TITLE: WSC FLASH 9333 DCF ENHANCED TO SUPPORT NAVIGATION FOR AFP WORKBENCH DCF ENHANCED TO SUPPORT NAVIGATION FOR AFP WORKBENCH DCF has been enhanced via APAR PN36437 to provide navigation capabilities for use with AFP Workbench for Windows. By reformatting existing libraries using the Z SYSVAR, document navigation is provided for heading levels (1-6), figures, and tables. For example, users of an existing softcopy manual can now easily locate and access a specific topic of interest. New and existing documents can also take advantage of new control words that support: o Segmenting of a single document into multiple logical documents using the .GR control word. o Specifying navigation tags to identify data elements such as Account # or customer name using the .NV control word. These enhancements are available immediately by ordering APAR PN36437, from the IBM software service support center. DESCRIPTION OF THE Z SYSVAR Z Navigation: Indicates that navigate elements should be created identifying all document parts (title page, preface, abstract, table of contents, list of illustrations, list of tables, appendices, index), headings, figures with figure captions, and tables with table captions for AFPDS physical devices. These navigate elements allow you to navigate through the document using the "Go To" function when viewing the output file on AFP Workbench for Windows. Recognized values are: YES Include navigate information. NO Do not include navigate information. NO is the default. Navigation information will only be created for AFP devices. AFP devices include the 3820, 4028 and AFP logical devices. Using AFP Workbench for Windows, you can view a document formatted for an AFP device by SCRIPT/VS. The AFP devices are: 3820, 4028 and the AFP physical device types. The .GR and .NV control words enable you to move directly to certain places in your document when viewing. There are two other products which you might be familiar with concerning nav- igation: Advanced Function Presentation Conversion and Indexing Facility and Advanced Function Presentation Application Programming Interface. Both of these products call the function of navigating through a document with a viewer "indexing" rather than "navigating". SCRIPT/VS chose to name this function "navigating" because a very different function already exists in SCRIPT/VS called "indexing". You should consider processing SCRIPT/VS output files you intend to view on AFP Workbench for Windows through Advanced Function Presentation Conversion and Indexing Facility. This will optimize the viewing operation by producing an external file containing the navigation information that AFP Workbench for Windows uses. Use of the .GR and .NV control words allows you to logically segment a large output file into uniquely-identifable logical documents. Bank statement ap- plications, for example, can create large output files, with each output file containing thousands of individual statements. Each of these statements can be thought of as a "logical document" and can be uniquely identified by an attribute such as account number. The .GR control word could be used to de- fine each "logical document". The .NV GROUP control word could be used to at- tach group-level navigate elements to each logical document. In the bank application such group-level navigate elements might be account number, date, or type of account. With the .GR and .NV control words you can: Define boundaries of logical documents (called "groups"). Identify a group of pages with one or more navigate elements containing an attribute name and value. This type of navigate element is a group-level navigate element because it is attached to a group of pages. Identify a single page with one or more navigate elements containing an attribute name and value. This type of navigate element is a page-level navigate element because it is attached to a single page. AFP Workbench for Windows allows you to locate a group of pages using the names and values specified on group-level navigate elements. You can navigate through a large file to locate a single customer statement more quickly than by performing a string search on, for example, a customer's name. Use the .GR control word to specify the starting and ending page of a partic- ular group. The page that contains a ".GR pagename ON" control word is the first page in that group. The page which contains a ".GR OFF" control word is the last page in that group. You can create page groups with the same name, but AFP Workbench for Windows will only allow you to navigate to the first one. Within a particular page group you can use the .NV GROUP control word to specify particular navigate elements that are attached to the current page group. When using the "Select Group" Function of AFP Workbench for Windows, all group-level navigate elements will be displayed. You can choose one of the navigate elements displayed and AFP Workbench for Windows will show you which page groups contain an instance with the same name as the navigate ele- ment chosen. You can then use the "Go To" Function of AFP Workbench for Win- dows to see the different page-level navigate elements that exist in the chosen page group. Use the .NV PAGE control word to specify particular navigate elements that are attached to the current page. For example, in a document with many headings, you can create a page-level navigate element for each heading, so that you can move directly to the page a particular heading occurs on through the "Go To" Function of AFP Workbench for Windows. DESCRIPTION OF THE .GR CONTROL WORD The .GR control word allows the user to specify the beginning and end of a group of pages to be used in navigating through a document with AFP Workbench for Windows. +----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ».GR » name » » »-----------------------------------------------------» » » OFF » +----+-----------------------------------------------------+ name Specifies the name of this group. The name can be up to 64 characters. If the name includes blanks or single quotes, the whole name MUST be enclosed in single quotes. To use a single quote in the name, enter it as two consecutive single quotes. ON Starts a group, including the current page as its first page. OFF Ends the current group, including the current page as its last page. REMARKS: 1. .GR is valid for AFP devices only (physical devices 3820, 4028, and AFP). It is ignored for all other physical devices (including the 3800-3). 2. The characters used in NAME are displayed in AFP Workbench for Windows using the codepage appropriate for the default language of SCRIPT/VS. See the DCF Text Programmer's Guide for information on changing the default language. 3. After defining the start of a group, use the .NV GROUP control word to define group-level navigate elements and instances of those navigate elements within the group. Navigation through groups, based on navigate elements is done with the Search Group function of AFP Workbench for Windows. 4. .GR is not allowed inside a keep, float, footnote, table, running heading or running footing. 5. "OFF" is not allowed as a group name. If "OFF" is specified as a group name, it is interpreted as the OFF parameter, and the most recently started group is ended, or the control word is ignored, if there is no active group. 6. The page that contains a .GR NAME ON control word is included as the first page in the group. The page that contains a .GR OFF control word is included as the last page in that group. Ensure that the page is started before using the .GR control word. For example: .pa .gr name on . . . .gr off .pa 7. You can create more than one group with the same name, but AFP Workbench for Windows will only allow you to navigate to the first one. If you process the SCRIPT/VS output through Advanced Function Presentation Conversion and Indexing Facility, unique group names will be created so that all group names are navigable through AFP Workbench for Windows. 8. Only one group can be active at a time. Any attempt to start a second group before the first is ended results in an error message. DESCRIPTION OF THE .NV CONTROL WORD The .NV control word defines group level and page level navigate element/value pairs to aid the user in navigating through a document with AFP Workbench for Windows. +----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ».NV » » » »-----------------------------------------------------» » » » +----+-----------------------------------------------------+ GROUP Specifies that this NAME and VALUE pair is attached to the current group and is a selectable attribute using the Select Group function of AFP Workbench for Windows. A group must be active (started with the.GR control word) or else an error occurs. PAGE Specifies that this NAME and VALUE pair is attached to the current page and is selectable from the "Go To" function of AFP Workbench for Windows. name Specifies the name for the GROUP or the Page. The name can be up to 64 characters. If the name includes blanks or single quotes, the whole name MUST be enclosed in single quotes. To use a single quote in the name, enter it as two consecutive single quotes. value Specifies the value for the GROUP or the PAGE. The value can be up to 64 characters. If the value includes blanks or single quotes, the whole value MUST be enclosed in single quotes. To use a single quote in the value, enter it as two consecutive single quotes. LEVEL Defines the level of this navigate element. AFP Workbench for Windows uses the level of a navigate element to include appropriate left indention when displaying the navigate element. LEVEL is only valid when used with the PAGE parameter. n The level of the navigate element. A number from 0 to 99999999 can be used. REMARKS: 1. .NV starts a page and a line. 2. .NV is valid only for true AFP devices (physical devices 3820, 4028, and AFP). It is ignored for all other device types (including the 3800-3). 3. An error occurs if .NV GROUP is specified but a group has not been started with the .GR control word. 4. The characters used in NAME are displayed in AFP Workbench for Windows using the codepage appropriate for the default language of SCRIPT/VS. See the DCF Text Programmer's Guide for information on changing the default language. 5. Many instances of the same page-level navigate element/value pair are allowed, and are navigable by AFP Workbench for Windows. 6. Multiple instances of the same group-level navigate element/value pairs in the same group are allowed but are redundant, because navigation in AFP Workbench for Windows using group-level navigate elements takes you to the first page in the group only. 7. You could use the LEVEL parameter to distinguish between different navigate elements for headings. For example, page-level navigate elements created for level 1 headings could specify LEVEL 1, and those for level 2 headings could specify LEVEL 2, and so on. When displayed in AFP Workbench for Windows, the different levels cause corresponding levels of indention, thereby making it easier to determine the level of the heading. PSF Considerations: When printing documents containing navigation information, the following PSF apars must be applied to correctly handle the new structured fields: PSF/VM - PN42666 PSF/MVS - OY65159 PSF/2 - IR22335