Supermarket Enhanced EFT Known Issues since PTF P001 IO01129 Design change to remove track 2 data and optionally Account Numbers. Co-Req IO01137 Base SA, if using CLEANPAN. IO03057 Tender Exchange transactions show complete account numbers in the tlog and reports even if the CLEANPAN function added with IO01129 (EFT) and IO01137 (SA Base) is installed. IO03686 In a refund transaction taken in stand-in, the transaction code reported for the tender in the EFT activity log is the transaction code configured for a Normal Sale instead of the transaction code configured for a Refund. IO03740 After performing a NOSALE-CASH to check till contents, if the next action is check cashing, a WAITING FOR CUSTOMER INPUT guidance is erroneously displayed. IO04381 Pinpad hang conditions are difficult to diagnose without the use of an external trace. This APAR adds internal tracing for certain pinpad events. IO04484 If CLEANPAN is used, account numbers and Track 2 data for checks are masked in the EFT Activity Report and in the t-log. IO05407 EAMEESOL logs several "B252 EFT Application Unexpected Situation" messages when processing EAMEEOL1, and then logs "B251 EFT Application Critical Error" and abends. IO05548 This documentation APAR addresses customer requirements for Visa PABP certification. IO05902 EFT Retained logs can be archived more frequently than once per day, resulting in fewer days of logs than you expect. Some retained logs have a size of zero bytes. IO06199 SA goes to TERMINAL SECURED quickly and appears to be hung. IO06346 Logical file name EAMEER02 is not created when the IBM Enhanced EFT feature is installed. IO07096 If a pinpad is not used, and the BIN option for position of expiration date is set to a non-zero value, a B540 CARD HAS EXPIRED guidance occurs even when the tendered card is not expired. IO07863 IO01129 added support for masking of account numbers in the EFT Activity Log, for debit or credit tenders. Account numbers shorter than 13 digits were completely masked in the log and for reports. The last four digits for these short account numbers should have remained clear text. This APAR corrects that problem. The T-log and the customer receipt do not exhibit this problem. IO08073 If a B120 PAYMENT TYPE MISMATCH occurs and the operator quickly presses and any EFT tender key, the pinpad appears to hang. IO10011 After applying IO08073 to a system that does not have a pinpad, the terminal application abends with an OM error. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 APARs listed. Last update Jan 12 2015