreenImpl.getMessageBarDefaultText() throws the fo SIV3.2 s041 IO13069 Exception thrown while SI GUI Terminal attempts to initialize SIV3.2 s041 IO13072 Transferred Terminal Tender event has incorrerct XML SIV3.2 s041 IO13078 Gui cannot display euro character SIV3.2 s041 IO13178 HIGH in does not give 128 bit encryption as docu SIV3.2 s041 IO13179 SI "HIGH" allows anon ciphers on JRE 1.4.2 SIV3.2 s042 IO13185 Request to Generate SI Javadoc SIV3.2 s043 IO13264 Serial PinPad with java redirection fails on speeds above 19200 SIV3.2 s044 IO13175 posbc printer messages "outputCompleteOccurred" rolling logs SIV3.2 s044 IO13182 Lane automatically cancelled the EBT Tender order SIV3.2 s044 IO13184 SI Timed out due to out of sequence messages SIV3.2 s044 IO13267 Quick lookup does not work after reload SIV3.2 s045 IO13405 Food stamp total(1003)not seen as valid substate for item entry SIV3.2 s047 IO13408 Unable to find JVM for silent SIEXT install SIV3.2 s048 IO13050 WTA errors after upgrade SIV3.2 s049 IO13363 Out of Memory error SIV3.2 s050 IO13487 Invalid val for SecurityLevel defaults to LOW SIV3.2 s051 IO13793 When attempt to retrieve transactions via SI GUI, the list is b SIV3.2 s056 IO13886 AEF changes prevent 4690 registers from loading SIV3.2 s059 IO13747 SimpleKeyAction causes java exception SIV3.2 s059 IO13890 Override prompt can be hidden SIV3.2 s059 IO13929 Cancelling Telecheck in Tender Exchange get Terminal stuck SIV3.2 s059 IO13969 Unhold/Retrieve (n) screen shows no suspended trxns SIV3.2 s060 IO13360 SI V3R2 Has 2 File Handlers With New Install SIV3.2 s060 IO13861 POSBC log not created after updating to V3R2 SIV3.2 s060 IO14032 Largo: Excessive space between items on receipt SIV3.2 s061 IO13684 Browser page on SI GUI paints incorrectly SIV3.2 s061 IO13833 Double Enter key entry error on 4820 SIV3.2 s061 IO13854 SA retrievable transactions in training duplicate entries SIV3.2 s061 IO14074 Notebook tab area background has incorrect color in Java 1.4.2 SIV3.2 s061 IO14076 WIC Transaction message not visable on operator gui SIV3.2 s061 IO14095 SiGui lanes don't load SIV3.2 s062 IO13879 CSS will not start due to empty checkpoint file SIV3.2 s062 IO14101 Images not centered on operator touch gui SIV3.2 s063 IO14101 Images not centered on operator touch gui SIV3.2 s063 IO14152 Customer GUI only terminal returning incorrect resolution SIV3.2 s063 IO14153 RAMCopy not working SIV3.2 s064 IO14170 Out of synch condition due to AEF sending total SIV3.2 s066 IO13804 API is locked message SIV3.2 s066 IO14144 chugging printing SIV3.2 s066 IO14179 Terminal load blocked by message Creating screen SIV3.2 s066 IO14224 Gui doesn't load after upgrade SIV3.2 s066 IO14241 Error while entering/exiting training mode SIV3.2 s066 IO14245 SI SSLSetup not caching properties properly SIV3.2 s066 IO14281 Add ip address information at info level logging SIV3.2 s066 IO14303 Pinpad serial port does not recover SIV3.2 s066 IO14378 SIGUI Remote Install Package not being properly built SIV3.2 s068 IO14179 Terminal load blocked by message Creating screen SIV3.2 s068 IO14437 Terminal load blocked by message Creating screen SIV3.2 s068 IO14447 Clean up logging information default-latach-indicator-shadow SIV3.2 s069 IO14429 1006 sub-state is raised twice SIV3.2 s072 IO14408 Pinpad not connecting SIV3.2 s072 IO14481 Message logged in auto file 1000's of times - mouse Events SIV3.2 s072 IO14585 Modify SVPRODUC.JAR for RUTABAGAS SIV3.2 s072 IO14605 SetLocaleCategory set to default SIV3.2 s074 IO13927 SI GUI not in lane's software inventory list on Director SIV3.2 s074 IO14756 Food Stamp Balance button gives incorrect FS bal on popup/2x20 SIV3.2 s075 IO14821 Dollar character is not being displayed properly on GUI 2x20 SIV3.2 s075 IO14912 Price Verify on Same Item Does Not Clear 2x20 SIV3.2 s075 IO14921 Price override reason not removed on options load SIV3.2 s076 IO15108 Pop-up can be hidden by touching another area on screen SIV3.2 s076 IO15165 AEF Jar file classpath does not include sicomp.jar for the comp SIV3.2 s077 IO15235 Labels in Dutch does not work SIV3.2 s078 IO14607 Tax and FS indicators ignored during item entry on SA SIV3.2 s078 IO14902 Improvements to the log extractor - brad tools SIV3.2 s078 IO15261 Touchscreen dialog box wont clear until all scans are gone SIV3.2 s078 IO15266 Hang in terminal when using the HTMLEditorKit SIV3.2 s078 IO15275 Lane locked up with java null pointer exception SIV3.2 s078 IO15334 K497:GETTING PW_NOT_LOGGED FOR SIMPLEKEYACTION SIV3.2 s079 IO14623 With IO5400 fix getting "null tender is selected" in msg area SIV3.2 s079 IO15400 Department Descriptor Missing Above 2x20 on Dept Items SIV3.2 s081 IO14865 SIGUI in XPD language SIV3.2 s081 IO15435 Hang when keyboard used instead of pressing gui button SIV3.2 s082 IO15502 Krx8-"last name" key pad entry screen looks overlapped for DL SIV3.2 s082 IO15567 Removed invalid NPEs in SA/SI VSIM and Pipe warnings messages SIV3.2 s083 IO13653 During lane Initialization SIV3.2 s083 IO14305 Serviceability: Capture Javacore data on JVM exit SIV3.2 s083 IO14990 French canadian currency display / handling SIV3.2 s083 IO15197 Servicability: Pipe Open message needs rework SIV3.2 s083 IO15822 Excessive logging for SI Popups under XPD SIV3.2 s083 IO16554 GUI receipt cleared in a 13 signon SIV3.2 s084 IO15856 Several Header is printed on the ER and Paper Receipt SIV3.2 s084 IO15978 Void Previous Tender no longer works SIV3.2 s084 IO16090 Non-US OS locale settings cause decimal number converstion prob SIV3.2 s085 IO16114 SIGui WeakReference Leak SIV3.2 s087 IO15716 Add additional codepage checking in the xml handler SIV3.2 s087 IO16202 CHEC lanes locked up during print request SIV3.2 s088 IO16412 GUI not clearing the Screen for a WIC transaction SIV3.2 s088 IO16437 Decimal quantity not recognized when entering through SIGUI SIV3.2 s088 IO16500 Mouse Not Responding SIV3.2 s088 IO16540 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1018 SIV3.2 s088 IO16663 Check trace logs - operator scale SIV3.2 s088 IO16668 Food Stamp Amount Due x.xx is not showing on GUI consistently SIV3.2 s088 IO16675 Lock Drawer button should not be displayed SIV3.2 s088 IO16680 WIC trans,No Total button after cancel at Enter weight prompt SIV3.2 s088 IO16840 Reprint Receipt sometimes prints blank receipt SIV3.2 s089 IO16860 Lane in 'System Processing' loop after recover from Pwr Outage SIV3.2 s090 IO16900 Defect 28514 (retail2 2745) causes a header line to be deleted SIV3.2 s090 IO16924 DI station print does not work correctly with 4610 raw mode SIV3.2 s090 IO17028 V3R3 remote package installation failure SIV3.2 s090 IO17048 Canadian Amt Due Is Not Displayed SIV3.2 s091 IO17161 Gui hang in morning SIV3.2 s093 IO16542 OS file number table full due to file handles not being closed SIV3.2 s093 IO16902 X483 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION DETECTED - occuring on sessions SIV3.2 s093 IO16905 User having trouble printing from exits on CHEC SIV3.2 s093 IO17069 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1025 SIV3.2 s093 IO17280 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: SIV3.2 s093 IO17334 Screen saver doesn't work with weight of 0.000 SIV3.2 s093 IO17534 Remote SI-GUI not resetting printline attributes at EOL SIV3.2 s094 IO17499 AEF GSA is filtering reciept data incorrectly SIV3.2 s094 IO17934 Hang condition due to thread lock SIV3.2 s095 IO18039 CSS JVM out of memory due to SSL session id cache growing SIV3.2 s095 IO18131 aefvirt.txt overwritten with remote install SIV3.2 s095 IO18253 Screen clearing issue with paper WIC tranx on touchscreen 199 APARs in SIV3.2 SIV3.3 s001 IO13178 HIGH in does not give 128 bit encryption as docu SIV3.3 s001 IO13179 SI "HIGH" allows anon ciphers on JRE 1.4.2 SIV3.3 s002 IO12950 NullPointerException when loading SIGUI terminal SIV3.3 s002 IO13039 Can't get Credit tender to process on mobile device SIV3.3 s002 IO13050 WTA errors after upgrade SIV3.3 s002 IO13056 ConfigurableScreenImpl.getMessageBarDefaultText() throws the fo SIV3.3 s002 IO13069 Exception thrown while SI GUI Terminal attempts to initialize SIV3.3 s002 IO13072 Transferred Terminal Tender event has incorrerct XML SIV3.3 s002 IO13078 Gui cannot display euro character SIV3.3 s002 IO13175 posbc printer messages "outputCompleteOccurred" rolling logs SIV3.3 s002 IO13182 Lane automatically cancelled the EBT Tender order SIV3.3 s002 IO13184 SI Timed out due to out of sequence messages SIV3.3 s002 IO13185 Request to Generate SI Javadoc SIV3.3 s002 IO13264 Serial PinPad with java redirection fails on speeds above 19200 SIV3.3 s002 IO13267 Quick lookup does not work after reload SIV3.3 s002 IO13405 Food stamp total(1003)not seen as valid substate for item entry SIV3.3 s002 IO13408 Unable to find JVM for silent SIEXT install SIV3.3 s003 IO13363 Out of Memory error SIV3.3 s003 IO13487 Invalid val for SecurityLevel defaults to LOW SIV3.3 s004 IO13793 When attempt to retrieve transactions via SI GUI, the list is b SIV3.3 s006 IO13886 AEF changes prevent 4690 registers from loading SIV3.3 s007 IO13747 SimpleKeyAction causes java exception SIV3.3 s007 IO13890 Override prompt can be hidden SIV3.3 s007 IO13929 Cancelling Telecheck in Tender Exchange get Terminal stuck SIV3.3 s007 IO13969 Unhold/Retrieve (n) screen shows no suspended trxns SIV3.3 s008 IO13360 SI V3R2 Has 2 File Handlers With New Install SIV3.3 s008 IO13861 POSBC log not created after updating to V3R2 SIV3.3 s008 IO14032 Largo: Excessive space between items on receipt SIV3.3 s009 IO13684 Browser page on SI GUI paints incorrectly SIV3.3 s009 IO13854 SA retrievable transactions in training duplicate entries SIV3.3 s009 IO14074 Notebook tab area background has incorrect color in Java 1.4.2 SIV3.3 s009 IO14076 WIC Transaction message not visable on operator gui SIV3.3 s010 IO13833 Double Enter key entry error on 4820 SIV3.3 s010 IO13879 CSS will not start due to empty checkpoint file SIV3.3 s010 IO14095 SiGui lanes don't load SIV3.3 s010 IO14101 Images not centered on operator touch gui SIV3.3 s010 IO14152 Customer GUI only terminal returning incorrect resolution SIV3.3 s010 IO14153 RAMCopy not working SIV3.3 s011 IO14170 Out of synch condition due to AEF sending total SIV3.3 s012 IO14241 Error while entering/exiting training mode SIV3.3 s012 IO14245 SI SSLSetup not caching properties properly SIV3.3 s013 IO13804 API is locked message SIV3.3 s013 IO14144 chugging printing SIV3.3 s013 IO14224 Gui doesn't load after upgrade SIV3.3 s013 IO14281 Add ip address information at info level logging SIV3.3 s013 IO14303 Pinpad serial port does not recover SIV3.3 s014 IO14179 Terminal load blocked by message Creating screen SIV3.3 s014 IO14378 SIGUI Remote Install Package not being properly built SIV3.3 s014 IO14437 Terminal load blocked by message Creating screen SIV3.3 s015 IO14429 1006 sub-state is raised twice SIV3.3 s015 IO14481 Message logged in auto file 1000's of times - mouse Events SIV3.3 s015 IO14585 Modify SVPRODUC.JAR for RUTABAGAS SIV3.3 s015 IO14605 SetLocaleCategory set to default SIV3.3 s016 IO13927 SI GUI not in lane's software inventory list on Director SIV3.3 s016 IO14408 Pinpad not connecting SIV3.3 s017 IO14756 Food Stamp Balance button gives incorrect FS bal on popup/2x20 SIV3.3 s019 IO14821 Dollar character is not being displayed properly on GUI 2x20 SIV3.3 s019 IO14911 Some empty fields in SI Inventory using RMA View Inventory SIV3.3 s019 IO14912 Price Verify on Same Item Does Not Clear 2x20 SIV3.3 s020 IO14921 Price override reason not removed on options load SIV3.3 s020 IO15108 Pop-up can be hidden by touching another area on screen SIV3.3 s020 IO15123 Random Stack Overflow Error SIV3.3 s020 IO15165 AEF Jar file classpath does not include sicomp.jar for the comp SIV3.3 s022 IO15235 Labels in Dutch does not work SIV3.3 s022 IO15266 Hang in terminal when using the HTMLEditorKit SIV3.3 s023 IO14607 Tax and FS indicators ignored during item entry on SA SIV3.3 s023 IO14623 With IO5400 fix getting "null tender is selected" in msg area SIV3.3 s023 IO14902 Improvements to the log extractor - brad tools SIV3.3 s023 IO15261 Touchscreen dialog box wont clear until all scans are gone SIV3.3 s023 IO15275 Lane locked up with java null pointer exception SIV3.3 s023 IO15334 K497:GETTING PW_NOT_LOGGED FOR SIMPLEKEYACTION SIV3.3 s023 IO15397 FS tender doesn't show with CVB transaction SIV3.3 s023 IO15400 Department Descriptor Missing Above 2x20 on Dept Items SIV3.3 s023 IO15435 Hang when keyboard used instead of pressing gui button SIV3.3 s023 IO15502 Krx8-"last name" key pad entry screen looks overlapped for DL SIV3.3 s024 IO14305 Serviceability: Capture Javacore data on JVM exit SIV3.3 s024 IO15567 Removed invalid NPEs in SA/SI VSIM and Pipe warnings messages SIV3.3 s025 IO15197 Servicability: Pipe Open message needs rework SIV3.3 s025 IO15575 Screen saver errors out while idle SIV3.3 s025 IO15690 Blur Layer shows other layers behind it SIV3.3 s026 IO15822 Excessive logging for SI Popups under XPD SIV3.3 s026 IO16554 GUI receipt cleared in a 13 signon SIV3.3 s027 IO13653 During lane Initialization SIV3.3 s028 IO15509 Out of memory error after running 7 days SIV3.3 s028 IO15967 SureviewQuickLookupAgent deleting incorrect screens. SIV3.3 s028 IO15978 Void Previous Tender no longer works SIV3.3 s029 IO15632 Invalid department message when voiding with SA touch receipt SIV3.3 s030 IO15856 Several Header is printed on the ER and Paper Receipt SIV3.3 s030 IO16090 Non-US OS locale settings cause decimal number converstion prob SIV3.3 s031 IO15825 Screen is blank too long during initialization SIV3.3 s031 IO15999 Touch Receipt Qty with override/mgr key not playing item back SIV3.3 s031 IO16099 Browser does not refresh image with same name SIV3.3 s031 IO16114 SIGui WeakReference Leak SIV3.3 s036 IO15716 Add additional codepage checking in the xml handler SIV3.3 s036 IO16202 CHEC lanes locked up during print request SIV3.3 s037 IO16259 Void of pharmacy item on V3R3 causes 'Key Price Ignored' msg SIV3.3 s037 IO16443 Performance of customer gui 2x20 impacted with touch receipt on SIV3.3 s039 IO15973 Weighted Item with Auto Tare does not void on Touch Receipt SIV3.3 s039 IO16437 Decimal quantity not recognized when entering through SIGUI SIV3.3 s039 IO16500 Mouse Not Responding SIV3.3 s040 IO16412 GUI not clearing the Screen for a WIC transaction SIV3.3 s040 IO16520 NPE Fills up GUI trace SIV3.3 s041 IO16539 Transaction retrieval slow with touch enabled receipt SIV3.3 s043 IO16553 EM card as first item in a transaction SIV3.3 s044 IO16540 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1018 SIV3.3 s044 IO16662 Weighted Items with Manual Tares do not void SIV3.3 s044 IO16663 Check trace logs - operator scale SIV3.3 s044 IO16668 Food Stamp Amount Due x.xx is not showing on GUI consistently SIV3.3 s044 IO16669 Bold lines on printed receipt double spaced SIV3.3 s044 IO16675 Lock Drawer button should not be displayed SIV3.3 s044 IO16680 WIC trans,No Total button after cancel at Enter weight prompt SIV3.3 s044 IO16840 Reprint Receipt sometimes prints blank receipt SIV3.3 s045 IO16860 Lane in 'System Processing' loop after recover from Pwr Outage SIV3.3 s045 IO16876 WIC tender ringing up as Coinstar on touch screen SIV3.3 s046 IO16924 DI station print does not work correctly with 4610 raw mode SIV3.3 s046 IO17012 Pending Action Screen Missing Outline GUI Win w/ latest SI V3R3 SIV3.3 s047 IO17028 V3R3 remote package installation failure SIV3.3 s047 IO17040 AEF ACENoSalePriceVerify is not handling scanned barcode data SIV3.3 s048 IO16900 Defect 28514 (retail2 2745) causes a header line to be deleted SIV3.3 s048 IO17048 Canadian Amt Due Is Not Displayed SIV3.3 s048 IO17125 B144 on WIC tender SIV3.3 s048 IO17144 QuickLookupAgend and SureivewRamFileCopier in thread deadlock. SIV3.3 s049 IO17254 Value Card tendering fails SIV3.3 s050 IO16854 NullPointerException after clearing TER rcpt after v3r3 upgrade SIV3.3 s050 IO16902 X483 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION DETECTED - occuring on sessions SIV3.3 s050 IO16905 User having trouble printing from exits on CHEC SIV3.3 s050 IO17280 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: SIV3.3 s050 IO17334 Screen saver doesn't work with weight of 0.000 SIV3.3 s050.1 IO18040 Receipt printing stopped in middle of long print SIV3.3 s051 IO17069 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1025 SIV3.3 s051 IO17534 Remote SI-GUI not resetting printline attributes at EOL SIV3.3 s052 IO17377 Management of the receipt lines causes check trace logs SIV3.3 s052 IO17534 Remote SI-GUI not resetting printline attributes at EOL SIV3.3 s053 IO16542 OS file number table full due to file handles not being closed SIV3.3 s053 IO17754 GUI Allows Only 1 Digit for WIC Cashier Pickup SIV3.3 s053 IO17811 RECOVERABLE_PRINTER_PROBLEM_PROMPT Callback details needed SIV3.3 s054 IO17924 Conditionlock timeout caused by missed propertyCondition SIV3.3 s056 IO17499 AEF GSA is filtering reciept data incorrectly SIV3.3 s057 IO17847 Dump for condition lock timeouts-dump.pos.on.lock.timeout=true SIV3.3 s057 IO18039 CSS JVM out of memory due to SSL session id cache growing SIV3.3 s057 IO18060 Change X: to Q: for Keys and Store SIV3.3 s057 IO18131 aefvirt.txt overwritten with remote install SIV3.3 s058 IO18253 Screen clearing issue with paper WIC tranx on touchscreen SIV3.3 s059 IO15871 Inconsistencies in javaapp.xml file SIV3.3 s061 IO18360 GUI Editor won't start SIV3.3 s062 IO12926 Unable to continue after signature prompt times out SIV3.3 s062 IO18283 Terminal froze during gift card tender SIV3.3 s063 IO18619 Memory leak causes slowdown SIV3.3 s063 IO18871 AEFSIAdapter itemRefund error null pointer SIV3.3 s063 IO18973 Coupon scanned before pressing total causes hang SIV3.3 s064 IO19031 Open on cash drawer fails after close SIV3.3 s065 IO19066 Retrieved transaction showing full order exceptions SIV3.3 s065 IO19075 Terminal GUI screen stuck after check tender SIV3.3 s065 IO19119 White border around screen saver in HEK SIV3.3 s066 IO19339 null pointer exception SIV3.3 s067 IO19508 trace.level=FINE not working on 4690 SIV3.3 s068 IO19658 Jattach Driver Hung after JIOP Open SIV3.3 s068 IO19682 Cash drawer does not open after printer recovers SIV3.3 s070 IO19200 GUI Receipt does not show entire item description SIV3.3 s070 IO20198 SI GUI - ThemeButtonText mislabeled SIV3.3 s071 IO20572 Register freezes after installing western union solution. SIV3.3 s071 IO20905 Dialog seem to be stacked/multiple SIV3.3 s071 IO21067 000 - Modal mesages show mouse SIV3.3 s072 IO12958 Declined tender(s) causing transaction suspend to fail SIV3.3 s072 IO21369 Check logs is coming up on cashier screen SIV3.3 s072 IO21722 SA users need ability to override javaGuiClass$ SIV3.3 s072 IO21731 SA/SI POSBC NEEDS TO SEND RETRIEVEHEADER XML SIV3.3 s072 IO22059 Add AEF function to add tlog string to SA tlog SIV3.3 s072 IO22151 Mobile Transaction Cannot Be Retrieved In Mobile GUI Terminal 169 APARs in SIV3.3 SIV3.4 s001 IO14305 Serviceability: Capture Javacore data on JVM exit SIV3.4 s001 IO14607 Tax and FS indicators ignored during item entry on SA SIV3.4 s001 IO14623 With IO5400 fix getting "null tender is selected" in msg area SIV3.4 s001 IO14902 Improvements to the log extractor - brad tools SIV3.4 s001 IO15261 Touchscreen dialog box wont clear until all scans are gone SIV3.4 s001 IO15266 Hang in terminal when using the HTMLEditorKit SIV3.4 s001 IO15275 Lane locked up with java null pointer exception SIV3.4 s001 IO15334 K497:GETTING PW_NOT_LOGGED FOR SIMPLEKEYACTION SIV3.4 s001 IO15397 FS tender doesn't show with CVB transaction SIV3.4 s001 IO15400 Department Descriptor Missing Above 2x20 on Dept Items SIV3.4 s001 IO15435 Hang when keyboard used instead of pressing gui button SIV3.4 s001 IO15502 Krx8-"last name" key pad entry screen looks overlapped for DL SIV3.4 s001 IO15567 Removed invalid NPEs in SA/SI VSIM and Pipe warnings messages SIV3.4 s002 IO15197 Servicability: Pipe Open message needs rework SIV3.4 s002 IO15575 Screen saver errors out while idle SIV3.4 s002 IO15690 Blur Layer shows other layers behind it SIV3.4 s003 IO13653 During lane Initialization SIV3.4 s003 IO15822 Excessive logging for SI Popups under XPD SIV3.4 s003 IO16554 GUI receipt cleared in a 13 signon SIV3.4 s004 IO15509 Out of memory error after running 7 days SIV3.4 s004 IO15632 Invalid department message when voiding with SA touch receipt SIV3.4 s004 IO15856 Several Header is printed on the ER and Paper Receipt SIV3.4 s004 IO15967 SureviewQuickLookupAgent deleting incorrect screens. SIV3.4 s004 IO15978 Void Previous Tender no longer works SIV3.4 s004 IO16090 Non-US OS locale settings cause decimal number converstion prob SIV3.4 s005 IO15825 Screen is blank too long during initialization SIV3.4 s005 IO15999 Touch Receipt Qty with override/mgr key not playing item back SIV3.4 s005 IO16099 Browser does not refresh image with same name SIV3.4 s005 IO16114 SIGui WeakReference Leak SIV3.4 s008 IO15716 Add additional codepage checking in the xml handler SIV3.4 s008 IO16202 CHEC lanes locked up during print request SIV3.4 s008 IO16259 Void of pharmacy item on V3R3 causes 'Key Price Ignored' msg SIV3.4 s008 IO16443 Performance of customer gui 2x20 impacted with touch receipt on SIV3.4 s009 IO15973 Weighted Item with Auto Tare does not void on Touch Receipt SIV3.4 s009 IO16412 GUI not clearing the Screen for a WIC transaction SIV3.4 s009 IO16437 Decimal quantity not recognized when entering through SIGUI SIV3.4 s009 IO16500 Mouse Not Responding SIV3.4 s009 IO16520 NPE Fills up GUI trace SIV3.4 s009 IO16539 Transaction retrieval slow with touch enabled receipt SIV3.4 s009 IO16540 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1018 SIV3.4 s009 IO16553 EM card as first item in a transaction SIV3.4 s009 IO16668 Food Stamp Amount Due x.xx is not showing on GUI consistently SIV3.4 s010 IO16675 Lock Drawer button should not be displayed SIV3.4 s010 IO16680 WIC trans,No Total button after cancel at Enter weight prompt SIV3.4 s011 IO16662 Weighted Items with Manual Tares do not void SIV3.4 s011 IO16663 Check trace logs - operator scale SIV3.4 s011 IO16669 Bold lines on printed receipt double spaced SIV3.4 s011 IO16840 Reprint Receipt sometimes prints blank receipt SIV3.4 s012 IO16860 Lane in 'System Processing' loop after recover from Pwr Outage SIV3.4 s012 IO16876 WIC tender ringing up as Coinstar on touch screen SIV3.4 s013 IO16900 Defect 28514 (retail2 2745) causes a header line to be deleted SIV3.4 s013 IO16924 DI station print does not work correctly with 4610 raw mode SIV3.4 s013 IO17012 Pending Action Screen Missing Outline GUI Win w/ latest SI V3R3 SIV3.4 s013 IO17028 V3R3 remote package installation failure SIV3.4 s013 IO17040 AEF ACENoSalePriceVerify is not handling scanned barcode data SIV3.4 s013 IO17048 Canadian Amt Due Is Not Displayed SIV3.4 s013 IO17125 B144 on WIC tender SIV3.4 s013 IO17144 QuickLookupAgend and SureivewRamFileCopier in thread deadlock. SIV3.4 s014 IO17254 Value Card tendering fails SIV3.4 s015 IO16854 NullPointerException after clearing TER rcpt after v3r3 upgrade SIV3.4 s015 IO16902 X483 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION DETECTED - occuring on sessions SIV3.4 s015 IO16905 User having trouble printing from exits on CHEC SIV3.4 s015 IO17280 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: SIV3.4 s016 IO17069 Include updated jars from RMA 2.6.1025 SIV3.4 s016 IO17334 Screen saver doesn't work with weight of 0.000 SIV3.4 s018 IO17534 Remote SI-GUI not resetting printline attributes at EOL SIV3.4 s019 IO17377 Management of the receipt lines causes check trace logs SIV3.4 s019 IO17534 Remote SI-GUI not resetting printline attributes at EOL SIV3.4 s020 IO16542 OS file number table full due to file handles not being closed SIV3.4 s020 IO17754 GUI Allows Only 1 Digit for WIC Cashier Pickup SIV3.4 s020 IO17811 RECOVERABLE_PRINTER_PROBLEM_PROMPT Callback details needed SIV3.4 s023 IO17924 Conditionlock timeout caused by missed propertyCondition SIV3.4 s024 IO15871 Inconsistencies in javaapp.xml file SIV3.4 s024 IO17499 AEF GSA is filtering reciept data incorrectly SIV3.4 s024 IO17847 Dump for condition lock timeouts-dump.pos.on.lock.timeout=true SIV3.4 s024 IO18039 CSS JVM out of memory due to SSL session id cache growing SIV3.4 s024 IO18040 Receipt printing stopped in middle of long print SIV3.4 s024 IO18060 Change X: to Q: for Keys and Store SIV3.4 s024 IO18131 aefvirt.txt overwritten with remote install SIV3.4 s024 IO18253 Screen clearing issue with paper WIC tranx on touchscreen SIV3.4 s024 IO18360 GUI Editor won't start SIV3.4 s026 IO12926 Unable to continue after signature prompt times out SIV3.4 s026 IO18283 Terminal froze during gift card tender SIV3.4 s026 IO18619 Memory leak causes slowdown SIV3.4 s026 IO18871 AEFSIAdapter itemRefund error null pointer SIV3.4 s026 IO18874 Telecheck pop up screen different in V3R4 (vs V3R1) SIV3.4 s027 IO18973 Coupon scanned before pressing total causes hang SIV3.4 s028 IO19002 Override detail missing after SI GUI upgrade SIV3.4 s028 IO19031 Open on cash drawer fails after close SIV3.4 s028 IO19066 Retrieved transaction showing full order exceptions SIV3.4 s028 IO19075 Terminal GUI screen stuck after check tender SIV3.4 s028 IO19119 White border around screen saver in HEK SIV3.4 s029 IO19339 null pointer exception SIV3.4 s031 IO19658 Jattach Driver Hung after JIOP Open SIV3.4 s031 IO19682 Cash drawer does not open after printer recovers SIV3.4 s036 IO20162 FDL- incorrect message display when bypassing elect sign PINPAD SIV3.4 s037 IO20167 Rang item not showing on operator touch enabled receipt SIV3.4 s037 IO20196 SILocalServiceBus.getTransactionOffers request method is droppi SIV3.4 s038 IO19200 GUI Receipt does not show entire item description SIV3.4 s038 IO20198 SI GUI - ThemeButtonText mislabeled SIV3.4 s040 IO20524 LightBoxes Displaying Wrong Text At Random Times SIV3.4 s041 IO20572 Register freezes after installing western union solution. SIV3.4 s041 IO20905 Dialog seem to be stacked/multiple SIV3.4 s043 IO21067 000 - Modal mesages show mouse SIV3.4 s043 IO21364 GUI - Void of Dept Item voids as wrong Dept item SIV3.4 s043 IO21369 Check logs is coming up on cashier screen SIV3.4 s044 IO20973 Velocity code lookup slow after upgrade SIV3.4 s044 IO21722 SA users need ability to override javaGuiClass$ SIV3.4 s044 IO21731 SA/SI POSBC NEEDS TO SEND RETRIEVEHEADER XML SIV3.4 s044 IO22261 Concurrent Modification Exception /NoSuchElementException SIV3.4 s045 IO12958 Declined tender(s) causing transaction suspend to fail SIV3.4 s045 IO22059 Add AEF function to add tlog string to SA tlog SIV3.4 s045 IO22151 Mobile Transaction Cannot Be Retrieved In Mobile GUI Terminal SIV3.4 s045 IO22154 SI GUI error during terminal transfer 114 APARs in SIV3.4 4 Releases. Last update Mar 9 2015