Supermarket EFT Feature Known Issues IR38328 PROBLEM WITH OFFICE REPORTS SHOWING TOTAL TO ACCOUNT FOR NOT EQUALING TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR WHEN AUTO DEPOSITS DO NOT OCCUR. The auto-deposit is the STORE expected amount for electronic funds. IR38480 In the sorting of the BIN Table, a string exceeded the maximum length of 64K This happened with a large EAMEEBIN.DAT file where most of the keys fell into a narrow range. IR38668 Customer reported problem in TABLE.OFFS.TERM where if the lookup for the terminal number fails, the last terminal number in table is returned. IR38940 CO-REQ IR38939. ACCOUNT FOR DOES NOT EQUAL TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR IN PREVIOUS PERIOD WHEN CARRYING FORWARD STAND-IN EFT AMOUNTS. IR38939 is the co-requisite APAR on the 4690 Supermarket Application IR38941 is the co-requisite APAR on the 4690 Supermarket Enhanced Electronic Funds Transfer Feature. This problem only occurs when the customer is using LONG accounting totals. IR39042 When the master controller goes down, with the alternate controlling the loop and you tender with an EFT tender, you will receive "B511 Check EFT Device". IR40092 POINTER IS NOT RESET TO THE BEGINNING OF THE FILE AFTER READING EAMEEOL1 TO FIND ALL THE EXISTING TOR'S. IR42019 Second copy of the reg-e does not print when a tone error is received during printing. IR42381 When viewing the details (F5) of the EFT Activity Report, if you press ENTER then F3 to QUIT, you lose the ability to page up. IR42415 Close will hang at closing store totals with checkout support reading the same sector and offset in the summary log. IR42441 Base Supermarket APAR IR39143 added variables to EAMAPERR.J86. There are four Electronic Funds Transfer modules which use this J86. A compile of the Electronic Funds Transfer code at a SA level containing IR39143 (level 9901 or J001) will fail with undefined variable. Electronic Funds Transfer modules EAMEEAPC, EAMEEBMC, EAMEESMC,and EAMEEVMC use EAMAPERR.J86. This APAR (IR42441) will be a co-req of IR39143. IR43816 With Electronic Funds Transfer Feature installed and using a tender that requires external verification but does not require a PinPad, the code waits on the pinpad for input. This may cause unexpected traffic to the controller. IR45881 IN EFT ACTIVITY REPORT, WHEN A LONG MESSAGE IS RECEIVED FROM THE HOST, TRANSACTION CODE FIELD DISPLAYS AN INCORRECT VALUE. IR47124 APAR created to remove IR40092 since it causes serious performance problems with eameeol1.dat performance. IR47797 Processing of the offline log (EAMEEOL1.DAT) was excessively slow, over 24 hours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 APARs listed. Last update Jan 12 2015