Supermarket Electronic Marketing Known Issues since PTF Q001 IO09937 A points-redemption coupon of 1 point could not be used. The coupon was treated like a one-cent fake validation coupon. This design-change APAR allows that type of coupon to be used. IO10164 Application abend due to TS.USERDATA$ over 25 bytes in length. IO10356 If a points-awarding coupon is associated with an item that is sold WIC EBT, the amount of the WIC tender in cents is reduced by the number of points awarded. IO10467 Customer number would not print on customer receipt if an override was required for Customer number entry and option 19.5 was on. IO10761 Voiding a weight item fails with a B067 VOID N/A WRONG DEPT/PRICE guidance if a different weight item was sold immediately prior to the weight item being voided. Also, the 02 string is missing from the T-log for the void. IO11521 A terminal shows a B010 USE LOOKUP KEYS guidance when attempting to sell an item after the terminal went offline and back online. IO11530 SL.END can be set to zero, resulting in missing T-log strings for a transaction. IO12209 If a Loyalty card is used and results in a blank 2x20 message, AEF and POSBC stop responding. IO12736 A linked, random weight discount coupon gives incorrect weight if a weight item with an Item Record Tare is sold immediately prior to it. IO13196 PE IR39087. No override is needed for a keyed preferred coupon which exceeds the purchase minimum if option 19.7 is on and the manager override was already entered for that item. Also add capability to cause EAN-13 items beginning with 20 to be processed as ordinary, non-weight items. IO13201 If Multi-Currency (MCF) is in use and a Manager Override occurs on a tender in the order, there will be a duplicated 04 string and a duplicated 11 string in the tlog, which cause accounting totals to mismatch. IO14947 POS display guidance incorrect. It gives an unneeded "B064...M TOO MANY COUPONS" message when an item has a complex set of coupons and customer points. The additional coupon will need a manager override in order to be added. IO15208 After entering several weighted items of the same item code then voiding one of them would not remove that coupon when a single final Total key was selected. This resulted in a receipt total being LOWER than it should have been. IO16635 A coupon with a displacement value, when linked to itself, will generate multiple receipt lines when entered outside a transaction. IO16881 An endless error loop may occur during startup of Checkout Support if User Exit 12 is not called before User Exit 13. IO20777 Removing an item from the receipt that has a paper coupon may be voided without voiding the coupon first. Result is total may become negative. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 APARs listed. Last update Mar 2 2015