Base Supermarket Known Issues since PTF S001 IO11817 Terminal sales application abends when greater than 64KB of print data is buffered to be sent to the java GUI. IO11912 When running a Transaction Log Report, EAMRPEJL.286 abends with an EJ00SU 0000007E error logged. IO12088 AE IO10290. It can cause SL.HD.INDICAT1 to be incorrect, resulting in operator accountability rather than terminal accountability. This problem only occurs when there is a null string in a transaction. IO12226 If a transaction is greater than 32 KB in size, the values populated into the elements of the GLOBAL CS.FLD.POS array in Checkout Support can be negative. User code will abend if it uses a negative value from that array as an offset into a transaction string. IO12312 User PrintLines which are sent after startTransaction event but before SA is in sales transaction are discarded beacuse they are put in a buffer waiting for startTransaction (which already occurred). IO12917 Need ability to buffer AEF XML events that are sent as user events and to pass them to AEF when start of transaction occurs. IO13030 If Multi Currency Feature is installed and a partially-tendered transaction is transferred to a different terminal, the last or only partial tender is not reflected in the balance due as shown in the 2x20 display of the transferred-to terminal. The actual balance due is correct. IO13035 When selling a scale-weighed item that has a tare from the Item Record file, a coupon linked to that item establishes a different weight for the coupon, and therefore the wrong discount. IO13218 If the Store option to encrypt passwords is set to Yes, and an existing operator record is changed but the password is not changed, the call to CHECK.FOR.FEATURE is skipped. This problem does not exist if Enhanced Passwords are used, or if the store option to encrypted passwords is set to No. IO13271 If a PC card is accepted but no items are sold and then a Till Contents report is performed, a second copy of Preferred Customer discount strings are added to the next transaction if the Preferred Customer card is scanned again. This causes accounting totals not to match. With 4610 Postprint in use, if a PC card is accepted but no items are sold and then a Till Contents report is performed, the Till Contents report is buffered, and prints at the time that the next transaction completes. IO13564 In a Self-Checkout environment, if a recovered transaction has only a Preferred Customer card, and that card has targeted coupons, registers can hold on to eamtsxxx when they shouldn't, and customers might not get discounts. IO13722 For Price Verify PM 3 items with an Item Record Tare, the tare is not handled correctly, resulting in the wrong price printed and displayed. IO13871 If a PIN pad transaction with a bad PIN is repeated 10 consecutive times with no Terminal Operator intervention, the tender could be incorrectly approved. IO13985 The main reported problem is the manager override did not consistently occur: the capital "M" on the POS display when the price entered was NOT the price in the item record for a UPC2 code of 20005000000 and Price Override of 0. The price of $920.00 is one example. IO14094 ABEND occurs when Checkout Support attempts to initiate an exception within user exit code. IO14255 "Authorized Items Report" fails to find a match when attribute "Report just UPC's found in Item File" is set to a "Y". IO14302 STRIP.PRT4610$() does not handle Bar Code commands properly when they are not first. IO14304 Customer experienced ABEND's after 50+ days of continual operation. Currently they must reboot every 30 days as a temporary fix. Apppication error is *I 80F10684. IO15324 Cashier Pickup receipt has missing right column and missing last line when default column width is greater than 38. IO15705 A "WIC EBT Balance Inquiry" ( 22 Signon ) receipt will overwrite into the Description column when the Unit of Measurement in column 205 in a states' APL file is longer than 6 characters. Also "Description Not Found" is printed in the Units of Measurement column. IO15713 Tender Listing receipt had missing section labels and Training Exit receipt had text missing from a line when width >38 characters. IO16905 User entry code loses items when entered then discounted. IO18171 PEIR47518 Transaction number resets at 10000 instead of 9999 IO18475 Entering weighted items with a large cost per unit and a large weight will exceed numerical limits and result in a price value smaller than what should be calculated. IO18508 Possible SI GUI hang when printer runs out of paper. No change to SA Base operations ( SI GUI not installed ). IO18530 Fixed problem relating to if a printer door open or paper out occurs during the READ or WRITE of the EAMTERMS.DAT file, file access may not have been able to complete. This resulted in the terminal hanging. IO18536 Possible SI GUI hang when printer runs out of paper. Also scale status on GUI shows "---" ( bad data ) instead of "No Scale" when a scale is disconnected during a transaction. IO18953 Bar Codes that are aliased will fail with B026 item not found if a price override is applied. IO18972 Electronic Marketing, with Terminal monitor enabled, drops Total key events to SI GUI. IO19200 Choosing a print line length of > 38 characters in 4610 options and adding more data than 38 characters results in only the first 38 characters showing on the electronic receipt. IO19207 Choosing a print line length of > 38 characters in 4610 options and adding more data than 38 characters results in only the first 38 characters showing on the electronic receipt. IO19427 A non-weighed item with Price Method 2 sets the wrong value for the "itemEvent" message "quantity" field. IO20767 Improve DI print station performance. IO21588 CHEC needs to display EN45501 values for UK Scales. IO21722 Allow user to override javaGuiClass$ in user exits IO21731 Mobile unable to display retrieve transactions properly. IO22059 Add ability for SI to write to TLOG via AEF. IO22151 Fix ability to retrieve transactions with an exception for mobile apps. IO22156 Fix ability to retrieve transactions with an exception for mobile apps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 APARs listed. Last update Jan 12 2015