BLD FLASH 9513 SOURCE MATERIAL DATED: 3/95 ¦ PRE-INSTALLATION PLANNING FOR THE 3130 ADVANCED FUNCTION PRINTER Careful planning and coordination between both customer and IBM personnel is ESSENTIAL to ensure a successful installation of the 3130. The experience with the 3935 demonstrated that additional focus on this is needed. Quite simply, after the CE has powered up the machine, the machine will just sit there unless the CORRECT network parameters have been loaded into the 3130. The CUSTOMER must provide that information to the CE so they can enter the values into the printer configuration. Marketing Reps and SEs must do the following to ensure successful installa- tion: 1. As soon as possible, Printing Systems SEs with prospective 3130 customers should obtain the 3130 PACKAGE available from PENPUBS. This package con- tains three documents: the 3130 Pre-Installation Guide, the 3130 Intro- duction and Planning Guide, and the 3130/3935 Attachment Configuration Handbook. These three manuals should be scanned by SEs so they are famil- iar with the basic contents of the books. If unclear about how to obtain this documentation (which are TERSEd files in LIST3820 format), they can be retrieved by issuing the following com- mand from VM: OMNIDISK PENPUBS GET 3130 PACKAGE If you don't have access to OMNIDISK, you could issue: TOOLS SENDTO PENNANT BPCTOOLS PENPUBS GET 3130 PACKAGE (NOTE: The PENNANT node will be discontinued shortly, so OMNIDISK is the preferred method of obtaining the 3130 package.) 2. As soon as a customer places an order for a 3130, the Marketing rep should inform both his Printing Systems SE and CE counterparts. The SE should print (or reproduce in a locally-approved fashion) the three manu- als in the 3130 PACKAGE, and see that they are given to the customer (at least systems programming and if possible, network specialists as well). 3. Approximately one month prior to installation, a meeting between the IBM account team (at least SE/CE) and customer personnel (at least systems programming, networking specialists, and physical planning) should be or- ganized. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a pre-installation re- view and ensure all affected groups are working together to prepare for the installation of the printer and connection n of the printer to the print driving system (that is, MVS, VSE, VM, OS/400, AIX or OS/2). 4. At least two weeks prior to installation, the customer or software CE should pull the 3130 PSP bucket from RETAIN and ensure the proper mainte- nance has been applied to the Print Services Facility which will control the printer. The PSP bucket can be requested by calling PSF Software Support (1-800-237-5511). A second source for PTF information is the AFPMAINT PACKAGE, which can be retrieved with the following command: o TOOLS SENDTO EMEAISCX ISCTOOLS AFP GET AFPMAINT PACKAGE The 3130 Introduction and Planning Guide and the 3130 Pre-Installation Guide have checklists and further instructions on what detailed steps are required to ensure the 3130 is installed and active in the shortest possible time. Please consult these guides for further information. If you have questions on this process, please send a note to PENNANT(PENNHELP). $EOM